Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

OP is wrong. For the common definitions of God, there are valid scientific refutations, based on logic and evidence. There might be definitions of God that elude these refuations, but such a God isn't a personal God demanding of worship, or taking a necessary part in the development of life.

Lori_7: personal experience is not valid proof either way, as you could be insane.

i'm not insane. there is absolutely nothing in my life that indicates that i am.
I just crapped my pants.. :(

Do you believe it ? Maybe.
Is me just saying it proof or evidence of it actually happening ? No.
Is several people witnessing and testifying to it and capturing it on video evidence ? Yes. Is it proof ? Yes, if it can be determined if the video is not doctored.

why would anyone want to see that?

I don't know that. That's why personal anecdote is not considered valid evidence in science.
because i know i'm not lying, nor have i hallucinated, and my experiences can not even be reduced down to the possibility of hallucination, they're too vast.

And how can I, or anyone else, know that ?
i'm not insane. there is absolutely nothing in my life that indicates that i am.

Insane: Afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement.

Other than your claim of talking with gods?
but i keep saying this, and you guys keep dismissing this. the evidence i have of god is not for you to believe. honestly, i want to say i don't know why you wouldn't want to believe me, but i do know why, and it doesn't have anything to do with your perception of my sanity, or whether you think i'm a liar or not. you have your own reasons for not wanting to believe. i mean, do you assume that people who hold your same beliefs and perceptions are insane liars too? are you generally cynical and skeptical of people, or is it just me? and is it just me because i come across as mentally ill, or a compulsive liar?

the people who know me best would argue with you whole-heartedly. then again i could be lying about that. i mean, if you're going to assume rather arbitrarily (or pretending to be arbitrary) that anyone or everyone on sciforums is a liar or is crazy, then why bother?
Lori, I was just making the point that personal experience is not proof, since you said it was.
the people who know me best would argue with you whole-heartedly.

So, everyone who knows you agrees wholeheartedly that you do indeed talk with god. They don't talk with god, of course, only you do, right?
So, everyone who knows you agrees wholeheartedly that you do indeed talk with god. They don't talk with god, of course, only you do, right?

they whole-heartedly agree that i am not crazy or a liar. lots of people i know have experienced god and/or the spiritual realm. those who haven't know me well enough to say to themselves "well that's never happened to me, but who knows?"

honestly, you know because i've stated, that when all the super freaky shit was going down with me, what i was testifying to scared people. but before that happened, no one would have ever expected it out of me. and now, it is evident to those same people that i am better off having had that happen.

they see a change or a development in me, that i also have attested to out here that they can't deny. they comment on it. it's called fruit of the spirit.
they see a change or a development in me, that i also have attested to out here that they can't deny. they comment on it. it's called fruit of the spirit.

You made the changes yourself, which is something you can't demonstrate otherwise. It's called taking responsibility for your own life.
You made the changes yourself, which is something you can't demonstrate otherwise. It's called taking responsibility for your own life.

that's what you want to think and nothing else.
but i keep saying this, and you guys keep dismissing this. the evidence i have of god is not for you to believe. honestly, i want to say i don't know why you wouldn't want to believe me, but i do know why, and it doesn't have anything to do with your perception of my sanity, or whether you think i'm a liar or not. you have your own reasons for not wanting to believe. i mean, do you assume that people who hold your same beliefs and perceptions are insane liars too? are you generally cynical and skeptical of people, or is it just me? and is it just me because i come across as mentally ill, or a compulsive liar?

the people who know me best would argue with you whole-heartedly. then again i could be lying about that. i mean, if you're going to assume rather arbitrarily (or pretending to be arbitrary) that anyone or everyone on sciforums is a liar or is crazy, then why bother?

No one believes scientists because they are good people or they have a reputation. Science doesn't work like that because it would be impossible to be sure of anything. It works by providing evidence to support a theory that explains observations. That way we don't have to worry too much if a scientist is lying.
No one believes scientists because they are good people or they have a reputation. Science doesn't work like that because it would be impossible to be sure of anything. It works by providing evidence to support a theory that explains observations. That way we don't have to worry too much if a scientist is lying.

i do that with my own life and things that have happened to me, and i don't have to worry about me lying to myself.

some people lie to themselves. but i'm a stickler about that. lies make life meaningless.
The work of scientists speaks for itself. You don't have to trust them. You do realize that even if you wrote down the things you prayed for, and they came true and were recorded, that still does not prove that the prayer is what made it happen?
I have a terrible time trying to figure out your conclusion....:shrug: .

You missed to first part of thread discussion.
My post was in response to the previous posts stating neither side has any evidence. The fossil record is plenty of evidence. Atheist think God doesn't exist because of the evidential discoveries by science relating to evolution. BTW your great, great, great back through time grandma was a fish.

Edit: I refer you to post 105
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The work of scientists speaks for itself. You don't have to trust them. You do realize that even if you wrote down the things you prayed for, and they came true and were recorded, that still does not prove that the prayer is what made it happen?

i'm not trying to prove this to anyone, but it matters to me. and i don't have any doubt. i don't understand everything. not even close. but i understand enough and i keep learning and developing. this isn't some experiment, this is my life.