ask me a question about islam

OliverJ said:
Could you please reply to Paths post ?

I did answer his question in an earlier post as to the "smitting" of people in the Koran. As far as the beheading verse there is a story in the Koran in which a Jewish tribal leader back-stabbed the muslims during a war(they were suppose to be allies) and after they were defeated the punishment for treason for that tribal leader was execution (for treason).....peace to you
path said:
When is Al-Taqiyah to be applied?

Taqiyah. A complicated issue. It is comlpicated because no one will know the true intention of such an act except you and God.

The noun itself means "to be weary" (the best word I could come up with in english)

in Islam, VERY SIMPLY PUT, it is to protect oneself, or others, when facing two evils, by intentionally violating rules of the religion to choose the lesser of the two. For example, pork cosumption is against Islam. However, if it was to eat pork or starve to death, one can be assured that eating the pork will not doom him to hell.

You will see many use of it in terms of conflict/war, and yes, it is allowed to used if you are confroted to denounce your religion to save the lives of your family, or to be used against an enemy to gain the advatage of a situation BUT AS LONG AS IT FALLS WITHIN THE RULES OF CONFLICT/WAR.

The reason it becomes complicated is due to the fact, the person doing it may lead many to their doom by announcing to them false intentions that are not true to God. The person may himself really believe so, but then that is just a madman who managed to fool alot of people.
Knife said:
Taqiyah. A complicated issue. It is comlpicated because no one will know the true intention of such an act except you and God.

The noun itself means "to be weary" (the best word I could come up with in english)

in Islam, VERY SIMPLY PUT, it is to protect oneself, or others, when facing two evils, by intentionally violating rules of the religion to choose the lesser of the two. For example, pork cosumption is against Islam. However, if it was to eat pork or starve to death, one can be assured that eating the pork will not doom him to hell.

You will see many use of it in terms of conflict/war, and yes, it is allowed to used if you are confroted to denounce your religion to save the lives of your family, or to be used against an enemy to gain the advatage of a situation BUT AS LONG AS IT FALLS WITHIN THE RULES OF CONFLICT/WAR.

The reason it becomes complicated is due to the fact, the person doing it may lead many to their doom by announcing to them false intentions that are not true to God. The person may himself really believe so, but then that is just a madman who managed to fool alot of people.

Wouldn't you observe such a deed to be mere cowardice, to put one's mortal well-being before God? Do tell.
historian2be said:
Isn't it true that the Quoran says to "behead the infedels"?

Yes the Quran does "quote" this.

However, as usual, it is taken out of context. I am writing this even though these styles of questions tend to be of the attitude "so there! it teaches you to be butchers!!!!!!" I am a father of two and let me assure you that is not how i raise them.

I do not claim to have memorized the Quran, and cant even say that I am extremely familiar with it. but, it would help if you provide a specific verse so we could go through in context and a good analysis of its wordings and structure (as this all effects the meaning, the expanse of the language).

To start lets use the verse that Path has been so kind to provide; 8:12. This verse falls within Al-Anfal chapter. This verse touches upon the art of war. You will see the name of the chapter in some translations as "the spoils of war". I BELIEVE, this term unfair to the arabic language. only a part of the chapter actually discusses the spoils of war. other parts discuss the rules of conflict, limitations of war, clemency, treatment of prisoners, morale, etc. this chapter was revealed after the battle of badr.

enough about the chapter. the verse (8:12) itself proceeds a verse (8:11) that is confidence builder. 8:11 uses a choice of words that are meant to reassure a soldier in the battlefield that all will be alright (standard statements to soldiers by superiors). 8:12 now gets in to battle actions, by instructing soldiers what they are supposed to be doing in battle; basically (1) blows above the neck (chopping/beheading IS NOT the translation for the actual arabic verse) for an immediate kill or incapaciation. i.e. anything in the head area is a weak point, and can hit with a sword or even a blunt object ---hence the choice of the word "blow" and not "cut" or "chop". OR (2) blows to the limbs. (again, chopping fingers IS NOT the translation) here the indication is that after the head area, damaging a limb either by breaking or cutting it makes it unable for the foe to wield a weapon. the verses after it, continue with simple tactics and further reassurance.

