are you an atheist that used to be a theist?

are you an atheist?

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as belief in a deity is wholly irrational. given the lack of evidence for such a possiblity


it's not a question of absolute proof, it is a question of it being the most likely, given the evidence we have at the moment, fanastising a god did it scenerio is wholly infantile.

ha ha ha

which is like saying a traffic cop is a lawyer simply because he knows something about the law. or a gravedigger is a mortician simply because knows a little about death.

reference this thread, page 4, post 72.

No, no, no.

It's like saying a traffic cop is a traffic cop, or a lawyer is a lawyer, because that's what those things are! The definition of an atheist is someone who does not believe in god.
geeser said:
ashura said:
An atheist IS a non believer!
which is like saying a traffic cop is a lawyer simply because he knows something about the law. or a gravedigger is a mortician simply because knows a little about death.
No, no, no.

It's like saying a traffic cop is a traffic cop, or a lawyer is a lawyer, because that's what those things are! The definition of an atheist is someone who does not believe in god.
So an atheist is an atheist and a non-believer is a non-believer, so you agree, well.
No, the definition of an atheist is a person who has no belief, without belief in deities. From the Greek {A} without, {Theo’s} god.
An atheist is a person who has taken a reasoned step forward. The non-believer is just, what is name implies. He is still open to suggestion. The atheist is not.
Nah, not really. I never really believed in any gods.

I've always had a thing for animism, though, but that's not theism at all.
How about someone who used to be Catholic, but is now an agnostic who wholly regects the notion of the popular version of the Judeo-Christain version of God?
How would that person vote - the first option, the second, or neither?