

i can ! but its hard to tell what iz a joke in these forums with out a j/k behind them ! and im origianlly a brunette! but okay sry i didnt take the joke wel l! luv yas
Aah I'm just busting your balls/eer ovaries. My last girlfriend dyed her hair blonde and I hated it, I consider it a sign of shallowness.

Now back to the issue: is there anything about UFOs that I said that you disagree with and if so explain.

then ill dye my hair back ! jus for u and the fact i dont wanna look shallow ! and good save on the balls/eer overies (spelled wrong)
You apologies to much don't you? If you are going to dye your hair try blue or purple, or contrasting highlights or stripes, dam that would look hot! Not blonde what are you a Barbie doll? Try florescence or neon green it would go well with your liking of aliens.
errr maybe what is shallow is attributing a personality type to the colour of someones hair

so just because you did not like your last girlfriend does not make people who colour their hair shallow people

and stop beating up on the new person

groove on :)

I consider it shallow to change your hair color to blonde just to look more beautiful to a social trend based off the ideal Caucasian. I don’t actually have a disrespect for blondes just for shallow people.

Wasn't this about Area 51? Not the ills of fashion on ones psyche?
The truth is out there unfortunately it is not here yet, the evidence is to inconclusive to prove that its aliens visiting Area 51 or that UFOs are alien space craft, in fact the evidence is to inconclusive to prove anything at all!, so you can believe they our aliens visiting or what ever you want. Occums razor comes to me though so here are my beliefs on this in ranked in order of most likeliness:
1. Aliens are not visiting us and that this is all hype generated by the need to believe in the impossible and the evil big brother effect.
2. Aliens are visiting us and they are sick depraved anal fanatics that just like fucking us and our military is cover it up because if it was proven people would be piss off and scared as hell and most of all literally worry about their butts.
3. Aliens are visiting us and they actually have intelligent and serious intentions but have been horribly mis-interpreted and do to some yet known reasons refuse to prove their existence to the earth’s masses.

Remember Wellcooked, Occum's Razor depends entirely on an entierly subject opinion in order to work. What one is willing to accept or not accept as hard to believe or not believe is an issue that has far more to do with philosophical beliefs than in the end, what one considers "fact" or not. As way of example, the idea that Aliens are here and HAVE BEEN here or ARE is not difficult for me to believe, and that is discounting everything the UFO cult has said over the past 100 years. The Cosmos is billions of years old, the chances of fiding intelligent life elsewhere is very descent, the chances the conditions for life as we know it occuring elsewhere are good. SO, what are the chances of intelligent life evolving BEFORE us? I think that one is a almost a given if everything else Cosmology tells us is true.

Therefore, the claim that Aliens have visited before and / or are here now is far easier to believe than you think it is.

Does this mean I am right? No, it only means that my philosophical beliefs on the subject which are as currently just as unproveable as yours are, lead me to a differnt conclusion when one considers Occum's razor.
Quite the contrary over the last billions of years there is a very good chance intelligent life has visited the earth but as of yet there is no proof that aliens are visiting NOW. In fact the kind of aliens that UFO fanatics claim are visiting are by far not intelligent, at best these creatures are completely insane! It far more likely that these "aliens" are simply imaginary product of a culture that wants to believe in such things.
Quite the contrary over the last billions of years there is a very good chance intelligent life has visited the earth but as of yet there is no proof that aliens are visiting NOW. In fact the kind of aliens that UFO fanatics claim are visiting are by far not intelligent, at best these creatures are completely insane! It far more likely that these "aliens" are simply imaginary product of a culture that wants to believe in such things.

Working under the assumption the claims of the more extreme edges of UFOlogy is true, you think that useing human standards of behavior is a valid way of trying to understand the behavioral norms of a totally alien, extraterrestrial species? You used the word "insane" to describe them. That is a mental state of some members of our species who have neurologically and psycologically extreme abnormalities. However, the behaviors you might describe as "insane" might be totally normal for them, or the context of their motivations is missing from your equation, or both.

But, you have not described which behaviors and phenomenon you describe as insane. Are you going to ellaborate on your position?
Well then if that normal for aliens the human race is truly fuck. There is no logical motivation for there activities, and if these aliens are illogical then the universe is like “the hitchhikers guide… ” and the human race is going to have real trouble living it.

Behaviors such as:
-Cow modulations
-Constant sexual activity with abductes
-Medical procedures which are useless or even inferior to our medical technology.
-Explaining advanced and mind altering concepts to people that won’t be able to being that information constructively to the rest of the human race.
-Making sure the masses of humans can’t be assured or even recognizes their existence.

