Arguement from EVIL


If so my question is simply, why doesn't he protect all of us this way?
If you don't believe He even exist, how can He protect you at all?

Read the Bible. You and everyone else. It's a waste of time to discuss what is written if you yourselves don't now what is written.

"Evil is the primal instinct of man and women to enable procreation amoung there fellow contestants.....a fact of life as is "good"is also essential in the balance of stopping us killing each other to extinction!!"
uncle tone x x x x x
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
If you don't believe He even exist, how can He protect you at all?
So his power is contingent upon my belief in him?

Read the Bible. You and everyone else. It's a waste of time to discuss what is written if you yourselves don't now what is written.
I have read the Bible more than most Christians and quite likely more than you have. I have read it cover to cover 3 times; studied specific books, chapters, and passages more times than I can count and done so in pretty much all of the English translations. I have sought out independent Hebrew, Greek, and Latin lexical references. I have read the non-canonical gospels numerous times, secular and religious articles regarding the Bible, Biblical Archaeology, and History including both of Asimov's Biblical histories. I have read numerous books and article regarding religions and societies that were contemporary and preceeded those in the Bible. Not to mention being raised amongst both the Catholic and Protestant traditions.

So if you cannot tell, I am quite well versed in the Biblical texts, and rather offended by your presumption.

The questions I am asking have no more to do with specific Biblical references than does your personal theology. You're quite obviously dodging the question and have been for some time now. Your argument is logically flawed and doesn't even make sense within the context of the Bible. You have selected a few passages that appeal to you and built a personal theology around them that really has nothing to do with either the Bible or reality.


Originally posted by TONE
"Evil is the primal instinct of man and women to enable procreation amoung there fellow contestants.....a fact of life as is "good"is also essential in the balance of stopping us killing each other to extinction!!"
uncle tone x x x x x
uncle Tone pentax,

welcome to sciforums..!

with amusing view..!

f you don't believe He even exist, how can He protect you at all?

The only way he can exercise his power is if you believe? wow this God of yours is sounding more and more like a weakling. So he just cant possibly say "look here i am, let your doubts dissapear for I am here for you" nope thats way too hard for a supreme being, what am i thinking??? jeez. Am I more powerful than God?? cause i can help people that didnt know I existed untill the moment when I helped them out( instance of helping strangers out) Even if they heard of this really sexy and cool kid named Tim, and denied that I exist, I could go to them and say "hey man, need help?" and then their doubts go out the window.
Originally posted by MooseKnuckle

No, he was making a extradiordnary claim about faith being able to protect one from physical dangers. I was surprised to hear someone say such a thing. I have never heard a theist proclaim such a belief, so i was curious to how he came up with this idea. Next time Gizz learn to read and follow the arguements. Dont try to be fucking funny when you dont have a point cause you end up sounding like a desperate child.

Oh well I'm so sorry I bust in on your little parade!! I can read perfectly well, thank you - can you? I have been quietly following this thread, and have found Truthseekers posts to be very intriguing although rather extreme, which I was trying to tell him! I don't think he's wrong or right, and I certainly wasn't trying to slag him off for what he was saying!! I think you have a lot of pent up anger going on, mate - you should go and learn some manners! Thiest, or atheist, your intollerence is quite obtusive! Ha, I think I'd get a more intelligent reply from God! :D

My apologies for hurting your feelings.

True - you explain your belief in God, Truthseeker. I bet it's more ridiculous than why all the atheists DON'T believe in God!!

I responded to his claim about belief being able to protect one from physical harm and then you respond with this. Many others responded in the same fashion as myself, I simply wanted him to explain why he believed in this claim, I dont think that was out of hand by any means. Gizzum, dont tell me you dont think immunity from physical harm by means of belief does not need to be explained. Just remember you started this, by being a sarcastic jerk for no reason. Dont get defensive, simply read this and understand where im coming from. No need for a rebuttal.
Zero Mass,

This was my post:
It's a waste of time to discuss what is written if you yourselves don't now what is written.
Stop twisting my words and the words of the Bible. Really... I'm wasting my time here. You and everyone else is just interested in twisting my words and the Word of God. It is totally pointless to discuss with you, people...:bugeye: I'm not wasting my time anymore.

