are some people too old to see the truth?


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
ok..provoking re wording..
:are some people old enough not to see the truth??

i said i hated growing..

when i was younger i didn't believe people was illogical to me as people drinking piss..

i just couldn't explain it..yet i had to live with it..

now that i'm a bit older...:(..i understand why people smoke..and i hate myself for it..

i preferred my self as before...i don't know..i was..pure?

so thinking too much might not come up with good things always..

not excepting faliure at explaining something and forcing yourself to fill the gap with an answer is also not always right..many times it's harmless..what to lose?? many time the answer is everything..

not admitting to: "i don't know" is also a failure..

not questioning something you are used to is also a all tell me to do the same thing..and i think that thinker=atheist..

thinker+knowledge of islam=true muslim

knowledge of islam= (sheep) as you call them..people who follow islam but don't have the logic to support it..

if there is no god..all these will go to the same nothingness..

if there is a god..muslim thinkers and (sheep) will go to heaven..

atheists will go to don't bite my head off i'm simulating the possibilities of who being right and who wrong..

so after seeing that..what is the logical choice to make??

i know that with your many years of life you have been following the same logic and have known well how to defend it..

and know you'll argue me on this..

and you'll keep arguing..

and arguing..

and arguing..

then what??

one of us is right and will stay so..the other is wrong and will stay so..

is there any good in the religion part of sciforums or is general philosophy enough??

instead of putting a religion section to collect the nutters and bash them..just say we don't believe in get lost..we have more important things to discuss..cuz you know you WILL not why go through the debating?? to prove the other wrong and if you can't then: oh, was fun..?

i'm really..

i don't know..i mean you're all old and stuff..also you seem more into "debating"..

i just don't know..

i hate preaching..

it doesn't work for works for "sheep"..

but my religion has a scientific explanation to it..alas(lol)..all science explains it..

but thinkers see that it degrades thum by putting them with the "sheep"..

what if the sheep are heading to safety??

i said what again don't bite my head off..

till now all of your questions you ask which stop you from believing i answered to myself before..

no questions or doubts were new..

except for the "no free will" one by litewave..

it gave me a challenge..and a hell of a scare..

but i solved it:D.. and am pleased with myself that i did..

i can argue you in any of your questions..

i also have a lot of philosephies which have helped me..i want to share them..

but my communication is like walking on ice..

yes i was born into islam..
but like you i refused to be a "sheep"..
and that is why i like you guys..

but my thinking and logic showed me with NO DOUBT..that islam is right..
so you can say i was reborn into islam..into the"sheep"..but with my own will..

so i can't see why you don't see what i see..
nd that is why i don't understand you guys..

is it that since you didn't reach it think that you're being "preached"?

that you're "turned" into a sheep? into fools like the other muslims??

is it that you lack the knowledge??

you don't know enough?? you don't know fact from fiction in islam??

is it the pieces of information that are missing?

what does atheist have in store for you??

what future does it hold?? human development?? what good is that once you're dead?

what past does it explain?? evolution? from what?

your answer to the previous question...came from what??

how will the world end?(other than your death)

you can't explain the origin of you don't believe in him..because it's other people's(sheep)'s idea..

you can't explain the origin of matter.. but you follow it..because it's your own conclusion..

you put question marks in front of others' beliefs..(of theism)

but in essence.. you DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION....yup, you too..

you tried and came up with atheism..

follow it up..and you'll reach islam..if you haven't blocked that way already..

personal request..:instead of quoting others and replying to the segements in a bite me bite you the whole thing..connect it with past things..formulate your reply to concept in general..

when i was younger i didn't believe people was illogical to me as people drinking piss..
So wouldn't that indicate that some people are too young to see the truth?

but my religion has a scientific explanation to it..alas(lol)..all science explains it..
No it doesn't.

