Arguments for the soul's existence...

You changed the subject to murder, to satisfy Godwin's law, by using Hitler as an example. Why did you feel this was necessary?
I feel like saying something derogatory, but I will refrain.
I'll instead give you another scenario, to try to get you to understand the point. Al Capone sent his cohorts out to steal for him, does that make him, any less a thief than they. That was the point.
Your original claim was that Jeus had not been in town to see the colt or talk to the owners.
This is what the scriptures says it's no claim of mine, it's how it reads.
Yet Jesus knew there was a certain colt that had never been ridden before and the disciples could find it in a certain place. Jesus did not ask for just any horse. There was only one that would do. So you tell me how he knew about it.
I don't know, but I not going to assume, anything else, that would be foolish, the facts remain the owners according to the scripture were asking why the colt was being stolen. how jesus got the information is not for you or me to assume, we can only go by what is written, we should not extrapolate, and add to it.
Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield in such a way that it had a happy ending, he could have wrote it with a sad ending but he didn't. we can only read it, the way it is written.
The book of proverbs is a look through the human character eyepiece, the same way Confucious does it. Are you telling me that nothing Confucious ever said regarding human nature has any value? Are you telling me likewise about proverbs?
all books have some moral value, but that is no reason to base your life on them.
Hamlet by Shakespeare is a book of fiction, hence it would be irrational and unintelligent to go to a Shakespeare play this line of reasoning just sounds kind of kookie.
No why! it's called entertainment, that's what fiction is written for.
MISTY said:
Sadly you are a victim of the mind virus, and as such have no control, of what you might do, you have the potential to be a killer because of your illness, it's not your fault, you just need to be cured before you, do any harm, your literally a walking time bomb. And yes we all have a similar potential, but yours is made a thousand times worse because of the mind virus.
I think anybody is capable of murder
I've bolded and blue what you seem to have a problem reading.
MISTY said:
I've tried to explain on several occasions that I hold religion up as evil not it adherents, you are just a victim. Hence why I am a humanist, people come first, I don't follow fantasies.
and they will rationalize it -- take abortion for example. and like Jesus said, if you think ill toward someone you are already a murderer.
Again bolded and blued.
I haven't aborted anyone, and I don't approve of it. Do you?
I think you do follow a fantasy. You think your view comes from a position of more knowledge and it doesn't. You have no more knowledge than anyone else.
Never once said I had, now did I. My point of view merely comes from having a clear and critical mind. I don't take things on board, without solid evidence. There lies the difference.
If something works to make somebody a lot healthier, happier, and live longer, do you consider it irrational?
If that very thing that makes them healthier, happier, and live longer, causes them to abuse, kill, etc then yes I do.
I think that would be irrational.
I don't.
If so, then why do you keep bringing up that "Jesus did not exist" when nobody is debating that point? For some reason you keep doing this.
Strawman: I don't, you however have for the last few posts, All I've stated is that the bible is a book of fiction.
as i've implied before, there is no real difference between alive, not alive, and dead. if you can tell me what the difference is without straying into the supernatural or being arbitrary, i'd like to hear it.

You are asking for the impossible. There is no acceptance for any of what is not already proven by science, on this entire board there is none. Or should I say what is not accepted by science....

There is no way that I can mannage to say, "There is a soul. You're being abritary." Without you running away thinking I'm a fool or a moron out to body snatch you.

Your very dismissal of any of the possibilities of such things are total mockery BS, there is plenty of difference in being alive not alive and dead if there is a difference to those things other than your own BS context lixluke.

Straying into how people work would allow you to have a more open understanding. You know, like a

[QQ would probably enjoy this immenesly]
Psychologistician : (link)
A person who controls how and where information is present in the brain. Like a Psychologist but rather specializes in controlling the inner workings of the brain. Works in the profession of Psychologistics. Common tactics include reverse psychology, hypnotism, and cranial abuse"Often in cases the reptillian complex will overtake the limbic system, and abuse it physically, emotionally, sexually, mentally... the neocrotex stands idly by of course, not daring to interfere are the risk of being injured," says Dr. Max McRage, a leading member of the Worldwide Society of Psychologisticians.
My brain has been hurting ever since I went to my psychologistician...I wonder why Dr. McRage refused to comment on where he obtained his PhD.

Would refer to certain aspects of self as referenced to nature. Relying on science is always philosophys and religions most drastic downfall lixluke you know this more than others do.

