Atheist Last Words

I am having WoW flashbacks..:bawl:


"LFG Hogger.."

In that case:

"Stop pulling!"
"DID YOU SOULSTONE THE PRIEST?" "(me) Yes I soulstoned the priest" "WHY IS HE AT THE GRAVEYARD THEN?" "(priest) What's 'use soulstone'?"
"Get off the fucking eggs!"
"Stop farming HKs and get on the last marshall!"
Thomas Paine
"I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published. O Lord, help me! Christ, help me! . . No, don't leave; stay with me! Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of Hell here alone. If ever the Devil had an agent, I have been that one."
I am not even going to waste my time wading through all of this bull shit but the one on Thomas Paine was so deep I thought I'd educate you.

Summary from HERE

When Paine was near death he was set upon by emissaries of the church, -- pious nurses, bigoted priests, and illiterate laymen who used threats to try and compel him to renounce his Deistic and Anti-Christian opinions. Can you imagine it???? What a farcical scene! Poor, ignorant, ill-mannered idiots, expecting their silly gibberish is going to change the life-long convictions of a dying philosopher!


After his death, Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Episcopalians, and orthodox Quakers all competed with one another in slandering him. Then, about a decade after Paine died, this bullshit quote magically appeared.

Mary Roscoe was a servant in the Hicks family. It was alleged she was on occasion sent to Paine's room on errands. On one of these hypothetical visits to Paine, it is claimed, he engaged her in a conversation, and supposedly recanted to her his "Infidel" opinions. According to this madeup bullshit, "Paine asked her if she had ever read any of his writings, and on being told she had read very little of them, he inquired what she thought of them, adding, 'From such a one as you I expect a correct answer.' She told him that when very young his 'Age of Reason' was put into her hands, but that the more she read in it the more dark and distressed she felt, and she threw the book into the fire. 'I wish all hid done as you he replied, 'for if the devil ever had any agency in any work, he has had it in my writing that book.' When going to carry, him some refreshments, she repeatedly heard him uttering the language, 'Oh! Lord!' 'Lord God!, or 'Lord Jesus, have mercy upon me!" (Life of Stephen Grellet, Vol. i., p. 125).
Paine's "Age of Reason" was published in 1794. So we are to beleive that after a fifteen years lapse and after the many many visits with both believers and unbelievers - many of them familiar with the contents of Age of Reason and visit him on a daily basis that he ignores all of these people instead asks the opinion of a servant who can not even read? He "expects a correct answer" from her, even though she has read very little of his work, if any, and is ignorant of its contents.

A blind man riding by on a bus can see this is complete bullshit. And that's exactly what it is.

The Truth:

Two of Paine's most devoted friends were Nicholas Bonneville and his wife. Bonneville, like Paine, was a prominent player in the French Revolution. After the Revolution Paine lived with the Bonnevilles in Paris. For criticasing Napoleon in his journal - Bonneville was imprisoned and his family reduced to penury. Paine gave them a home in America. When he was taken sick Madame Bonneville tenderly cared for him until he died. 'After his death Bonneville and his wife wrote a sketch of the life of their benefactor which is appended to Dr. Conway's admirable biography of Paine.

The following was written by Madame Bonneville about Paine's final hours:

"When he was near his end, two American clergymen came to see him, and to talk with him on religious matters. 'Let me alone,' said he, 'good morning.' He desired they should be admitted no more. Seeing his end fast approaching, I asked him, in presence of a friend, if he felt satisfied with the treatment he had received at our house, upon which he could only exclaim, Oh, yes! He, added other words but they were incoherent. It was impossible for me not to exert myself to the utmost in taking care of a person to whom I and my children owed so much. He now appeared to have lost all kinds of feeling. He spent the night in tranquility, and expired in the morning at eight o'clock."

The end.

So ghost7584, you can see you are clearly deluded.
In that case:

"Stop pulling!"
"DID YOU SOULSTONE THE PRIEST?" "(me) Yes I soulstoned the priest" "WHY IS HE AT THE GRAVEYARD THEN?" "(priest) What's 'use soulstone'?"
"Get off the fucking eggs!"
"Stop farming HKs and get on the last marshall!"


The best for me was when I tried a mage..

Warrior: "Heal me"
Mage (me): "Eh? I'm a mage so only heal from me is a bandage"
Warrior: "Friggin heal me"
Mage: 'Numnuts, I'm a mage.'
Warrior: "WTF HEAL ME!!!"
Mage: 'Dude.. mages can't heal.'
Warrior: "Res me"
Mage: /leave party

Ah... those were the good old days.
At the gates of heaven

St Peters: oh you're an atheist, you go thataway, to hell

Atheist: I don't believe it!
How can you make such a generalized idiotic statement like that with a straight face while accusing someone of lacking creativity? The entire statement reeks of a lack of the ability to think creatively.

