Atheist armageddon pet rescue

It turns out that atheists are nice people after all.

Atheists have set up a company that provides a service for evangelical Christians who will be taken up to heaven during the coming Rapture. Since these Christians often don't believe that their pets have souls, the pets will be stuck here on Earth when their owners are beamed up to heaven. That's where the atheists come in.

Since the infidel unbelievers won't be going to heaven either, they can stay on Earth and look after the believers' beloved pets. How it works is that believers sign a contract with the atheist company, by which for a small fee the company undertakes to care for the believers' pets when they ascend to heaven.

Now, believers can rest assured that their loved pets will be cared for by friendly atheists when the big day of the Rapture arrives.

Thanks, atheists!

Only a pre-tribulation rapture believer would ever consider such a proposal and a crazy one at that. Why would they trust that an athiest would honor such an agreement? It' clear by the very cheap price $110 that they don't think the rapture will happen. It costs far more to care for pets in the western world then that.

As a post tribulation rapture believer i know the troubles are going to come before the rapture.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Spare me the faux-psychoanalysis. You raised the issue because you felt the entire prospect was absurd; this is underscored by the notion of the goodly atheists "helping out" the evangelists. Your objective was to mock the extremists; fine. But you're trying to put everyone else in the same box by invoking atheism and the scary specter of "Jeebus" lurking over your shoulder. It's passive-aggressive, yes - but your treatment of the odd news item is grounded in the same old atheist-theist rage: your mockery seems more motivated by your own insecurities about your religious stance. Otherwise why raise more pointless provocation of "the other"?

Of cource he is mocking Christians with this. Who cares. The only ones who would be stired are the ones who lack confidance in Jesus.

No one is trying to steal your soul, James, and not all theists - whatever your experience of other theists on here - are against you, or couch their beliefs as an existential threat against you. Some of us even respect you. Guess that's our problem too.

Yeah it is a big problem some of you have.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Only a pre-tribulation rapture believer would ever consider such a proposal and a crazy one at that. Why would they trust that an athiest would honor such an agreement? It' clear by the very cheap price $110 that they don't think the rapture will happen. It costs far more to care for pets in the western world then that.

You're right that they don't think it will happen. They say so quite clearly, up front. They are taking a risk that they'll lose out with the low price.

As for honouring agreements, do you think atheists are less likely to honour agreements than Christians? Why?

Of cource he is mocking Christians with this. Who cares. The only ones who would be stired are the ones who lack confidance in Jesus.

GeoffP: Take note.

Thanks, Adstar.
GeoffP: Take note.

Thanks, Adstar.

I chuckled!

Quite loudly in fact. Now my husband thinks I have lost my mind.

Adstar said:
Why would they trust that an athiest would honor such an agreement?
Do you assume that atheists are incapable of honouring agreements?

It' clear by the very cheap price $110 that they don't think the rapture will happen. It costs far more to care for pets in the western world then that.
So if they charged an exhorbitant price, it would be more acceptale for you? Would it be more believable to you if it would cost in excess of $2,000, for example? More realistic?

It is also possible that they figure individuals who so strongly believe in the "Rapture" may not be able to afford more than $110. What with having to donate so much money to their religious organisations and all.. Lets look at Benny Hinn for example. He asked his 'flock' to give him more money so he could fly in his own private jet so he could be closer to God in heaven and his flock gave like they never gave before. Such individuals who give so much to those like Hinn may be relieved that it only costs $110 to ensure the safety of their favourite pets after they have alighted to heaven..:D
What I find most amusing in all this moral chest-thumping is that the Pet Rescue is anonymous. Have you seen Bart the atheist? Apparently he's an ass [no, really]

So what does it mean when atheists have to be an anonymous ass to do charitable things like pet rescue? Why not "come out"?
As for honouring agreements, do you think atheists are less likely to honour agreements than Christians? Why?

Well this agreement in particular there is no chance that they would honour it.

They probably would take the dogs (if they are still alive) with glee. They would be happy for the dog meat, as most of them will probably be walking skeletons on the verge of death by starvation by the time the rapture comes.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So if they charged an exhorbitant price, it would be more acceptale for you? Would it be more believable to you if it would cost in excess of $2,000, for example? More realistic?

