Atheism and blind faith

but most ancient people came to pretty much the same conclusion. that there is a high power that created us all, and he also created biengs that are above us, like demi gods, angels or lesser gods,

an afterlife for the good, and an afterlife for the bad, karmic reactions for good and bad behaviour.

its all very simular, strip down all of the bs within all religion and you are left with the same basic core.

im not giving a total reason for any of this i am just kinda saying its all very simular isnt it, and its interesting how people with no contact came to the same philosophical concept.


The similarity stems from anthropomorphism. We imagine something like outselves, but more grand. By the way, I noticed your use of "him", the masculine, when referring to a higher power. Not all cultures share this myth, and the consequences to the culture are tremendous. We tend to deify all sorts of things, places, animals, people, objects. The nature of their involvement with people is also different. The evolved role of some of these myths are to maintain social order, so they include warnings about taboo behavior. I think the differences among the world's religions, particularly if you include ancient ones, aren't minor.
Atheism requires lots of immense amounts of blind faith...
No it does not. YOU VitalOne are an Atheist. It required ZERO, ZILCH NO effort on your part to be an Atheist. Yet, you are one all the same.

There are millions of Gods both worshipped now and long forgotten for which you VitalOne lack a theistic beleif in.

Really? Do you accept the evidence for design like how if gravitational, nuclear force, electromagnetic, etc...constants were a little bit stronger or weaker how there could be no existence?
But that is not necessarily evidence of design. We are here because to conditions are right but that does not automatically mean that someone had to have made the conditions right. There could potentially be many universes with slightly different values and no one there. It could be like saying that design must have been involved because a fish was born in water and not on land.
Or how about the possibility of a soul or mind existing indpendently of the brain (which a few theories postulate)....
No we were discussing evidence. That is a possibility, not evidence. That is like me saying - do you accept the possibility that there are invisible fairies above your head as evidence for the existence for the god Pan?.

if it were true it would mean that there is an afterlife?
It certainly might if it were true. Of course if it were true that those fairies were there then Pan might be real.

If you really don't think gathering evidence is impossible then give me an example of empirical evidence that would completely falsify atheism...
You mean prove the existence of god.

It is not up to the atheists to specify the evidence but I will play along this time. God could appear at the UN, he could part one of the bigger oceans, if someone could produce some of the miracles described in the Bible that would certainly be worth investigating. He could cause amputee’s limbs to grow back. The rapture. Perhaps he could actually stop punishing starving children who have done nothing wrong! If this god exists as described in your religious texts then he is capable on many supernatural feats that simply do not happen.

No its not proving a negative.....just giving evidence of absence...
Yes proving a negative. Please look this fallacy up before replying again.
Yes this is true...if you refuse to believe it without any evidence of absence then it is faith ("belief without evidence") based by definition....
So by your definition you, and everyone else, have billions and billions of beliefs in the non existence of everything that could possibly exist (including the supernatural) but doesn’t have evidence to support it. You don’t just have one faith VitalOne you have billions and billions. This is only limited by imagination. That is absurd.

It is amazing how desperately you try to distort logic in an attempt to equate atheism with your beliefs. Even if your poorly constructed arguments hadn't already been dismantled by many members of this forum (they have) and you managed to demonstrate that atheism was a faith then what would be achieved? What if atheism was a faith? Do you think that would somehow validate your blind faith? You already have thousands of faiths that oppose yours, why would it matter if you had one more?
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The similarity stems from anthropomorphism. We imagine something like outselves, but more grand. By the way, I noticed your use of "him", the masculine, when referring to a higher power. Not all cultures share this myth, and the consequences to the culture are tremendous. We tend to deify all sorts of things, places, animals, people, objects. The nature of their involvement with people is also different. The evolved role of some of these myths are to maintain social order, so they include warnings about taboo behavior. I think the differences among the world's religions, particularly if you include ancient ones, aren't minor.

Pure speculation.

No it does not. YOU VitalOne are an Atheist. It required ZERO, ZILCH NO effort on your part to be an Atheist. Yet, you are one all the same.

There are millions of Gods both worshipped now and long forgotten for which you VitalOne lack a theistic beleif in.


But that is not necessarily evidence of design. We are here because to conditions are right but that does not automatically mean that someone had to have made the conditions right. There could potentially be many universes with slightly different values and no one there. It could be like saying that design must have been involved because a fish was born in water and not on land.
Thats what I thought you'd say...there's no convincing an atheist...
But you are saying there's many you are siding with the many-worlds interpretation? If MWI is true...then it means that the many-minds interpretation may also be true...and if that is true it means that consciousness exists independently of the mind and that there is no death...

shaman_ said:
No we were discussing evidence. That is a possibility, not evidence. That is like me saying - do you accept the possibility that there are invisible fairies above your head as evidence for the existence for the god Pan?.
What is wrong with you atheists? This is a typical discussion with an atheist, if you give them any theories supporting or anything they compare it to fairies (or Saturn turning into a banana) or something else in order to ridicule the idea.

