are you an atheist that used to be a theist?

are you an atheist?

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I was a theist until the age of 9. I stopped believing in a god 2 years after I stopped believing in Santa Claus but a year before I stopped believing in Bigfoot.
thats to simular to this thread, maybe i should open a new pole with alot more choices.



This poll offers one choice, the other thread offers four. The other thread also covers the rarely mentioned topic/idea of atheists converting to theists.
but why is using the word turned not correct wording? the definition of "turned" fits the bill. if not why not?
M*W: One doesn't "turn" to an atheist. "Turn" implies going from one thing/belief to another. "Turn" implies a sudden movement from one thing to the next as in "it's your turn," "He turned left," Don't turn down the offer."

One doesn't "turn" from theist to atheist, because it is a gradual, sometimes lifelong, experience. You don't wake up one morning and say from now on, I'm going to be an atheist. It takes years, even decades, to come to the realization that there is no god because we've been so brainwashed by our families and our peers and other authorities. I didn't "turn" atheist, I became one after a number of years of studying christianity. I actually never read anything about atheism during the process. No one convinced me nor forced me to be an atheist. I came to the realization by my own insight.
M*W: One doesn't "turn" to an atheist. "Turn" implies going from one thing/belief to another. "Turn" implies a sudden movement from one thing to the next as in "it's your turn," "He turned left," Don't turn down the offer."

One doesn't "turn" from theist to atheist, because it is a gradual, sometimes lifelong, experience. You don't wake up one morning and say from now on, I'm going to be an atheist. It takes years, even decades, to come to the realization that there is no god because we've been so brainwashed by our families and our peers and other authorities. I didn't "turn" atheist, I became one after a number of years of studying christianity. I actually never read anything about atheism during the process. No one convinced me nor forced me to be an atheist. I came to the realization by my own insight.

just like milk doesent just wake up and decide to turn sour one morning? it takes weeks to turn into sour milk, its a gradual process.

edit: also you did go from one belief to another. from the belief in a god into the belief that there is no god.

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M*W: One doesn't "turn" to an atheist. "Turn" implies going from one thing/belief to another. "Turn" implies a sudden movement from one thing to the next as in "it's your turn," "He turned left," Don't turn down the offer."

One doesn't "turn" from theist to atheist, because it is a gradual, sometimes lifelong, experience. You don't wake up one morning and say from now on, I'm going to be an atheist. It takes years, even decades, to come to the realization that there is no god because we've been so brainwashed by our families and our peers and other authorities. I didn't "turn" atheist, I became one after a number of years of studying christianity. I actually never read anything about atheism during the process. No one convinced me nor forced me to be an atheist. I came to the realization by my own insight.

You're just being obsessive here, turned fits the bill just fine.
and M*W, you said to me before that you have to be a theist to become an atheist. why is that so? why cant i become an atheist? i have never been a theist before i was raised without religion.

so why cant i become an atheist if i decide to one day? it seems pretty easy to me. i decide there is no god and i become an atheist. why cant i just do that?

I was an extremely devout and committed theist who is now an atheist. I have no denials about my bitterness towards the religion I was freed from.
but why is using the word turned not correct wording? the definition of "turned" fits the bill. if not why not?
the word turned is wrong, because, it should be reverted, you can turn into a theist, but it is impossible to turn into an atheist, it is how you are born, you can only revert back to the norm.
it is a gradual process shedding the religion skin you been brainwashed with, It takes years, to revert back.
Ashura said:
This poll offers one choice, the other thread offers four. The other thread also covers the rarely mentioned topic/idea of atheists converting to theists.
that should be "rarely mentioned subjective idea of atheist converting to theism", which is a complete and utter in possibility, without a blow to the head. you dont go from rational to irrational, now do you.
Ashura said:
You're just being obsessive here, turned fits the bill just fine.
maybe so but she is correct.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
so why cant i become an atheist if i decide to one day? it seems pretty easy to me. i decide there is no god and i become an atheist. why cant i just do that?
although technically you would be an atheist, you're just a non-believer in the real sense. an atheist that has been indoctrinated, and through a lot of study, and self doubting you become enlightened, with the truth, that kind of atheist is wholly different to a non-belever. it having a knowledge of religious fantasies that once had a hold of you, and having no concept of god/religion.
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the word turned is wrong, because, it should be reverted, you can turn into a theist, but it is impossible to turn into an atheist, it is how you are born ...

On what basis do you claim that one is born an atheist and not a theist?
On what basis do you claim that one is born an atheist and not a theist?
if you cant see how stupid a question it is you pose, it beggers belief.
are you going to try and play this game with me now, when you weren't prepared to discuss it with snakelord, over in the "why do atheist hate jesus thread", honour him with a response and then get back to me if you so wish.
you dont expect me to debate you if your intellectually dishonest, do you.
the word turned is wrong, because, it should be reverted, you can turn into a theist, but it is impossible to turn into an atheist, it is how you are born ...

your also born not being able to tie you shoe/:cool:
your also born not being able to tie your shoe/:cool:
yes your point being.
so once you learnt to tie your shoe laces, if you wished you could revert back to the natural state of not tying shoe laces, ain't free will wonderful.
mind you having said that it not something the religious have, so you wouldn't know.
people have free will, not sheeple.
when you weren't prepared to discuss it with snakelord, over in the "why do atheist hate jesus thread", honour him with a response and then get back to me if you so wish.

Yeah f00! Listen to the man :D
yes your point being.
so once you learnt to tie your shoe laces, if you wished you could revert back to the natural state of not tying shoe laces, ain't free will wonderful.
mind you having said that it not something the religious have, so you wouldn't know.
people have free will, not sheeple.

Just use you head. By the time a human reaches the age of reason (beginning around the age of 5) and if he were lucky enough to not have outside influences to corrupt him, that child will look up at the sky and wonder why.

He will look at different creratures around him and know full well the meaning of creation. UNTIL some cynical, jaded creep comes along and beats it out of him.


How pathetic. All your beliefs were pounded into your head like a spike into a cinder block.

The universe is infinate....???? oh reallly???

We came from XXXX

We were frogs

We were monkeys

We all walked from Africa

Give me a break, go suck your thumb and read the texts of your Gods- it is all assumption but your to shallow to see it and too stubborn to admit it.
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By the time a human reaches the age of reason (beginning around the age of 5) and if he were lucky enough to not have outside influences to corrupt him, that child will look up at the sky and wonder why

Yeah you idiots!! Listen to the 5 year old, he knows the score :bugeye:

Pay attention John: All that obvious misplaced anger and frustration changes nothing. You can want gods to exist or not, it's irrelevant to anything - I wish you luck and joy with it. Your above argument is without any worth or value whatsoever.