Arguement from EVIL

It is not that I am qualifying any perfection regarding God, but i am qualifying that the description of God is in all scriptures, that is a fact.

But the description varies geatly. So who's right, if anyone?


According to most of them you'll go to hell if you're not a member of it right?

An example?

See what i meant about answering a question with a question? I'm sure you understand the meaning of wes' question.... can't you just answer it? A simple yes, no or maybe would probably have sufficed :)
Don't blind yourself with your problems with religion Snakelord. It has been a convenient scapegoat until now, but sometime you will have to come out from under that convenient shelter.

You have to either admit there is a God or there isn't - could be is not good enough - since it means you want God to come down to you and "prove himself", and that you don't believe He might already have done that. God would not let people have to believe in Him based on myths, or even truths - He gives us knowledge, experience and wisdom, so that we can talk about Him.

How exactly do the descriptions of God vary, any more than the descriptions of any one person would vary?

If a religion says you are going to hell if you don't belong to them, stay away. If a religion says God will know if you don't belong to Him, well... it's up to God then isn't it? No person or group can send you to hell - nobody has that authority.

I think God stays rationally "elusive" to you because you refuse to anything that has any bearing on Him. If an angel came down to you and told you God exists, you would believe in angels but still doubt God's existence. Do you really expect God to personally come down and convince everyone on earth that they have no choice but to believe in Him? If you weren't given a choice, would believe? Would you even want to, since who wants to serve a God who gives you no choice?

If I understand things at all, this is exactly the kind of split which will happen when Jesus returns. OK, this is theology, so I don't expect you to relate at all. Some people will feel compelled to oppose him (based on their knowledge or lack of knowledge of "God"), and others will follow him naturally.
Originally posted by Jenyar

You have to either admit there is a God or there isn't - could be is not good enough - since it means you want God to come down to you and "prove himself", and that you don't believe He might already have done that. God would not let people have to believe in Him based on myths, or even truths - He gives us knowledge, experience and wisdom, so that we can talk about Him.

Jenyar is right. Wanting to see god to really believe is the same as Atheism, It's like asking for death right away. It's not possible. If god wanted to show himself to us in bright light, then all respite would end, and judgement time would be here. God hides behind a veil when dealing with humans....Some of us have lighter veils than others. Jesus and all the prophets had a very light veil, still couldn't see god's face. For some it's more comfortable to stay in darkness, because that justifies the type of life that they love so much.
Don't blind yourself with your problems with religion Snakelord. It has been a convenient scapegoat until now, but sometime you will have to come out from under that convenient shelter.

I'm far from blind. My only problem with religion is the faithful acceptance without proof. There's thousands upon thousands of religions.... Everyone is in the happy position of being right- their truth is the truth. Everyone has a scapegoat... It's called 'faith', 'belief'. I am in a bizarrely annoying position where blind faith isn't good enough. I require facts and proof.. sue me.

Convenient shelter? Think about your own position.

You have to either admit there is a God or there isn't

No i don't. If i stole a bread loaf from the shop i could admit that or not because i know the truth of the matter. I am not as presumptuous to say 'i know the truth' when i don't, and as such do not have the position to admit to anything.

could be is not good enough

Well i prefer 'might or might not'. That good enough?

since it means you want God to come down to you and "prove himself"

No no, God can do whatever he wants to do... it really doesn't affect me in the slightest. But it is paramount to truth.

God would not let people have to believe in Him based on myths, or even truths - He gives us knowledge, experience and wisdom, so that we can talk about Him.

And thus some just accept on faith, but some of us require more. I do require more..... I guess it aint my fault though, i'm just human.

How exactly do the descriptions of God vary, any more than the descriptions of any one person would vary?

Seek and ye shall find. But the descriptions of God vary to such extreme degree it leaves questions that we must ask. One description states god as an invisible entity, another description states god as non existant. How much more diverse than that can it get?

