Atheism, Evolution and Environmental conservation

Originally Posted by scorpius
yes,I do respect everyones beliefs,no matter how silly,dont bother me none,its your life youre wasting...
you can even try to convert me,
however so far ,everyone from Jehovas Witless to Jebus freaks and ALL others always left disapointed and some even damn near in tears when the simple logic started to sink in.

I think Ive heard all the silly arguments for god already, from cant see the wind or electricity up to you'll BURN in HELL sinner,lunacy...
they are all so pathetic and childish, perhaps its just evolutions way of making some people gullible and exploitable for the good of others smarter ones,.only reason I can come up with why some believe such nonsense...

its when they start preaching hate and kill the Infidels etc...
is when I,and all atheists simply have to stand up defend ourselves against these Islamo (and xian) fascists..

Now I understand what you mean by 'respect' more clearly. I think you are using the word oddly and this led to miscommunication.
dude I call them way they are
,look up the definitions of all your BOLDED words in a dictionary and youll see Im right on the money.
it might help if
maybe you could also look at belief in Flying spaghetti monster
or some OTHER religions...
here pick one

and describe to me how do you feel about it,them?

I still respect all who believe in them,though they all seem silly imo.
makes sense now??
dude I call them way they are
,look up the definitions of all your BOLDED words in a dictionary and youll see Im right on the money.
yes,I do respect everyones beliefs
It is the definition of 'respect' I am focusing on. The bolded portions make it clear you neither respect them or their ideas.

'I respect your idea but it is silly.'
'I respect your idea which you are gullible, pathetic, foolish, exploited for having.'

Can you see?
It doesn't work. You don't understand the word 'respect'. I agree with your assertion that you are calling them as you see them. I disagree with your idea that you respect all ideas. I don't know what psychological purpose it serves for you to think you respect these people and their ideas, but I just need to let you know, you don't. Perhaps you have a small community that uses the word 'respect' in a different way than the rest of us. In that case it is still good information for you to know that this is a very small minority usage.

I still respect all who believe in them,though they all seem silly imo.
makes sense now??
1) no.
2) now you are saying you respect these gullible, pathetic, stupid people. This is different from saying what I was challenging which is that you respect their stupid ideas. But, in any case, you do neither.
Is it fair to ask why we should be expected to respect someone's opinion?
Of course. I don't respect a great many ideas and opinions. I can even have very similar feelings to the one's scorpius is expressing though perhaps not always with the same targets. But I don't think some ideas deserve respect. Let me pick an example that, hopefully, everyone here can agree with...

'Weak children should be killed.'

I don't respect that idea. I respect scorpius enough to think he does not respect this idea either - though I am making a guess I, obviously, cannot be 100% sure of.

Respecting people whose ideas we disagree with can be a good thing. I would certainly have a hard time respecting someone who believed my example idea. I would not pressure myself to respect him either.
I really don't think respect of an idea in general is a good thing, unless you agree with it. If you respect an idea you disagree with, then you're not going to challenge it. If you do, then you aren't respecting it, and to say you are isn't true. It's a superficial dressing.

I think people confuse "respecting an idea" with "protecting the right of people to hold an idea". I believe it is just as important to hear the person in the room who says the holocaust didn't happen as it is to hear the person who says it did. It might be more important, actually, to protect the rights of the person who says it didn't happen, because we stand to learn more from that person than the other. As in, how the fuck did he come to that conclusion in spite of all the evidence?

So you can accurately predict what the future is?

Sure, in some areas. Anybody with some experience, knowledge and common sense can do it.

I can also tell you things other than the future. For example, somewhere in your house you have an out-of-date calendar. You also have a scar on your knee from a childhood accident.
I can't believe that this thread has so many participants. Are atheists actually retarded enough to shallow S.A.M's shit stirring hook line and sinker? I mean, seriously, S.A.M is part of a religion which regards atheists as possibly the lowest life form on the planet, and you expect honest discourse with her regarding atheism? Get real. She's a troll, plain and simple.
I can't believe that this thread has so many participants. Are atheists actually retarded enough to shallow S.A.M's shit stirring hook line and sinker?
I mean, seriously, S.A.M is part of a religion which regards atheists as possibly the lowest life form on the planet, and you expect honest discourse with her regarding atheism? Get real. She's a troll, plain and simple.
I know,
still there may be lurkers who may learn something from reading all this.

who knows,maybe even SAM may evolve enough to reach the age of reason someday.
I can't believe that this thread has so many participants. Are atheists actually retarded enough to shallow S.A.M's shit stirring hook line and sinker? I mean, seriously, S.A.M is part of a religion which regards atheists as possibly the lowest life form on the planet, and you expect honest discourse with her regarding atheism? Get real. She's a troll, plain and simple.


I've pointed out several times in the past that S.A.M trolls the religion subforum to push an agenda. In response, posters have cried 'Nonsense' and accused me of having some sort of grudge against S.A.M. "She's here for an intellectual discussion!" they cry naively.

But just check out her posting history in the Religion subforum. Every thread started by her attempts to belittle atheists with bullshit strawmen. No wonder (Q) got so shitty with her.
I've pointed out several times in the past that S.A.M trolls the religion subforum to push an agenda. In response, posters have cried 'Nonsense' and accused me of having some sort of grudge against S.A.M. "She's here for an intellectual discussion!" they cry naively.

But just check out her posting history in the Religion subforum. Every thread started by her attempts to belittle atheists with bullshit strawmen. No wonder (Q) got so shitty with her.

I admit, I used to think that too.

Sure, in some areas. Anybody with some experience, knowledge and common sense can do it.

I can also tell you things other than the future. For example, somewhere in your house you have an out-of-date calendar. You also have a scar on your knee from a childhood accident.

Hmm I have neither the calendar nor the scar. What does that mean?:p