Astral projection

I do not believe astral projection is real. I was fooled into believing it once and trying it only to feel foolish when i realized none of it was true.
(Q) Is perfectly right!

It IS urgent that we all awaken, learning to astral project is but a small step in the process.

It is in the astral realm that we may find the teachings neccesary to do this...

To all who whish to learn this skill, being concious instead of asleep is the first step. This means being concious of every moment during the day. Aware of surroundings and thoughts. Later as we in sleep enter the astral realm we will be more aware of ourselves and can wake in our dreams.

My life has radicaly changed since learning how to project. So I urge, like Jesse said, that all learn this skill.

If you are interested there are free courses given on this website:
During astral projection, you are not asleep, unless you accidentally project during your dreams. It is completely possible to induce projection and be conscious on the physical and astral plane, though the physical seems more like the subconscious than objective conscious at the time.
Quite simple - fall asleep and start dreaming, it is essentially the same thing.
The only point I've ever seen is from those who profit from the gullible. AP appears to be one of the easier scams to make a buck.
The courses taught at mysticweb are completely free.

I'm not trying to advertize, I'm just trying to prove a point.

I do in no way profit materialy from speaking about the spiritual part of life.

And I can guarantee you that I don't get a perverse kick from recruiting gullible fools to mystical sects either.
The courses taught at mysticweb are completely free.

So, where does the money come from to provide the online courses and the workshops? Who pays for all this stuff?

And I can guarantee you that I don't get a perverse kick from recruiting gullible fools to mystical sects either.

Maybe not, but are you absolutely sure VM Beelzebub (great name for a cult leader) is not laughing all the way to the bank?

From what I’ve read about the instructors, they were desperately seeking something to believe in, religion, etc., when they found AP.
Of course some will try to profit from their knowledge or even their lack of knowledge. Physics books cost money too. Astral projection is easily learned for free. I wouldn't attend any classes for it.
Physics books cost money too.

True, and you can learn physics online as well, for free, I think.

But there is a difference, physics theories, as you know, has been experimentally verified while AP has not, other than verifying it is little more than a dream state.

But from a scientific point of view, tell me by what mechanism one can leave their body?
Lol this seems like an extremely stupid debate. It's very simple, all these paranormal and exotic attempts ARE for money. Just accept it. Most likely none of these phenomenons are anywhere near reality. How is it that one leaves their mind? It's not possible. You aren't a spirit, or you body for that matter you are chemical reactions that happen within the permeter of your brain. If your concious was to some how leave your mind you would die.

This is what AP is. Ap is nothing more then a very vivid dream. That's it. you think you suddenly left your body and your floating in your room, afraid it's not so. It's simply your mind acting on thoughts from your subconcious. While everything may seem real enough, and you might think you can feel things and experiance pain, you can't, all it is is your imagination, just accept it.
As for physic books coasting money. NO WAY! Really?!?! Nothing in the world is for free and some get money off of scams. Learning about physics is not a scam because this information is based on facts. Making books and creating courses for Astral Projection is nothing more than a scam to gain a quick buck. None of this AP bull is based on fact, it's only based on so called "experiances". Don't you ever wonder why psychologists and those who study brainwaves never get into such crap like astral projection? It's because there is no such thing.

Ha tell me, what else do you believe in? Witch Craft? Little energy balls that shoot out of your hand like goku from dragonball z?
Originally posted by (Q)
But there is a difference, physics theories, as you know, has been experimentally verified while AP has not, other than verifying it is little more than a dream state.

AP has been experimentally verified by me. It is possible to have a theory that can only be personally verified. If that excludes it from the realm of science, so be it.

But from a scientific point of view, tell me by what mechanism one can leave their body?

I don’t know. I don’t know the scientific mechanism behind ejaculation very well either, but it doesn’t stop me from experiencing it.

Instead of discounting AP, why not ask yourself if when thousands of people are reporting similar experiences, “simply the greatest thing that will ever happen to you” experiences, then maybe just possibly it is something worth some time checking further into. Heck, all you have to really do is relax and let go of your thoughts and desire the experience to happen. That’s not too much effort.
Originally posted by Votorx
Ha tell me, what else do you believe in? Witch Craft? Little energy balls that shoot out of your hand like goku from dragonball z?

If there’s no credible evidence then I don’t believe it. I have personal evidence that AP can be experienced. And it is a fantastic experience.