Are little white lies ok? (yes or no)


There seems to be a craze going about the forums, where people reach a climax as to how much debate they can put up with and they tend to hunt down old threads with long since depleted arguments to start-up again. I'm not against this in any way, although responding to a poster that's been inactive for years with a comment to try and re-spark a discussion is like sending mail to address that somebody deceased nobody resides at.

As for the thread:

White lies like: I've not bothered with your birthday (hiding big party) are acceptable, things like The dog ate my homework isn't. Just tell your tutors the truth, you were lazy, you wanted to play your XBOX 360 and you can't do that and do your homework at the same time. (however if the tutor arranged that for you, you would do your homework quite happily)
I much prefer thread necromancy over the alternative - which is constantly rehashing the same arguments over and over again, as if they are new.
There seems to be a craze going about the forums, where people reach a climax as to how much debate they can put up with and they tend to hunt down old threads with long since depleted arguments to start-up again. I'm not against this in any way, although responding to a poster that's been inactive for years with a comment to try and re-spark a discussion is like sending mail to address that somebody deceased nobody resides at.

Oh KMA:rolleyes:, I'm new here and the thread looked cool.
Tell me, you're the second person to say something about this resurrection thing, is it a breach of protocol? Not sarcasm, truly wondering.
Oh KMA:rolleyes:, I'm new here and the thread looked cool.
Tell me, you're the second person to say something about this resurrection thing, is it a breach of protocol? Not sarcasm, truly wondering.

No, if anything it is the opposite.
The search function is there for a reason.
Oh KMA:rolleyes:, I'm new here and the thread looked cool.
Tell me, you're the second person to say something about this resurrection thing, is it a breach of protocol? Not sarcasm, truly wondering.

Not a breach. In fact it makes a change that someone used the search function to find a topic that already previously existed rather than starting a duplicate one. I commend you on that ;)

I just like using the Necromancy card... it's colourful and well those people that know Magic will know when the cards played. (Okay so I didn't tap any land)

Some of the old threads are good, some however are long deceased arguments that are better buried.
Not a breach. In fact it makes a change that someone used the search function to find a topic that already previously existed rather than starting a duplicate one. I commend you on that ;)
Actually, I did it the old fashioned;) way, I read thread titles. Looked for scattered coolness.
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