Here a theory: these aliens are really space elfs and they need to fuck with our heads to feed off our emotions of confusion and torment.
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I think you really need to read more about the phenomenons. A good place to start is the FBI Freedom of Information Act server, which contains several full packs of info on cattle mutilations. The Institute of Discovery Science is also a good place to go. Clearly though, you haven't really given thought to the subject because there are plenty of logical reasons one would give.

-Cow modulations
-Constant sexual activity with abductes
-Medical procedures which are useless or even inferior to our medical technology.
-Explaining advanced and mind altering concepts to people that won’t be able to being that information constructively to the rest of the human race.
-Making sure the masses of humans can’t be assured or even recognizes their existence.

In biological research, we do some of these things, (accept have sex with animals), and some of the things you are saying are not things I have read abductees claim - or at least, they aren't mentioned by UFOlogists I've read. Then again, I tend to be more careful which sources I read than most. Perhaps you are assuming that all UFO litterature has the same level of authenticity? It is hardly the mark of a true skeptic to not look into each individual source of information on a case by case basis. Anything else is biased thinking.

Working under the assumption that cattle mutilations are real, one needs only look at the actions of biologists to get a clue what they are doing. We ourselves mutilate animals in biological research all the time. We dissect animals, we harvest there organs, and we run experiments with there tissue. Then, we discard the body. The only part of this idea that doesn't make sense is the mannor in which the cattle are disposed. Why return the cattle to it's field or origin? There are countless other methods of disposing of the corpse which would leave no evidence at all. I fully admit that I have no answer for this question. That however, does not disprove anything; it only means the case is not solid.

With reguards to medical procedures, I would have to ask for you to specifically state what you are talking about. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry who has supposedly been abduced have described everything from being forced to have sex with alien females to sperm removal, to dissection. Abducted women describe induced pregnancies which later dissappear to likewise having sex with alien men. In the cases of humans being forced to copulate with aliens, I'm sure you are familiar with the concept of beastiality. If we are going to apply human standards of behavior, why not? Some people get a kick out of, some are more turned on by that than anything, and I've even heard it mentioned by some members of that sub-culture that has been in some human cultures, a norm.

I'm out of time, but here are a few points to think on.
WellCookedFetus, I don't know where you got your information, it
does not seem to be a reliable source whereever it was. There is
obviously a lot stuff just made up by people for their own reasons,
whatever they are. Most UFO sites report stories that are perhaps
credible and some that seem fake to most viewers. Here is one
abduction report that was just released that is typical of some of
the more credible sounding reports, no hard proof of course, but
with witnesses supporting a sighting and injuries to the pair of
women supposedly abducted.
I have read several books on the paranormal I like you was once very deeply into this stuff when I was a kid, fortunately there were things that came up that I found ludicrous.

In biological research we don't modulate cows and leave the corpse for the framers to find, we dispose of the corpse are self’s, what are these aliens lazy to? Which is more likely: the cow die and had parts eaten out by a wild dog of some form and then an imaginative farmer claimed it was aliens or that drunken aliens came down decided to rip out the cows eyes and tongue (the same organs the coyotes like) for the sheer fun of torturing the cow and then leaver the corpse for the farmer to find and have a good laugh about it?

Could you explain the anal probing? Why they need abductees to fuck at all why they can’t take gamete samples and do it all in the lab, what’s with making the women carry hybrid babies why not grow them in a artificial womb? How come they never heard of anesthesia, why can our doctors conduct operations without the patient being aware of the events?

How can you call that story credible? were there any other witnesses, was there any physical evidence.
I fully admit there are valid questions to ask about the alien abduction phenomenon. However, there is enough to say that something flat out wierd is going on.

Do we have artificial wombs yet? I don't THINK so... maybe we do but I haven't heard of it. Some years back (in case you forgot) several scientists tried an experiment to hybrid a Chimpanzee with a human. In order to host the hybrid they impregnated a female chimp. When the public found out about it and the experiment was stopped, the Chimpanzee was pregnant. So what became of her and the hybrid? I don't know. However, the story has parallels in human biology. Keep in mind that IF we are going to play by the assumption that human motivations are valid (which was your call, Wellcooked), just about any sort of reasoning can go out the window. Because "I can" is all the motivation some people require.

Is this a scientific assessment? No, but since when was science the only way to tell what was true or not? We are dealing with the subject of motivation, which is NEVER in the human mind, a purely logical persuit. Some things go beyond logic, and forcing logic to apply to a subject where logic may not possibly play a role in all factors is rediculous. Ask any good psychiatrist.