till now all of your questions you ask which stop you from believing i answered to myself before..
Yep, we've seen the answers you've arrived at by yourself: ants are made of glass. :rolleyes:

except for the "no free will" one by litewave..
it gave me a challenge..and a hell of a scare..
but i solved it:D.. and am pleased with myself that i did..
Actually you didn't - your "solution" was as simplistic as his - except that your solution was what you wanted to believe.

i can argue you in any of your questions..
Yep, and fail miserably or sidestep the question.
There's a difference between arguing and arriving at a conclusion (which involves providing evidence).

but my thinking and logic showed me with NO DOUBT..that islam is right..
The same thinking and logic whereby you got to glass ants?

is it that since you didn't reach it think that you're being "preached"?
Maybe because we actually think about it, instead of accepting the first comfortable answer.

that you're "turned" into a sheep? into fools like the other muslims??
Um, I don't think you have a leg to stand on with regard to this...

is it that you lack the knowledge??

you don't know enough?? you don't know fact from fiction in islam??
And you do?
Yet to be demonstrated.

you can't explain the origin of you don't believe in him..because it's other people's(sheep)'s idea..
You're missing the entire argument aren't you?

you can't explain the origin of matter.. but you follow it..because it's your own conclusion..
And again.

you put question marks in front of others' beliefs..(of theism)
but in essence.. you DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION....yup, you too..
you tried and came up with atheism..
If you turned round you might see what you're aiming at.

follow it up..and you'll reach islam..if you haven't blocked that way already..

personal request..:instead of quoting others and replying to the segements in a bite me bite you the whole thing..connect it with past things..formulate your reply to concept in general..
Okay, as per request - you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
That simple enough for you?
(And actually, it's easier to reply by segments since you ramble incoherently so much).
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personal request..:instead of quoting others and replying to the segements in a bite me bite you the whole thing..connect it with past things..formulate your reply to concept in general..


and i like you too!

That hunger is why people learn (knowledge evolves).

I see the Quran as the 3rd evolution of the three ladies. (3 religions of abraham tied to the mount (the gate/babilu)

if you want 'truth' and pure reality, then let's rock this taco stand.

For example: the quran is practically all about the future, the coming, the end of days, the second creation; the last chapter to mankind (what is coming). Where it was misinterpreted, we now have the variety of beliefs from the core book(s). (just like Judaism, and christianity (catholic/protestants..etc))

So if you be ONE who seeks reality, then know the reason for beliefs is not to offer homage to god, but to understand life and be capable or personal responsibilities. (knowing life and comprehending our existence) ((THAT CAN be your intent of HOMAGE))

God as clearly defined is all that we can experience; whether it be the flower or the nuclear sub, to even the wind and stars; all as ONE at the same time.
We BE his creation, we BE of the evolved over time (his time).... we are HIM incarnate, equally amoung ourselves (conscious life)

All knowledge is HIS

All life is HIS

All that BE is HIS

But God is not a thing, person, place or magician; but purely all of existence at the same time and WE THE PEOPLE (mankind) are describing him in our knowledge put to words (as mankind created all words/ within all that is "GOD")

Jinn are the lies we (mankind) creates.

The OLD like the OLD methods of describing, honoring, homaging and considering GOD as some separate entity we talk too (pray/beg)

God is not of needs; we (mankind) are the only thing asking God for things, requiring homage, instilling fear; lying to mankind (creating Jinn).

God (existence/nature) is not who lies to mankind. There is no devil, satan or monster hiding under your bed; never has been.

words and what opinions have done with words are what causes the lies to exist

mankind created the religions, not God

but them words put to print do have many truths within; the new, the children, the evolved, the honest and the thinkers can come to terms with this reality and know GOD by observing more knowledge of GOD from many sources within God.

Are some people too old to see the truth?

YES............ in the sense the complacent "can't handle the truth"

as it ruins most everything they have learned to believe!

just as the 2nd law of thermodynamics is a joke, and to comprehend that shares the very same thing WILL occur to the people of the sciences; most of what they learned is wrong; (life is not based on uncertainties and chaos)

(note even in the quran, they knew when the truth "walks" that is will be like a 'reversal of nature'............ as all of mankind will be 'awakened')

you getting it from the lions keyboard

but do you know truth when you taste it? that is my question!

