Are soldiers murderers?

Kill one man they call you a murderer, kill many men they call you a warrior, kill all men they call you God.
There is no way to get around the definition:

The killing of another person.

The crime of homicide committed either intentionally or with wicked disregard for the consequences.

Justifiable Homicide - your example

You can be a hero by taking a life to save a life\lives but in the end what is it?
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If killing is wrong, then are soldiers murderers?

No, you're trying to equate "killing" and "murder". Those are two very different terms, both legally and socially.

By the way, who ever said claimed that killing is wrong? Just because some people say so doesn't make it a fact. If one kills someone to prevent that person from raping your ten-year old daughter, is that "wrong"? Is it "murder"?

Baron Max
Does the term military operation extend to dictators wiping out entire groups?

Sure it does. Look at Darfur ...the whole world stands by and watches thousands of people killed, raped and driven from their homes. With all of us watching, and no one doing jack-shit about it, it must be just fine to do it, huh?

Might makes right, Sam. If it wasn't right, someone would do something about it ...instead of just talk!

Baron Max
No, you're trying to equate "killing" and "murder". Those are two very different terms, both legally and socially.

By the way, who ever said claimed that killing is wrong? Just because some people say so doesn't make it a fact. If one kills someone to prevent that person from raping your ten-year old daughter, is that "wrong"? Is it "murder"?

Baron Max

It is justifiable homicide, just as with a police officer\peace officer. - seeeee.
You can be a hero by taking a life to save a life\lives but in the end what is it?
It is killing, but not murder. I am not saying, nor have I implied that killing is not wrong. Nor have I stated, nor implied that murder is wrong. I have merely stated that murder is a very specific subset of killing.
yea but they are doing what there paid for so you cant hold them resposible hold the goverment.
Killing is always just killing. The state makes some kinds of killing murder, subject to criminal penalties. It also makes some kinds of killing officially sanctioned like the death penalty, military action, or self-defense.
If one kills someone to prevent that person from raping your ten-year old daughter, is that "wrong"? Is it "murder"?

Well, yes, it's murder and it's still wrong. But in our society, we see it as justifiable with the consequence depending on your judge/jury. Noone could really blame you for killing the person raping your child, but as an act, it's still wrong.

edit: I believe doing so would fall under non-criminal under duress homicide...
yea but they are doing what there paid for so you cant hold them resposible hold the goverment.

It is justifiable homicide, which is a legal term (i am not a lawyer) just read the links.

In this sense soldiers are NOT murderers.
We have US soldiers over in Iraq who are being charged with murder. Even in war there are differences in killing.
I'm glad I read this thread, as I was always curious about what would happen to me legally, if say, I shot somone who had broken into my house and I had good reason to shoot them.
You are all fools! You're blind simpletons, fore I am god here and you are my puppets. I control this discussion, let us review...

To end life, any life, this is killing. The term killing means to end life, therefore if you do this you are a killer aka murder. There is no escape, doubt me and I shall strike you down my animal things, fore I made you in the image of a monkey :S

As for the question whether killing it wrong, to take anyones life without regard is wrong, even if they're raping your 10 year old daughter. She wouldn't die just get a little bit of trama from it, so you can't go killing everyone Baron just cuz they're doing something wrong.

Now as civilized beings this is the truth, but because you're all monkeys this is not truly possible. Go my monkey creatures, kill and eat the dead, good luck finding me :p
....As for the question whether killing it wrong, to take anyones life without regard is wrong, even if they're raping your 10 year old daughter. She wouldn't die just get a little bit of trama from it, so you can't go killing everyone Baron just cuz they're doing something wrong....

A LITTLE BIT OF TRAUMA!!!! Killing you would be justifiable homicide right now. $%^&*$# :splat: