Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

so you're saying that other people's experiences are real, just not those who experience god, or pink elephants? and the people who experience pink elephants are crazy, but the one's who experience god are not?

I'll await your reply to my last post.
Ok.. bear with me.

- Do you agree that crazy people exist ?
yeah, lots. i have an uncommon view of that actually i think. i think most "normal" people in this world are quite nuts.

- Do you agree that some crazy people have personal experiences of things that don't actually exist; flying pink elephants for example ?

- Do you agree that their personal experiences of flying pink elephants is not proof of the existence of flying pink elephants ?
yes, only the hallucination of said pink elephant...yes.
yeah, lots. i have an uncommon view of that actually i think. i think most "normal" people in this world are quite nuts.


yes, only the hallucination of said pink elephant...yes.

And that's why your personal experiences of God are not proof of God's existence (which does not mean that God doesn't exist or that you didn't experience God).
And that's why your personal experiences of God are not proof of God's existence (which does not mean that God doesn't exist or that you didn't experience God).

hm. ok, i can live with that. :eek:

sorry. i've been up all night accounting for things.
Another scenario:

I went for a walk earlier and I saw a frog with eight eyes and six legs! (I'm lying)

If I told you the above would that be proof of the existence of frogs with eight eyes and six legs ?
And note, I'm not calling you a liar. Whether or not I really experienced it or not, and whether or not it really exists or not if I really experienced it, cannot be know by other people, and to them it's just something I said.
Another scenario:

I went for a walk earlier and I saw a frog with eight eyes and six legs! (I'm lying)

If I told you the above would that be proof of the existence of frogs with eight eyes and six legs ?
And note, I'm not calling you a liar.

i would believe you.
That's fine, but me saying it is not proof of eight-eyed, six-legged frogs.

well, were you on drugs, or sleep-deprived, or is there any reason you would be hallucinating? how close did you see the frog? were your eyes watering?
Perhaps now you can understand why other people might think you are crazy or lying when you talk about your personal experiences of God ;)
well if you answer no to all those questions then i would believe you actually saw the frog. why not?

Believe doesn't require evidence or proof. You can believe it, no problem. But me just saying those frogs (or flying pink elephants) exist is not in itself proof of their existence. Don't you see ?
Believe doesn't require evidence or proof. You can believe it, no problem. But me just saying those frogs (or flying pink elephants) exist is not in itself proof of their existence. Don't you see ?

no, but seeing them with your own eyes does. if you weren't hallucinating or lying about seeing them.
no, but seeing them with your own eyes does. if you weren't hallucinating or lying about seeing them.

You can't know if I was lying or hallucinating.
I was, in fact, lying. So how can it ever be proof ?
I just crapped my pants.. :(

Do you believe it ? Maybe.
Is me just saying it proof or evidence of it actually happening ? No.
Is several people witnessing and testifying to it and capturing it on video evidence ? Yes. Is it proof ? Yes, if it can be determined if the video is not doctored.
OP is wrong. For the common definitions of God, there are valid scientific refutations, based on logic and evidence. There might be definitions of God that elude these refuations, but such a God isn't a personal God demanding of worship, or taking a necessary part in the development of life.

Lori_7: personal experience is not valid proof either way, as you could be insane.
You can't know if I was lying or hallucinating.
I was, in fact, lying. So how can it ever be proof ?

because i know i'm not lying, nor have i hallucinated, and my experiences can not even be reduced down to the possibility of hallucination, they're too vast.