Atheism and universal loneliness

I doubt PZ would waste his time here. But what do you mean? I'm speaking from my experience of reading his blog for a year or so, and I'm familiar in general with the New Atheists. None of them hate Christians or Muslims or anyone else. It has been said over and over that it's the beliefs that deserve ridicule, (also a few really disingenuous public figures), not religious people in general.
Well, I've been reading him since around the time of Dover and I don't know if he changed or if I changed but either way, you are simply wrong.

But even if you were right, if he practiced and enforced in any way whatsoever a policy even unwritten and secretly implemented, that just the belief deserved ridicule, and the dignity of the individual was important to respect, how does that square with him directly lying to me about his academic credentials and misrepresenting his academic achievements, and following that with an unsupported and unsupportable accusation that I somehow was the one who told all those whoppers in his post and denigrating my character and human value as a response to me asking him WTF he was doing lying about his academic credentials?

Assume I was off the rails nuts. That I was also a shoplifter or purse snatcher and the absolute scum of the earth, worthless threat to society.

Would that excuse academic dishonesty in public? Would that somehow mitigate the content of my questioning why the heck he lied to create a perception of a value and power imbalance when there was no need whatsoever? I mean, that's pretty much an example right there.

I want him to apologize to me to clear the air between us again but he banned me for making him compromise his professional integrity by being mean to him by suggesting he has made an error of judgement. How fitting the subject of this thread.

Anyway, it's fine if he doesn't but I would like it if he did. It is actually an easily excusable transgression but refusing to acknowledge it is leaving it hanging out there. Rip like a band-aid and all. :)

Anyway, a small fairly random medley from the posts on p. 1 today:
How interesting. I’m always amused when I see these bozos insist indignantly that they’ve got science behind them. And what are these “scientific qualifications”? List them, please.

Tell me what the specifics are, and I promise you, I can shoot them down one by one. How do I know that? Because the people who put these lists together are ignoramuses, every time.

You’re doomed, all doomed. The state is about to privatize their “public” education system, turning it all into voucher-based chaos…and the Christians are looking forward to feasting on the shambles.

Jehovah’s Witnesses once again confirm that they’re a mob of dour, po-faced killjoys.

And I don't need to quote any of the comments for you to agree that physical pain is often described gleefully (metaphorically of course) including dead porcupines forced into members of the groups PZ denigrates' rectums, occasionally wrapped in barbed wire first, actually various large gruesome things being brutally rammed in the theists or basically not-pharyngulite's rectums.

But they also note that it is terribly sexist to call a woman a chick or to whistle or whatever their stupid sexist symbol of the day is.

This is the Peach on top of the fruit bowl though:

In the list of banned people I am listed as the following:
bwe4: Just another liar.

If you follow his link, you will discover that it links to a post where he calls me a liar. Nowhere does it identify the lie of demonstrate any untruthfulness.

So, If you trust PZ because you haven't noticed that his integrity needs a tune up it's because you weren't looking.

At another blog on freethought blogs someone called me a liar and postred that link as evidence.

I've got to say, if science makes people this blind, maybe I will pick up an interest in crystals or accai berries for eternal life. I would be just as well off. :)
Anyway, Do you dispute that PZ Myers lied to me about his academic achievements and misrepresented his academic credentials and then simply called me a liar as his response to my pointing out his blatant dishonesty?

Because, I made a case for my assertion. All you have to do is demonstrate where it's wrong.

Easy if you were right, right?

Too bad I am right. How can you defend dishonesty as a tactic in a culture skirmish over truth in curriculum and political activity?

Or do you agree that labels justify devaluing groups of people based on their beliefs alone?

I don't buy your characterization that PZ has ever misrepresented his more than adequate credential. And, as far as I know I have never read where he has run for any office in order to impose his opinions on the matter in the law. Again, you are obcessed with some non-evident slight that you have evidently been obnoxious enough about for PZ to can you from his forum. DROP IT, we are not a substitute forum for you to air a personal gripe against a much admired scientist. Maybe we are seeing a glimmer of a reason for that event, don't repeat the same mistake here, too.

Oh. So u don't like what I'm saying but all you can say is be quiet because I don't like it?

Heh. It is actually relevant to this thread which is why I brought it up. You were the one who said you disagree. I made an argument. Why don't you point out where it's wrong? Or do you require an ontological absolute in order to seek happiness and inform your strategies for avoiding suffering? Is it a sort of suffering to have to keep your unquestionable truth separated from an unavoidable observation?

It seems to me like it would be. That's why I try to hold my own truths loosely. So it doesn't hurt whe I have to modify, discard or replace them. It keeps my ego out of it and minmizes my own suffering. If I had reacted foolishly and lied like PZ did to me, I would immediately have acknowledged and publicly apologized to clear the air and keep my own observations as guilt free as possible. But that seems a lot harder once you are forced to accept a truth and fit experience to it rather than vice versa.

Wynn, does that make sense?

And Grumpy, do you know a netizen who goes by worldtraveler on other forums? Just curious.

Being an educator in the field of science counts as a scientific accomplishment.

Also I don't think it's fair to judge PZ on the basis of comments made on his blog by other people.

Oh. So u don't like what I'm saying but all you can say is be quiet because I don't like it?

No, your character assasination of PZ is not in congruence in any way with my experience of PZ. And PZ isn't here. And we have no desire to listen to your diatribes that we know don't match our own experience with PZ. Did you not think you were going off the rails by attacking his credentials, accusing him of lying about them? Denigrating the importance of any work he had done? Such behavior is the definition of trolling.

