Atheism and blind faith

This whole thread amounts to, "I know you are, but what am I?". Atheists are generally so because they are sceptical and value rationality. Such a position is not likely to produce blind faith.
Atheism is the belief that there is no God. It is not a religion. If you would call that a religion, you might as well call any and all belief a religion. For example, Jessica Alba is hot. Is that a religion?

Replace religion with faith, whatever
ad hominem....can't address the argument so just insult the person...

The point is, it's been addressed. So many times it's unbelievable. Also, that's not an ad-hominem, that directly attacks the logic of your argument by calling it utter rubbish and your own intelligence for not learning from the prior 10+ threads dedicated to stupid subjects like this.

Similarly, ad-hominems are normally based on lies or things that divert attention from the discussion. Mine focuses on it, and how stupid it's become. As well as truth regarding your own personality from what you've repeatedly displayed.
That ****** consistently use the ‘prove a negative’ angle to support their desperate beliefs, points to a desire to equate faith in sensual, conscious awareness with faith in imagination and unconscious projections.

Well then, if their reasoning holds some water then not believing in anything is a belief in itself.
Therefore I believe in unbelief.

We see here the consequences of reverse reasoning.
Whereas a healthy mind begins with no preconceived notions or prejudices, as much as this is possible when brought up by parents and in environments that affect the brain before maturity, the ill, retarded mind begins with a certainty reasoning backwards from there.

For it not accepting that there’s an elephant in the room because there is no evidence of one, is no different than accepting that there is one, even though there is no evidence for one.
Reason and emotion are thusly leveled into one and they win, by default, because their “belief” offers a reward and a certainty.

you could have said all of that in a much more simple form :) sometimes i think you try to hard. (not trying to offend just bieng honest)

an elephant in the room is not a very good comparison.

Atheism is a word that shouldn't even exist. We don't have terms to describe people who don't believe in aliens abducting us in the middle of the night shoving probes in our butts; we don't have a term to refer to those that don't believe in astrology or tarot cards; there's no term that describes people who refuse to believe Elvis is still alive or in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.

But when 87% of the American public shares the same delusion, they have to agree on what they consider a pejorative term to describe the rational thinkers -those that don't share their delusion.

If 87% of the American public believed Elvis rose from the dead and sings among us in His blue suede shoes, there would be a term -a word for those non-believers. "Anti-Kingites" or maybe "King Haters."

Atheism is merely the lack of belief. Atheists are those that, for whatever reason, don't share the delusion of religion that theists have. My daughter is an atheist -yet I challenge anyone to demonstrate how, exactly, a five-year old denies anyone's god. She hasn't the first clue about gods and the imaginary friends of Christianity.

So whether you just didn't ever buy into the delusions of religions like Christianity or if you were once a devout believer that finally used rational thinking and realized its all poppycock, an atheist doesn't refuse to believe out of "blind faith" but because there simply is no good reason to accept that supernatural and magical beings are worth believing in.
There is a word for that....its called a skeptic...

SkinWalker said:
But I'm happy that Vital One has recognized that "blind faith" is a pejorative descriptor and not something to be proud of. He just hasn't the first clue when it comes to applying it to rational thought and reasoned conclusions.

And Jeremy was right, this has been a topic beaten to death. And do you seriously think that pointing out that you're a theist that thinks you know what you're talking about is an ad hominem remark?
Jeremy is wrong....which topics address it directly in this way? None that I see...within topics atheists just say "atheism requires no faith" thats all....

Him saying its utter rubbish and I think I know what I'm talking about is clearly ad hominem because it does nothing to address the substance of the argument....I think you're an atheist who doesn't know what ad hominem is because in this instance you were blinded by your atheistic faith...
Atheism is the belief that there is no God. It is not a religion. If you would call that a religion, you might as well call any and all belief a religion. For example, Jessica Alba is hot. Is that a religion?

Replace religion with faith, whatever
Yes and any "belief without evidence" is faith....thereby making atheism a faith-based belief system....and its almost turning into a religion....

The point is, it's been addressed. So many times it's unbelievable. Also, that's not an ad-hominem, that directly attacks the logic of your argument by calling it utter rubbish and your own intelligence for not learning from the prior 10+ threads dedicated to stupid subjects like this.

Similarly, ad-hominems are normally based on lies or things that divert attention from the discussion. Mine focuses on it, and how stupid it's become. As well as truth regarding your own personality from what you've repeatedly displayed.
It hasn't been addressed in this way before (that I can see) all thats been said in other threads is atheists saying "atheism doesn't require faith" and things like that.....

Its definitely ad hominem because it perfectly fits the definition of ad hominem....instead of addressing the substance of the argument you say something like "he doesn't know what he's talking about" "this is utter rubbish", etc....
There is evidence that there isn't a God, there just isn't conclusive proof against such an elusive idea.

One point of evidence is that almost all human cultures have invented mythology of one form or another. This evidence supports the conclusion that God is a man-made concept.
NO. It is exactly not that.

The 'a' in 'atheist' means 'lack of' it is not short for 'anti' ie 'against'.

For example, symmetry, and asymmetry. Things that are asymmetrical do not propose that things that are symmetrical do not exist!

So your entire premise is based on a false understanding of the basic terms, and you have failed in your reasoning. Basically, you suck at debate.
"a" means "not" , "anti", and is a negative....

asymmetric means not symmetrical....atheism means anti-theism....

As for non-existence in the context of assymetry ofcourse it doesn't mean non-existence because "a" means "not" or "non"....this doesn't apply to the context of the word "atheism" the dictionary the word atheism means exactly what I'm saying it means....
"A" means without. So an atheist is without God. Just like everyone that isn't enlightened. The only difference is that atheists are honest about it.
"A" means without. So an atheist is without God. Just like everyone that isn't enlightened. The only difference is that atheists are honest about it.

No, take for instance the word "abiogenesis" it is Greek a-bio-genesis, "non biological origins"
There is evidence that there isn't a God, there just isn't conclusive proof against such an elusive idea.

One point of evidence is that almost all human cultures have invented mythology of one form or another. This evidence supports the conclusion that God is a man-made concept.

Well in the sameway, there is also evidence that there is a God, there just isn't absolute proof....
I have yet to hear any, but having faith means that evidence doesn't matter.
There's lots of theories putting consciousness existing outside of the brain...lots of theoreis putting all of existence coming from within you....lots of evidence for design like the problem of induction....etc.....

However this doesn't matter to an atheist...they some how "know" that it can't be true...
Vitee, I think you're beating a dead horse in order to fulfil the old "misery loves company" beat. This "atheism is faith based" is an example of theists jumping on the bandwagon of a losing battle, trying to have their cake and make us eat it too.

My two cents worth, let Vitee get it off his chest, sooner or later he'll wake up, smell the coffee and realise his bubble has burst.
Well in the sameway, there is also evidence that there is a God, there just isn't absolute proof....

Wait, didn't you start a thread saying that atheists shouldn't ask for evidence because they should know that none can be given?