now, there have been many texts on war and its tactics. sun tzu, carl von claustwitz, machivelli, leanrdo da vinci....and they are only the popular ones. some go into more gore than just "blows above the neck" or "beheading infedels". they are not considered as texts that encourage violence.

these simple strategic teachings, could apply to anything. self defence. corporate strategy (just read the japanese text "the book of five rings"). just as many texts in history have. but they must be looked at in context.

again, if you would to hear an opinion on other verses with the same percieved implications, i would be than happy to provide my $0.02.

spidergoat said:
If the religion is Islam, where did the word moslem come from? Why can you be a moslem but not an islamic?

islam is not actually a noun. it is the root word to "surrender". islam in its literall translation is "surrenderance", hence the person would be the "surrenderer" ......wHOA too many rrrrrrrs!!! or a "muslim"

islamic, would be something that takes an influence of islam, such as art, song, manners.

so the correction would be, you be be islamic without being the muslim, but i dont think it would work the other way round.

Enigma'07 said:
What is the single most important thing to believe. (I know there are probably many)

Enigma'07, thank you for this question. this is what it is all about.

people tend to dwell on the details and technicalities. and especially too worried about what other people are doing and saying without paying any attention to basics.

i do not want to make it complicated as i am sure muslims here will add fifty more items to be the "single" most important thing.

the single most important thing to believe is that there is a one Supreme Being. God. Allah. First Mover. and that He created everything and there is nothing parallel to Him.

i hope that answers ur question.

Enigma'07 said:
Is Allah an Arabic word, or has it been translated to English?

the allah is a compound word, comprised of "al", a prefix literally meaning "the". and illah, a word literally meaning "god". illah could mean any god. for example the word can be used in correct grammar in the following context: some christians see jesus as an illah.

combined allah, means THE God. reffering to the one Supreme Being, God, Allah, First Mover, etc.

claims that it is derived from a previous god is hilarious. it is a name derived from the Arabic language. no one has made any claims that the word didnt exist prior to islam. Mohammeds' father was named Abdullah, surely he was born before islam. arabic is very old.

GuessWho said:
What makes Mohammad the prophet of Islam?

by taking the question at face value; God made mohammed the prohet of islam.

but assuming what you are really asking, is how do we know (or why should it be believed) that mohammed is a prophet?

if we believed everyone that said they were the messiah, a prophet, god then we would really be mixed up?

for the same reason people believed moses, jesus, noah, abraham, noah. they all had signs given to them by God. moses split the seas, noah had the arc, abraham spoke to God, jesus raised the dead, mohammed had the Quran.

in the same way the people took the signs of moses to enforce his asseration as the prophet of God, and then followed him into hardships based on blind faith in God. people took the Quran which proved mohammed to be the prophet and then followed him based on blind faith in God.

§outh§tar said:
Wouldn't you observe such a deed to be mere cowardice, to put one's mortal well-being before God? Do tell.

southstar, i sense very slight sarcasm. no offense taken or intended.

anywhoo, to be a coward is not a violation of religion. "cast not yourselves with your own hands into perdi*tion", "Say whether you conceal what is in your hearts or manifest it, Allah knows it".

you choose to pick the lesser of two evils. in the case of the pork. if there is food there (yes i consider pork food, its just food that cant be eaten by muslims -- they do have other purposes but thats another story), and i intentionally not eat the food, and die. then from one perspective, it could be said i commited suicide (a very bad thing). so i choose the lesser of the two and eat just enough to survive healthly until something else comes along.

