Atheism and blind faith


Atheists enjoy saying "atheism requries no faith" but this statement is simply false and does not agree with any type of logic.

Atheists say that "belief without evidence" is faith...therefore since atheists "believe that God or god(s) do not exist without any evidence of absence" then atheism is nothing more than another faith-based belief me believing that many-worlds interpretation is false without giving evidence of absence......

Atheism requires lots of immense amounts of blind faith...

So now that everyone can clearly see that the statement "atheism requires no faith" is simply false we all know that the real reason atheists say that atheism requires no faith is simply because they enjoy seeing themselves as superior to everyone else (the delusional fools who believe in imaginary fantasy)
atheists will just say, yes but you cannot ask somebody to prove a negative. and since there is no proof for god they shouldent believe it exists.

trust me thats all you will get out of this debate, but the long winded version instead. and some chin stroking.

atheists will just say, yes but you cannot ask somebody to prove a negative. and since there is no proof for god they shouldent believe it exists.

trust me thats all you will get out of this debate, but the long winded version instead. and some chin stroking.

You don't have to prove a negative...just give evidence of absence....their definition of faith is "belief without evidence" so it is pure blind atheistic faith which convinces them God does not exist....

If I say that the many-worlds interpretation is false without any evidence to back it up it requires just the same amount of faith as saying that the many-worlds interpretation is true....
You don't have to prove a negative...just give evidence of absence....their definition of faith is "belief without evidence" so it is pure blind atheistic faith which convinces them God does not exist....

If I say that the many-worlds interpretation is false without any evidence to back it up it requires just the same amount of faith as saying that the many-worlds interpretation is true....

to me i can personaly see logic in that, but for many its not the case.

atheists tend to get a bit touchy when speaking about god aswell, see a theist talks about god with a happy tone, because he believe he exists, and they believe in an afterlife,

but an atheist will speak about god in a negative tone, because they think he does no exist and they dont believe in an afterlife, so are naturaly a bit touchy, because conscious beings dont like the idea of such a short life with only a void waiting for them,

i myself dont believe in god, but i dont rule the idea out, i believe god could be true and an afterlife could be true, so i dont act so touchy or so happy about it, im kind of neutral, because i think thats the most logical way to be, i dont know so i wont say kinda thing.

I may not have an airtight case against the entire notion of a diety, but there is quite alot more evidence to indicate that the specific God of the Bible is laughably implausable, to the degree that it would be absurd to believe in it. Christians are atheists with regard to Ra, or Tezacataplapetl, and the more nebulous you define God, the more it approaches a vague deism, which is pretty much identical to atheism.
Most atheists aren't saying that there definitely is no God they're saying there is no evidence for it and therefore have no reason to believe in it. (And as far as I can tell they are talking about the invisible man in the sky version of God).
I think that to question faith is an utterly useless excercise as faith is not an entity that is governed by questionable substance. The idea of faith can be questioned yes, as can hope. But from one perspective, the act of faith may to not be confined such an endeavor. Whereas from another perspective it may be comprised of the entire issue.
Atheists say that "belief without evidence" is faith...therefore since atheists "believe that God or god(s) do not exist without any evidence of absence" then atheism is nothing more than another faith-based belief system.
No, I'm pretty sure Atheists just don't believe in God. They don't say that there is no God. Stop confusing the two.
No, I'm pretty sure Atheists just don't believe in God. They don't say that there is no God. Stop confusing the two.

As an atheist I respectively disagree. I do not just deny belief in God, I deny existence of God. I do not intend that in a militant way. I do not spread an “atheist message” and few people know I am an atheist. Denying belief in God while confirming existence or possible existence is not less hostile, it is more hostile. I can confirm, deny, or refuse to judge the existence of God. Belief in God is not on my radar.

It does take some “blind faith” to be an atheist. It also takes an amount of faith to believe in gravity. It would take more faith, however, to believe in an antigravity device. It takes a teaspoon of faith, for me, to be atheist. I would need an ocean of faith to be Christian. To be a Christian, even to be of a theistic perspective, would require I deny what I know to be true. That is not going to happen.
Atheists say that "belief without evidence" is faith...therefore since atheists "believe that God or god(s) do not exist without any evidence of absence"
The majority of atheists do NOT have this belief.

However, you are right that those atheists that DO hold the belief you claim of them are basing their belief on faith.

But you continually mix all atheists in the same pot.

And it is disingenuous to do so.

Your entire beef seems to be with "Strong atheists".
The majority on this site are "Weak atheists".
...atheists "believe that God or god(s) do not exist without any evidence of absence" then atheism is nothing more than another faith-based belief system.....

If you don't understand the terms, don't start the debate. Atheism is not about claiming God does not exist. Atheism is just about not believing in God. So you have made a fallacious straw man argument, and lost before you started.
If you don't understand the terms, don't start the debate. Atheism is not about claiming God does not exist. Atheism is just about not believing in God. So you have made a fallacious straw man argument, and lost before you started.

The majority of atheists do NOT have this belief.

However, you are right that those atheists that DO hold the belief you claim of them are basing their belief on faith.