Of course though the soul is only evidenced by death and afterlife completely reverse to your claims lixluke. Of course though the soul is only evidenced by how death and the afterlife are not proven lixluke.
Your entire debate and discussion is irrelevant to any of the points considered so I have no reason to continue discussion with you and your ignorance/arragance.
Your very dismissal of any of the possibilities of such things are total mockery BS, there is plenty of difference in being alive not alive and dead if there is a difference to those things other than your own BS context lixluke.
like abut 2 lbs I think or was it 2 kilos....hmmmm can't remember....:)
Would refer to certain aspects of self as referenced to nature. Relying on science is always philosophys and religions most drastic downfall lixluke you know this more than others do.

Yes philosohy has always led the way for science. It is in the ability to formulate ideas and concepts that are pointed towards greater truths with open mindedness and blunt frankness that alllows mankind to escape the necesssary pragmatic demands for evidence and proofs of science yet to be established.
To dare to say: Light does not travel as supposedly proved, is what philosophy can allow.

It allows us to stretch the boundary and keep us all from falling into a trap of self deception [ arrogantly saying : ah ha we have all the answers that are there to be had]

Philosophy says other wise...and keeps you boffins from getting too stuck in your own egos.
Psychologistician : (link)
A person who controls how and where information is present in the brain. Like a Psychologist but rather specializes in controlling the inner workings of the brain. Works in the profession of Psychologistics. Common tactics include reverse psychology, hypnotism, and cranial abuse"Often in cases the reptillian complex will overtake the limbic system, and abuse it physically, emotionally, sexually, mentally... the neocrotex stands idly by of course, not daring to interfere are the risk of being injured," says Dr. Max McRage, a leading member of the Worldwide Society of Psychologisticians.
My brain has been hurting ever since I went to my psychologistician...I wonder why Dr. McRage refused to comment on where he obtained his PhD.

sounds a bit like cranal proctology!:)
It could be said I guess that:
philosophy screws around with the mind and science uses the mind to screw around with philosophy.:D
Either way it's a mind....****.... anyways!:)
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I don't know, but I not going to assume, anything else, that would be foolish, the facts remain the owners according to the scripture were asking why the colt was being stolen. how jesus got the information is not for you or me to assume, we can only go by what is written, we should not extrapolate, and add to it.

Yet you extrapolated when you said the owners were too shocked to say anything when the disciples told them "the Lord has need of the colt." If the Lord in this play is God as the same scriptures said, then the colt belonged to him anyway didn't it? I think the owners believed this (assuming this is a play), as did the all people that threw down palm branches before him saying "Hosanna in the highest." The play intended Christ to be a hero not a crook... If Jesus was God in the play, then nobody had to explain to God about the colt. This is a play .... remember? Is the concept too much for you?

all books have some moral value, but that is no reason to base your life on them.

Moral value is learned, but you see no reason to base your life on moral values that you learn -- that's what I take away from this conversation.

No why! it's called entertainment, that's what fiction is written for.

So there is a need for entertainment isn't there?

I've bolded and blue what you seem to have a problem reading.Again bolded and blued.No. Never once said I had, now did I. My point of view merely comes from having a clear and critical mind.

You think you aren't biased, but I don't agree.

I don't take things on board, without solid evidence. There lies the difference.If that very thing that makes them healthier, happier, and live longer, causes them to abuse, kill, etc then yes I do.

Speaking of solid evidence, there are more than 40 million aborted babies in the USA. Christianity doesn't cause people to abort babies. Abortion alone, trumps all other causes of murder combined.

All I've stated is that the bible is a book of fiction.

Wait a minute -- you are an atheist -- everybody knows this -- and you feel like you need to say it yet again?

If that's all you have to say, then you're a waste of time. bump. ignore.
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It must be some secret language you want to talk? Quantum, isn't very secrective.

lmao. You don't understand my last few posts?

Today 06:42 PM
sisyphus__ Well.... lixluke/wizard?
davewhite04 Sounds confusing dear, Quantum Quack is actually a great philosopher

What do you mean secret language?

You have no idea...

He was responding to my post I think if thats what you mean.
Today 06:47 PM
davewhite04 Sounds confusing dear, Quantum Quack is actually a great philosopher

Is this confusing you?
What is confusing you?
Who was you responding to other than me? This is the defination of what I hate.

davewhite04 It must be some secret language you want to talk? Quantum, isn't very secrective.
Today 06:48 PM
sisyphus__ You have no idea...

He was responding to my post I think if thats what you mean.

Sry btw im a bit distraught.