Lets create another situation. let us say an american man in Saudi Arabia is asleep in his home that houses a family of seven. a muslim lunatic with a long beard and an AK (i love the stereotype) breaks in and clearly asks the man if he is an american. now if the man, says no and comes up with a few words declaring himself a muslim or whatever, thus saving his life and his family's, i would not consider him a coward. i would actually comend the man for bravery due to keeping a cool head in a hot situation. nor would i consider him a muslim just be cause of what he may have said. and i would not consider him a sinner for telling the lie.

even in the early years of islam, the belief was to be kept secret to avoid the persecution of the person themself and their families--many of whom did not support the conversion of the family member.

now under your view, all he has to do is make sure his family is safe and then in the name of bravery and honesty can go tell the bearded man his true beliefs.

based on your question, thankfully i am not a member of your family. :D
Q25 said:
can Muslim men have sex with women before marriage?
how do you treat homosexuals?
what foods,drinks are forbiden?

no muslims are not allowed to fornicate. as sin in all heavenly religions and some earthly ones.

homosexuallity is punishable by death, should it be proved and fullfills the requirements to receive the maximum penalty of the law. but it is not that simple to actually apply the death penatly. the death penalty is the MAXIMUM sentence. the religion looks upon homosexuality as a sin. like adultery. even though some may want to do it, they should resist the temptation.

cannot drink blood or what would knowingly impair the mind (in any quantity). cannot eat pork and any creature that posses claws and canine teeth.

in addition for it being a test of faith, but all of the above rules are for social and health reasons.

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Knife said:
enough about the chapter. the verse (8:12) itself proceeds a verse (8:11) that is confidence builder. 8:11 uses a choice of words that are meant to reassure a soldier in the battlefield that all will be alright (standard statements to soldiers by superiors). 8:12 now gets in to battle actions, by instructing soldiers what they are supposed to be doing in battle; basically (1) blows above the neck (chopping/beheading IS NOT the translation for the actual arabic verse) for an immediate kill or incapaciation. i.e. anything in the head area is a weak point, and can hit with a sword or even a blunt object ---hence the choice of the word "blow" and not "cut" or "chop". OR (2) blows to the limbs. (again, chopping fingers IS NOT the translation) here the indication is that after the head area, damaging a limb either by breaking or cutting it makes it unable for the foe to wield a weapon. the verses after it, continue with simple tactics and further reassurance.

Well if you look at the context of smite here heads and fingers you see it is used as chop off.

YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
PICKTHAL: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
SHAKIR: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them

I find it somewhat puzzling that god is supposedly creating a book to be used as a guide for all time yet according to many muslims what he is saying here is relating to specific events and specific peoples at the time the quran was written. None the less my point stands it is in the quran and can obviously be (based on current events) interpreted differently than you or surrenderer interpret it. Which I see as the inherent danger in religion (not just islam).
path said:
I find it somewhat puzzling that god is supposedly creating a book to be used as a guide for all time yet according to many muslims what he is saying here is relating to specific events and specific peoples at the time the quran was written.

I think Knife didn't say that. The above verses where given to mankind at a battle. The battle of Badr. And their first explanation is that in th light of the battle. But they have a more durable charachter. They apply for the battles of Muslims. So they would apply for a Battle in the time of the Prophet -peace be upon him- and on one in the time of Saladdin and in one even now. Now the verses don't apply for every battle because Allah would not help those who are wrong in their misdeeds. For that, Path, you need to do some research into warfare rulse in Islam. And if you were geniunely committed to truth and reason. You will not do that at websites refuting Islam, Because everything there is pre-cooked for you to keep saying:" see how Muslims/theists are wrong, Backward, savage....etc" (you know the drill).

path said:
None the less my point stands it is in the quran and can obviously be (based on current events) interpreted differently than you or surrenderer interpret it. Which I see as the inherent danger in religion (not just islam).

The Quran is not the bible. It doesn't have multiple versions and you cannot cherrypick what you need. In order to undersand the system of Islam you should make work of its research and not simply say:"look it says: "......................................smite ye above their necks ..........................................." how evil!!!"