Are you committed to service (A true Muslim)?

Are you ONE with 'the boss' (God) and willing to keep the single best tenant you can possibly muster and no one can ever take it from you; being honest over all other choices?

when you can be just that straight up; then you can 'see the truth' from within the nature of GOD (HIS existence)

Let me know.
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For example: the quran is practically all about the future, the coming, the end of days, the second creation; the last chapter to mankind (what is coming). Where it was misinterpreted, we now have the variety of beliefs from the core book(s). (just like Judaism, and christianity (catholic/protestants..etc))

The myths and superstitions of those cults have yet to accurately predict a nosebleed, let alone the future. Please note that each cult has a very different view from each other. Can you explain that?

Jinn are the lies we (mankind) creates.

Islam is therefore "Jinn."

God (existence/nature) is not who lies to mankind. There is no devil, satan or monster hiding under your bed; never has been.

Just as there is no god hiding under your bed, never was.

words and what opinions have done with words are what causes the lies to exist

A good example of that is Islam.

mankind created the religions, not God

Man created Islam.

Are some people too old to see the truth?

YES............ in the sense the complacent "can't handle the truth"

as it ruins most everything they have learned to believe!

Yes, it's amazing how facts can lead one to question their beliefs.

just as the 2nd law of thermodynamics is a joke, and to comprehend that shares the very same thing WILL occur to the people of the sciences; most of what they learned is wrong

Laws of physics can be demonstrated. Your god cannot. What is the joke here?

Are you ONE with 'the boss' (God) and willing to keep the single best tenant you can possibly muster and no one can ever take it from you; being honest over all other choices?

Honesty is something that is unknown in Islam.
The myths and superstitions of those cults have yet to accurately predict a nosebleed, let alone the future. Please note that each cult has a very different view from each other. Can you explain that?
sure, open up a thread

Islam is therefore "Jinn."

Islam is a word............not a jinn

the book of quran is just like any other religious text but to observe the 'jinn' observe what people do with the material

for example: "the best of examples of anti-christ are found observing christians"

Just as there is no god hiding under your bed, never was.

god ain't no separate entity; i see god as 'all mass, all energy and all time'

not some dude on a thrown

as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"

Man created Islam.
and every word that exists

Yes, it's amazing how facts can lead one to question their beliefs.

and that questioning is based on being honest before being complacent

Laws of physics can be demonstrated. Your god cannot. What is the joke here?
I see three;.......the 2LoT is a joke, God ain't making decisions for mankind and you not comprehending physics and opening your trap

when you comprehend gibb free energy or the green function or even the 1st law of thermodynamics, then you can see how 'life: abuses entropy'

as that FACT is just like telling a christian, that God did not sent jesus to save them from sins.

in both arena's of BELIEFS, the followers are 'being less than responsibile' to honesty

Honesty is something that is unknown in Islam.

most all religions have a hook, that requires a believer to fib; sad but true

i observe all religions, but will not lie for a belief

same as i am with the sciences; i observe all frames to the evolution of knowledge, but i will not hold a law as fact, when i can see that law broken everyday i am awake; life; abuses entropy or nothing would have evolved!

So no matter which 'belief' you hold as YOUR fact; in today's paradigm, they all suspect.

the 'truth' combines them all
as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"
Except that existence isn't defining itself.

I see three;.......the 2LoT is a joke, God ain't making decisions for mankind and you not comprehending physics and opening your trap
Still showing you haven't got a clue?

then you can see how 'life: abuses entropy'

same as i am with the sciences; i observe all frames to the evolution of knowledge, but i will not hold a law as fact, when i can see that law broken everyday i am awake; life; abuses entropy or nothing would have evolved!
It would be better if you actually learnt something before declaring its wrong.
Except that existence isn't defining itself.
is that your opinion of fact?

meaning; you are trying to define or state your opinion; are you not a part of existence?

or is something outside of existence telling you what to say?

