Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

Some of the participants in the debate appear to be concerned about attacking their own doubts and misconceptions, by attacking a concept they have.

How quaint.
yeah i'm twitchin' and droolin' over here enmos!

managing an accounting department and a mid-year audit for a multi-million dollar company is really hard to do with pink elephants flying everywhere!

i'll tell you what fucker...the shit you try to talk yourself into believing about me is what's nuts.

Lori, what the fuck ? I didn't say you were crazy..
I was just making the point that crazy people have personal experiences too. And you and I know that some of what they experience is not real. Yet you somehow maintain that if one experiences something then that it is proof of that something.
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Lori, what the fuck ? I didn't say you were crazy..
I was just making the point that crazy people have personal experiences too. And you and I know that some of what they experience is not real. Yet you somehow maintain that if one experiences something then that it is proof of that something.

well then you're proposing that nothing anyone experiences is real. :confused:
No, not at all. I'm just saying that personal experience of something is in itself not proof of that something existing.

i'm so confused. :facepalm:

aw, the little headrub guy. he always makes me feel better.
i'm so confused. :facepalm:

aw, the little headrub guy. he always makes me feel better.

Ok.. bear with me.

- Do you agree that crazy people exist ?
- Do you agree that some crazy people have personal experiences of things that don't actually exist; flying pink elephants for example ?
- Do you agree that their personal experiences of flying pink elephants is not proof of the existence of flying pink elephants ?
No, not at all. I'm just saying that personal experience of something is in itself not proof of that something existing.

so you're saying that other people's experiences are real, just not those who experience god, or pink elephants? and the people who experience pink elephants are crazy, but the one's who experience god are not?