If I had reacted foolishly and lied like PZ did to me,

PZ gets in so much trouble because he doesn't lie, but he does have a sharp pen. You are some mook on the internet with an ax to grind about PZ(join the crowd, the right wing/religious hate machines are your fellow travelers)but not a one of you hold a candle to his educated opinions.

you are aware that I posted PZ's lie and the link to the actual fact, right? Is my continued questioning of whether you are able to even see the words where I document the objective lie even making it into your peripheral vision? This is bizarre? It was a relevant example and I was moving on but you came in and declared simply that it wasn't true because you know PZ wouldn't lie?

This discussion is not about PZ, it's about holding onto truths so tightly that you become blinded to experience which doesn't fit those truths.

Are you familiar with Morton' Demon?

You are doing that.

Ok. Here we go. One simple question at a time. Does the documented statement by PZ claiming to have been THE keynote speaker at a conference where it turns out he was really the last speaker in the session after lunch on the second day constitute dishonesty.

Yes or No.

PZ has the rest of his life to clear this up. People make mistakes and have differences of opinions. I understand and am willing to debate the difference of opinion . But the matter of dishonesty needs to be cleared up first. when he acknowledges the error of judgment and apologizes for the offense it caused me, it will be over. You aren't doing him any favors by prolonging this or defending him so inexplicably here. I am simply asking questions and thinking about wynn's question.

The longer this goes on the more confident I am in my original conjecture that blind adherence to an unquestionable truth is actually the source of suffering, not the path leading away from it. It also appears to be an obstacle to happiness.

What do you think?
Not sure I would call that a lie. He goes to so many conferences that I'm sure it's difficult to keep track of things. It seems a strange reason to reject a very successful advocate for science, reason, and atheism.
Have you ever encountered the writings of PZ Myers or the group calling itself the New Atheist movement?

Because I had to stop calling myself an atheist recently so that I wouldn't be mistaken for someone who is involved in the formation of a new religion based on discrimination and hate speech propaganda.
An example:

I just got banned from PZ's blog the other day. Weird, I've now experienced a first. I have been banned from a site on the internet. I called him out on some puffery where he was denigrating some lady doing her phd I think in some aspect of virology or a related field where he made a whole post to point out that he would decline any invitation to attend a conference that she was attending.

I asked if they would be invited to the same conferences anyway since she has research to present and PZ is not a research scientist. He posted a big long list of his recent scientific accomplishments and none of them were scientific and in one item he actually wrote he was the keynote speaker at SDB Hawaii last year (not A keynote speaker, THE keynote speaker) and he wasn't. He was the last presenter in the session after lunch on the second day.

Here is his list:

Got a publication coming out this fall, got a major grant award, was the keynote speaker at SDB in Hawaii, UNLV White Distinguished Lecture, taught a standard 3/2 load (including developing a new upper level elective), had 35 advisees, have 3 students working with me this summer on a new field project.

aside from the straight up lie about keynote, the following sentence made all the items on the list intentional misrepresentation of his academic credentials and I don't know why he did that:

"Now, bwe4, your turn to recite your scientic[sic] accomplishments this year."

His credentials he listed aren't scientific. By asking for mine he dishonestly suggested his were. They are education credentials, not scientific accomplishments. And the " UNLV White Distinguished Lecture"? Guess what it was on (Listed as a scientific credential. Give up? This:

The School of Life Sciences welcomes Paul Z. Myers from the University of Minnesota, Morris department of biology as the annual Juanita Greer White Distinguished Lecturer. His talk is titled "Foundational Follies of Creationism."
Myers is an outspoken critic of evolution deniers and challenges proponents of intelligent design, scientific creationism, and pseudoscience.

I think he just got put on the spot and I touched a nerve since I am a somewhat vocal critic of his blog and claims about the power of science to determine Truth[sup]TM[/sup] or some bs like that. An example:

Anyway, when I did the whole, WTF dude, you just lied to me about your academic credentials in public, he told me I had to list my scientific credentials or be banned. So I did. He decided to ban me anyway and this is his doosie of a closer:

You’re just a random asshole passing by who knows nothing about my work, but feels free to invent lies about it? Fuck off

My lie? Here:
It’s been more than a decade since you’ve actually done any science hasn’t it? What kind of conferences still invite you anyway? Probably not the same sort that invite Abby who, last I checked, was still actually doing science. I know the echo chamber here will soothe you of any self-doubt you may have, but hate speech is hate speech. And dogma is dogma. And when someone gets so wrapped up in a personal dogma like yours, getting so stupidly mired in it that they actually proclaim science is a replacement for religion, that they find ways to excuse hate speech or claim that it isn’t hate speech because religion is really awful, well, you made the bed, you lie in it.
But he deleted almost all my posts so I don't have all of them anymore but I did save some at talkrational.

Anyway, there's atheism and then there's New Atheism which is a Movement and the latter creeps me right the heck out.

You appear to be hung up on this false notion that a scientist must be doing research at every moment to be a scientist. That's your problem, not his. He has, of course, done plenty of research in his time. You don't gain the respect in a field of science he has without doing so, so again to claim that he's somehow not really a scientist is wrongheaded, and clearly nothing more than a petulant, knee-jerk reaction to his criticisms of someone else. I have not read that criticism, so I don't know if he was out of line or not, but you haven't addressed the merit of his criticisms, but rather his credibility, and that's a fight you're going to lose. And have lost already, clearly.

Calling himself the keynote speaker may have been a typo for all you know. Even if he did fudge it, he's human, and we all are guilty of things of that nature from time to time. In other words, it's not an offense worthy of condemnation.

