Are there any real atheists


Registered Senior Member
Are there any "true" atheists? That is the real question, does anyone 100% truely belive there is no god? I'm talking completly with all of your being believe god does not exist. It's just a question, I'm interested to see the response.

ok what is a god people?

the word "god" dosent just mean the christian defiition, or muslim either,

i am a lesser god, i create life, i take away life, i am the creator and grim reaper,
i have infinite wisdom bound in a mortal shell, i am the truth, i can abstract myself from the self, and then observe the self that observes the universe,

i am a god in my world,

the greek messenger god wasnt all powerful but was still a god,


Do you 100% truly believe there are no goddesses?

Do you 100% truly believe there is no Buddha?

Do you 100% truly believe there are no Greek Olympian Gods?

Do you 100% truly believe there are no 1 million Japanese Shinto Gods of water and forest?

Do you 100% truly believe there is a god?

i believe anythig is possible,

i do not believe there is a god, i do not believe there is not a god,

i dont know niether does anyone else walking this world 100%,

what we believe dosent even matter,

Gods don't exist. The greek messenger god didn't exist so it doesn't matter if he was all-powerful or not. Call yourself what you want, you're still human.
i am the universe and so are you,

i have just taken the energy form and structure of a human bieng, an animal life form of the planet earth,

my universal energy has always existed since the dawn of time, when i die my energy will pass on to create new forms of energy, ever transforming, as i am the universe itself,

Because of the total lack of evidence in favor of the existence of a given supernatural power, and because the only logical conclusion that can be arrived at through the empirical method is that said power doesn't exist, one can reasonably conclude the simplest conclusion, which is that said power doesn't exist.

In short, I'm one hundred percent Atheist.
macabre said:
Are there any "true" atheists? That is the real question, does anyone 100% truely belive there is no god? I'm talking completly with all of your being believe god does not exist. It's just a question, I'm interested to see the response.


There is no evidence supporting the existence of 'God'; therefore, I don't accept it's existence as truth.
macabre said:
What kind of evidence would you want for proof?

Photographs, reliable news reports of physical sightings of this "god" fellow, and some o' that "divine providence" might be helpful. :D