Still showing you haven't got a clue?

most everything that comes from you is crap OLI.....

i suggested existence is defining itself and you say it isn't when the fact IS< all that is EVER in writing is a part of EXISTENCE (the universe)

your comprehension of the 2LoT and entropy is flawed just like your first opinion above; because you don't have a clue about either; the sciences or being honest and how to use basic common sense (this thread is about people like you)

It would be better if you actually learnt something before declaring its wrong.

again, the ad hominem attacks of a quack

the comment was same as i am with the sciences; i observe all frames to the evolution of knowledge, but i will not hold a law as fact, when i can see that law broken everyday i am awake; life; abuses entropy or nothing would have evolved!

i observe and address with reality as the foundation of truth; you duck are an idiot who comments on items but has no concept of direct involvement or responsibility to what you represent.

I SAID i do not follow the 2LoT because i can experience the law being broken

i know the math beyond anyone you have ever come into contact with as well can use the concept of evolution as a PERFECT example of the law being wrong

are some people too old to see the truth?

YES.......... see OLI as a perfect example!
is that your opinion of fact?
meaning; you are trying to define or state your opinion; are you not a part of existence?
or is something outside of existence telling you what to say?
I'm part of existence: as stated in your thread - humanity is an extremely small part of the totality, hence your assertion is nonsense.

i suggested existence is defining itself and you say it isn't when the fact IS< all that is EVER in writing is a part of EXISTENCE (the universe)
Nope, specious bullshit.

your comprehension of the 2LoT and entropy is flawed just like your first opinion above; because you don't have a clue about either; the sciences or being honest and how to use basic common sense (this thread is about people like you)
Actually I do, it's you that has no clue, since you persistently claim that life breaks those laws.

again, the ad hominem attacks of a quack
Nope an observation.

the comment was same as i am with the sciences; i observe all frames to the evolution of knowledge, but i will not hold a law as fact, when i can see that law broken everyday i am awake; life; abuses entropy or nothing would have evolved!
And it's crap.
Life does not abuse entropy, you misunderstand altogether.

i observe and address with reality as the foundation of truth; you duck are an idiot who comments on items but has no concept of direct involvement or responsibility to what you represent.
More crap.

I SAID i do not follow the 2LoT because i can experience the law being broken
I know what you wrote, and you're wrong.
It isn't being broken.

i know the math beyond anyone you have ever come into contact with
I call bullshit on that as well.

as well can use the concept of evolution as a PERFECT example of the law being wrong
You can try, but you'd be incorrect.

are some people too old to see the truth?
YES.......... see OLI as a perfect example!
That would be because you're utterly deluded.
I admit scifes, you got me interested in Islam. So wanted I looked it up on both religious and non religious sites. I came in with an open mind. And the main thing I observed is, how is Islam any different than Christianity as far as credibility goes? They both make the same kind of extraordinary claims and have the same "I just made this up" type of rules. No different than all the rigmarole one goes through at Catholic church's mass or during the Jewish Passover or the reason Mormons aren't supposed to watch R rated movies. I honestly want to know. What makes Islam more true than Christianity or Judaism?
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I'm part of existence: as stated in your thread - humanity is an extremely small part of the totality, hence your assertion is nonsense.
i posted

Originally Posted by Bishadi
as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"

and you post it is NON sense only because you are not using common sense

"specious bullshit."

is all you know because you are not using your integrity with any sense of mind

Actually I do, it's you that has no clue, since you persistently claim that life breaks those laws.

'choice' in itself breaks the 'random' of 2LoT as a law

and you too stupid to comprehend it
Life does not abuse entropy, you misunderstand altogether.

Sorry idiot, you problem is you are a quack and do not comprehend the sciences.

Gibbs or the green function are patches in QM just for the d/t conveyance without a loss; that is PURELY a law breaker in itself

but why mention math because common sense don't even work for you.