Yeah whatever. Atheists are kind of shallow, just imagine if throughout history everyone was atheist. Da Vinci would have made stick figures and everyone would have loved it. Music??? oH GOD, this is frightening, F'ng DEVO would be legends. I ask what will the future be like? generic, cold, no passion. I see it coming .

Last words -

Paine was an athiest, tardo.

Who cares about him?
I dunno about your WoW talk. I'm an ex-Lineager. Siege, PK, dungeon run. COIs and ambush cancelling...ahh...miss it. :( I used to be the pledge vindicator. :D Lotta unhappy SoLs.
More than that though is the fact that you are just kidding yourselves. I doubt Atheism exists, i know people can say whatever they like (many are not even honest about it anyway) but you cannot walk away from being human. You can deny it, you can fight it but in the end...that will change. our brains are incapable of accepting an end, it will expect something to happen next, it prepares for it, just depends on the person at what time that switch gets flipped into the next life. So you guys can say whatever you like but i think i know better, besides dont get angry when someone tells you the truth. Dispute what i said here, i dont think it is disputable.
One thing that can be concluded from all of this, (from what I have glanced at anyway) from both the atheistic and theistic contributers, is that atheism is indeed an issue of faith
Yeah whatever. Atheists are kind of shallow, just imagine if throughout history everyone was atheist. Da Vinci would have made stick figures and everyone would have loved it. Music??? oH GOD, this is frightening, F'ng DEVO would be legends. I ask what will the future be like? generic, cold, no passion. I see it coming
are you serious, are you having a laugh, all the best people are atheist, give me a break heres a couple of links

James Madison, American president and political theorist (1751-1836).

Abraham Lincoln, American president (1809-1865).

Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist (1835-1919).

Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, scientist, writer, printer (1706-1790).

Francois Marie Arouet "Voltaire", French author and playwright (1694-1778).

Lord George Gordon Byron, British poet (1788-1824).

Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822).


If there is a special Hell for atheists and other nonbelievers, I shall never fear for my comfort. The musings of Epicurus will entertain my mind and Voltaire will tickle my wit. While Paine harries the Devil, Franklin will write us a constitution. Cicero, Madison and Frederick the Great can in turn conspire a government that Marx will quickly deride.

Goethe and Poe will tell delightfully chilling tales by the eternal lake-of-fire-side. Mrs. Cady Stanton and Mrs. B. Anthony will preserve our equality and Darwin will write our history. Messieurs Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell will entertain our ears in the theatre built by Carnegie and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and they'll speak through the sound system invented by Thomas Edison.

Twain will make us laugh with his satire of old split-foot and criticism of the almighty, and Clarence Darrow will win his right to do so. Nietzsche will philosophize and Freud will analyze. Wells and Roddenberry will give us fantasy, Frost will give us poetry, Shaw will write us a play and Hepburn will be the queen of the stage.

Virginia Wolff will biographize our very own Margaret Sanger, a choice we'll all applaud. Rubinstein will play us a tune and Berlin will pen the words. Charlie Chaplin will adapt for film a comedic tale of H.P. Lovecraft and Earnest Hemmingway that will star W.C. Fields. Howard Hughes will fund the disastrous project.

Pearle Buck and Ayn Rand will make us think and give Skinner thoughts to study. Snoopy will once again have daily installment in our paper, with Schultz returning to the drafting table. All in all I will be quite entertained.

My social calendar will be full to busting, and I'll have many calls to make. The Huxleys (Aldus, Thomas, and Sir Julian Sorell) will be worth a talk on biology and authorship. Perhaps I myself can compose the great novel of the underworld with the help of Lawrence, Orwell, Joyce and Asimov.

I am in good company in my disbelief."

Nevyn O'Kane

perhaps you would like to revise your inane comment now, ay john (knucklehead)
Pretty scary. These death bed conversions have me stumped. Even Darskins converted.


Have you ever seen someone die John? Sat there by their bedside and actually watched them draw their last breath and watched them struggle for that next breath? Or been there at an accident site and watched someone gurgle out those last breaths? I can tell you now, they do not speak. They are either too terrified or too resigned to their fate or they might be lucky and not realise what is about to happen to them.

I doubt Atheism exists, i know people can say whatever they like (many are not even honest about it anyway) but you cannot walk away from being human.
So now you are saying all atheists are liars because you do not "know" if atheism exists?