As to your charges of hate speech, I don't know what camp you come from, but presumably it's the one where everyone pretends that religion and science are not at odds, and thus allows religion to roll over them without so much as a whimper in resistance. If you wish to delude yourself in such a way, that's your business. But to say that "New Atheism" is a religion and that its proponents are bigots is to parrot the same empty nonsense heard from the proponents of irrationality. Some people have simply recognized that there is a war going on, and accepted the responsibility that comes with their position. Others, such as yourself, have chosen not to. Again, that's your prerogative, and I won't hammer you for it, but the least you can do is stay out of the way.
Being an educator in the field of science counts as a scientific accomplishment.

Also I don't think it's fair to judge PZ on the basis of comments made on his blog by other people.

Well, not in the context of the discussion which was what sorts of conferences he attends and what he presents where the one option is original scientific research and the other option is communication of science through education and media and atheism and something a few people are starting to call a movement.

I agree that it isn't fair to judge PZ on the basis of other people's comments except that in the gelatocaust thread I explicitly asked him if he endorsed their statements and finally stated that by his silence I would assume his endorsement. This was his reply:
PZ, by your silence, you endorse these bigoted hate mongers. By your bigoted hate mongering you justify theirs.

Gosh. I guess I better stop being silent then.

BWE, you’re a flaming idiot, straining against all evidence to claim that this instance of a christian attempting to discriminate against a group of people because they expressed contempt for christianity is somehow NOT an instance of a christian attempting to discriminate against a group of people because they expressed contempt for christianity. You’ve gone around and around the subject, getting angrier and crazier comment by comment, and finally you’re raging like this:

[snip my raging which was quoted for maximum character denigration effect, without the original introduction explaining that I was trying to avoid the charge of tone trolling so I would try to go ahead and be abusive. I am sorta proud of it as an artistic endeavor but you'll have to read it ther cause it's long and off topic]

Fortunately they were tone trolls with authority to address my tone rather than the content.
So, yeah. He took responsibility for their comments.
So you have no feelings whatsoever about the misdeeds and creeping theocracy on the part of the religious? You have no hate when women are punished for being raped? Bigotry is hatred without a rational reason, so I think you are using the word incorrectly.
Not sure I would call that a lie. He goes to so many conferences that I'm sure it's difficult to keep track of things. It seems a strange reason to reject a very successful advocate for science, reason, and atheism.

Wow. How many other conferences devoted to developmental biology or actually any scientific specialty? There is a reason he only listed one. I have been to 4 conferences in the past roughly a year and I can tell you exactly what I did and when I did it and who I talked to about setting up and storage and maybe even what I had for lunch. Presentations at conferences don't blend together.

Especially the only scientific conference he claimed to have presented at. We all know that list was complete. And I did not say he isn't a scientist. I said the achievements he presented as scientific largely weren't and one of them was inflated dramatically with a lie. Or fine. Say it was an accident. He used those claims to manipulate our relative authority levels to use judgement rather than content to do battle with the accommodationist or whatever. His "accident" serendipitously contributed to a drastically false perception that the items in the list were actually scientific accomplishments when they aren't so then he asked me to compare myself to a misrepresented and false list of scientific achievements.

He followed his list with this:
Now, bwe4, your turn to recite your scientitic accomplishments this year. Oh, nothing?
(my bold) What a coincidence. That value, were I to judge his list by it, would also be the same nothing since he was clearly referring to his scientific achievements in the context of publishing research like abbie does. They were not scientific in the context he implied.

But were I to judge my own year by the standard which makes his list science achievements,ironically it would be remarkably similar in length. I wouldn't do that though because they are not scientific accomplishments unless I want to disregard the fields they are normally classified under, and anyway I never challenged his expertise in developmental biology. I readily concede his expertise in that subject vastly exceeds mine. Why would I not? He teaches biology at a university. The whole idea of who is more better and worthy is exactly my point. That is a dishonest means to achieve a dishonest end and it is propaganda. I accused him of being willing to do what he actually did to me.

Who does that? Is he a 5th grader? He Used his media platform to denigrate and delegitimize another scientist because she, get this, didn't care enough if some other person claimed to have been inappropriately propositioned in an elevator at a skeptics conference with no bad outcome other than her righteous indignation. Using innuendo and using his platform to judge the value of another human being as lesser in order to affect their relative ranking is warped behavior on some kind of scale of ego tripping. He owes me an apology for being manipulative and knowingly, intentional and dishonestly characterizing both of us at the very least.

It wouldn't have ever occurred to me that he would lie before he inexplicably misrepresented his non scientific research but still true and real achievements as scientific and research to boot (if you remove that implication his whole statement doesn't follow as a response to my post), and, (perhaps accidentally) positioned himself as the star and only speaker on day one of the society conference instead of the last presentation of the session after lunch on day two about science education which is what the program says.

I pegged him as potentially destructive, dangerous maybe, misguided from my own perspective, but not dishonest. But he was. At the very least his 'accidental' achievement inflation and inadvertent subject misrepresentation had the effect of making him actively complicit in setting me up for character assault and a false impression of both of us, or I should say an manipulated impression created through misleading and unethical behavior as he not only did not set the record straight which he knew to be false but pressed the schoolroom lie as he commented on my lesser value as a human rather than the content of my posts.

He chose to ban me rather than clarify the truth of the situation. He called me names to dismiss my legitimacy to question his integrity rather than actually employing integrity to demonstrate it. That is dishonesty and abusing his privilege and reach to try to manipulate some bizarre tally of status or intrinsic value to win some sort of contest by intimidation and innuendo and devaluation rather than argument and is knowingly perpetuating a lie.