If a religion says you are going to hell if you don't belong to them, stay away. If a religion says God will know if you don't belong to Him, well... it's up to God then isn't it? No person or group can send you to hell - nobody has that authority.

And if there is no god? Thus begins the problem....

I think God stays rationally "elusive" to you because you refuse to anything that has any bearing on Him.

I dont refuse, i debate. My human mind considers that important. It considers the need for truth as paramount. You think god stays... I don't want to accept a life of 'think', i want to be able to answer the questions. It's an impossibly high aim i understand that, but i can't just accept, i can't do it any other way than to find the facts.

If an angel came down to you and told you God exists, you would believe in angels but still doubt God's existence. Do you really expect God to personally come down and convince everyone on earth that they have no choice but to believe in Him?

Guess so.. But.... saying 'have no choice but to believe in him' is faulty in its approach. You see... if i knew for fact he was there i wouldn't 'believe' anything i'd know. Thus i wouldn't have a problem with the whole thing cause i'd know the facts. I'd then wanna sit down with him over lunch and ask how he came to be, why he made us, if he made anyone else and so on. Until that time it's all 'mights or might nots'.

If I understand things at all, this is exactly the kind of split which will happen when Jesus returns.

You sound positive he will. Is that absolute undeniable fact? oops... there's my exact problem.

OK, this is theology, so I don't expect you to relate at all.

ya got me there... :bugeye:

Some people will feel compelled to oppose him

Oppose? Or maybe some people dont see the need to just throw blind faith into something that might not be true. It's always an open possibility, same as everything else, but it is nothing more than that.

(based on their knowledge or lack of knowledge of "God")

......... It's supposition, not knowledge.
As an extra.....

Why do people fall from faith? I know a girl who has been an extremely devoted Christian her entire life. There was absolutely no doubt to anything and she would have claimed to have known the truth as much as any devout believer.

Now she says otherwise.....

Why would someone do that?

Don't try plam it off as 'false christian' or some other highly obnoxious statement to protect your faith.

Like i said..... she was as religious as they come.

If i was to find a fact.... For instance: I have 2 feet. There is absolutely no chance i'd sit down one day and think otherwise.

Thus i concur: none of this is fact- as such you just accept. I for the millionth time- cannot just 'accept'.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
I'm far from blind. My only problem with religion is the faithful acceptance without proof. There's thousands upon thousands of religions.... Everyone is in the happy position of being right- their truth is the truth. Everyone has a scapegoat... It's called 'faith', 'belief'. I am in a bizarrely annoying position where blind faith isn't good enough. I require facts and proof.. sue me.

Convenient shelter? Think about your own position.

SnakeLord, just for the sake of discussion, can you mention to me some proofs that will be viewed as satisfactory to you in believing that you and the universe were created by one creator that we call god. Now imagine yourself as a 0.000001mm bacteria that is deaf blind cell....What do you exactly wanna the bacteria to see to convince it that humans exist, and on the same notion, what do you want to see to convince you that god exist.
well..... He could sit down with me and have lunch, (i hear he likes roast lamb).

Aside from that i guess i can just find out the truth when i die and god greets me with open arms and love in his heart. I would cry, knowing i had finally found my long lost daddy and as we walked off into the eternal sunset together the Home and Away tune would play in the background, (Harp version- rev 1.2). Satan could play a mighty fine rendition of Robert Johnsons 'Hell hounds on my trail', Jesus could perform tricks to please the audience and we'd all be eternally happy.
I was hoping you stay serious in the discussion, but I guess, you already have a preconceived idea of religion that you think is right and is too lazy to really think about religion in any serious educated manner.

By the way, god is not a human and he doesn't sit with people to sip coffee and have lunch. Seeing him, would make you piss in your pants and disintegrate into nothingness. Not every soul is fit to see god.
I was hoping you stay serious in the discussion, but I guess, you already have a preconceived idea of religion that you think is right and is too lazy to really think about religion in any serious educated manner.

