Atheist Last Words

"Well, call me a blasphemer but this communion wine tastes like cat's piss and of course if God exists, then surely my defiance is all part of his pre-ordained grand plan and in renouncing him I am surely following his very will, so strike me dow........
I don't think I will be making any deathbed plea's to imaginary gods. If I do, then I will have lost my mind and will be so far gone that it would be kinder to have me shot.
I don't think I will be making any deathbed plea's to imaginary gods. If I do, then I will have lost my mind and will be so far gone that it would be kinder to have me shot.

" I think I'm losing my mind, just shoo.....

last words "you're in"

That is beautiful. That is why i can never be an Atheist- They are just not creative enough.

How can you make such a generalized idiotic statement like that with a straight face while accusing someone of lacking creativity? The entire statement reeks of a lack of the ability to think creatively.
A lot of those are pretty elaborate, for last words. I think I'm going to call bullshit on the whole array.

Theists version: "Behold, I leap into a dark I had not guessed, and my soul fills with foreboding. Look down upon me, Lord !"

Actual last words: "Hey everybody, watch this !"
and here are the last words of martin luther and thomas aquinas
it seems they turned atheist on there deathbeds, strange dont you think.

(Ich hatte an Gott, ich hatte geglaubt an meinen Lord Jesus, jetzt ich glaube geglaubt, daß es ein vergeudetes Leben gewesen wird.
I had believed in god, I had believed in my lord jesus, now I believe it's been a wasted life. Martin Luther

These are the real last words of Martin Luther:

When he awoke, he remarked, "I feel very ill. I think I shall remain here at Eisleben, here—where I was born." He walked almost the room, and then lay down, and had a number of clothes and cushions placed over him to produce perspiration; but they had not the desired effect. "O my Father!" he went on to pray, "Thou, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ; Thou, the source of all consolation, I thank Thee for having revealed unto me Thy well-beloved Son, in whom I believe; whom I have preached and acknowledged, and made known; whom I have loved and celebrated, and whom the Pope and the impious persecute. I commend my soul to Thee, O my Lord Jesus Christ I am about to quit this terrestrial body, I am about to be removed from this life; but I know that I shall abide eternally with Thee. ‘Into thy hands I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.’"His eyes closed, and he fell back in a swoon. When he revived, Jonas said to him, "Reverend father, do you die firm in the faith you have taught?" He opened his eyes, looked fixedly, and replied, "Yes." Soon after, those nearest saw him grow paler and paler; he became cold; his breathing seemed more and more faint; at length, heaving one deep sigh, Martin Luther expired."

I don't care what Acquinas said; I don't consider him a real Christian. Martin Luther was a real Christian.
Not to mention jesus..

"oh father, why have thou forsaken me?"

Seems even jesus went to death a skeptic.

But anyway, was there something you actually wanted to discuss?

These are the real last words of Jesus:

Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.