But this is all totally warped. It looks to me like you are simply rationalizing your allegiance now. Am I wrong about that?

I see you saying that his dishonesty is at an acceptable level considering the foe. Am I wrong about that? I choose to note breaches of integrity when they occur no matter who commits them. Call me silly I guess.
Jdawg, are you justifying the prejudice by saying the religious people deserve contempt and hate because that is the only way to stop their dangerous assault? I never legitimized anything done by any member of any religion. A lot of religious rhetoric is dangerous, destructive and also dishonest. That doesn't excuse it in PZ does it?. But for crying out loud. You said in this post he didn't do it then you said it's justified because they are so terrible.

You appear to be hung up on this false notion that a scientist must be doing research at every moment to be a scientist.
you appear to be desperately searching for a narrative that puts me in a position I don't hold so you can attack something which isn't so dang dissonant to that truth that pz's behavior is acceptable and justified and by proxy that it really is ok to hate religion because it is a legitimate thing to hate never has to interact with the actual statement of fact.

If you simply don't require integrity from him, calling him respected over and over as if to create a truth, please measure that quantity, then I suggest there is now another exact similarity between the two movements.

That's your problem, not his.
No. It's your invented strawman.

He has, of course, done plenty of research in his time. You don't gain the respect in a field of science he has without doing so, so again to claim that he's somehow not really a scientist is wrongheaded, and clearly nothing more than a petulant, knee-jerk reaction to his criticisms of someone else. I have not read that criticism, so I don't know if he was out of line or not, but you haven't addressed the merit of his criticisms, but rather his credibility, and that's a fight you're going to lose. And have lost already, clearly.
My god. Do you really think this addresses my claim and my statements? I suggested THAT HIS CRITICISM OF ABBIE WAS EMPTY AND DESIGNED ONLY TO INVALIDATE HER IF THEY DON'T GET INVITED TO THE SAME CONFERENCES. I challenged the tactic as manipulative and unethical to some degree. I didn't ask for his cv. He inexplicably offered it. And it was misrepresented when he did.

Calling himself the keynote speaker may have been a typo for all you know. Even if he did fudge it, he's human, and we all are guilty of things of that nature from time to time. In other words, it's not an offense worthy of condemnation.
Ethical norms demand righting that wrong. Until he does, he is now totally aware that the lie is out there. But guess what he said in response:
bwe4 has been banned for extreme idiocy. Now you also see why I usually don’t bother to respond to these morons: he demands my cv, I give him some recent efforts, and he lies about an invited lecture at a Society for Developmental Biology meeting (on science communication…but apparently he is now moving the goal posts to demand what subject I’m allowed to present),
That is blatantly dishonest and also blatantly manipulative. He just switched it right there and claimed my prior statement was a lie. For crying out loud. Please don't make an argument that you think this is somehow not dishonest.

I'm sorry, he isn't a hero to me and I have the right to call him out for lying and to request an apology. I didn't realize that we were going to go so deep into the suffering caused by Morton's Demon but it is interesting, don't you think?

As to your charges of hate speech, I don't know what camp you come from, but presumably it's the one where everyone pretends that religion and science are not at odds, and thus allows religion to roll over them without so much as a whimper in resistance. If you wish to delude yourself in such a way, that's your business. But to say that "New Atheism" is a religion and that its proponents are bigots is to parrot the same empty nonsense heard from the proponents of irrationality. Some people have simply recognized that there is a war going on, and accepted the responsibility that comes with their position. Others, such as yourself, have chosen not to. Again, that's your prerogative, and I won't hammer you for it, but the least you can do is stay out of the way.
If you can read this and still stand by that, then I think we have successfully identified one of your unquestionable truths:

I in every possible way oppose every single sentiment he expresses in this speech. I am willing to tear it apart but not today. I'm starting to have difficulty taking this discussion seriously and I want to be respectful. If you would like to have some sort of information upon which to base your speculation about my positions, read the following, particularly the final two posts of the first one. Hopefully you will realize that your either or is not applicable to your speculation about me because there may be more options that the two you present as the only ones and which look about the same from my position. Science does not prove. It does not support ontological statements. It build more effective models. And I think PZ has an obviously ignorant view of the philosophy of science. I would be happy to debate him on that assertion. After, of course, he clears up the little matter of his attempt to manipulate me through innuendo and dishonesty. I will of course, drop the subject right then and there and thank him for his apology because I don't mean to do anything but try to maintain a level of honesty in discourse. No hard feelings. Still and all. I'm not inclined to allow dishonesty in argument. It makes it hard to learn.
So you have no feelings whatsoever about the misdeeds and creeping theocracy on the part of the religious? You have no hate when women are punished for being raped? Bigotry is hatred without a rational reason, so I think you are using the word incorrectly.

Do you find yourself inventing the position of other people too? Sheesh.

Wynn, take note. This it what your frustration looks like to everyone else.

You are some mook on the internet with an ax to grind about PZ(join the crowd, the right wing/religious hate machines are your fellow travelers)but not a one of you hold a candle to his educated opinions.


Jesus christ. This is simply amazing.
Do you find yourself inventing the position of other people too? Sheesh.

Wynn, take note. This it what your frustration looks like to everyone else.

I find myself trying to understand the positions of others, and when it appears someone doesn't understand my position, I try to help them understand instead of being defensive.
Jdawg, are you justifying the prejudice by saying the religious people deserve contempt and hate because that is the only way to stop their dangerous assault? I never legitimized anything done by any member of any religion. A lot of religious rhetoric is dangerous, destructive and also dishonest. That doesn't excuse it in PZ does it?. But for crying out loud. You said in this post he didn't do it then you said it's justified because they are so terrible.

