ask me a question about islam

Bruce Wayne said:
So if there is nothing to argue about you resort to "namecalling"... quite the mature thing to do.
namecalling ? what is this now ?
I take soul searching to think it over. Soul searching could lead both ways in this instance and is thus irrelevant.
The advantage of soul-searching is it shows where we are stuck up.

I intentionnaly called you son of Adam in order to highlight that you and I ultimately have one father, i.e; that we are all human brothers. Too bad it was wasted on you. Also do note that I did not say I pitied you. I said I thought it was a pity, i.e; too bad. :(
I know, i know. I was just joking. I have a feeling that the whole creation process including Adam&Eve as depicted in bible could be metaphors.

Again, may peace be upon you too.
Knife said:
new here, go ahead!.......make my day!
Is Mohammad in heaven or hell?
And how can you tell?

Mohammad praying for forgiveness, superstitious beliefs
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 1, no. 19
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 1, no. 144
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 1, no. 711
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 2, no. 144
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 2, no. 167
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 7, no. 636
hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 8, no. 319

Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
"The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari"
(Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979)
Bruce Wayne said:
There are sects that claim to be Muslims. These say that God and creation are one. I believe that sufi has made clear that he is one of these. Now i wouldn't be surprised that these people try to emulate God or contend that they are Godly. (Many people join for this reason, they like to believe that they are Godly and that they don't have to do anything to be in God' grace). Muslims however, per definition, don't think of emulating Allah. They try to emulate, as they have been told, the prophet -peace be upon him. They can go beyond him. No Muslim thinks he is better than Muhammad -peace be upon him. It would be absurd if someone contended that they try to emulate their Creator.

The worst of bans for a human that blinds him from seeing the truth is his approach with prejudice.

--Taken from the book --Dua and Zhikr
Is allah a singularity god or a oneness like sufi claims? Why is there so much interpretation of god's words when it should be clear and distinct and nothing left to the imagination? When there is so much that you can't explain or understand in the koran why is there still belief in it?
Everyone is prejusticed to the truth...someone else's truth. Muslims are prejusticed to the bible and christians are prejusticed to the koran. At least atheists and agnostics are holding out for proof (other than just words) before they will believe in god. That seems more of a purer, more honest form of belief system.
mario said:
Is allah a singularity god or a oneness like sufi claims? Why is there so much interpretation of god's words when it should be clear and distinct and nothing left to the imagination? When there is so much that you can't explain or understand in the koran why is there still belief in it?

We may understand it from the basic principle of Islam: "there is no god (la ilaha), only Allah (illa Allah)". Though, this is often mistranslated as "there is no god but God"....

Everyone is prejusticed to the truth...someone else's truth. Muslims are prejusticed to the bible and christians are prejusticed to the koran. At least atheists and agnostics are holding out for proof (other than just words) before they will believe in god. That seems more of a purer, more honest form of belief system.

God does not need to be believed. God is not in debt to explain himself to people. These are peoples' expectations based on imaginations. Simply, there is no god.

However, there is "Allah" that we need to know and believe in. The Koran and other prophets' teachings are not in need of being understood. It is not their problems but is our problem. To evaluate our lifetimes best we need to understand what is referreed to as Allah. All the prophets have confirmed each other and helped us undertand these realities. If we end our lifetimes without knowing the realities about us, the system of life, etc, we are going the face the result of our ignorance. (not a punishment to be given by a god out there.)

Most of your questions will be answered if you read "Mohammed's Allah".
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Sufi said:

God does not need to be believed. God is not in debt to explain himself to people. These are peoples' expectations based on imaginations. Simply, there is no god.

However, there is "Allah" that we need to know and believe in. The Koran and other prophets' teachings are not in need of being understood.

Huh? are you saying that "allah" is a concept that we need not understand?

God wanted to be understood, that's why there is the Bible, search yourself for the truth. Jesus said, "I am the the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me". John 14:6 (Gospel of John chapter 14: verse 6) He who has an ear, let him hear
Hello Everyone,

The false prophet Muhammad did not accept the testimony of Jesus to be TRUE.

The false prophet Muhammad did NOT believe that Jesus was granted ALL POWER and AUTHORITY in heaven, and on the earth, Jesus said, "ALL POWER is given unto ME in heaven and in earth" (Matthew 28:18). --- "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MY WORDS shall not pass away." -(Matt 24:35)

ANYONE that claims to be a prophet and does not believe that Jesus has been granted the position/office of THE ALMIGHTY from his FATHER, is a false prophet. Also the followers of these false prophets are DECEIVED.

Jesus, the speaker I, introduced himself to John saying, "I am Alpha and Omega ---" - (Rev.1:8) --- "Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore ---"

The false prophet Muhammad did NOT believe these WORDS of Jesus, and the followers believe the same as Muhammad. Because of this Muhammad did NOT believe that Jesus was the TRUE PROPHET who overcame, and was granted ALL POWER and AUTHORITY in heaven, and on the earth.

Peace be with you, Paul