I was being serious. What would you like me to have said? Ok, i said it in humorous manner but i don't know what else you could want from me... I need proof. A feeling in my heart or a voice in my head is not proof to anything.

Michael Chrichton, The guy who wrote Jurassic Park, once had a tree speak to him. He wanted to hear the tree and it spoke. Want is irrelevant dont you think? It's all people say around here day in, day out. You must want..... That's very flimsy in my opinion. Did Michael Crichton hear a tree? hear the christian god? Hear his own mind? Is he delusional? Insane? Well?

By the way, god is not a human and he doesn't sit with people to sip coffee and have lunch.

How do you know? What about Jesus? Surely then the 'new age' Jesus could come and have coffee with me at the very least?

Seeing him, would make you piss in your pants and disintegrate into nothingness.

How do you know?

Not every soul is fit to see god

How do you know?

In summary:

There are several questions for you to now ponder--- 3 'How do you know's and is Michael Chrichton mad?

But it sounds very much to me like you have a 'preconceived idea of religion that you think is right'. A belief in something that nobody else can debate because you say it's true.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
But it sounds very much to me like you have a 'preconceived idea of religion that you think is right'. A belief in something that nobody else can debate because you say it's true.

Not at all, I may be wrong about many of things in life and my understanding of religion, that does not make my creator wrong though in any way. I also understand your itch of wanting to see proof to believe.....A proof other than if the egg exist, then a chicken must have existed kindda sublte proof. But.....

You must first understand the meaning of life and purpose of creation to understand your relationship with your creator. If you don't understand your purpose in life SnakeLord, then you're prematurely investigating god, because you'll never understand god clearly.

I always question over and over again when I look at life,
why is it of such finest beauty, What is the secret of its undividedness, and the bond of its unity; and the source of its perfections; and in regard to art and nature, look at the miraculous reality which makes the tiniest creature like a universe;

I think that life is a transformation-machine in the vast workshop of the universe, which continuously cleanses everywhere, purifies, allows progress, and illuminates. And living bodies, the dwellings of life, are guest-houses, schools, for instructing and illuminating the caravans of particles, enabling them to perform their duties. Quite simply the Ever-Living Self-Subsistent One (God) makes subtle this dark, transient, lowly world, illuminates it and gives it a sort of permanence, preparing it to go to another, everlasting world;
Originally posted by SnakeLord
Perhaps it would be better by us to speak in a simpleton tongue.
That is so condescending. :D
But the description varies greatly. So who's right, if anyone?
Before I begin, I would just like to point that you have answered a question with a question, so hopefully, you will understand why I sometimes do it, and refrain from your lead weight put-downs.
The descriptions vary according to the particular scripture, because people are different, as I mentioned earlier. A good example is state education, lets take a subject like math. There are different standards of math for different people who are of differing levels, but the subject is one thing, math. Similarly, God is one, but people see Him according to their particular levels of consciousness.
According to most of them you'll go to hell if you're not a member of it right?

An example?

See what i meant about answering a question with a question? I'm sure you understand the meaning of wes' question.... can't you just answer it? A simple yes, no or maybe would probably have sufficed
That is a fair question, I have never come across a scripture where it says that you go to hell if you’re not a member. But to be fair, I have not read all scriptures, and may have missed this deal in the ones that I have read, so I want wes to give me an example, a scriptoral reference, so I can see for myself.
If that is alright with you, that is. :rolleyes:
Remember, this man boasts that he is a gifted brainy guy, and operates on a level of logic and reason, so I expect he must have shed-loads of proof to back up his statement.

A member! :D


Jan Ardena.
Truth Seeker:

Good point about "Free Will"


"fopa" is correctly spelled "faux pas" which means false step.


I am having difficulty understanding "natural evil". Is the fact that living orgnisms can be injured and destroyed evil? How about non living things?

Certainly from an athiestic percpective the concept of "evil" must be just as illogical as the concept of "God".
Originally posted by MShark
Certainly from an athiestic percpective the concept of "evil" must be just as illogical as the concept of "God".

