
Originally posted by Xevious
I fully admit there are valid questions to ask about the alien abduction phenomenon.

Yes something fishy is going on: people like to make up stories based of dreams and subconscious ideals based off passed abductions stories. People see lights in the sky and say “Aliens!” when only 5% of such sightings are unexplainable by conventional means and even those 5% could be explained by theoretical events like plasma spheres. People like to believe in the most amazing and far-out theorizes because they are more exciting then mundane and realistic theorize.

Do we have artificial wombs yet?

No but I would expect aliens to have that technology, if they have faster-then-light interstellar space travel then they should be centuries, millennia even eons more technologically advanced then we are! Also making alien hybrids by simply fucking is extremely improbable, why the hell do they do that?

Also if you want to find the truth then you need logic there no way around that.
People see lights in the sky and say “Aliens!” when only 5% of such sightings are unexplainable by conventional means and even those 5% could be explained by theoretical events like plasma spheres. People like to believe in the most amazing and far-out theorizes because they are more exciting then mundane and realistic theorize.

OK, then why not give me examples of the unknown cases which you can readily explain? I'll leave you with no greater a burdon of proof than you demand of paranormal investigators. If I showed you the radar tapes from the Belgium F-16's which tracked UFO's, I'd be interested in hearing your explanation for that one.

No but I would expect aliens to have that technology, if they have faster-then-light interstellar space travel then they should be centuries, millennia even eons more technologically advanced then we are! Also making alien hybrids by simply fucking is extremely improbable, why the hell do they do that?

Also if you want to find the truth then you need logic there no way around that.

There is no way around logic being needed, but you seemed to totally ignore the other half of what I said. In addition I should point out that it was you who opened the precident that not every thought had to be on logical grounds. I won't bother repeating the same ideas, but leave it for you to consider it. I should mention too considering that you have as a "skeptic" not truly addressed anything I've said so far in a concise and purely detached mannor. Indeed, statements like "fucking is extremely improbable" reveals much about what you are FEELING far more than it has to do with what you are really thinking. If you don't believe in UFO's, fine. However, it is pointless to engage in any kind of rational debate when emotional reactions are too high.

I can't help but ask why are you reacting this way? Did the UFO sub-culture do something to you personally which makes you angry or upset with the idea that aliens are here?
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If I showed you the radar tapes from the Belgium F-16's which tracked UFO's, I'd be interested in hearing your explanation for that one.

Plasma spheres produced by geomagnetic and/or atmospheric electrical events.

There is no way around logic being needed, but you seemed to totally ignore the other half of what I said. In addition I should point out that it was you who opened the precident that not every thought had to be on logical grounds.

Really I did? perhaps you miss interpreting what I have been saying because I personal did neither of this two things.

If you want to produce detail claims and examples I will counter them with details but you have not done so yet your citizens me of not being details enough.

fucking as is having sex I"m sorry were I come from that’s what it means and the aliens according to the abductees would "fuck" them to impregnate them, I has not emotional relevant, the chances of extraterrestrial being able to breed with a earthling is extremely improbably, you would have more of a chance of having progeny with a pumpkin. Simple genetics considering the chromosomal structure of plants and how there reproductive system works would make you relies how impossible that is, now imagine a alien life form even at a molecular level non-compatible genetic system trying to have children with us.
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Did you look at the close ups? Do you really think they sit out there all night twisting wheat stalks together? Use some logic man. I'm not saying aliens are making them, I’m just saying there is evidence of things we can’t explain. Don’t be afraid to believe there are things that science can’t explain. Don’t be such a chicken sh.t.
Yes, Yes I do I have seen documentations on TV of hoaxers willing to show the ticks of the trade in which they made a very elaborate crops cricle (equally to that one) in under six hours all with time laps camera on a crane. It was on TLC or Discovery channla just a few months ao. Also note how the tops and and the right and lefts points of that star end at the feild tracks very convenete for people making it on the ground. Also if it was made by aliens why would they make such a thing? There are alot better way to contact people such as radio, why leave strange patterns in a farmer's feild?
Yep that’s the one, I only said it was possible for people to make those elaborate patterns in one night. I did not say anything about exaggerated and improperly study plant and soil "phenomena" that claim to be proof of some paranormal event. If you notice swirlednews fails to actually bring evidence that the MIT students failed to replicate this things, they only claim that they failed since the students them self did not provide the evidence to be analyzed by the third party. I can say bush lied about his reasons for invading Iraq but I have no proof that bush actually lied or that his chimp brain could even comprehend what he as doing, I might not like but I’m stuck with it. Swirlednews can call those students liars and cheats but without any evidence on both side nothing can be proven.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

How can you call that story credible? were there any other witnesses, was there any physical evidence.

I said the report "sounded credible" and was typical of the abduction
reports I have seen that seemed credible. Credible is a subjective
term and is not the same to everyone. There were other witnesses
to a neon green sphere in the area where the women were, and
the women did have physical injuries, including bruses and a burn
that their doctor likened to a radiation burn. No offense Fetus, but
I find it incredible that a college biology student doesn't know the
difference between "modulate" and "mutilate" which you have
seemingly confused in two different posts. All in a point of view.
I don't give a lot of credibility to abduction cases myself, but the
ones that seem "possibly" credible to myself personally, usually
involve the "grays". I have not seen them described as having
genetailia, navels, nipples or mammary glands. If they are not
mammals, they could be interested in mamalian reproduction.
No swirled centers, that's too easy.
I'll agree that you can never be sure who is telling the truth but those close up photos look like they're pretty hard to duplicate. Unless it's Photoshop or something.
Hey I pump this through MS word to spell check it and usually do so so fast I don't read it, try reading my work when its not spell checked :eek: also if you question me as a College student:
if the grays are aliens then why do they have two arms, two lags, two eyes, body proportions very similar to ours?