Why don't you all compare the superstring theory or the many-worlds interpretation (which you seem to support) to fairies? I know why, it doesn't contradict your atheistic faith....your pure blind atheistic faith

As for the possibility of invisible fairies above my head...which theory in science supports this? If there are no theories in science supporting this then it's incomparable and the comparison is only made to ridicule the idea...

shaman_ said:
It certainly might if it were true. Of course if it were true that those fairies were there then Pan might be real.
Why do you compare these theories to fairies? I know why, it helps preserve your atheistic faith...

Your logic is something like this "if I believe something doesn't exist, then something else with supporting theories thats completely different, with innumerably different properties, characteristics, and attributes must also not exist"

ahahahaha man I just can't stop laughing at how far atheists will go in order to preserve their atheistic faith-based belief system...

You'll believe anything besides there being a God right?

shaman_ said:
You mean prove the existence of god.

It is not up to the atheists to specify the evidence but I will play along this time. God could appear at the UN, he could part one of the bigger oceans, if someone could produce some of the miracles described in the Bible that would certainly be worth investigating. He could cause amputee’s limbs to grow back. The rapture. Perhaps he could actually stop punishing starving children who have done nothing wrong! If this god exists as described in your religious texts then he is capable on many supernatural feats that simply do not happen.
The burden of proof thing atheists commonly use doesn't apply. It only applies to criminal court cases so that innocent victims aren't other cases like civil court cases you don't need to convince anyone beyond a reasonable doubt of anything.....

If atheism were really falsifiable you would be able to give examples of what would falsify, but you can't. Instead you give me examples of miracles and things you think would never happen (it would be like me saying "well when pigs fly I'll believe you"). This measure is used just to preserve your atheistic faith-based belief system...

Since atheism is not falsifiable then it is just like any other faith-based belief system...

shaman_ said:
Yes proving a negative. Please look this fallacy up before replying again.
So by your definition you, and everyone else, have billions and billions of beliefs in the non existence of everything that could possibly exist (including the supernatural) but doesn’t have evidence to support it. You don’t just have one faith VitalOne you have billions and billions. This is only limited by imagination. That is absurd.
Hahaha...another great laugh...

There's a great difference between proving a negative and giving evidence of absence....maybe you should go look it up. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

shaman_ said:
It is amazing how desperately you try to distort logic in an attempt to equate atheism with your beliefs. Even if your poorly constructed arguments hadn't already been dismantled by many members of this forum (they have) and you managed to demonstrate that atheism was a faith then what would be achieved? What if atheism was a faith? Do you think that would somehow validate your blind faith? You already have thousands of faiths that oppose yours, why would it matter if you had one more? distort logic? As opposed to you taking theories and saying its like fairies just to ridicule an idea? Ahahahahahaha

What's amazing is how atheists will believe anything that does not lead to there being a God or intelligent cause.....thats what you call a faith-based belief system.....
No it does not. YOU VitalOne are an Atheist. It required ZERO, ZILCH NO effort on your part to be an Atheist. Yet, you are one all the same.

There are millions of Gods both worshipped now and long forgotten for which you VitalOne lack a theistic beleif in.


Effort has absolutely nothing to do with faith....using your great atheistic faith you must have falsely come to this conclusion...

As for forgotten Gods...I am agnostic to those because I make no claims of the existence or non-existence of them....using your great atheistic faith you must have some how confused atheism with agnosticism...
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but an atheist will speak about god in a negative tone, because they think he does no exist and they dont believe in an afterlife, so are naturaly a bit touchy, because conscious beings dont like the idea of such a short life with only a void waiting for them,

Sometimes it seems that the type of athiest which gets "touchy", actually speak of God in a derogatory tone, saying things like "God is a evil murderer".
Does this type of behaviour come under the banner of "atheism"?

i myself dont believe in god, but i dont rule the idea out, i believe god could be true and an afterlife could be true, so i dont act so touchy or so happy about it, im kind of neutral, because i think thats the most logical way to be, i dont know so i wont say kinda thing.

You, and people like you, are therefore SEMI-IR-RATIONAL, period. :D
So I cannot be arsed to talk to such a retard. Go away. :D

Just kidding.