Talking to you about anything that is not 'complacent' is like talking to the pope telling him Jesus aint god

In most every line of response, you run to attacks because you have nothing to offer in any articulate conversation; you clearly are just a troll

are some people to old to see the truth?


and Oli is a perfect example

it comes from just being complacent that everyone else knows better than you, so you believe them.

You will find the ignorant are usually the rudest people when you directly point out something they do not comprehend. For example; if Oil was even remotely capable, he would look up what the green function is in physics and check to see how and why it applies

and if ME (i) was full of it, he could actually slam me hard with solid evidence and be truly checking things out ...............But

are some people to old to see the truth?


they just don't care
Originally Posted by Bishadi
as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"
Humans are the ONLY part of existence that is doing any defining - hence "existence" is NOT defining itself.

'choice' in itself breaks the 'random' of 2LoT as a law
Oops, wrong (again).

Sorry idiot, you problem is you are a quack and do not comprehend the sciences.
Doesn't say much for you, since I have a far better grasp than you seem to.

Gibbs or the green function are patches in QM just for the d/t conveyance without a loss; that is PURELY a law breaker in itself
Gibbs is a chemical process...

but why mention math because common sense don't even work for you.
Weaseled out of that one didn't you?
Realised you'd over-stepped the mark?

In most every line of response, you run to attacks
Saying you're incorrect is an attack?

because you have nothing to offer in any articulate conversation
Articulate conversation?
With you?

you clearly are just a troll
In point of fact since you have not once ever backed up your statements (except by repetition and obfuscation) it would actually be you that's the troll.

it comes from just being complacent that everyone else knows better than you, so you believe them.
Hmm, not everyone knows better than me.
There's you for a start.

You will find the ignorant are usually the rudest people when you directly point out something they do not comprehend. For example; if Oil was even remotely capable, he would look up what the green function is in physics and check to see how and why it applies
Or perhaps, since you're the one making the claim, you should show why it applies.

and if ME (i) was full of it, he could actually slam me hard with solid evidence and be truly checking things out
Why should I bother?
You have singularly failed to give any evidence (let alone solid) for any of your assertions.

:are some people old enough not to see the truth??
For most people growing older usually means absorbing more information and knowledge and more time to think about various issues. At least those people who are interested in learning tend to do that.

For me, I am 56, the more I examine religion the more I become convinced they are total nonsense. It is with greater understanding and knowledge that has persuaded me against religions and not that I have had some earlier teaching and have sheep-like stayed with that notion. In fact my earlier years were dominated by religious teaching.

so thinking too much might not come up with good things always..
Thinking on its own may not but then it depends on how you think. If you dwell (think about) for long periods about religious fantasies then you can easily convince yourself these things might be true. A disciplined and intelligent mind will seek verification and validation of the arguments it considers. We know for example from many statistical studies that those with higher intelligence or better education tend to not believe religious concepts. This is primarily because they have learnt how to think more clearly or have an inherent ability to think clearly.

knowledge of islam= (sheep) as you call them..people who follow islam but don't have the logic to support it..
Whether Islam or any religion, none have yet shown any credible support for their claims. I.e. they cannot show that what they believe is any different to imaginative fantasy.

if there is no god..all these will go to the same nothingness..
There is nothing to indicate anything else.

if there is a god..muslim thinkers and (sheep) will go to heaven..
Only according to your fantasy but you cannot show how it might or could be true.

atheists will go to don't bite my head off i'm simulating the possibilities of who being right and who wrong..
Think about this a little more. Isn’t this a little suspicious. It is like saying I can see a hole in front of me but I believe I can walk over it and won’t fall in (the fantasy), the non-believer simply disagrees. The question you should ask yourself is where did you get the fantasy from? It is from your religious indoctrination. It is not from observed events or truthful statements but from others who know no more than you and believe the same fantasies.

so after seeing that..what is the logical choice to make??
Somewhat very easy – don’t believe incredible claims until you have some good examples that they could be true.

