Are Prayers Answered ?

If a female child that is being abused physically and sexually by their stepfather prays for his demise and by sheer happenstance the guy gets killed by a lightning bolt while standing in the backyard, then were the girl's prayers answered? IOW, will God kill in order to answer a prayer? Never, or only under an extreme urgency?
If a female child that is being abused physically and sexually by their stepfather prays for his demise and by sheer happenstance the guy gets killed by a lightning bolt while standing in the backyard, then were the girl's prayers answered? IOW, will God kill in order to answer a prayer? Never, or only under an extreme urgency?

If I was that little girl I would believe in God the rest of my life no matter what.
If fundamentalists were actually to get into heaven then put me in HELLLLLLL. IN HELL HELL HELL HELL...
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
If a female child that is being abused physically and sexually by their stepfather prays for his demise and by sheer happenstance the guy gets killed by a lightning bolt while standing in the backyard, then were the girl's prayers answered? IOW, will God kill in order to answer a prayer? Never, or only under an extreme urgency?

If I was that little girl I would believe in God the rest of my life no matter what.

You may be on to something. The belief that God kills for the good of us all could actually be as a result of such episodes.

Absolutely prayer works!

It's not all about asking for something, but I've seen (and been directly involved in) healing taking place through prayer - instantly. Intercessory prayer is just as quickly answered and physical evidence is before our eyes - again, instantly.

God *hears* all prayers, but he does not *listen* to all prayers (such as those of unbelievers***), which is an answer in itself, is it not? The Bible is crystal clear about the kinds of prayers God listens to and answers. The answers we seek aren't always delivered immediately, especially those involving 'The deeper things of God.' However, God *will* answer us when we are ready for the information. Rather like, or along the same lines as 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' - Jesse.

*** Unbelievers truly *seeking* God are an exception to this rule. If one is seeking God for the purpose of knowing Him and not for some self-serving reasons, then God will reveal Himself through Christ and/or The Holy Spirit to those who seek Him but who do not yet believe.
Absolutely prayer works!

It's not all about asking for something, but I've seen (and been directly involved in) healing taking place through prayer - instantly. Intercessory prayer is just as quickly answered and physical evidence is before our eyes - again, instantly.

Doctors and scientists the world over are having a little trouble with an issue they'd like you and your healing entourage to help them with, specifically the healing of people with cancer. If you could just pop on down to the nearest hospital, I'm sure they'll appreciate your visit.

And while you're there, why not heal everyone? That way, we could close down all the hospitals.

God *hears* all prayers, but he does not *listen* to all prayers (such as those of unbelievers***), which is an answer in itself, is it not?

It is an answer indeed. It demonstrates most emphatically the hatred and bigotry your god preaches.
Absolutely prayer works!

It's not all about asking for something, but I've seen (and been directly involved in) healing taking place through prayer - instantly. Intercessory prayer is just as quickly answered and physical evidence is before our eyes - again, instantly.

God *hears* all prayers, but he does not *listen* to all prayers (such as those of unbelievers***), which is an answer in itself, is it not? The Bible is crystal clear about the kinds of prayers God listens to and answers. The answers we seek aren't always delivered immediately, especially those involving 'The deeper things of God.' However, God *will* answer us when we are ready for the information. Rather like, or along the same lines as 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' - Jesse.

*** Unbelievers truly *seeking* God are an exception to this rule. If one is seeking God for the purpose of knowing Him and not for some self-serving reasons, then God will reveal Himself through Christ and/or The Holy Spirit to those who seek Him but who do not yet believe.

I cannot find a way of putting this politely, so I shall be blunt. You are talking utter rubbish.

So god does not listen to prayers of unbelievers. How many unbelievers do you know who pray.

If someone has a disease and prays for a cure, it's not a question of being ready for information; it's a cure that is required.

Over the years, approximately 16 million people have been to Lourdes. One cure which could not be explained by doctors has been officially recorded. So, 16 million minus one believers have been praying in Lourdes. Its even worse if you consider that all these people were prayed for by the clergy who, on the face of it, could reasonabley be regarded as believers.
Absolutely prayer works!

It's not all about asking for something, but I've seen (and been directly involved in) healing taking place through prayer - instantly. Intercessory prayer is just as quickly answered and physical evidence is before our eyes - again, instantly.