Thats what I thought you'd say...there's no convincing an atheist...
But you are saying there's many you are siding with the many-worlds interpretation? If MWI is true...then it means that the many-minds interpretation may also be true...and if that is true it means that consciousness exists independently of the mind and that there is no death...
No I did not say there were many worlds. I said that there could be. I was pointing out that the just because the universe "suits" us that does not prove that someone had to have created it. Re-read it if you did not understand my point.

What is wrong with you atheists? This is a typical discussion with an atheist, if you give them any theories supporting or anything they compare it to fairies (or Saturn turning into a banana) or something else in order to ridicule the idea.
We use analogies to help clarify a situation. It becomes a waste of time when the person you are speaking to cannot understand the analogy.

Why don't you all compare the superstring theory or the many-worlds interpretation (which you seem to support) to fairies? I know why, it doesn't contradict your atheistic faith....your pure blind atheistic faith
I don't necessarily support superstring theory or the many worlds interpretation. What is their relevance in this discussion?

As for the possibility of invisible fairies above my head...which theory in science supports this? If there are no theories in science supporting this then it's incomparable and the comparison is only made to ridicule the idea...
What scientific theory supports the existence of god/gods? Here is a hint, don't say intelligent design.

The point is that there is as much evidence for fairies as there is for the mind existing outside of the brain. Try very hard to understand this.

Why do you compare these theories to fairies? I know why, it helps preserve your atheistic faith...
The use of this analogy is something that most school children would understand. I can only assume that you refuse to comprehend things that might damage your faith.

Your logic is something like this "if I believe something doesn't exist, then something else with supporting theories thats completely different, with innumerably different properties, characteristics, and attributes must also not exist"
What supporting theories?

ahahahaha man I just can't stop laughing at how far atheists will go in order to preserve their atheistic faith-based belief system...

You'll believe anything besides there being a God right?
I will believe anything? How did you come to this conclusion?

The burden of proof thing atheists commonly use doesn't apply. It only applies to criminal court cases so that innocent victims aren't other cases like civil court cases you don't need to convince anyone beyond a reasonable doubt of anything.....
What utter nonsense. If I claim that purple elephants exist it is up to me to prove this claim. It is not up to you to be in every part of the earth at the same time to prove me wrong. I do realise that I just used an analogy and you wont understand it.

Stop asking people to prove negatives.

If atheism were really falsifiable you would be able to give examples of what would falsify, but you can't. Instead you give me examples of miracles and things you think would never happen (it would be like me saying "well when pigs fly I'll believe you").
You asked for things that might prove gods existence, I answered and you wont accept them as possible evidence!! Don't you think your god could perform these miracles? I even mentioned things that he has supposedly done before!

Don't ever accuse atheists of not accepting evidence for god again. If you do then you are dishonest.
This measure is used just to preserve your atheistic faith-based belief system...Since atheism is not falsifiable then it is just like any other faith-based belief system...
All you need to do is prove gods existence. Do you think that is impossible? You seem to.

Hahaha...another great laugh...
You realise that you are laughing at your own position now? That is your logic I was following.

There's a great difference between proving a negative and giving evidence of absence....maybe you should go look it up. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"
See elephant analogy and have someone explain it to you. distort logic? As opposed to you taking theories and saying its like fairies just to ridicule an idea? Ahahahahahaha

What's amazing is how atheists will believe anything that does not lead to there being a God or intelligent cause.....thats what you call a faith-based belief system.....
You write these posts giving the appearance of genuine discussion but you don't even read the other person's post properly. Perhaps you do have a comprehension problem and I am being unfair...
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I think that to question faith is an utterly useless excercise as faith is not an entity that is governed by questionable substance. The idea of faith can be questioned yes, as can hope. But from one perspective, the act of faith may to not be confined such an endeavor. Whereas from another perspective it may be comprised of the entire issue.

Excellent point, kind sir. Thy apprenticeship with the Gofather has served you well.

Keep up the good work.
Effort has absolutely nothing to do with faith....using your great atheistic faith you must have falsely come to this conclusion...

As for forgotten Gods...I am agnostic to those because I make no claims of the existence or non-existence of them....using your great atheistic faith you must have some how confused atheism with agnosticism...
For all but one belief we are both the same, you and I, we are agnostic atheists. While we acknowledge it is logically impossible to prove a negative (agnostic) we do lack a theistic believe (atheistic).

You see VitalOne, YOU are an Agnostic Atheist for the many millions of presently worshipped and long forgotten Gods. And it took no effort at all.

Let us share a moment as agnostic atheist brothers *smiles for a moment*

