are some people too old to see the truth?

second creation


YUSUFALI: That He hath promised a Second Creation (Raising of the Dead)

Are you serious? Raising of the dead? Zombies? :roflmao:

same thing both judaism and christianity are awaiting; but most do not know what it means

It's called a fairy tale.

Caliphs wrote ALL quran, muhammad was illiterate (he was dead years before the book ever made print)

Then, the Caliphs created the Quran? If Muhammad was dead, the Caliphs could have put whatever they wanted in the Quran.
Are you serious? Raising of the dead? Zombies? :roflmao:
Hey "Q" would you like me to raise yours?

It's called a fairy tale.

no its not; open a thread 'raising the dead'

Then, the Caliphs created the Quran? If Muhammad was dead, the Caliphs could have put whatever they wanted in the Quran.

pretty much the same thing evengeles do to christian beliefs

really think about it; talmud are 'voted in' beliefs and caliphs redefine in haddith for islam

it's a common psychosis

No- and a matter fact it's MUCH easier to absorb someone's thoughts (via post) and post a comment than it is to break it down line by line with quick one-liners.
No it isn't, that is a generalization and may be appropriate in some cases but not all.

But then again I must pardon myself- I am college educated and see more to words than just one liners.
Acquiring a college education only indicates a potential not necessarily any inherent ability to apply. Your comment is a non sequitur. You appear more interested in trying to imply you are somehow superior to others here. That’s an ego issue you should probably address at some point.

I tend to see a thrust of an argument and a counter-argument to that assertion...
Good for you but then so can most. The issue is that many posts here comprise many disconnected points that can only be reasonably answered point by point.

never mind- it's stuff you wouldn't understand.
Really? You clearly have no comprehension of what I understand.

So here you introduced your ego, debate styles, an implication of college education, and a personal attack. I guess I could have simply stated that your post encapsulates the essence of an arrogant and conceited individual with a perspective not worthy of response, but I’ll refrain.
i think the purpose of life is to seek the truth, so the moment you're too old to learn you should die.

i think the purpose of life is to seek the truth, so the moment you're too old to learn you should die.
Oh absolutely let's kill all the old people, how about all the mentally insane, and all the children born with learning disabailities.

Oh wait someone already thought of that - they used gas chambers I believe.
i think the purpose of life is to seek the truth, so the moment you're too old to learn you should die.
What if you have already found the truth? Should you die then? Or should you be allowed to live in order to share the truth? What if you have found just part of the truth? Should you be allowed to live to share that?

Oh absolutely let's kill all the old people, how about all the mentally insane, and all the children born with learning disabailities.

Oh wait someone already thought of that - they used gas chambers I believe.

who says those people don't learn?
What if you have already found the truth? Should you die then? Or should you be allowed to live in order to share the truth? What if you have found just part of the truth? Should you be allowed to live to share that?

i would think that the truth is pretty damn volumous. when people think they know everything and have nothing left to learn, that's when they get stupid.