But you continually mix all atheists in the same pot.

And it is disingenuous to do so.

Your entire beef seems to be with "Strong atheists".
The majority on this site are "Weak atheists".

It seems that every time I check the Religion forum someone is explaining this to VitalOne.

No, I'm pretty sure Atheists just don't believe in God. They don't say that there is no God. Stop confusing the two.

Most atheists aren't saying that there definitely is no God they're saying there is no evidence for it and therefore have no reason to believe in it. (And as far as I can tell they are talking about the invisible man in the sky version of God).

I find this all don't know that what you're saying is illogical.

When you have a statement that says "I don't believe in [statement]" it is equivalent to saying "I believe that [statement] is not true or false"

If you say "I don't believe in God" or "I have a disbelief in God" it is the same as saying "I believe God is not true" or "I don't believe there is a God" which is the same as saying "I believe there is no God" which is the same as saying "I believe God does not exist" which is the same as saying "I believe in the non-existence of God"

It is like someone claiming that saying "I don't believe in UFOs" is not the same as saying they don't exist...its just illogical...

Basically ALL atheists are either a "de facto atheist" (who believe that there is a very low chance that God exists) or a "strong atheist" (who believe that there is a 100% chance that God does not exist) as defined by Richard Dawkins...

If you are not in these categories and are unsure of whether or not God exists then you are an agnostic...
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I find this all don't know that what you're saying is illogical.
If you fail to use terms as they are properly defined, there is little hope you will ever make coherent arguments.

When you have a statement that says "I don't believe in [statement]" it is equivalent to saying "I believe that [statement] is not true or false"

If you say "I don't believe in God" or "I have a disbelief in God" it is the same as saying "I believe God is not true" or "I don't believe there is a God" which is the same as saying "I believe there is no God" which is the same as saying "I believe God does not exist" which is the same as saying "I believe in the non-existence of God"

There are three variations of the statement being made:
(a) I have a positive belief that there is a God;
(b) I have a positive belief that there is NO God;
(c) I do not have a positive belief that there is a God - but I do not go as far as to say that I have a positive belief that there is NO God.

(a) - theist
(b) - atheist (Strong)
(c) - atheist (Weak)

If you are not in these categories and are unsure of whether or not God exists then you are an agnostic...
Go away and read what agnosticism actually means.
Most "weak atheists" are weak atheists because they are ALSO agnostic.
But Agnosticism is NOT a middle ground on the theism / atheism chart.

Please refrain from displaying your ignorance any further - it grows tiresome.
If you fail to use terms as they are properly defined, there is little hope you will ever make coherent arguments.

But you're the one who doesn't know what atheism is (by definition)

Sarkus said:
There are three variations of the statement being made:
(a) I have a positive belief that there is a God;
(b) I have a positive belief that there is NO God;
(c) I do not have a positive belief that there is a God - but I do not go as far as to say that I have a positive belief that there is NO God.

(a) - theist
(b) - atheist (Strong)
(c) - atheist (Weak)

Go away and read what agnosticism actually means.
Most "weak atheists" are weak atheists because they are ALSO agnostic.
But Agnosticism is NOT a middle ground on the theism / atheism chart.

Please refrain from displaying your ignorance any further - it grows tiresome.
If you are referring to agnostic atheism then it is just as faith-based as anything else....the claim is that "I don't know if God exists or not, but I still believe there is no God" which is faith-based because it is "belief without evidence" why believe that God does not exist if you don't know if God exists or not?

Agnostics claim that the existence of God or god(s) cannot be known...

By ignorance isn't the one that has been displayed...don't call yourself a weak atheist call yourself an agnostic
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If you say "I don't believe in God" or "I have a disbelief in God" it is the same as saying "I believe God is not true"
No, saying "I don't believe in God" means you have no belief - one way or the other.
Believing God is not true is a belief in and of itself.
No, saying "I don't believe in God" means you have no belief - one way or the other.
Believing God is not true is a belief in and of itself.

What you are talking about then is agnosticism......a lack of knowledge or any claims of isn't the same as "I don't believe in God" it is the same as "I neither believe nor disbelieve in God" it is like a person who has never heard of a concept before...they neither believe nor disbelieve the existence of the concept.....

When you say "I don't believe in God" you are already acknowledging the subject you don't believe is equivalent to "I believe God is false or not true"......

Besides atheism is defined as a belief that there is no God.....
When you say "I don't believe in God" you are already acknowledging the subject you don't believe in
Nope, we're acknowledging that that others believe. Not the same thing at all.
It's been explained an immense number of times in other threads. This is just one other thread made by yet another theist that thinks he knows what he's talking about.

Utter rubbish.
Nope, we're acknowledging that that others believe. Not the same thing at all.
You're acknowledging that you know what the subject is (that you don't believe in) is not the same as lacking any belief(s)....lacking any type of beliefs is like an ancient person's thoughts about electromagnetism......they are basically agnostic to the concept...

It's been explained an immense number of times in other threads. This is just one other thread made by yet another theist that thinks he knows what he's talking about.

Utter rubbish.
ad hominem....can't address the argument so just insult the person...