You're doing two things wrong here. First, you're misrepresenting contempt of religious ideas as contempt of religious people. I mean, yes, in the case of bigoted scumbags like Margie Phelps or Jerry Falwell, you'd like to see them hit upside the head with a brick, but generally contempt of religion is not a contempt of the religious.

Secondly, the opposition of religion does not equate to a religion itself. Do you not advocate the opposition of dangerous ideas? Why should non-believers be meek in the face of tyranny?

you appear to be desperately searching for a narrative that puts me in a position I don't hold so you can attack something which isn't so dang dissonant to that truth that pz's behavior is acceptable and justified and by proxy that it really is ok to hate religion because it is a legitimate thing to hate never has to interact with the actual statement of fact.

Well, I apologize if that's how I'm coming off. I'm sincerely not trying to do that, and I'm pretty sure I said that I didn't know whether or not PZ's behavior (in regards to his criticism of that PhD candidate) was justified. My contention was that your criticism of PZ seemed to be an attack of his credibility rather than the merit of his argument. I hope I"m being clear enough about this, I certainly wasn't absolving PZ. I do say, however, that being critical of religion is not wrong. Some of us do think it is a laughable, stupid, and often dangerous phenomenon, and for those reasons not only deserves to be ridiculed, but needs to be ridiculed.

If you simply don't require integrity from him, calling him respected over and over as if to create a truth, please measure that quantity, then I suggest there is now another exact similarity between the two movements.

Well, he is respected. While he may not have been the keynote speaker at that conference, he was one of the speakers. You may not respect his anti-theistic views, but his science is not in question.

No. It's your invented strawman.

No, it's not a straw man. You argued against his credibility by assuming that he hadn't done any science in ten years. You even made a point of saying that he is not a "research scientist," and as a result is somehow less credible for it.

For the record, PZ is still an active researcher. I don't know where you got the idea that he wasn't, but you're mistaken. He even told you what he was up to in the field.

My god. Do you really think this addresses my claim and my statements? I suggested THAT HIS CRITICISM OF ABBIE WAS EMPTY AND DESIGNED ONLY TO INVALIDATE HER IF THEY DON'T GET INVITED TO THE SAME CONFERENCES. I challenged the tactic as manipulative and unethical to some degree. I didn't ask for his cv. He inexplicably offered it. And it was misrepresented when he did.

You did ask for his "cv" by saying he hadn't done any science in ten years. Anyone who follows his career could have told you otherwise, but you were lucky enough to hear it from the man himself. Why are you surprised that your challenge was met?

And his criticism of Abbie was that she's an obnoxious troll who makes immature cracks at the expense of others. What's empty about having standards in the people you wish to share a stage with?

And so far the only apparent misrepresentation is the difference between "a" and "the," which I'd call nitpicking on the level of a pedantic troll with nothing better to do.

Ethical norms demand righting that wrong. Until he does, he is now totally aware that the lie is out there. But guess what he said in response:

That is blatantly dishonest and also blatantly manipulative. He just switched it right there and claimed my prior statement was a lie. For crying out loud. Please don't make an argument that you think this is somehow not dishonest.

Well, wait: do you know that he wasn't the keynote speaker? Do you know that no one told him he was? He closed out a section of the proceedings, so how do you know he wasn't told this was a position of import? You're just looking at the schedule and assuming. I mean, I agree that it doesn't look that way, but how do you know? Rather than asking, you accused.

I'm sorry, he isn't a hero to me and I have the right to call him out for lying and to request an apology. I didn't realize that we were going to go so deep into the suffering caused by Morton's Demon but it is interesting, don't you think?

Apologize for what? Stop pretending you were somehow injured by this. You were the one making accusations (across at least two different forums now!) about this man's character, and doing it first. So where is your apology to him for erroneously accusing him of not doing any science?

If you can read this and still stand by that, then I think we have successfully identified one of your unquestionable truths:

I in every possible way oppose every single sentiment he expresses in this speech. I am willing to tear it apart but not today. I'm starting to have difficulty taking this discussion seriously and I want to be respectful. If you would like to have some sort of information upon which to base your speculation about my positions, read the following, particularly the final two posts of the first one. Hopefully you will realize that your either or is not applicable to your speculation about me because there may be more options that the two you present as the only ones and which look about the same from my position. Science does not prove. It does not support ontological statements. It build more effective models. And I think PZ has an obviously ignorant view of the philosophy of science. I would be happy to debate him on that assertion. After, of course, he clears up the little matter of his attempt to manipulate me through innuendo and dishonesty. I will of course, drop the subject right then and there and thank him for his apology because I don't mean to do anything but try to maintain a level of honesty in discourse. No hard feelings. Still and all. I'm not inclined to allow dishonesty in argument. It makes it hard to learn.

Dishonesty such as your false accusation that PZ Myers is not a research scientist? Dishonesty such as your claim that he is acting unethically in his criticism of your dear friend Abbie? (A claim you did not bother to support with evidence, as I can see here by reading the comments section in which you attacked him)

Are you not really an atheist? Is this just some wolf in sheep's clothing routine? I can find nothing wrong with his contention that we should eliminate religion through education. I love that idea. Religion is superstition, education is the removal of superstition, hence education is the removal of religion. What's wrong with that?

Let me guess: You're not really an atheist?
Last edited:

You are some mook on the internet with an ax to grind about PZ(join the crowd, the right wing/religious hate machines are your fellow travelers)but not a one of you hold a candle to his educated opinions.

Grumpy ”
Jesus christ. This is simply amazing.

