Atheist armageddon pet rescue

Man, atheists are so screwed! Not only do they get left behind, but now they'll have all those animals to rescue and take care of, and for $110 a pup, no money to do it with! Suckers.
lol, kinda reminds me of when the church was selling estate in heaven, so a sly jew came along wanting to buy a land in hell, they though he was crazy, and albeit hell being hot in reality it wasn't hot in their market, so they sold him, the area? all of it..they didn't mind and the deal was sealed, he took his receipt, went out to the public and told people that there's no need to buy lands in heaven, as he has bought all of hell and he promises no one will be going there:roflmao:
I guess if the evangelicals believe their pets will be incinerated then they won't be paying this company to look after them.

Is that what evangelicals believe, GeoffP?

Isn't it? I thought that everything was supposed to go to shit.

Or are you implying that I am an evangelical? Et tu, Bruti? One hopes not.

Anyway, a fine theism-bashing thread.
The other way around - after the Rapture but before the owner dies.

I've never been clear on the interim--according to the authoritative filmic depiction of the rapture, A Thief in the Night, all the nice folk will be gone immediately and only some hot hippie chicks (salvation pending) and commando-types (they be representing the Beast) will be left.
Let's hear more about the hot hippie chicks. Will there be lots? And just how much time do we get hanging around? Unrelated questions, never you mind about connecting them, strictly theory you understand.
damn damn damn, wish I'd thought of that. Hmmm, I wonder if this service has chain store opportunities?
all the nice folk will be gone immediately and only some hot hippie chicks
Hot hippy chicks aren't nice people?
granted some of them are somewhat dilatory, but they do tend to be nice.

and commando-types (they be representing the Beast) will be left.
Going without underwear means you don't get saved? :eek:
Yup. Magic underwear is good in the eyes of the Lord.


Mormons: you do it to yourselves, you know.

Isn't it? I thought that everything was supposed to go to shit.

I guess you need to read Revelation. It doesn't sound like fun, but it might be possible to hole up in a pet sanctuary and ride it out until Jesus appears.

Or are you implying that I am an evangelical? Et tu, Bruti? One hopes not.

I'm not making any assumptions about you. You just gave the impression that you knew what evangelicals believe about their Rapture. My mistake.

Anyway, a fine theism-bashing thread.

How so? This is a thread about atheists offering a service in case the evangelicals are correct. Did you watch the video?

I guess you need to read Revelation. It doesn't sound like fun, but it might be possible to hole up in a pet sanctuary and ride it out until Jesus appears.

Then I wish you all the best in taking advantage of this new service. Hope springs eternal.

I'm not making any assumptions about you. You just gave the impression that you knew what evangelicals believe about their Rapture. My mistake.

Then I am indeed fortunate not to know.

How so? This is a thread about atheists offering a service in case the evangelicals are correct. Did you watch the video?

Good god, James.

If you truly believe the Rapture is coming, then I think you'd be pleased that somebody would offer to look after your beloved pets when you go to be with Jesus. They can't come with you, so you'd want somebody to look after them.

If you happen to be a Christian who is uncomfortable with his or her belief in the Rapture, or entertaining doubts that it will happen, then I can understand that you might consider that this company was making fun of your beliefs. But that's really your problem, not theirs. It seems to me to be due to a lack of faith on the part of the believer.

Finally, if you're a Christian who doesn't believe in the Rapture, or a non-Christian, then you probably think such beliefs are silly already and this won't sway you either way.

Spare me the faux-psychoanalysis. You raised the issue because you felt the entire prospect was absurd; this is underscored by the notion of the goodly atheists "helping out" the evangelists. Your objective was to mock the extremists; fine. But you're trying to put everyone else in the same box by invoking atheism and the scary specter of "Jeebus" lurking over your shoulder. It's passive-aggressive, yes - but your treatment of the odd news item is grounded in the same old atheist-theist rage: your mockery seems more motivated by your own insecurities about your religious stance. Otherwise why raise more pointless provocation of "the other"?

No one is trying to steal your soul, James, and not all theists - whatever your experience of other theists on here - are against you, or couch their beliefs as an existential threat against you. Some of us even respect you. Guess that's our problem too.

Spare me the faux-psychoanalysis. You raised the issue because you felt the entire prospect was absurd; this is underscored by the notion of the goodly atheists "helping out" the evangelists.

You haven't watched the video, have you? The people who set up the company say quite clearly that while they think there's more than a 99% chance the evangelicals are wrong and there will be no rapture, they admit they may turn out to be wrong. In effect, they are having a bet that they are not wrong. If the evangelicals are right, and they have very strong faith that they are right, then they and their pets win. The evil atheists were always going to be locked out of heaven, so nothing changes there.