i know that with your many years of life you have been following the same logic and have known well how to defend it..
Clearly you don’t. In reality the logic has grown and strengthened over the years as more examples and discussion of religious fantasies are encountered and the continual absence of support becomes increasingly more apparent.

one of us is right and will stay so..the other is wrong and will stay so..
The issue is not about who is right or wrong but should be about how we can show what is truth. Those who make religious claims cannot show any truths.

is there any good in the religion part of sciforums or is general philosophy enough??

instead of putting a religion section to collect the nutters and bash them..just say we don't believe in get lost..we have more important things to discuss..cuz you know you WILL not why go through the debating?? to prove the other wrong and if you can't then: oh, was fun..?
Science is mostly about reasoned thought and logic. Throughout my 9 years here I have seen many with strong religious beliefs finally understand the faulty thought processes that accompany religious concepts, and that due entirely to carefully argued discussions here in this forum. To help others learn to think more clearly is ample justification for this forum.

but my religion has a scientific explanation to it..alas(lol)..all science explains it..
Not quite. Islam makes claims that it has a scientific explanation but under closer examination (many times here) it clearly does not.

yes i was born into islam..
but like you i refused to be a "sheep"..
and that is why i like you guys..

but my thinking and logic showed me with NO DOUBT..that islam is right..
so you can say i was reborn into islam..into the"sheep"..but with my own will..

so i can't see why you don't see what i see..
nd that is why i don't understand you guys..
Because we can very clearly see that you have absorbed Islamic indoctrination and that even though you feel convinced you are right you are still unable to demonstrate that any of your beliefs reflect any degree of truth.

what future does it hold?? human development?? what good is that once you're dead?
Why assume death is inevitable? Average lifespan for humans over most of their history has been in the twenties and thirties, modern science has now brought that to around 80 and anti-aging research offers great hopes that that number will double and go far beyond. We are swiftly approaching a time when death is not an inevitable outcome. But fear of death is the basic weapon of every religion; it is what relates them all. Every religion offers people the false hope that they can cheat death. It is based on that very strong human emotion of wanting to survive. It is also based entirely on nonsense fantasy.

Even if you achieve heaven, then what? If you rejoin your family in the future once you are all dead what happens next? How will you develop and what will you do in this afterlife? Perhaps you will need a human development program.

you can't explain the origin of you don't believe in him..because it's other people's(sheep)'s idea..
Sure we can. The god concept is a human created fantasy.

you can't explain the origin of matter.. but you follow it..because it's your own conclusion..
Two issues here. One is the idea that matter had an origin when science indicates nothing is ever created or destroyed, and secondly matter obviously exists whereas gods remain in the realm of fantasy.

you put question marks in front of others' beliefs..(of theism)
Quite rightly so because you cannot show such beliefs represent truth in any form.

but in essence.. you DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION....yup, you too..
What is the question?

you tried and came up with atheism..
Atheism isn’t an answer to anything. But religious beliefs offer no demonstrable truths so I see no value in them.

follow it up..and you'll reach islam..if you haven't blocked that way already..
You’ll have to do a little more to show that Islam has at least a minute amount of truth before we take it in any form seriously. Show us why Islam is anything other than pure useless fantasy.

personal request..:instead of quoting others and replying to the segements in a bite me bite you the whole thing..connect it with past things..formulate your reply to concept in general..
Too many issues listed to give a general statement, but…

Islam is based entirely on human fantasy – can you show otherwise?
Humans are the ONLY part of existence that is doing any defining - hence "existence" is NOT defining itself.

Oh so it was the READING comprehension you failed in....ooops!

perhaps TRY again

Originally Posted by Bishadi
Originally Posted by Bishadi

as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"

sorry, i thought yu read it, well at least after the 3rd reprint of the same EXACT statement......... which of course is true!

Gibbs is a chemical process...
Oh BOY, you spelled 'chemical' correctly.

Now what is the theorem used for, old timer?

Since you are telling me i am wrong, as i provided the common sense approach (and that didn't work) then i put up an existing frame of the entropy buster, which can assist the math folk who are supposed to be the ones capable of discounting the proposal, and you can't handle that part either....