The truth often is, but I make no claim to be Jesus Christ.

You ARE a troll with an ax to grind against PZ, you ARE a fellow traveler with right wing/religious nutters and nothing you have posted shows anyhing but how tenuous your grasp of reality and reason is. And you STILL aren't a pimple on the butt of PZ Myers, intellectually.

Now, I suggest you never bring the subject up again here, but find myself hoping you will.

I noticed.

I also read the rules earlier by the way. Did I manage to just hit on the angsty tean brigade or is this thread the general quality of argument outside the science sora? I haven't strayed into this area much before and I have never encountered this level of dissonance from a small group here before.

Is material like this:

The truth often is, but I make no claim to be Jesus Christ.

You ARE a troll with an ax to grind against PZ, you ARE a fellow traveler with right wing/religious nutters and nothing you have posted shows anyhing but how tenuous your grasp of reality and reason is. And you STILL aren't a pimple on the butt of PZ Myers, intellectually.

Now, I suggest you never bring the subject up again here, but find myself hoping you will.


found anywhere else here from otherwise literate members. I feel like i discovered a new territory or something.

The rules of debate I always assumed start with considering baseless threats, whining, presenting that the only possible alternative if I don't like cheese whiz is that I must be a bank robber rapist who goes to pat Robertson's church and has a secret agenda to undermine atheism and kill santa clause. and an absolute failure to provide evidence for there assertions or simply invent my positions so they can attack the ones they think might be good were considered failures and I assumed that meant I entered the wrong division and need to move up.

I am really shocked that not one of the people who challenged me in this thread made a counter point or supported a claim with evidence. I guess this sounds pretty mean but it is just the case, Are there people here who can argue a point or is threats and attempts at character assassination pretty much the gold league here?

Some highlights:
Do you not advocate the opposition of dangerous ideas? Why should non-believers be meek in the face of tyranny?
Do you not advocate the opposition of Rape? Why do you hate America?

Well, he is respected. While he may not have been the keynote speaker at that conference, he was one of the speakers. You may not respect his anti-theistic views, but his science is not in question.
Well, since I never questioned his science teacher status nor maligned the value of what he does do, and since I didn't even ask him for the list nor did he have reason to lie other that to try to out important me for whatever reason, surely you condemn dishonesty and underhanded manipulation? and since his anti theistic views are not even something I think I care about although maybe i would if I ever got that deep, and since basically you pulled every single statement in there outta your ass, well, can you read for comprehension?

No, it's not a straw man. You argued against his credibility by assuming--whether true or not--that he hadn't done any science in ten years. You even made a point of saying that he is not a "research scientist," and as a result is somehow less credible for it.

Only if he wanted credibility as a research scientist which he has not been in over ten years so I guess I if he did then I can understand his reaction. But I can';t for the life of me imagine how he wouldn't be proud of what he does do. Also chasing grants is not a stable life very often. Every 5 years you have to pray that the NIH has funding still and that of the 10-15% of grant applications that get funded, yours will be picked again and if you happen to be researching a less popular kind of cancer in a bad year the breast cancer researchers are going to to take precedence because people value boobies over ovaries for some reason. No a university teaching job is nothing to use as an insult. Unless you don't understand what teaching means and entails. Teaching science is a challenging and rewarding enterprise and popularizing science is also not only laudible but a difficult balancing act which he manages quite well sometimes. Resisting attempts by creationists to censor education and other misdemeanors is also laudable in my book. I think you have to take a step back and ask questions when you don't know rather than assuming my positions with exactly 0 supporting facts. I have a very specific issue with PZ which I have had f=to find creative ways to communicate for various format related reasons. But I have communicated it.

That science speech though. You have to truly not understand what science is to not be horrified by it, Something is slipping there and I'd leave it alone if it weren't so damned uncomfortable to interact with people who think science proves or even warrants adopting specific ontology and you have to be told by someone you trust who should know better to believe that science replaces religion. Because even a basic understanding of science is enough to alert you that he was selling magic there and that would worry me if he stared getting disciples. Goddamn I dislike preaching. I would love to have a civil discussion with him or anyone who supports it but I have yet to encounter anyone who doesn't assume that opposing the platform means that I must be a marketing executive with no sense of duty to anyone but myself and a secret fundamentalist hindu since that is the absolutely only alternative to blind adherence to his doctrines and proclamations. Not surprising in some ways. The dissenting voices have been kicked out over the years, Not that they dont argue among themselves but the claim that they are able to truly dissent is put to the lie following elvatorgate, the great schism.

Your ignorance is not an argument and assertions are not evidence.
Well, wait: do you know that he wasn't the keynote speaker? Do you know that no one told him he was? He closed out a section of the proceedings, so how do you know he wasn't told this was a position of import? You're just looking at the schedule and assuming. I mean, I agree that it doesn't look that way, but how do you know? Rather than asking, you accused.
Is an assertion which you will find is false right here on this thread.

Right, because saying he was less of a scientist than she is not an invitation to whip it out and measure? Please. Can you explain the basis for your assumption that he was acting unethically? Or was it simply that his criticism rubbed you the wrong way and you wanted to get some blood for yourself?
She is a researcher, he is not. He felt that using his blog to denigrate her character was appropriate. He did it by comparing himself to her by suggesting that he would decline any invitation to go to a conference that she was invited to. I think that is petty and bad form. It is a legitimate question to ask if he would even be invited to the same conferences. The funny thing is that I did make an unwarranted assumption there. But it was about Abbie, not PZ. I assumed she wasn't on the invite list to New Atheist type conferences. She actually may be. I don't know. But to turn it around and try to claim credibility as a research scientist with a list of recent accomplishments when he hasn't done research for over a decade is just weird. To do it to try to minimize my value in comparison to his is something I want him to apologize to me for. That is unethical no matter who you are or what your credentials.
The question of whether I was out for blood is irrelevant but the answer is no. I am opposed to devaluing humans which is what I thought he was doing to Abbie and which is what I said in my post.