Why? To an extent you're correct, but it's a good word to describe "the dark side" of human behavior. The word still works it just doesn't have the "satanic" or "fallen angel" component... it IS a little hoaky, but not any more than "good" really. Both somewhat ignore the variety of agendas and values set forth by every person. (good, is not neccesarily the same thing to me as it is to you)

Thanks for the spelling, now that you put it out there it looks familiar.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Well then let me ask you THIS, Jan Ardena


You are being evasive and ignoring my questions and observations. I would argue that most of what I said is a reasonable argument which you ignore and say "it's your opinion". That's lame. If you don't want to debate that's fine, but you're acting somewhat childish with your "well that's your opinion" shit. I won't bother refuting you, it's not worth my time. You are apparently commited to wallowing in your cultish crap, so as far as I'm concerned.. have fun. I'll be willing to talk when you actually contemplate what I'm saying and realize I say it with good will, rather than scoffing at me because my exceptional reasoning skills and logical approach don't please your religious palette.


The way I would define good, bad, and evil:
Somthing is good if it is benificial to organisim, or group,
it is bad if it is detrimental to the organisim or group, and
evil is when a separate group or entity deliberatly goes against the desires of the first group or entity.


You are absolutely correct.

Who are you to qualify what is "perfect" regarding god?

I used perfect in the sense of... God is described in all scriptures and this is perfectly known, do you see?


Hopefully you will see that this is irrelevant in light of my meaning.

You are in the grips of a cult mind set.

You have to understand that this is your opinion, I know me, and you are attempting to describe my mindset, to me, based on our discussion.

You say "described perfectly". That is not possible..

A simple misunderstanding, right? ;)

We cannot perfectly describe our asses let alone the "ultimate being".

He is described in all scriptures, if you do not agree, there is nothing I can do or say.

Your argument is moot due to that invalid assumption,

My so-called assumption, was, again, for the record, a misunderstanding.

as is the tendency of all of your arguments on this topic.

This is an unreasonable statement, because everything I have said can be backed up. You, on the other hand have only made wild, disrespectful assumptions, based on negative emotion.

You are in the grips of a cult mind set.

Why do you assume this?

It has an undetermined amount of historical value based on a anthropological interpretation and analysis of motives behind the authors.

What do you want me to say to this, it is not a question, you are not arguing, you are telling me, so it is your opinion, and I for one wish you the best matey.

You have to think about it, just "accepting it as the word of god because it moves you"

Well, I have thought about it, can’t you tell. But I do prefer when it moves me, because then, I know its real. Maybe that is what you need, your views are dull, predictable and uniformed, I can predict 9 times out of 10 how you are going to respond, because that is how you are trained. It is sad, but it is fact, just read your own posts and see how miserable you are. :D

Yeah baby, I liked to be moved. :p

Then I find your method of discerning the correct flavor of religion somewhat stark

Of course you do, I don’t believe you can think any other way, because of the way your mind has been trained.


Jan Ardena.
Not at all, I may be wrong about many of things in life and my understanding of religion, that does not make my creator wrong though in any way.

It does not instantly make your creator right either. Thus my point.

I also understand your itch of wanting to see proof to believe.....A proof other than if the egg exist, then a chicken must have existed kindda sublte proof.

Glad you see my 'itch'.

You must first understand the meaning of life and purpose of creation to understand your relationship with your creator.

Meaning of life differs from person to person- nobody is inherently wrong, nobody is ultimately right. As for purpose of creation..... There's nothing to prove we were 'created' so all talk of needing to understand relationships with 'my'? creator are pure speculation and supposition. They hold no more weight than a lonely drifting feather.

If you don't understand your purpose in life SnakeLord

My personal purpose in life is to find answers and never to just accept something on faith. I understand that perfectly.

I always question over and over again when I look at life

Why question if you already have your answer? Or... more to the point why think you are asking questions? If you already have the answer those questions are mere time fillers.

