Are Prayers Answered ?

Praying for cancer not to kill your friends and family works?

Praying to feed the tens of thousands of starving children every day works?

Gee, we're real happy for you to have prayed and then found 20 bucks. You must be very proud of yourself, and your god.

So, when will your god be dealing up the cancer and starvation thingy?

My God? If there is a Singular God...isn't it everyone's God?
Praying for cancer not to kill your friends and family works?

Praying to feed the tens of thousands of starving children every day works?

Gee, we're real happy for you to have prayed and then found 20 bucks. You must be very proud of yourself, and your god.

So, when will your god be dealing up the cancer and starvation thingy?

His god is leaving it to your god, not that your god is doing much about it.
I've done it maybe 10 or so times in life. The answers that came later's a job...though the first ones actually did result in me finding money instead of finding work.
And every single time it worked ? How much time was there typically between the prayer and finding the money ?

The people who make the religion I suppose...
Do they also answer the prayers ? Are they the ones that planted the money ?
I apologize for having failed to ask a clear question, so I accept that the confusion on here is entirely my fault. Clearly, I shoul have specifiedthe type of prayer I had in mind. From now on may I ask that you mention which type of prayer you have in mind when addressing the op. Some of the possibilities are.

Public prayer, private articulated prayer, private silent prayer all of which may be further divided into petitional prayer on one's own behaldf, petitional prayer on behalf of others, prayers for the living, prayers for the dead, prayer for guidance how to pray, prayers of thanks for bnefits received and, best of all, prayer for its own sake.
I pray 5 times a day recently (I become Muslim). If I have no much time, I just
at least ask God to protect my parent and forgive them for anything they may
have done wrong in life. I also wish good life for my sister, brothers, boyfriend,
and of course for myself.

Gotta go back to the depressing study *sigh sigh sigh*
I like to look at it from a quantum viewpoint. I like to think that when we pray, those prayers are sent out into the universe, using spacetime as a mediator. So, even prayers are written into the spacetime fabric. This is how ''The Secret,'' has a quantum interpretation.