are some people too old to see the truth?


You say Allah is ALL POWERFUL and you say Allah KNOWS EVERYTHING but then you agree YOU can do something Allah can not - you can learn. You can think.

You just logically disproved the existence of Allah.

I'm not asking you to say if one action (that of thinking) is BETTER than another (that of knowing all). That's not all at what I am talking about. I'm showing you that Allah CAN NOT exist. And, you may not realize it, but you just agreed with me.

That aside, if you are in serious danger if you became atheist then you should quite these forums as you could get hurt and really, you becoming more informed on reality is nothing compared to you losing your life.

Lastly, you should note that Allah, as a thing that ONLY Knows-All (does not think) It can not feel emotion. It does not Love, Hate, Care, Worry, Sympathize, Laugh from surprise at a joke, find joy in discovery, Learn, feel, understand, etc... NOTHING because emotion and learning and thinking are all processes that requires change in mental state. Allah can NOT change It's mental state It can ONLY exist in ALL-KNOWING like some huge computer HardDrive. Some Cold, Impassive, Unemotional ALL-KNOWING Thing.

THIS Thing, you suggest is Better?!?!

Not to me.


PS: I usually like to end a thread with something like this (as I truly wonder about human psychology):

"scifes, we are working together to bring you closer to Satan, who will eat and devour your soul, each sentence you read brings doubt, YESsss Feel the doubt rise in you as you edge closer to eternal damnation.... BWWWAAHHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"


When you say Allah, this is for your information, just because I don't like the way you emphasize "The" word. Allah is God of all who believe in He (The One) no matter what race/religion he will take them to heaven.
I'm didn't quite understand your post? What are you talking about and how does it relate to my post.
As long as you're prepared to take for granted that nobody can know everything, and therefor you should always continue to learn new things, you're never too old for new knowledge..:cool:.
As long as you're prepared to take for granted that nobody can know everything, and therefor you should always continue to learn new things, you're never too old for new knowledge..:cool:.

reality in fact and why the ONLY way to improve or perform an 'evolution' to knowledge is to absorb the works left by others and then combine it with honesty to reach the next plateau.

how do you think NEW WORDS are coined? We (mankind) creates them to summarize new benchmarks to reference.

For example; what is an electron or even an atom to moses?

can i kiss you? :D
:are some people old enough not to see the truth??
the dead ones definitely
if youre alive theres still hope.
not admitting to: "i don't know" is also a failure..
its just being dishonest
thinker+knowledge of islam=true muslim
if you say so,:rolleyes:
whats a false muslim,..someone who doesnt think?
if there is no god..all these will go to the same nothingness..
the ground isnt nothingness.
if there is a god..muslim thinkers and (sheep) will go to heaven..
atheists will go to hell.
what IF theres only Deistic god,or Buddha?
so after seeing that..what is the logical choice to make??
to boldly go where no one went before? ;)
instead of putting a religion section to collect the nutters and bash them..just say we don't believe in get lost..we have more important things to discuss..
hey,YOU started this silly tread,bucko :D
but my religion has a scientific explanation to it..alas(lol)..all science explains it..
do tell!
but my communication is like walking on ice..
when walking on ice..dont hop!
How did this turn into a "bash Islam" thread? It started off as a rambling disassembled flow of consciousness that could have gone in any direction, instead it decided to rip apart a faith. How dare all of you attack Islam. How many of you have read the Qu'ran? The rest of you can be seated.

And Oli- has anyone ever told you how annoying it is to have someone's post ripped apart line by line with a short, smart-assed commentary? Can you please address the post, not the words- it's more productive that way and it ends up actually getting us TO A POINT.
And Oli- has anyone ever told you how annoying it is to have someone's post ripped apart line by line with a short, smart-assed commentary? Can you please address the post, not the words- it's more productive that way and it ends up actually getting us TO A POINT.
I've already stated why I posted on a line-by line basis.