What is the easiest way to articulate with you on matters "old timer"?

Saying you're incorrect is an attack?
when the rebuttals are with 'crap' and ad hominem BS without anything substantial other than your quack

Anyone can see every post, there is nothing in them but word games;

for example

Articulate conversation?
With you?

In point of fact since you have not once ever backed up your statements (except by repetition and obfuscation) it would actually be you that's the troll.

Hmm, not everyone knows better than me.
There's you for a start.

Or perhaps, since you're the one making the claim, you should show why it applies.

Why should I bother?
You have singularly failed to give any evidence (let alone solid) for any of your assertions.

Nothing............ not a line item within that is worth a dam

its...................... 'trolling'

this thread is about why OLD timers can't seee the truth, when it is easy to see 'why' within our conversation alone

the blanks are rude with zero integrity towards anything but their own 'self'

collectively; it is because accepted paradigm is always hard to undo and if a group accepts a frame of thought, then even without any evidence or comprehension of the flaws; they will fight 'tooth and nail' to keep the drive alive.

Oli............ this threads for you
Or perhaps, since you're the one making the claim, you should show why it applies.

that was your reply to my comment

You will find the ignorant are usually the rudest people when you directly point out something they do not comprehend. For example; if Oil was even remotely capable, he would look up what the green function is in physics and check to see how and why it applies

i did share how it applies (entropy buster)

but if you want me to be a little more punchy i can hit you square;

it is often used for describing how energy conveys across a membrane of living organisms

because the standard physics can't define an "ENTROPY BUSTER" (itself) at the molecular scale and precisely............conveying in math a resonate energy (state) crossing the membrane with no loss.............

was that was clear and concise, oli................?

i know how it works and where it applies; you a talker!

SO idiot, if you want to get technical we can, but this thread is about WHY you old timers can't get over yourselves?

I am interested as well, but personally, i know you fools won't change and that is why i feed the kids and simply say blank you!

I know this next generations are our future and i will give them the ability to think for themselves.

You failed old timers. Step aside, this is our world now!
as we (mankind) are just parts of "existence defining itself"
Again: no.
Parts of existence are defining existence and themselves: existence is not (and cannot) define itself.
Your terminology is sloppy, or you're barking up the wrong tree.

Now what is the theorem used for, old timer?
You're the one claiming it has any relevance to your position.
I'm not doing your work for you.

Since you are telling me i am wrong, as i provided the common sense approach
Nope, there was no common sense to your post.

then i put up an existing frame of the entropy buster, which can assist the math folk who are supposed to be the ones capable of discounting the proposal
Go ahead - it would be a novelty for you to provide any supporting "evidence" for your position.

and you can't handle that part either....
Rather fond of unfounded assertions aren't you?

when the rebuttals are with 'crap' and ad hominem BS without anything substantial other than your quack
I'll match substance for substance, but, as has been pointed out to you many times you fail consistently to provide any.

Anyone can see every post, there is nothing in them but word games;
for example
Nothing............ not a line item within that is worth a dam
its...................... 'trolling'
So you regard pointing out that:
In point of fact since you have not once ever backed up your statements
Or perhaps, since you're the one making the claim, you should show why it applies.
You have singularly failed to give any evidence (let alone solid) for any of your assertions.
is trolling?
To my my certain knowledge you've had at least one thread closed before now for failing to provide any evidence for your position.

this thread is about why OLD timers can't seee the truth
And has singularly failed to make its point.

the blanks are rude with zero integrity towards anything but their own 'self'
Making claims without substantiation and then resorting to blanket claims of trolling instead of providing evidence is having integrity?
In which case I don't want it.

collectively; it is because accepted paradigm is always hard to undo and if a group accepts a frame of thought, then even without any evidence or comprehension of the flaws; they will fight 'tooth and nail' to keep the drive alive.
Since the "flaws" haven't been pointed out and no evidence supporting a contrary position has been offered then why should anyone change?
Or should we do it merely because you say so?
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You will find the ignorant are usually the rudest people when you directly point out something they do not comprehend.
Would "ignorant" or "rude" include mis-spelling my name?