Dont give up, even though I might not agree with your views, I can appreciate that they are very interesting and informative.
God: that which is the process of its own creation.

Being able to understand certain processes that are completely invariable requires one to make a few shifts in mental orientation. Obverse/reverse understandings are necessary to understand certain processes. Considering a vanishing inertia-free craft is done from the point of view of a passenger and of one left behind watching the departure. The change in voice in describing the event defines the quality of a third perspective which includes *the observer and the observed*. This third perspective can be said to be that of consciousness. This third perspective is that within which one must be able to resolve and is tantamount to the mirror itself or to that which affords duality. One must be comfortable as that which one images. One cannot be self conscious. God Almighty is not self conscious. Absolute vacuum, the eleventh dimension is not an assemblage of dichotomies; rather, He, it, is the divisor.
Such orientation serves the student and the person who must live through these times without falling victim to the many pitfalls presently being installed for our own individual distraction and undoing.

So is God an evil God? Well, I think that's a question that can only be answered through personal experience.

Exodus 20:5 "For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God..."

"Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children..... Defile the temple and fill the courts with slain. Go!...."

What else...

God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the apple or they would instantly die. The serpent said they wouldn't.... The serpent was right. God was a liar.

"The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain..." (God has a heart? Doesn't that possibly suggest mortality?) "...I will wipe makind, whom i have created, from the face of the earth.."

"Then the Lord rained down burning sulphur on Sodom and Gomorrah.... but Lots wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt"

The ten plagues.... (you know what he did there)

Feast of Tabernacles .... (why does god need cows, sheep and virgin women as offerings?)

"The Lord will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in the book of the Law until you are destroyed... Just as it pleased the Lord to make you prosper and increase in number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you.."

"The Lord will never be willing to forgive him; his wrath and zeal will burn agains that man. All the curses written in this book will fall upon him, and the Lord will blot out his name from under heaven. The Lord will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for disaster..."

Those are His words, (according to religious folk).

So many acts of unspeakable evil- so many sinful attitudes and emotions God should not promote- and that's not even a tenth of the book.

Any responses?
evil is....

... behavior that hurts others..and this behavior can stem from disease, genetics, childhood abuse resulting in one heck of a messed up nueronal system.. ..

evil is a word..pegged by religions..i think the best word that is like evil is..deceit.

a human being is made from his genetics to his senses..the all of him to be a truth seeker and deceit believed as truth can screw up a healthy brain and nervous system. take for example, those comet followers..or other cults... taliban believers, terrorists followers... deceit can mess up the potential of a beautiful mind.

so while i don't believe in 'evil' per se.. i do believe in deceit. Unless you are some satan worshiper ..or sadist.. then i guess you have believed deceit so bad..i suppose you are then evil.
One day, God and Satan were having a session and discussing the most suitable destiny for mankind.

Suddenly, Satan looked up at the Lord and said
"I've got it! - let's make man decide *his own future!*"

And so it was.
Originally posted by MooseKnuckle

My apologies for hurting your feelings.

Just remember you started this, by being a sarcastic jerk for no reason. Dont get defensive, simply read this and understand where im coming from. No need for a rebuttal. [/B]

Ok, I'll quit the sarcasm. :rolleyes: Well at least I didn't get sworn at I suppose...

Alright, so maybe my original post was a little glib, I'll admit. And I understand where you're coming from, but I wasn't really aiming my thoughts at you though - I was trying to make a point to Truthseeker about his extreme views (and although it did come across a little harsh, it wasn't intended to offend, or 'start' anything!) But yes, you're right it did sound like a bit of an annoyed poke at anyone who would pay attention...
So is my initiation over? My arse hurts from all the paddling!

Thanks for the response, and thanks for clarifying things. I am gulity as well because I dont think I understood the sarcasm to the extend to illicit such a response as I posted. Sorry for my uncivilized behavior, and once again I thank you for acting in such a dignified manner.
Moose -

Cool, appreciated - I think maybe we were both just having a bad day or something? (I know I was!!)

Now, what were we all talking about again? Oh yes: God is.............
.................... Oh sod it - I'm going for a beer!!