God *hears* all prayers, but he does not *listen* to all prayers (such as those of unbelievers***), which is an answer in itself, is it not? The Bible is crystal clear about the kinds of prayers God listens to and answers. The answers we seek aren't always delivered immediately, especially those involving 'The deeper things of God.' However, God *will* answer us when we are ready for the information. Rather like, or along the same lines as 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.' - Jesse.

*** Unbelievers truly *seeking* God are an exception to this rule. If one is seeking God for the purpose of knowing Him and not for some self-serving reasons, then God will reveal Himself through Christ and/or The Holy Spirit to those who seek Him but who do not yet believe.
M*W: "Praying" is nothing more than positive thinking. Even atheists "pray!" We know our thoughts are not directed toward a dying demigod savior god somewhere, but to our own higher selves which, in turn, can result in positive results.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this concept. Unfortunately, religious people credit a god that is not there. I think this type of religious "prayer" is less effective than actually facing reality and positively creating our thoughts for the results we hope to see.

Also, stop your preaching. It's annoying. It's also against the forum rules. Go read them!
I think people misunderstand what prayer is about. Its very useful to calm the mind, to meditate, to focus, to affirm your strengths and work through your weaknesses. I find prayer to be a very calming exercise that, if done regularly, exercises the mind and strengthens the spirit. The importance of ritual in living healthy should not be underestimated.
I find prayer to be a very calming exercise that, if done regularly, exercises the mind and strengthens the spirit.

Tell us Sam, what exactly is the spirit and how exactly does prayer strengthen it?

The importance of ritual in living healthy should not be underestimated.

We certainly have underestimated your ability to shovel shit.
I think people misunderstand what prayer is about. Its very useful to calm the mind, to meditate, to focus, to affirm your strengths and work through your weaknesses. I find prayer to be a very calming exercise that, if done regularly, exercises the mind and strengthens the spirit. The importance of ritual in living healthy should not be underestimated.

I read poetry or a good novel.
Tell us Sam, what exactly is the spirit and how exactly does prayer strengthen it?

We certainly have underestimated your ability to shovel shit.

You should try meditation, it really works. And it beats the $$$ shelled out for therapy. :D

besides, there can be other benefits:

Can Islamic prayers benefit spondyloarthritides?

I read poetry or a good novel.

That doesn't help when you are mentally too full. You don't want to add anything more, you want to release your mind.
SAM said:
I think people misunderstand what prayer is about. Its very useful to calm the mind, to meditate, to focus, to affirm your strengths and work through your weaknesses. I find prayer to be a very calming exercise that, if done regularly, exercises the mind and strengthens the spirit. The importance of ritual in living healthy should not be underestimated.
And once again, organized theism takes the credit - if there's one around. I wonder if the concept of prayer without a Deity makes sense to you ?

Prayer has many benefits. So does taking a day off from work regularly - something else some people need a God to justify. In my life, swimming in living water (lake, river, or ocean) has been more beneficial than prayer, as a ritual, but more difficult to maintain.

Prayers are not answered. The one who prays often is, however.
And once again, organized theism takes the credit - if there's one around. I wonder if the concept of prayer without a Deity makes sense to you ?

Prayer has many benefits. So does taking a day off from work regularly - something else some people need a God to justify. In my life, swimming in living water (lake, river, or ocean) has been more beneficial than prayer, as a ritual, but more difficult to maintain.

Prayers are not answered. The one who prays often is, however.

I see atheists praying every day, its another thing that comes "naturally" to them.
Do you believe prayers are answered ?

Many people need to try and believe that praying helps. In many aspects it does for it relieves some of the pain that you might have whenever something is troubling you. By praying you are letting go of certain thoughts and believing something greater can figure them out.
Many people need to try and believe that praying helps. In many aspects it does for it relieves some of the pain that you might have whenever something is troubling you. By praying you are letting go of certain thoughts and believing something greater can figure them out.

You neatly side-stepped that one, you old codger. I agree, of course. that pray has palliative propertied ( note the alliteration ! ). The question is, however, are prayers answered.
M*W: In medical circles, we are encouraged to address the patient's spiritual beliefs. It's the standard of care now to find a common denominator between the patient and his spiritual beliefs to promote positive health outcomes, regardless of what their practitioners personally believe. I can see the value of this endeavor. After all, it's the positive health outcomes that keep us doing what we do.