Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

russians ...... you know the former superpower that is a 3rd world country now...

have a Haarp....but like most of their programs.... waaaay behind and weak in the knees
russians ...... you know the former superpower that is a 3rd world country now...

have a Haarp....but like most of their programs.... waaaay behind and weak in the knees

Sura complex in Russia was made a decade before HAARP was made. The level of knowledge gained is way after what HAARP is capable of doing now. Just look at how much more powerful Sura is.
picture of the way gay russian haarp :D

But woo is fun..and you can learn stuff....Like I learned "exa".....I want me a exabyte hard drive now. :)

this is science and not pseudoscience. If Echo does not know about this does not mean it should be regarded un-scientific. There is nothing that I have said in this thread that is not science.
well Piearesquared, I do not console myself to curses like Echo does when his views do not agree with others. But to tell it to you simply, you are out of context and are attacking me as a member.
I was addressing Mr MacGyver..??

yeah sure...Mr MacGyver is not Russian and is not at conflict with gays. And you know I am Russian and am at conflict with gays. So now after I showed Russian superiority in HAARP-like technology you reserve to deceitful backstabbing name-calling. not nice.
whoa...what do gays have to do about energy weapons? Stay on topic.

dude post pissing me off.

Anyways since this HAARP thing was moved to pseudoscience without a challenge by any moderator, I see this as an end to discussion unfortunately.
too much vodka? ... please where did i call you a name. Anyhow I looked up the info on the russian site .. the one in europe is more powerful....:rolleyes:

the alaska one is offline.... which no doubt kicks the 3rd world nation's one.

c'mon just admit it... like most everything they have done has been ripped off from some other country..

it has to be tough to go from superpower to 3rd world nation... but make any more threats to yellowstone and you'll be in jail
this is science and not pseudoscience. If Echo does not know about this does not mean it should be regarded un-scientific. There is nothing that I have said in this thread that is not science.

Actually you've just put forward the usual junk argument- "This Russian-built system I know nothing about is capable of greater destruction than this American-built system I also know nothing about". Once again, you're talking out of your arse about Command & Conquer hypothetical video game weapons that will never be built in reality because they violate known laws of physics. I mean, really, I remember you proposing that you could use a flashlight or something to propel a spacecraft as if it was a practical concept.

What's with all this "Russia has a bigger penis" crap anyway? If you're so proud of your country's achievements, why do you always need to plug them by denouncing whatever the US does? Does the US define it's glory and success by how much richer and more prosperous they are compared to Russia? When you go on these rants about nonexistent weapons systems that belong in the trash bin with Roswell, I think it shows you to have an inferiority complex about your homeland.
What's with all this "Russia has a bigger penis" crap anyway? If you're so proud of your country's achievements, why do you always need to plug them by denouncing whatever the US does? Does the US define it's glory and success by how much richer and more prosperous they are compared to Russia? When you go on these rants about nonexistent weapons systems that belong in the trash bin with Roswell, I think it shows you to have an inferiority complex about your homeland.

CptBork I gave relevant info on both the russian Sura complex and the american HAARP complex. I also explained how this shortwave radiation interacts with the ionosphere. You on the other hand are just repeating what Echo is doing...accusations without anything on topic.
CptBork I gave relevant info on both the russian Sura complex and the american HAARP complex. I also explained how this shortwave radiation interacts with the ionosphere. You on the other hand are just repeating what Echo is doing...accusations without anything on topic.

Right, I just missed the part about how this can magically cause Earthquakes.
magically Delicious..

Conspiracy theories
Main article: List of conspiracy theories#Development of weapons technology

HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project, among them:

* Long-range wireless transmission of microwave energy
* The projection of potentially lethal electromagnetic pulses for purposes including killing living organisms and jamming communications that rely on EM energy (sometimes informally called "EMPs" or colorfully referred to as "death rays")
* Weather control and/or weather warfare including hurricane, earthquake, and tsunami creation

* Large-scale and/or long-range holograph projection (see also Project Blue Beam, another conspiracy theory that purports that Christian fundamentalists within the United States Military may attempt to create a holograph of Jesus Christ for propaganda purposes)

that one is way over the top...:)

* Microwave-energy-based missile defense
* Mind-reading and/or mind control via reception or emission of subtle electromagnetic fields such as alpha waves from a distance
* The potential to interfere with the migrations of wild animals
* The potential to interfere with the Earth's spin

Some theorists believe the system is linked to UFO activity.

oh this is funny...this this was supoosedly developed in russia :rolleyes:

In August 2002, a critical mention of HAARP technology came from the State Duma (parliament) of Russia. The Duma issued a press release on the HAARP written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to then President Vladimir Putin. The statement claimed:

The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.
So the Department of the Navy working on a purely civilian project with no military application to speak of doesn't raise any eyebrows here?