Now my personal view is that these are not the "end times" predicted in the bible, and the Rapture won't be happening any time soon (certainly not in the lifetime of any pet now living). But I also admit there is a tiny chance that I may be wrong, too, just like the atheist pet savers. I do not believe it is absurd to offer this service. If you are arguing that this is not being done in good faith, then it must be because you yourself think the Rapture cannot or will not occur and therefore these atheists may be preying on gullible evangelicals. Do you think evangelical Christians are gullible, GeoffP? It's not a claim I have made.

Your objective was to mock the extremists; fine.

Do you think all evangelicals are extremists, or just some of them?

You know, GeoffP, I think this discussion says more about how you view these people than how I view them.

Also, why do you assume I was attacking extremists, as opposed to promoting the good deeds of atheists? Why assume the negative? Doesn't sound very Christian, GeoffP.

But you're trying to put everyone else in the same box by invoking atheism and the scary specter of "Jeebus" lurking over your shoulder.

You'll have to explain this one to me. What's "Jeebus" and why is it lurking? Who is this "everyone" I'm putting in the box? Which box?

It's passive-aggressive, yes - but your treatment of the odd news item is grounded in the same old atheist-theist rage: your mockery seems more motivated by your own insecurities about your religious stance. Otherwise why raise more pointless provocation of "the other"?

Curiouser and curiouser. Do I give you impression that I'm insecure about my religious stance? What do you imagine my religious stance is, exactly? I don't recall ever posting a statement about my religious stance in general on this forum.

And you know, GeoffP, I haven't heard any self-declared evangelical Christians complaining about this thread. Only you. Are you insecure about your religious stance, by any chance?

No one is trying to steal your soul, James, and not all theists - whatever your experience of other theists on here - are against you, or couch their beliefs as an existential threat against you. Some of us even respect you. Guess that's our problem too.

Rest assured, GeoffP, that I'm not worried about anybody stealing my soul. Nor do I believe theists in general are against me. As for people here, I'm not sure why any theist would be against me, particularly. There are a number of quite vocal atheists here, but I don't think I'm one of them. If theists want to attack somebody with black and white beliefs, there are far easier targets here than me, I'd say.

Finally, please don't get the impression I don't respect you, GeoffP.
If you are arguing that this is not being done in good faith, then it must be because you yourself think the Rapture cannot or will not occur and therefore these atheists may be preying on gullible evangelicals. Do you think evangelical Christians are gullible, GeoffP? It's not a claim I have made.

It's implicit, James. I baited Dwayne Rabon with a business deal on another thread to freeze Michael Jackson for later revival. Does that mean I really believe in any way that it's possible to revive him? No. How could I? So from my perspective, it's predatory and demeaning. UnChristian, even! Now, I personally feel that Dwayne is talking a massive load of crap, but then again I wouldn't actually take any of his cash. The complete point of the OP link is that evangelists are meant to be gullible. Fine: they kind of are. Yet, the eventual obliteration of the world is a meme that a lot of Christians share. So, it drags in all belief about Revelation. That's fine, but it's no good pretending it's something it's not.

Do you think all evangelicals are extremists, or just some of them?

You know, GeoffP, I think this discussion says more about how you view these people than how I view them.

I think it says lots about how we both view them. But I do object to a degree because it's a general issue of the faith as a whole. It's unnecessary; you might also view the usually miserable attempts at "science-baiting" by evangelicals the same way, but it's clear that such attempts are laughable at best.

Also, why do you assume I was attacking extremists, as opposed to promoting the good deeds of atheists? Why assume the negative? Doesn't sound very Christian, GeoffP.

Please don't try to tell me that I should be unable to distinguish shit from sugar, James, by pleading to my religion.

Curiouser and curiouser. Do I give you impression that I'm insecure about my religious stance? What do you imagine my religious stance is, exactly? I don't recall ever posting a statement about my religious stance in general on this forum.

James, you're an atheist. It's fairly clear. It falls into the "shit or sugar" factorial discrimination above. (Also, you allude to it below.)

There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest; but why dig at theism, then? Usually it's a mark of insecurity, when there's no definable motive beyond the dig. If it isn't that, what are you trying to do? What is the point of even making the OP? Because you're secretly skimming the top 15% of any takers as a finder's fee? Because you have a shareholder interest? Because it makes a pertinent or important social point? It's a dig. Can we not talk bollocks about it?

And you know, GeoffP, I haven't heard any self-declared evangelical Christians complaining about this thread. Only you. Are you insecure about your religious stance, by any chance?

First off, how many of them are actually left on the forum? I imagine they might be by eventually. Am I insecure? No. Am I, then, a fanatic? No. I merely take a little insult at the crass cynicism of the OP subject for the reason outlined above. I similarly deplore the likes of Swaggart and Robertson and Oktar / Yahya in their absurd crusades against evolutionary science. I've called more than one of them out; no takers so far. Does this mean I'm insecure about my recognition of evolutionary philosophy?

Finally, please don't get the impression I don't respect you, GeoffP.

Thankyou. I respect you also.