Do you honestly believe that every human being is designed 'to believe'? Do you think that part of being human is to believe in God?

How is not believing in God somehow walking away from being human?

You can deny it, you can fight it but in the end...that will change.
How will it change? Do you think that everyone faced with death instantly proclaims a belief in God out of fear? Didn't happen to me. God did not even enter my mind. All I kept thinking about was my son growing up without me, my husband, my parents having to bury me, and my unborn child who may or not make it. I remember telling the midwife, who was holding onto my hand and telling me to "hold on" (who in the hell tells someone to hold on.. hold on to what I still don't know), to tell my husband and son that I loved them. I honestly did not even think about anything religious at all. So please tell me, how can someone who is or may be at "the end" change?

our brains are incapable of accepting an end, it will expect something to happen next, it prepares for it, just depends on the person at what time that switch gets flipped into the next life.
Yes John. It's called the survival instinct. Watch any animal in a deadly position and you'll see it fight to live.

That expectation is not for something in the afterlife as they die, it is an expectation that someone might actually save them from the death they are about to face.

So you guys can say whatever you like but i think i know better, besides dont get angry when someone tells you the truth. Dispute what i said here, i dont think it is disputable.
You're telling "the truth" to someone who has been there and I can tell you now, you are wrong.
Well geeser you named how many out of billions of people? There is no way of knowing for sure what they were throughout their lives.

How is not believing in God somehow walking away from being human?

Well, i dont know. I can see both sides and things can be taken too far. Like my grandmother used to say 'life is for the living'. If you think in terms of 'God' then that is slightly different than an after-life. One thing that is tough to get around is the fact that humans are different. We are at another level, it is true. The fact is we leave all other species in the dust, the void is humungous- call it what you like, a break in continuity, a gap that cannot be caught up to...NEVER. This leaves open some possibilities.
Well geeser you named how many out of billions of people? There is no way of knowing for sure what they were throughout their lives.
yes and the same can be said about the religious.
how many famous people can you name, that you can be absolutely sure were theist, certainly not billions.
however the point was made, regarding your inane shallow statement.
More than that though is the fact that you are just kidding yourselves. I doubt Atheism exists, i know people can say whatever they like (many are not even honest about it anyway) but you cannot walk away from being human. You can deny it, you can fight it but in the end...that will change. our brains are incapable of accepting an end, it will expect something to happen next, it prepares for it, just depends on the person at what time that switch gets flipped into the next life. So you guys can say whatever you like but i think i know better, besides dont get angry when someone tells you the truth. Dispute what i said here, i dont think it is disputable.

LOL you really should be an atheist..
More than that though is the fact that you are just kidding yourselves.
Please provide the evidence that supports this supposed "fact"?

I doubt Atheism exists...
Then I suggest you start reading and listening.
Atheism exists as much as theism exists. If there is a single person with a belief in a god - theism exists.
If there is a single person without that belief - atheism exists.
Your doubts on the matter are irrelevant to this, and speak volumes of you.

i know people can say whatever they like (many are not even honest about it anyway) but you cannot walk away from being human. You can deny it, you can fight it but in the end...that will change.
Eh? You're saying that to be an atheist is to walk away from being human???
Where is the evidence for "what it is to be human" - and where within this evidence is the clause: MUST BELIEVE IN GOD. ?

our brains are incapable of accepting an end
Clearly yours is, but please do NOT speak for everyone else. Mine is quite capable of accepting an end. It doesn't like the idea, especially the phase of deterioration from now to then, but it knows and accepts an end.

it will expect something to happen next, it prepares for it
And your evidence for this is...???

So you guys can say whatever you like but i think i know better...
I'm sure you do think you know better.
But that is irrelevant.
This isn't a shouting match with the loudest winning!
You need to support your claims with EVIDENCE.
Fail that and your comments are just confidence statements - and will be treated as such.

besides dont get angry when someone tells you the truth.
Nor should you: you are not very good at putting forward arguments - in that you singularly fail to produce any supporting evidence for your claims. Your claims of "fact" and "truth" are laughable (I should know - I laughed out loud and my work colleagues all looked at me!).

Dispute what i said here

i dont think it is disputable.
Irrelevant - and wrong. It is has been disputed - and thus must have been "disputable".
More than that though is the fact that you are just kidding yourselves. I doubt Atheism exists, i know people can say whatever they like (many are not even honest about it anyway) but you cannot walk away from being human.

How can atheism not exist?

Bells -

And that is why I left my priest at 30.