It usually takes substantially more effort to compose a comprehensive single response to a post that has multiple points. It is significantly easier and quicker to respond point by point. If we were to insist otherwise we'd see very little content posted.

This is annoying perhaps but it is still a practial practice for such forums like this. I would recommened you post your points in such a way that others can indeed tackle each point independently.

How dare all of you attack Islam.
Why not? Note this is not a pro-religion forum, neither is it particularly an anti-religion forum. There are no barriers to how members discuss any issue of any religion. If you are offended by an attack on a religion then that is your problem not that of the attackers.

It usually takes substantially more effort to compose a comprehensive single response to a post that has multiple points. It is significantly easier and quicker to respond point by point. If we were to insist otherwise we'd see very little content posted.

This is annoying perhaps but it is still a practial practice for such forums like this. I would recommened you post your points in such a way that others can indeed tackle each point independently.

No- and a matter fact it's MUCH easier to absorb someone's thoughts (via post) and post a comment than it is to break it down line by line with quick one-liners.

But then again I must pardon myself- I am college educated and see more to words than just one liners.

I tend to see a thrust of an argument and a counter-argument to that assertion... never mind- it's stuff you wouldn't understand.


Right? ;)
No- and a matter fact it's MUCH easier to absorb someone's thoughts (via post) and post a comment than it is to break it down line by line with quick one-liners.
And when a post consists of several different points?
There's nothing worse than reading through a long post trying to work which part of the reply refers to which part of the "question".
(Meh, okay, there's lots of things worse, but you know what I mean).

But then again I must pardon myself- I am college educated and see more to words than just one liners.
Good for you.
Try university next: like I did.
Maybe you don't see beyond the "one-liners".
Is that not worth considering?

I tend to see a thrust of an argument and a counter-argument to that assertion... never mind- it's stuff you wouldn't understand.

Yeah- you're an expert at html and you have no clue what a theory or point is- you only see words.
I'm an expert at many things. :p
One of them isn't making assumptions though.
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ok..provoking re wording..
:are some people old enough not to see the truth??

Define "truth" clearly and explicitly.

when i was younger i didn't believe people was illogical to me as people drinking piss..

i just couldn't explain it..yet i had to live with it..

now that i'm a bit older...:(..i understand why people smoke..and i hate myself for it..

i preferred my self as before...i don't know..i was..pure?

You hate yourself because you understand more now? Someone did a number on you to convince you that comprehension is bad.

not excepting faliure at explaining something and forcing yourself to fill the gap with an answer is also not always right..many times it's harmless..what to lose?? many time the answer is everything..

The risk with filling a gap with imagination and calling it "truth" is that it simply isn't... and if you communicate that "truth" to others then you are very likely lying.

not admitting to: "i don't know" is also a failure..


not questioning something you are used to is also a all tell me to do the same thing..and i think that thinker=atheist..

An atheist is someone who does not accept the assetion "god exists" as being true; therefore, your equality is very flawed.

thinker+knowledge of islam=true muslim

If that were true then most of the worlds muslims wouldn't be muslim.

knowledge of islam= (sheep) as you call them..people who follow islam but don't have the logic to support it..

if there is no god..all these will go to the same nothingness..

if there is a god..muslim thinkers and (sheep) will go to heaven..

atheists will go to don't bite my head off i'm simulating the possibilities of who being right and who wrong..

so after seeing that..what is the logical choice to make??

The logical choice depends on what you value. If it's psychological satiation then your odds of guessing the correct religion are 1 in (n) where (n) is the number of religions (and non-religions) that have existed in human history. That's the best you could do. If you value truth then you will understand exactly what 'God' is and what 'God' isn't and your choice will be of the highest possible certainty.

i know that with your many years of life you have been following the same logic and have known well how to defend it..

We have more than logic on our side. We have evidence and that defends itself with little or no effort on our part.

and know you'll argue me on this..

and you'll keep arguing..

and arguing..

and arguing..

then what??

