Atheism and universal loneliness

Look, you actually inserted the word required to make my statement a lie in brackets you quoted pz's original lie in support of your accusation that my mention of it some 30 posts later was a lie, you quopted pz saying he would ban me if i didn't post my credentials, I posted my credential, you are seriously delusional.

I didn't insert the word, I clarified what essay it was you were talking about. The essay in question was anti-theistic. It was the post about replacing theism with science, and one you decried for being anti-theistic.

The last refuge of an insane true believer is

Ad hominem and antagonism.

Mods. This is really uncomfortable. I reported huis post and asked if I was dealing with a delusional person, I reported one yesterday which made a threat asking how I was allowed to respond. So far no contact. This is ridiculous though. It is either cruel or dangerous to engage with these people. Is that the way these forums outside the science fora run?

You were not threatened. :rolleyes:

If you don't like talking to me, put me on your ignore list.

So you are not a theist posing as an Atheist? I don't believe that either. I know everything you claimed about PZ is lies, why would you change your MO when you claim you're an Atheist? I stopped reading your drivel after the first half page diatribe, realizing you are a firm believer in the old maxim "If you can't dazzle them with wit, baffle them with bull shit. You posted so much bull shit no one knew where to start digging and few of them thought it worth the effort. But it doesn't fit with what we know of PZ and his work, but such messianic, reasonless rages are a sure sign of a troll and trolls don't last long here. You will not be missed. You now have the honor of being the only one on my ignore list. Ta Ta asshole.

Cool. So I get to say that I know you raped a little girl? That's how this works? I'm easy, I just didn't understand the situation here. Goddamn that's sick you fucking pedophile.

The truth often is, but I make no claim to be Jesus Christ.

You ARE a troll with an ax to grind against PZ, you ARE a fellow traveler with right wing/religious nutters and nothing you have posted shows anyhing but how tenuous your grasp of reality and reason is. And you STILL aren't a pimple on the butt of PZ Myers, intellectually.

Now, I suggest you never bring the subject up again here, but find myself hoping you will.


Now I suggest you don't drink drano, but I find myself hoping you will.

By the way JDawg, My apologies. I had a much more formal concept of how the rules here work.

The tone of this half-wit's post,( and he is a half wit because I'm pretty sure he's a pedophile) suggested some sort of forum meta. I understand now that you are just stupid. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

*In before "See that's a lie"
Now I suggest you don't drink drano, but I find myself hoping you will.

By the way JDawg, My apologies. I had a much more formal concept of how the rules here work.

The tone of this half-wit's post,( and he is a half wit because I'm pretty sure he's a pedophile) suggested some sort of forum meta. I understand now that you are just stupid. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

*In before "See that's a lie"

Alas, poor BWE. I knew him well.

The last refuge of an insane true believer is

Ad hominem and antagonism.

Um, you claimed I had lied and for evidence you produced a sentence in which you had inserted the word which made it a lie. Are you claiming to have other refuges? If so, then we can't find out til either this one is gone or you end up here. with no other refuge. Call it a prediction then.
Um, you claimed I had lied and for evidence you produced a sentence in which you had inserted the word which made it a lie. Are you claiming to have other refuges? If so, then we can't find out til either this one is gone or you end up here. with no other refuge. Call it a prediction then.

I cited several instances of you lying, not just one. As to the one you're complaining about, are you telling me you were not disagreeing with an anti-theistic essay?
"My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light."
I cited several instances of you lying, not just one. As to the one you're complaining about, are you telling me you were not disagreeing with an anti-theistic essay?

And they were insane. Not even sensical.
And they were insane. Not even sensical.

Try again, BWE.

And let's try this latest question again, since you've ignored it: "As to the one you're complaining about, are you telling me you were not disagreeing with an anti-theistic essay?"
and by the way, PZ is not a research scientist. He doesn't claim to be one usually.

Are you serious? From his "cv":

"Got a publication coming out this fall, got a major grant award, was the keynote speaker at SDB in Hawaii, UNLV White Distinguished Lecture, taught a standard 3/2 load (including developing a new upper level elective), had 35 advisees, have 3 students working with me this summer on a new field project."

You don't need to be scientist to recognize that a publication coming out in the fall, a major grant award, and a field project amount to research credits, you just have to not be a dishonest troll. So, again, you lied. Now apologize for it.

You are a moron. You posted his lie to refute my calling it a lie. Glo look yourself at pharyngula. Ask him yourself. He teaches at UM Mlorris a teaching institution.

Why? Why do you want to hurt PZ?
I didn't insert the word,

You are spending a lot of time if your are just trying to waste my time.

I'm sorry. I am putting you on ignore. I wonder how many other people have you on ignore.


You are a moron. You posted his lie to refute my calling it a lie. Glo look yourself at pharyngula. Ask him yourself. He teaches at UM Mlorris a teaching institution.

Why? Why do you want to hurt PZ?

I'm a moron because you don't understand what his career entails? Yes, he's a teacher, and research is part of that. Do you claim medical advances to come from universities are not really medical advancements because they are made people people who also teach? Was Christopher Hitchens not a journalist because he also taught journalism at the university level?
I didn't insert the word,

You are spending a lot of time if your are just trying to waste my time.

I'm sorry. I am putting you on ignore. I wonder how many other people have you on ignore.


Translation: "I can't refute your claim, but my self-worth is so reliant on my performance on internet forums that I cannot bring myself to admit it without risking a deep depression. Thus, I will not admit it, and simply ignore you from now on."
Mod Note

Please note that BWE1 has been banned for 24 hours for trolling and for making spurious and serious unfounded allegations against another member.
BWE's claims can be easily tested with a quick scan of google scholar or simoly googling PZ's CV. Turns out that PZ's last research publication was in 2002. That's ten years ago. Essentially that means that PZ has not been involved in scientific research for a decade if not longer. PZ certainly writes prolifically on creationism and on his blog, but none of that represents original scientific research. Outreach and policy, certainly, but not scientific research.

As for BWE's religious views, I think you are mistaking BWE's staunch antiauthoritarianism for whatever "concern troll" or "tone troll" means in the context of this discussion. BWE is not a covert theist. He's an overt pain in the ass to people who he sees as trying to peddle authoritarianism and unquestioning followings. As someone who has known BWE for about 5-6 years now (holy shit, that's insane), I can tell you that he has just as much of an interest in going after theists who use their religious claims to control the actions of their followers.
Gee, I wonder who that is?

Let's see...he's lying about PZ's credentials, and defending BWE's lying and trolling.

Could it be...BWE?!
And once again Bell's has abused their power. Please. Can't a moderator other than the one emotionally invested make a ban if behavior is in fact unjust?
And once again Bell's has abused their power. Please. Can't a moderator other than the one emotionally invested make a ban if behavior is in fact unjust?

(1) It's "Bells" not "Bell's"

(2) How is she emotionally invested? She has one post in this thread--back on page 2--which was directed at Wynn and regarding the original topic of the thread. Since, the subject has moved to PZ Myers; more specifically, BWE's contention that PZ is a liar and a fraud. On that matter, Bells has had no comment.

(3) BWE broke the rules. He accused a member of being a pedophile, and called others stupid several times. He earned the ban. And now he's created a sock puppet, which shows how little he actually respects the rules of the forum...but you know all about that, don't you, Cheski?