Furthermore, I shalll give you a saying of the first Khalifah of the prophet -peace be upon him-, Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him. In his first speech as a ruler of the Muslims he said:" Whenever a people abandon jihad (warfare in this case) they shall be humilized." That doesn't mean you should keep fighting all the time. It is the same as what machiavelli wrote in "the art of war". He said that whenever princes abondonned warfare they were sson invaded and conquered as was the case with Philipe of Macedone, the father of Alexander the great. It is wisdom. Compare it to how the E.U. is not fighting any war and still has her armies ready, well trained and well equipped.

It is in the greateness of this religion that it is not simplistic, that it covers all circumstances and contengencies and doesn't rely on one single motto.

Btw, the prisonners of Badr could buy their freedom. For example he that thought a certain number of Muslims to read and write was let go.
Knife said:
i do not want to make it complicated as i am sure muslims here will add fifty more items to be the "single" most important thing.

the single most important thing to believe is that there is a one Supreme Being. God. Allah. First Mover. and that He created everything and there is nothing parallel to Him.

Assalaamu 3alayka.

Welcome to sciforums.
It is nice to meet a well read brother. (First Mover, Aristotle, Ibn Rushd)

And No, that is it. That is the single most important thing, no contest.

One God.

Wa 3layka ssalaam.

YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
PICKTHAL: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
SHAKIR: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them

The verse you quote was said to be revealed just before (or during ) the badr war - first war of the muslims. They were just 1/3rd of their meccan enimies. Md. was anxicious about the very survival of islam and the verse came as encouragement.

YUSUFALI : ... I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers : smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.
PICKTHAL : ..I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
SHAKIR: .. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Note the apparent, minor(?) differnce in the translations.

These words supposedly told by Allah in first person, besides encouragement, MIGHT mean cutting off the HEAD (Leadership of the Meccan Army) down to the finger-tips, the last foot soldiers of them (Meccan Army). In short it could be about the total rout of the enemy army (That was what happened in that war). Allah did not give this as a standing instruction/assurance because the second war was a bare escape for the muslims (interestingly Allah did not repeat that assurance during this war).

I am not sure how muslim friends here take this explanation, but every islamic terror-jihadist out there to terrorize takes this verse as a literal license.
Bruce Wayne said:
I think Knife didn't say that. The above verses where given to mankind at a battle. The battle of Badr. And their first explanation is that in th light of the battle. But they have a more durable charachter. They apply for the battles of Muslims. So they would apply for a Battle in the time of the Prophet -peace be upon him- and on one in the time of Saladdin and in one even now.

So by your own admission this is relevant today and could under the proper circumstances justify beheading.

Now the verses don't apply for every battle because Allah would not help those who are wrong in their misdeeds. For that, Path, you need to do some research into warfare rulse in Islam. And if you were geniunely committed to truth and reason. You will not do that at websites refuting Islam, Because everything there is pre-cooked for you to keep saying:" see how Muslims/theists are wrong, Backward, savage....etc" (you know the drill).

I am not out to cut anyone's head off here since I am not muslim that verse has no importance to me whatsoever apart from how it can be interpreted as divine instructions for decapitating non-moslems (since I fall into that group). I quoted USC's quran when I quote an anti-islamic site please tell me.

The Quran is not the bible. It doesn't have multiple versions and you cannot cherrypick what you need. In order to undersand the system of Islam you should make work of its research and not simply say:"look it says: "......................................smite ye above their necks ..........................................." how evil!!!"

As I said before the problem is not with me since I am not using this as a guide. Obviously some muslims do cherry pick since they do things which you say are wrong

Furthermore, I shalll give you a saying of the first Khalifah of the prophet -peace be upon him-, Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him. In his first speech as a ruler of the Muslims he said:" Whenever a people abandon jihad (warfare in this case) they shall be humilized." That doesn't mean you should keep fighting all the time. It is the same as what machiavelli wrote in "the art of war". He said that whenever princes abondonned warfare they were sson invaded and conquered as was the case with Philipe of Macedone, the father of Alexander the great. It is wisdom. Compare it to how the E.U. is not fighting any war and still has her armies ready, well trained and well equipped.