Was the atomic bomb pseudoscience before college physics professors widely understood it was a reality? This stuff goes back to Tesla and his work. Just because you didn't learn it in class doesn't mean its not valid.
Right, I just missed the part about how this can magically cause Earthquakes.

Scientists all over the world are busy watching the convection current within the mantle of the earth that make the tectonic plates move. The critical step in controlling earthquakes is controlling the forces that make these plates move.

Earth's crust -- the top five to 40 kilometers or so -- is composed of about a dozen huge, rigid "tectonic" plates that "float" on the semi-solid rocks of the upper mantle, allowing them to move independently. The hot, plastic rock of the mantle is in constant commotion, driven by convection currents powered by heat from Earth's interior. This movement causes plates to move.

If the convection currents in the mantel can be controlled with the applications of huge energy manipulated by computer algorithms, the plate movements can be completely controlled.

The process also involves understanding the process by which the convection process gets its own energy. The energy comes from heat left over from Earth's formation out of hot gas and dust, gravitation, friction and radioactive decay. To neutralize the convection process, we need huge source of energy and the capability to apply that energy in a controlled fashion to manipulate.

Summary of above: convection currents in mantel that influence when earthquakes occur can be manipulated by application of huge amounts of energy.


The "Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions" satellite, constructed by CNES, has made observations which show strong correlations between certain types of low frequency electromagnetic activity and the seismically most active zones on the Earth, and have shown a sharp signal in the ionospheric electron density and temperature near southern Japan seven days before a 7.1 magnitude occurred there (on August 29 and September 5, 2004, respectively)

summary of above: each earthquake is preceded by a low frequency EM waves and an increase in an ionospheric electron density.


(look up Demeter satellite)


If earthquakes are preceded by low frequency EM waves and sharp increase in ionospheric electron density than increasing artificially ionospheric electron density has a potential in creating earthquakes.
Any individual seeking additional information about HAARP, or wishing to provide comments regarding HAARP, may contact:

* Office of Public Affairs
Air Force Research Laboratory
3550 Aberdeen Ave S.E.
Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5776
Any individual seeking additional information about HAARP, or wishing to provide comments regarding HAARP, may contact:

* Office of Public Affairs
Air Force Research Laboratory
3550 Aberdeen Ave S.E.
Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5776

yeah sure you call them. :cool: They will tell you the public goodness of what HAARP is, a study of Earth environment, perfectly harmless.

So the Department of the Navy working on a purely civilian project with no military application to speak of doesn't raise any eyebrows here?

Was the atomic bomb pseudoscience before college physics professors widely understood it was a reality? This stuff goes back to Tesla and his work. Just because you didn't learn it in class doesn't mean its not valid.

As has already been mentioned, the Navy has a vital interest in communications. I think it should be obvious why they'd have such an interest, given what they're tasked with doing in the event of war. The Navy also takes an interest in atmospheric and Earth sciences because such knowledge helps them make better equipment, shield it from electrical storms, avoid bad weather by spotting it in advance, etc. etc.

It was the US Navy which discovered the Earth's shifting magnetic poles, back in the 60's, because their submarine detection equipment was sensitive enough to pick it up. Has nothing whatsoever to do with weapons research (unless you call detection equipment a "weapon"). 100 years ago, Albert Michelson was working for the US Navy when he performed his experiments attempting to detect the aether (the "failure" of his experiments to detect such an aether was one of the earliest experiments supporting Einstein's Relativity). Was Michelson looking to develop some sort of crazy weapons system with his simple interferometer? No, he was performing measurements that, as a US Navy scientist, he had the expertise to perform.

Let's start using some more practical common sense and a little less Art Bell sense, shall we?