The more you guys say stupid things like this the more I am forced to type in response and since PZ did make a mistake and really kinda does need to knowledge the mistake now, the more detailed you make the simple fact that he needs to apologize to me and acknowledge the error and move on. My language on his blog is (or was since he banned me) somewhat calculated to be slightly abusive because they have this escape word called "tone troll" which means that a person objects to tone rather than content and by applying the label they consider it legitimate to dismiss any potential argument in such posts. Well, I considered it a challenge. Sure enough, they only know how to read tone. Not one response there even mentioned my actual criticism which was in the following paragraph. Whatever, I don't expect much intelligent response form the comments, especially since the game is how to dismiss people with insults rather than content there. Well, that is entertaining in its own right. But it turns out you get banned for being better at it than they are. Live and learn.

Apologize for what? Stop pretending you were somehow injured by this. You were the one making accusations (across at least two different forums now!) about this man's character, and doing it first.
This forum I made a post to illustrate the point I tried to make to Wynn. She seemed to be interested and I used it as an example. It was and is an appropriate example. I wasn't the one who called up the I'm so mad but I can;t seem to force you to shutup by challenging your claims brigade. It's pretty cheeky to challenge my claims and them blame me for responding.

I want him to apologize to me and acknowledge that even if you are angry, lying in order to delegitimize someone else is still wrong. I am very against what I see as prejudice, and I don't care how well deserved it may be some of the members of the labeled group, there is no difference between prejudice toward black or gays than toward xians or muslims. Trying to rationalize that one has been done here too but it's not valid because it isn't the quality of the beef with the people you hate that makes prejudice wrong. but I think thats a matter of discussion. Unfortunately he has lost the ability to dicuss of late, hopefully he chooses to aplogize to me and that will initiate a slightly more humble phase where disagreement doesn't get barb wire porcupines up the disagrers rectum or whatever they tell people they deserve nowadys who disagree with the canon.

Clearly you're riled up by this. You have an emotional investment. Perhaps you're friends with the person who he disparaged? You're not being rational here. Calm down. Typing in all-caps is for children, not adults.
Again, this is an irrelevant issue the all caps was desperation because nobody could seem to find my actual words so everyone had to resort to making up likely arguments to still not refute but apparently so have some filler to go around the 'how dare you malign my god posts.

I do not expect nor request apologies from any of the faithful who rose up to try to silence the, what was it, hmm i'll find it, here it is, the guy who "And you STILL aren't a pimple on the butt of PZ Myers, intellectually."

But when you realized that I am right, well, to be fair I don't know if you know that or not, but when you realized that it seemed to be getting worse rather than better, the army started threatening me and making value statements attempting to delegitimize me so that your unchangeable truth could be assuaged. So that the command dictated by a silly belief which got stuck in the wrong place and so commanded you rather that being where you could adjust it as needed and command it.

Weird power truths have, they can command us to engage in futile effort and control us if we put them in the wrong place. They can make witnessing what they proclaim as bad into unbearable suffering (well, I think I deserve a little poetic license for being such a good sport about it)

That you attempted the tactic of making my argument go away by shifting the value focus to me rather than my words is strangely the exact same thing PZ did when he realized he was in a bind, change the rules and shift the attention of the audience I guess, to whether his claim that I am a poopyhead is true or not. I try very hard to be just a few degrees less violent (I am not really into being violent anyway and besides, what does violent text look like?) and because I was definitely making a few people uncomfortable He just declared his truth to be established, banned me for being a liar, and to support the charge he linked to a post where he called me a liar. I support lying being a bannable offense btw. so I guess I have to accept that occasionally an innocent person gets convicted of a crime and this time it was me who drew the short straw. Id rather live in a world with some rules than one of pure anarchy.

First, I hope by now you are laughing at this whole mess a little bit, It is quite comedic in some ways I think but also serious and thoughtful too. It is a bizarre storyline for sure, We almost reversed all the roles here. You, played PZ but lacking mod powers. Wynn played me, getting banned, and I played talkrational, providing a running commentary which only made sense to someone who knew all the inside jokes or whatever. Well, ok. That is a painful fit. But, since this is my narrative for the time being, I wonder if you or any of the people who wanted me to stop and tried to accomplish that by posting challenges to my claims, have the ability or inclination to reflect on how it felt to have such a clusterfook with suck incompatible goals motivating totally different response patterns from what would have actually accomplished the goal. I admit, I thought for most of the time that these were actual attempts to debate my clains and it was weird confusing because I didn't know how to deal with that.