Please tell me you understand the difference between having a standing army and conducting a war.

It is in the greateness of this religion that it is not simplistic, that it covers all circumstances and contengencies and doesn't rely on one single motto.

That is a matter of opinion ;)

Btw, the prisonners of Badr could buy their freedom. For example he that thought a certain number of Muslims to read and write was let go.

So some booty was acquired from all prisoners either they bought themselves or were sold :cool:
everneo said:
I am not sure how muslim friends here take this explanation, but every islamic terror-jihadist out there to terrorize takes this verse as a literal license.

path said:
So by your own admission this is relevant today...

Always, the Qur'an is always relevant.

path said:
and could under the proper circumstances justify beheading.

Now you are playing with words. Do you mean stiking on/at the head in a battle of swords or the murder of men that are not fighting the Muslims. If you mean the second that no. It cannot be used to justify beheading.

path said:
I am not out to cut anyone's head off here since I am not muslim that verse has no importance to me...

I never claimed that so this info is irrelevant to me.

path said:
whatsoever apart from how it can be interpreted as divine instructions for decapitating non-moslems (since I fall into that group). I quoted USC's quran when I quote an anti-islamic site please tell me.

The quote is "correct" but what I advised you is, if you want to really know the truth and not simply confirm your prejudice by finding pre-kooked, cut and paste quotations from sites committed agains Islam, what I advice you is to go to Muslim scholar sources and learn from them how they handle that material. If you wanted to know how the Pakistani thought and handled in their wars with the Indians you should not ask the Indians about it while they still believe they are at war with the Pakistani.

path said:
As I said before the problem is not with me since I am not using this as a guide. Obviously some muslims do cherry pick since they do things which you say are wrong

I was reffering to how you try and "learn" about the subject.

path said:
Please tell me you understand the difference between having a standing army and conducting a war.

I do. And that great man -may allah be please with him- does too.

path said:
That is a matter of opinion ;)

Not as much as you might think.

path said:
So some booty was acquired from all prisoners either they bought themselves or were sold :cool:

Their throats were not slit. ;)

May you find peace and may it find you.
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everneo said:
(interestingly Allah did not repeat that assurance during this war).

I suggest you read about that battle. If you had done that, you would have now that te Muslims broke the more numerous Quraish (if memory serves) five or six times. And then some of the Muslims eager for the spoils did not obey the command of the prophet -peace be upon him- and left their posts exposing the rear of the army. The Muslims let themselves down by not being obedient to the words of the Prophet -peace be upon him. God layed victory in their hands but out of His Wisdom and to teach them a lesson denied it to them. The lesson: "Obey the prophet -peace be upon him.

everneo said:
I am not sure how muslim friends here take this explanation, but every islamic terror-jihadist out there to terrorize takes this verse as a literal license.

No. You imagine they do. You want or are pressed to belive that. Not one of them does. And even if they did, then they would be wrong because they would be doing something that Allah told them not to do.

I did a search and learned that Quran is a book. Did Mohammad write this book and the book is really what Islam is based on?
GuessWho said:
I did a search and learned that Quran is a book. Did Mohammad write this book and the book is really what Islam is based on?

yes, the Quran is a book. It is the compilation of all the revelations that were revealed to Mohammed by God. some people consider it (as i do) a guide or manual to life, rather than a muslim bible. but sadly, in my opinion they are few.

many consider it a book to be taken at face value, and to me this is not befitting for such a book. in my opinion, any one who thinks that there is nothing in it, that requires time, study and reflection while being honest with oneself, is a throwing away alot of knowledge.

i actually added quite a bit to this response, but i drifted off topic and deleted.

i hope that answers your question.