Then truth is exposed and anyone who values it can have it.

one of us is right and will stay so..the other is wrong and will stay so..


is there any good in the religion part of sciforums or is general philosophy enough??

instead of putting a religion section to collect the nutters and bash them..just say we don't believe in get lost..we have more important things to discuss..cuz you know you WILL not why go through the debating?? to prove the other wrong and if you can't then: oh, was fun..?

i'm really..

i don't know..i mean you're all old and stuff..also you seem more into "debating"..

I often use this subforum to probe human behavior.

i just don't know..

i hate preaching..

it doesn't work for works for "sheep"..


but my religion has a scientific explanation to it..alas(lol)..all science explains it..

Every religion has a scientific explanation for it... most of it being grounded in evolutionary psychology. What all religions lack are evidence of their paranormal claims... and it's simply because those claims are false.

but thinkers see that it degrades thum by putting them with the "sheep"..

See that what degrades them?

what if the sheep are heading to safety??

Safety from?

...i can argue you in any of your questions..

Probably, but you wont be able to answer any of them correctly.

i also have a lot of philosephies which have helped me..i want to share them..

but my communication is like walking on ice..

yes i was born into islam..
but like you i refused to be a "sheep"..
and that is why i like you guys..

but my thinking and logic showed me with NO DOUBT..that islam is right..
so you can say i was reborn into islam..into the"sheep"..but with my own will..

so i can't see why you don't see what i see..
nd that is why i don't understand you guys..

I would speculate that most of us know exactly what you see and why you see it. The reverse isn't truth because you are relying on thinking and logic only. The most important component is objective evidence to ground your thinking and logic upon... and it would appear you're missing that.

is it that since you didn't reach it think that you're being "preached"?

that you're "turned" into a sheep? into fools like the other muslims??

is it that you lack the knowledge??

you don't know enough?? you don't know fact from fiction in islam??

is it the pieces of information that are missing?

Quite simply "it's" because we know how to distinguish between what exists and what doesn't.

what does atheist have in store for you??

what future does it hold?? human development?? what good is that once you're dead?

what past does it explain?? evolution? from what?

your answer to the previous question...came from what??

I think you are confusing atheism with some kind of life philosophy. Atheism is when the assertion "god exists" is not accepted as truth.

how will the world end?(other than your death)

In 500 million years heat will kill all life on earth. In a billion years the sun will physically absorb earth.

you can't explain the origin of you don't believe in him..because it's other people's(sheep)'s idea..

Incorrect. God is the result of human psychology... it's biggest influencer being the survival mechanism of Anthropomorphism.

you can't explain the origin of matter.. but you follow it..because it's your own conclusion..

Depending on what you mean about the "origin" of matter you may or may not be correct in that an explanation currently doesn't exist. The second half of your statement didn't quite make sense... perhaps if it was paraphrased that would help.

you put question marks in front of others' beliefs..(of theism)

but in essence.. you DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION....yup, you too..

What question are you referring to and why does it matter whether or not an answer is presently available?

you tried and came up with atheism..

follow it up..and you'll reach islam..if you haven't blocked that way already..

Atheism isn't something you "come up with". It is the default state of every newborn human on the planet. The rest of your statement seems to rely on some nebulous question that Islam answers. You'll have to state what that question is first.
congratulations're the second person in sciforums who comes up with something i haven't thought of yet..

No, he is just the second one you were able to notice and admit to.'s much less of a challenge than the first one..


imagine a human with alterd genetics who is 100% food efficient..meaning he doesn't need to use the bathroom..

Its much easier to imagine you are clueless about basic biology.

nothing to brag about..

What do you have against using the bathroom? :bugeye:

but comparing us to god with them is just out of place

Of course, we are real...god is poor fantasy.
How dare all of you attack Islam. How many of you have read the Qu'ran?

Islam is merely myth and superstition. Why would you care about it being attacked? Would you also care if we attacked Mother Goose, Aesop or Grimms fairy tales?