Read above.

It is also possible that they figure individuals who so strongly believe in the "Rapture" may not be able to afford more than $110. What with having to donate so much money to their religious organisations and all.. Lets look at Benny Hinn for example. He asked his 'flock' to give him more money so he could fly in his own private jet so he could be closer to God in heaven and his flock gave like they never gave before. Such individuals who give so much to those like Hinn may be relieved that it only costs $110 to ensure the safety of their favourite pets after they have alighted to heaven..:D

Sad to say the people who give money to the likes of benny hinn would probably take up the offer.

It makes me sad when i think of all the millions thrown away by people to people like benny hinn. If these people gave 10% of what they give to the benny hinn’s of the world to a true Christian, then 10 times the good could be done to help those in need in this world. :(

Nooo make that 1000 times, i doubt any of the money that they throw at benny hinn helps anyone but benny hinn and his hangers on.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What I find most amusing in all this moral chest-thumping is that the Pet Rescue is anonymous. Have you seen Bart the atheist? Apparently he's an ass [no, really]

So what does it mean when atheists have to be an anonymous ass to do charitable things like pet rescue? Why not "come out"?

Maybe the ones running it deep down know it is a scam and want to hide their tracks just in case. Maybe deep down they have a guilty conscience about doing this.

Well at lest i hope they have a nagging guilty conscience about it. But since words like guilt and conscience are dirty words to atheists, maybe they don't.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sad to say the people who give money to the likes of benny hinn would probably take up the offer.

It makes me sad when i think of all the millions thrown away by people to people like benny hinn. If these people gave 10% of what they give to the benny hinn’s of the world to a true Christian, then 10 times the good could be done to help those in need in this world. :(

Nooo make that 1000 times, i doubt any of the money that they throw at benny hinn helps anyone but benny hinn and his hangers on.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who or what is a "true Christian"? Is a true Christian someone who offers such a low price to save the pets of others?

Or do pets simply not matter?

But I am glad that you have come to the realisation that it is the supporters of those like Hinn who would possibly buy into saving pets for after the Rapture. But something tells me they will probably funnel all their available cash to Hinn so that he can get closer to God, and through him, they can get closer to God. After all, to such true Christians, pets don't factor into the equation.

What you fail to get in all of this is that the whole thing points out the selfishness of such individuals who would buy into it. You pointed out something very valid before. $110 is a ridiculous price and shows that it could all be just a farce. It shows that people would be willing to pay so little, for a service that may or may not exist, for their pets because they are too busy funnelling the rest of their money to those who they think can get them closer to God. It shows just how little some would value their pets if the Rapture were to occur. In short, it shows the selfishness of many people. Go to God or save the beloved family pooch? Go to God of course and pooch be damned to survive on $110 until it dies.
What I want to know is, are they really taking the money? What if I send the money as a non-believer in the rapture who wants to hedge my bets pets? Will they keep the money?

Should we look forward to more such moral tasks being undertaken by anonymous asses who happen to be atheist?
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What I find most amusing in all this moral chest-thumping is that the Pet Rescue is anonymous.

No it isn't. They provide contact email addresses on their website if you require more information.
What I want to know is, are they really taking the money?

What I want to know is, are people really giving them money?

What if I send the money as a non-believer in the rapture who wants to hedge my bets pets? Will they keep the money?

Why don't you try it and see?
Of the pet rescue, the ones who you say are not anonymous. Any names? Because I looked and they are all anonymous and according to their FAQ will be kept that way.
If you truly believe the Rapture is coming, then I think you'd be pleased that somebody would offer to look after your beloved pets when you go to be with Jesus. They can't come with you, so you'd want somebody to look after them.
What I want to know is why they believe that their pets can't come with them.
For those who are interested, here is a link to the site:


Sorry. I thought you were talking about the people who run this service. You are correct that most of the people who will be caring for the pets when the Rapture comes are apparently anonymous. I guess they don't feel that they need kudos for their kind deeds.
What I want to know is why they believe that their pets can't come with them.

Pets are non-human and therefore don't have souls that can be saved by accepting Jesus as their personal saviour and becoming born again.