This ia a strange question but hopefully I'll br able to explain in a minute, Was there ever a moment where you considered that if you might be able to make me suffer, really me, not the text you see but they guy bumbling along on the other end, that if I could suffer just a little that you might have unloaded some small part of your burden onto me that you might have convinced the truth that demanded action that you had done all you could and that would have to do? That if perhaps If my ego were bruised I would own the responsibility for the problem in a way that you couldn't accomplish without somehow getting me to accept some shame? It would be really interesting if compulsions caused by truths held too tightly or in the wrong spot would immediately try to the same mechanisms of shame and blame through the digital interface that they do in the real world, It might shed some light on those posters who just can't seem to say hello with calling the other guy/gal some creative compound swearword and have an exchange of links without mentioning how the other guy/gal sucks I wonder, when a truth creates suffering but does not offer a solution, if there is a negotiation process for dealing with the frustration by some alternate mean, one of which being transferring the suffering as shame to the other person. Did you feel like maybe, and I'm not suggesting you were all phycho over it or anything, but do you think you might have thought to yourself at some point that if you could make even one person who was following the structured case I laid out, not who was in the same boat as you, but an unbiased observer, think I looked like an idiot, that even if I kept going, you would feel better because you had somehow satisfied your (probably unexaminable at the time since it was busy demanding results? ) truth's requirement to stop my words by instead lessening their power by reducing their value? Did it also feel like you were searching for that hotbutton phrase that could make me defensive and so give you a target to focus on? I ask that because every once in a while someone melts down kind of spectacularly, I'm sure you've seen it happen, and it seems to me like it is absolutely desperate attempt to unload the suffering bu dumping the shame into the other person's weak spot. If that is accurate, why do you suppose we need to give it to another person if it is possible to hand it off? It seems like we could work out a barter system with the occasional stuck truth which puts in those awkward places like this thread where we just say, ok, well, this suffering is because I accidentally got this truth stuck, I'll unstick it later but right now I'm going to need to set the shame down for a seconf. Snd then when you leavem conveniently forget to make it back in time to pick it back up. I mean, if we can unload them into other people is it only because we make a power balance with the one left holding the shame being weaker by virtue of the burden or could we really just put it down?

I really do work on the principle that I like to show my cards and discover where I am wrong rather than be a servant to who knows what random truth would get stuck. I think some weird stuff sometimes. But because I had no stuck truths to serve, I was free to enjoy the artistic and theatrical qualities of this whole bizarre affair where everyone seems to have tried their damndest to see if they couldnt suffer a bit for the sake of a truth that got miscategorized as an ontological reality. Another question did my demeanor confuse you? Did my confidence make it worse or no shange or did it inspire some in you? It isn't so much confidence, I'm not a super-genius or have a track record of being right more often than the next guy, it's just that I'm mostly fine with being wrong. You might notice that the actual topic of this thread is something which I have been reasonably faithfully following exactly like I told wynn I would.

If you recall, this isn't a thread about pz. Well I know that was the apparent storyline and that was everyone's stuck spot, but I was testing the conjecture I made when I first responded to her. That holding onto a truth too tightly actually causes suffering rather than provides a suggestion for alleviating it. What do you think? I'd say it definitely isn't busted anyway. At least in this small sample. And with a not so cosmic absolute truth, I'll loosley name the truth that the ephemeral notion of PZ's integrity is unquestionable because it is real or something. Interestingly, everyone who got stuck by it did try to use that truth to find ways to alleviate the suffering first. Step one, state the truth: PZ is not a liar therefore you must be the liar. Then,when that rang back as not working the next response was pretty much: Hey buddy! Don't be an asshole. Stop. But since absolute truths restrict rather than loosen degrees of freedom, that truth ultimately caused suffering because it created a need but no way to meet it. But in the end, PZ's integrity is not in much danger. He probly should acknowledge the mistake and I certainly would appreciate an apology because it was a kind of a dick move. But if his whole schtick for what maybe twenty years, has been to take the frustration of the masses of people who are getting screwed by creationists and dump it right on their damn heads, it is actually possible that he may be hypersensitive to shame now because he's dumped so much for so long that he simply doent have the mechanism opiled up to loosen his truths anymore. That would explain the weird attack squad around him and it also would make his duty as a blogger take on a quality of a mindfucking burden. That shame needs dumping. He must find more places to dump it, places to dump more, and so on. When I picked up recently on what I called hate speech, I could just as easily call if wholesale shame dumping. Can you imagine feeling responsible for dumping the shame for thousands of people? Think how critical the desire to satisfy a truth which, on a moments consideration, isn't capable of doing what it demands. You can't protect his integrity without controlling him. No one can, while acting with their own integrity, defenf the integrity of someone else if it need some body work. But if the tiniest bit of shame has taken on epic proportions in his mind, he may simply be unable to dump it by the normal means of just taking responsibility, acknowledging the mistake, making his apologies and he's absolved. But if that first step is the weight of the world I might have really messed with him which would be too bad. He becomes the boy in the basement in the Omelas.

But also, if he is getting neurotic about dumping shame only through devaluing others, then I kinda hope this inspires him to take a break, because that is exactly what is unacceptable to me and bullshit is someone out there claiming to represent science and feeding off inflicting pain on others going to go unchallenged in terms of his fitness to represent science. I can't think of a single place Carl Sagan needed to devalue anyone to communicate science.

The obvious thing is to work at loosening out truth, eh? For those of you who got stuck in the grip of such a weird and counter productive truth, not holding the truth so tightly, just saying, 'meh', would have actually solved the problem because I had no intention of bashing PZ here in this thread, other than stating the truth of the matter as an example of the type of thing I was thinking about. This huge long sort of damning expose that we have now was the result of the limited freedom and unreasonable demands which seem to quite possibly be caused by the truths themselves.


Last order on the agenda:
Okay, so you're not even an atheist. I should have known. There's nothing wrong with his speech. He's talking about riding the world religion through science. Through ideas. Why are you opposed to that? Oh, that's right, you could tear it down...but not today.

You've been figured out, friend. Take your wolf in sheep's clothing act elsewhere.
May I ask what the bleep you think you discovered there?
Please note my second post in this thread:

And what is the significance of not even an atheist. But actually you do know that this is either nonsense or wrong, right?