Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

yeah sure you call them. :cool: They will tell you the public goodness of what HAARP is, a study of Earth environment, perfectly harmless.


Call them??? you see a phone number..:rolleyes:
summary of above: each earthquake is preceded by a low frequency EM waves and an increase in an ionospheric electron density.


(look up Demeter satellite)

And? Where does it state that the ionosphere fluctuations are causing the Earthquake, rather than being a direct product of the same motions producing said Earthquake? Let's just say your kooky ass backwards idea was actually true and ionosphere fluctuations were the cause- how on Earth would HAARP build up enough power to pull this off? Who's got 100 trillion dollars to spend on the power plants? You can't just move continents around with a little poke, y'know.
And? Where does it state that the ionosphere fluctuations are causing the Earthquake, rather than being a direct product of the same motions producing said Earthquake? Let's just say your kooky ass backwards idea was actually true and ionosphere fluctuations were the cause- how on Earth would HAARP build up enough power to pull this off? Who's got 100 trillion dollars to spend on the power plants? You can't just move continents around with a little poke, y'know.

nuclear powerplant powering HAARP is a possible scenario. (8.21 GW is the capacity of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant)
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Good grief!! Your piddling 8 GW of power would be like a wooden match in a windstorm compared to the amount of energy needed to move one of the Earth's plates.

Sheer science fiction - at it's worst. :bugeye:

you only need to trigger and earthquake, not to move it. Once you know the frequency needed and the power to apply just use it at specific location. Its how much energy can be outputted in time that matters the most.
As has already been mentioned, the Navy has a vital interest in communications. I think it should be obvious why they'd have such an interest, given what they're tasked with doing in the event of war. The Navy also takes an interest in atmospheric and Earth sciences because such knowledge helps them make better equipment, shield it from electrical storms, avoid bad weather by spotting it in advance, etc. etc.

It was the US Navy which discovered the Earth's shifting magnetic poles, back in the 60's, because their submarine detection equipment was sensitive enough to pick it up. Has nothing whatsoever to do with weapons research (unless you call detection equipment a "weapon"). 100 years ago, Albert Michelson was working for the US Navy when he performed his experiments attempting to detect the aether (the "failure" of his experiments to detect such an aether was one of the earliest experiments supporting Einstein's Relativity). Was Michelson looking to develop some sort of crazy weapons system with his simple interferometer? No, he was performing measurements that, as a US Navy scientist, he had the expertise to perform.

Let's start using some more practical common sense and a little less Art Bell sense, shall we?

I...I think I love you.

(not gay)
yeah sure angelic US NAVY dudes...they were just taking measurements of Earth atmosphere. That's what military does, take measurements, nothing to do with warfare.
you only need to trigger and earthquake, not to move it. Once you know the frequency needed and the power to apply just use it at specific location. Its how much energy can be outputted in time that matters the most.

As usual, your thinking is sadly incomplete. Just TRY thinking about it for a moment: If all it takes is a trigger, then it MUST have been right on the threshold of happening anyway!!

Can you not understand the simplicity of that???:shrug:
As usual, your thinking is sadly incomplete. Just TRY thinking about it for a moment: If all it takes is a trigger, then it MUST have been right on the threshold of happening anyway!!

Can you not understand the simplicity of that???:shrug:

allright than the only problem with HAARP utilization is the amount of energy needed.
allright than the only problem with HAARP utilization is the amount of energy needed.

You're getting closer to the truth but still not there. As Pie just pointed out, steering/aiming would still be a major problem - as well as knowing just WHEN to apply the trigger. But even then, the amount of energy needed is still WAY above what you think it would be.

Short answer to all this is that the idea is still nonsense.
yeah sure angelic US NAVY dudes...they were just taking measurements of Earth atmosphere. That's what military does, take measurements, nothing to do with warfare.
The Captain already explained to you how it benefits the Navy. He's right, in my professional (really) opinion. Is there some issue with his explanation? Or do you just have a personality disorder?
I...I think I love you.

(not gay)

Aw, shucks :eek:

allright than the only problem with HAARP utilization is the amount of energy needed.

If we had the technology to solve that problem, the world would look like a completely different place. Here, this is for you, you'll probably get a kick out of it.

yeah sure angelic US NAVY dudes...they were just taking measurements of Earth atmosphere. That's what military does, take measurements, nothing to do with warfare.

When they test launch an SLBM, they don't call it "atmospheric measurements", do they? Not everything the Navy does is intended to blow something up. They have ships, sailors, planes, engineers, scientists, and an enormous wealth of expertise. Why wouldn't they put those resources to good use when they're not busy fighting anyone?
and you boned in.

Draqon, as you have shown us all here at least a hundred times over, your knowledge of things technical is about on the same level as someone who has only finished 6 years of primary education - those who never even made it to high school.

You really should do yourself a favor and spend a considerable amount of time studying such basics before even attempting to post anything remotely related to technology. Seriously!!!
Draqon, as you have shown us all here at least a hundred times over, your knowledge of things technical is about on the same level as someone who has only finished 6 years of primary education - those who never even made it to high school.

You really should do yourself a favor and spend a considerable amount of time studying such basics before even attempting to post anything remotely related to technology. Seriously!!!

Read-Only, what have I said here that is not scientific? :shrug: How have I demonstrated of having low knowledge or having low-IQ when I showed way more info and backed up my reasoning than any of you.

I do agree with you about the HAARP needing much more energy in order to be used as an earthquake causing device, but don't resort to accusation and hate on my part. I clearly given links which show that I do indeed know the subject of the topic.

The reason why I so vigorously defend the earthquake causing Sura and HAARP-like facilities is because I watched a russian program about it and it explained to me how this can be done. If you don't think that controlling the ionospheric electron density artificially will create any effect on the Earth mantel, than thats your hypothesis. I clearly showed that the two are related. The rest is up to an experiment to prove.