Are Prayers Answered ?

To Myles from Jesse.


Myles said 'I cannot find a way of putting this politely, so I shall be blunt. You are talking utter rubbish.'

And your qualifications for determining this are... what precisely?

Myles said 'So god does not listen to prayers of unbelievers. How many unbelievers do you know who pray.'

Well, Myles, they say there are no atheists hanging from the edge of cliffs and in my experience I've found this to be true. Too, many people are what one could call cultural Christians. They have been born into a family of believers and have a quasi belief in a god of some sort, but He is alien to them. Such people are not true believers even though they'd call themselves believers if asked - and most DO pray but have no knowledge of Whom they are praying to. One of the reasons God said 'My people are dying from a lack of knowledge.'

God does not listen to prayers (of even believers) that are not from the heart or which are asked out of a self-ish motive. As for healing, God heals Whom He wishes, as He sees fit. If we pray for healing and are not healed then our affliction serves some purpose in our journey toward being 'Transformed into the Image of Christ.'

Illness teaches us many things, patience, compassion, acceptance, surrender... all requirements of disciples of Christ, and our Father uses sickness as a training tool often. God has healed me several times from life-threatening maladies and rescued me from what should have been lethal situations, yet He has not (yet) chosen to heal me from injuries sustained in a car crash (five and a half years ago) that left me in a wheelchair, nor of a genetic disorder that isn't much fun to live with. I may not understand His reasons for healing me of some things but not others, but I rest assured that God knows what He is doing and will heal me if He deems it important to my spiritual journey.

Myles said 'If someone has a disease and prays for a cure, it's not a question of being ready for information; it's a cure that is required.'

In whose opinion? Perhaps the illness is necessary to cultivate a quality in the afflicted person which is necessary to his or her salvation. God doesn't take orders and we can't just hand Him our shopping lists. He does, however, take requests. The flesh is dying - all flesh is dying, and God is more interested in our spiritual (and eternal) health than in our physical state, yet He still does heal people physically daily for reasons known only to Himself.

Myles said 'Over the years, approximately 16 million people have been to Lourdes. One cure which could not be explained by doctors has been officially recorded. So, 16 million minus one believers have been praying in Lourdes. Its even worse if you consider that all these people were prayed for by the clergy who, on the face of it, could reasonably be regarded as believers.'

Your information on Lourdes differs from mine. I'm not a Catholic and so have difficulty believing in Marian apparitions because my understanding of the Bible doesn't allow for 'Saints' appointed by humans - and praying to saints in particular. I'd have no problem if the recipients said their healing came from God, but the Virgin Mary is quite another matter. OTOH, given my own experience with prayer, healing, and personal interaction with God in my life, I am unable to dismiss the *possibility* that such claims may be authentic.

Here's what this newspaper reports about healings at Lourdes.

'Do the sick get better in Lourdes? Although the Church has verified only 67 cases as miracles, thousands of pilgrims have reported being healed by the Virgin Mary. If they come to be physically cured and leave spiritually healed, if they come with hope and leave with inner peace, who is to say that they got nothing out of their pilgrimage?'

Physical healing occurs every day, but God rarely (if ever) fails to respond to those suffering 'in the spirit.' The spirit is the part of us that is eternal and the point within us whereby God's Spirit directly communicates with our own. At death, the flesh rots and returns to dust - it's merely a temporary 'shell' or 'housing' for our spirit. Our spirit, however, 'Returns to the true God Who gave it' - and lives on.

Sickness and death are a part of the Adamic curse, but God, in His Mercy, does heal us on an individual basis. Millions will personally testify to this and many have done so publicly. I once read a now out of print book consisting of dozens of physicians views of inexplicable healings they had personally witnessed. I'll try to locate it for you (Amazon generally has many out of print books available), it's a good, unbiased source of verified healing witnessed by MD's who were not themselves believers.

Shalom aleikhem - Jesse.
Hi Jesse, What you have written above contains nothing but sophistry. My qualification is reason, not faith which allows for all sorts of weird beliefs, Your understanding of the Virgin Mary is different from that of Catholics and , in turn, MUslims believe you are wrong. So I ask you in turn what your qualifications are for making your bold claims.

Healing occurs because of medical intervention, not prayer. How do you know that " god raerely. if ever fail s to respond..."

What evidence supports your view that
a) we have a spirit and
b) it is eternal ?

Then you talk about the true God just as those of all other religions do. But , of course, you knoe you are right. Go talk to some Muslims because you can at least you sshare some common ground. a belief in god.

I love the sickness and god in his mercy bit. God allows sickness but then heals a select few. He has a real sense of humour. I assume that discrimination is the order of the day in his kingdom.

As far as Lourdes is concerned, I was referring to a non-psychosematic healing, Even if we allow 67 out of a total of 16 million, the results are not very impressive. In fact , stastically they are meaningless.
So, the Holy Spirit says:" I'll be sure to pass your messsage on and get back to you." What a laugh !

Well the Holy Spirit is God, No passing on is nessecary.

1 John 5
7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
If a female child that is being abused physically and sexually by their stepfather prays for his demise and by sheer happenstance the guy gets killed by a lightning bolt while standing in the backyard, then were the girl's prayers answered? IOW, will God kill in order to answer a prayer? Never, or only under an extreme urgency?

That could happen. But if there was any way in wich that stepfather would one day come to repent of his evil deed and accept Jesus as his Redeemer then no it would not happen. (that God would interviene to end a life)

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Doctors and scientists the world over are having a little trouble with an issue they'd like you and your healing entourage to help them with, specifically the healing of people with cancer. If you could just pop on down to the nearest hospital, I'm sure they'll appreciate your visit.

And while you're there, why not heal everyone? That way, we could close down all the hospitals.

This is the flaw i have noticed again and again coming from those who disbelieve in God and even from many who proclaim belief in God.

The belief that the person does the healing, that a person has the power to heal, Or that the healing is dependant on the will of the person identified as the Healer.

It is not the person that heals, believing that the person heals is like believing that the power that goes to making a light glow comes from the little button or switch on the wall we press. The power does not come from the switch but it comes through the switch from the power grid that the switch is connected to. And if the power Authority decided to withhold the power to that switch no amount of pressing will cause the light to shine.

The healing comes from God and when people believe that the healing comes from the so called "faith healer" then it is not surprising that healing is withheld.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think prayers can be answered, but the problem is people pray for unreasonable things and expect god/whatever to just give it to them. By unreasonable, I mean that people pray for things that they don't need, yet they expect god to help them attain them.
Well the Holy Spirit is God, No passing on is nessecary.

1 John 5
7 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

All praise The Ancient Of Days

So you have solved the riddile of the Trinity. Well done !

When did you last have an original thought ? Silly question. Keep on quoting that old book and troubling ther Lord !
This is the flaw i have noticed again and again coming from those who disbelieve in God and even from many who proclaim belief in God.

The healing comes from God and when people believe that the healing comes from the so called "faith healer" then it is not surprising that healing is withheld.

Then, your god should heal everyone so we can close down all the hospitals. Of course, he created cancer in the first place, didn't he?
Then, your god should heal everyone so we can close down all the hospitals. Of course, he created cancer in the first place, didn't he?

Now, don't ask such silly questions. We get cancer because of sin which originated when Adam got his leg over in the Garden of Eden.
Now, don't ask such silly questions. We get cancer because of sin which originated when Adam got his leg over in the Garden of Eden.

How silly of me. Sorry, it's not easy keeping up with all the contrived fantasies of theists.