Evolution would seem to explain the body structure of an advanced
species. Walking on two hind legs gives freedom for the other two
appendages to be used for building tools and the like. Greys don't
seem to be insect-like with an exoskeleton. Two eyes are the most
effecient means of gaining depth perception and field of view. A
species with very short or very long legs would find locomotion not
to be optimal for bipedal creatures and possibly an evolutionary
dead end for evolving intelligence. Just my own opinions, I do not
claim to have special knowledge. No, Fetus, I was not questioning
your being a college biology student. I majored in biology myself
many years ago.
Why not walk on four legs and four arms? Why not have tentacles? Why not have knees that bend backwards?, Ect. The structure of the gray is way to human like: every critical organ and appendage is in the same places as in a human, it very improbable that a body form that similar could have evolve independently of us. A biped maybe, a biped with a head and neck, 2 eyes, 2 ear holes, and a dual nostiled nose unlikely.
Of course, there could be many different physical forms of life in the
universe. The forms of life you describe have simular life forms here
on earth. But they didn't evolve high inteligence, did they? An
opposable thumb would also be of evolutionary benefit for a species
to have the dexterity to build intricate machines. Possibly the grays
could be interested in us because we ARE simular to them.
Originally posted by moving
LOL Do you attribute this to plasma spheres too?
Check out the close up photos. Pretty hard to do with a stomping board wouldn't you say?:)

So why couldn't they be created by people? I see nothing that defies any of the creativity that I've seen in many hundreds of artistic representations of other media. It is clear that you don't know how it was done and neither do I. But then, I'm not really sure how Van Gogh was able to use a palette knife to create a flower petal.

I see "believer" after "believer" go on about the sensational things they see and how it can't be done by people.... but I never see one demonstrate "why."

If the hypothesis is true that people are creative and intelligent enough to come up with a way of manipulating live crops in such a way as to create a pattern that would be difficult for the lay-person to duplicate or discern the method, then it should also e true that such things should be seen elsewhere in society. We should be able to find unique patterns in basket weaving, pottery, sculpture, painting, architecture, and just plain doodles on paper.

As to the BLTReasearch website, I pointed out their lack of credibility in another thread. The good Dr. Leavengood failed to take into account alternative reasons for some of the plant damage (such as the sun's affect on moistened plants exposed after being flattened and lacking their neighbor's shade). He also didn't take into account the diligence of hoaxers who later admitted to spreading iron fillings (which subsequently oxidized with the morning dew).

Also, BLT's site lists many lab reports which have never been made available. The report along with its name and what it is for is listed with a really nice graphic, but, alas, no report. These are dated from the 1990's. Perhaps the lab isn't done with them.

Or, more likely, they were placed there to offer spurious credibility.

If the hypothesis that crop circles were hoaxes of terrestrial origin were true, then we would expect to see many of them. We would also expect to see them increase in frequency during times of media hype. In addition, we would expect to see the intricate nature of these circles increase in complexity and artistic design. We would also expect to see spurious anomolies associated with them that would create questions rather than provide answers, such as spreading iron filings or other "evidence" around the site.

We would also expect to them to be shy and work under cover of darkness so as not to be caught in the act. But we would expect some of them to confess their deeds.

If the hypothesis were true that crop circles were created by extraterrestrials, what also could be expect to be true?

Wouldn't we expect to find some consistency in their design, and frequency of occurance? Wouldn't we expect to find them also in areas of lesser affected crops (I've never heard of one in soy bean or tomatos)? Wouldn't we expect to see them in otherwise undisturbed sands of deserts and beaches? Wouldn't we expect that with 6 billion + people on the planet, someone would observe them in the act (unless they only beam down at 3:00 am with a six-pack and some 2x4's on ropes)? But most of all... wouldn't we expect some purpose to their pasture parties since they went to the expense of travelling all the way to our fields?
Originally posted by 2inquisitive
The forms of life you describe have simular life forms here
on earth. But they didn't evolve high inteligence, did they?

Given a few more billion years, we could see something radically different. It wasn't necessarily our morphology that allowed us to evolve to intelligence. It is very likely that it was our brains. We aren't exactly built to ward off carnivores that are significantly stronger, faster, and clawed as well as fanged. We cannot out-run most of our food that doesn't photosynthesize. There are many other animals in the animal kingdom that have better adapted morphology. Some even have opposable thumbs.

What separated us from them, and gave us an edge, was very likely our intellect. Natural selection favored this to the point that homo sapiens has evolved from earlier, less intelligent hominids and primates.

Originally posted by 2inquisitive
Possibly the grays
could be interested in us because we ARE simular to them.

And possibly Man has created the "grays" in much the same way he created other mythological creatures... but it seems pretty clear that the hominid form of the "gray" is an anthropocentric construct of our creation.