Quite simply the Ever-Living Self-Subsistent One (God) makes subtle this dark, transient, lowly world, illuminates it and gives it a sort of permanence, preparing it to go to another, everlasting world;

Speculation, supposition, guess work.

Life might be amazing, might be wonderful and incredible to us. That still doesn't have to point a finger at an 'ever living self subsistent being'.

That is so condescending.

True true, but im only human.

Before I begin, I would just like to point that you have answered a question with a question

Well....... I actually put my answer to the question then asked a question as 'return fire' :D That's what keeps debates alive!! What i mean by this is, in response to wes question you could have said: "Not to my knowledge, no. However have you got any examples to show me?" ;)

so hopefully, you will understand why I sometimes do it, and refrain from your lead weight put-downs.

Lead weight put downs? Ah dont take it that way. I was 'speculating' that you did in fact know exactly what he was talking about... The meaning might have been subtle but im sure you got the point. Let me ask for one answer as solid as can be given: If i 'deny' God my whole life and continue along a path to find my own truths will God hold that against me once i die? If i am a serving christian with love of god and jesus i take it i'd gain access to 'heaven', eternal life, whatever. What if i am not? What happens to me?

The descriptions vary according to the particular scripture, because people are different, as I mentioned earlier.

Of course they vary- time, influence, personal belief, translation errors, stories mixed with 'chinese whispers' and so on. Doesn't mean any of them are right or even close to accurate. You and i could sit and discuss months of the year.... Most are named after supposedly mythical gods..... and realise that history has a diverse effect on belief, religion and society. What you believe now is so different to what people believed 5000 years ago, what people in other cultures believe etc..... Who's to say who is right? Because you feel god, hear god are concious of what you assume to be god doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Billions of people feel, hear and are concious of things that are in direct contradiction to your own truths. All of them remain 'might or might not'.

That is a fair question, I have never come across a scripture where it says that you go to hell if you’re not a member.

I think you're sidestepping the question personally. Ok maybe he worded it wrong.. Not neccesarily being a 'member' of anything but there are specific rules and regulations in place in most religions, if not all. Do the people who do not follow these rules and regulations, (thou shalt not commit adultery etc- [Which would put two thirds of England in hell]), for whatever reason, get doomed? I think that's what he meant.

If that is alright with you, that is.

Ask's nothing to do with me.

Remember, this man boasts that he is a gifted brainy guy, and operates on a level of logic and reason, so I expect he must have shed-loads of proof to back up his statement.

Nobody has shed-loads of proof. Let's agree hopefully that this is nothing more than 'swapping notes'. It's like a giant universal college, of which we are all students, and sometimes it's best to have a look at what your colleagues have written. Doesn't mean they're right, but at the very least might provide us with more questions and some answers.
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Originally posted by MShark
evil is when a separate group or entity deliberatly goes against the desires of the first group or entity.

Close enough for me, and it happens all the time. Evil in the context you've established doesn't have any religious connotations whatsoever.
To SnakeLord

It does not instantly make your creator right either. Thus my point.
Glad you see my 'itch'.

But every creation there must be a creator. a single greator that is responsbile for combining all the forces together into one so it may perform it's function. I have discussed this before under a separate thread, and energy equations, inertia equations, momentum equations, can't be attributed to the creation of man. What combines all the forces of physics, biology, chemistry. What does SnakeLord. We humans can't create anything or even raise from the dead an already created human. You must believe in your creator, or you don't even believe in yourself as a creation.

If you agree with my definition of evil then I would submit that there is no relation between premises one and two(Just because from my perspective somthing is evil does not mean it is evil from someone elses perspective, i.e. God's ). Thus the conclusion while not necessarily wrong is not logical.

premise 1. An all good, all knowing, and all powerful God exists
2. There exists evil in the world

The existence of evil in the world does not logically exclude the existance of God, but such evil makes it extremely improbably that God exists. Statement (2) should be thought of as strong evidence against statement (1)