For example; if Oil was even remotely capable, he would look up what the green function is in physics and check to see how and why it applies
How many more times?
YOU made the claim - it is up to YOU to provide the evidence/ support.
And are sure you don't mean Green's Function rather than Green function?
(After all you misspelt Gibbs as well).

i did share how it applies (entropy buster)
No, incorrect: you haven't shown that it does in fact "bust entropy".

it is often used for describing how energy conveys across a membrane of living organisms
It would be fascinating if you could indeed show how it's used for that.
And it "busts" entropy how?

was that was clear and concise, oli................?
Nope, it was, as usual, obfuscatory and avoiding the point.

SO idiot, if you want to get technical we can
As I've stated: go ahead it would be informative to see you actually back up your position.

but this thread is about WHY you old timers can't get over yourselves?
Which, as stated, it has failed to do.

I am interested as well, but personally, i know you fools won't change and that is why i feed the kids and simply say blank you!
Feed the kids crap you mean.

I know this next generations are our future and i will give them the ability to think for themselves.
That would be novel: so long they're taught to think correctly.
But it's unlikely to be by you.

You failed old timers. Step aside, this is our world now!
You get funnier, really, you do.
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Can you do something that Allah can not do?

Can you learn something new? Yes
Can Allah? No

There you go, I bet you never thought there was something YOU could do that the ALL POWERFUL and ALL KNOWING Allah could not do.

Want to know another thing you can do that Allah can not do?
You can THINK. Allah can't, Allah only knows - kind of like a harddrive of stored information. Allah is therefor irrational, as being rational is a process. Hard drives, like Allah, are irrational.

So you worship a irrational illogical hard-drive.

Great for you.

We can find all sorts of things to talk about in terms of what you think you "know" but the truth is you were brainwashed in the same way people learn a language. Once you know English, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to read these words and not understand and create meaning from them. The neurons in your brain are now wired to do this. They are also wired to believe in Allah and no matter what anyone says, you will always believe in Allah - just as you will always understand English. If you were raised to be a Scientologist and believe in the Intergallactic OverLord Xenu right now you'd be doing that.

Stop and think about this for a minute. Serious consider it (if that is possible - which it isn't possible and that's OK, you are brainwashed after all). IF there is no God. No God. none. Zilch. Zero. Nothing. What then, does this say about the Qur'an as a book and about Mohammad as a person? Can you accept the Qur'an as an Arab book of myths based on nearby Xians and Jews myths? Can you accept Mohammad as a liar who pretended there was an Allah to get people to do this or that?

What about Scientology? What do you think about Ron Hubbard? What about His book of revelations about Xenu? I bet it's quite easy to see the truth now isn't it?

Self delusion is actually quite common.
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Yes. The older they are the blinder their mind is. It is not because they are stupid, it is simply because they are very close minded and focused on one way and one choice only. They had a different way of life, they have not been exposed to what the new generation has like my self. It is too late for them to understand our point of view, or what the world really and truly became up to date.
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Bishadi, your wasting your time. You know how we are all seeds. Some land in fertile soil, some land on rocks, some land in branches, all over the place. Well Oli, he is a seed that grew up on a stone. No matter how much sense you knock into him, it will just bounce off. Hes mind ain't going no where. He has no roots. He does not hold any beneficial information to this society and also he does not learn anything beneficial for himself. Lost cause.
They had a different way of life, they have not been exposed to what the new generation has
Possibly correct - we were too busy building that world.

It is too late for them to understand our point of view
How very teenage angst of you.
How equally pedestrian.

No matter how much sense you knock into him, it will just bounce off.
There's no sense likely to be coming from you or Bisahdi.

He does not hold any beneficial information to this society
That's a particularly stupid (and fallacious) assumption.

and also he does not learn anything beneficial for himself.
Followed by another.