Are little white lies ok? (yes or no)

I didn't say they wouldn't be happy. But I think it brings a lot of childhood memories. Santa filling your stocking and seeing what he brought. Writing that letter to Santa.
Hunting for your easter basket. Coloring eggs for the easter bunny to hide.
Loosing a tooth, hiding it under your pillow and getting a quarter.

All big things to a kid. dream squasher.
No, that is refusing to answer, and not being deceptive about it.
It is honestly stating, "I refuse to answer".

Police: Where is your brother?
Me: None of your damned business.
This is refusing to answer, and not being deceptive about it.
It is honestly stating, "I refuse to answer".

On the other hand...

Police: Do you know who shot this man?
Me: No. (though I do not state that, although I don't know him, I saw that the man was driving a blue Mazda 3 with New Jeresy plates that read SFR-23T)

This is deliberately omitting the truth upon being asked.
It is willful deception.

Hm youre right.. i see what you mean now.
Its not lying but there's a fine line between not answering the question and omitting the truth.
You can still have great holiday traditions, wonderful family moments and warm memories without your parents lying to you and making believe that an imaginary fat man brought them presents.
You can understand where the holidays and celebrations come from and why people celebrated them.
You can share presents you made yourself with each other on the Winter Soltice.
There are lots of things that you can do as a family - much better things than lies and materialistic consumerism.

I will not lie to my children.
I want our relationship to be based on earned and deserved mutual trust.
Hm youre right.. i see what you mean now.
Its not lying but there's a fine line between not answering the question and omitting the truth.

There is.
That fine line is drawn, like so many other lines, with intention.
Whether or not you inteded to willfully decieve someone makes all the difference in the world.
Either you are being honest or you are not.
I think that we should try to seperate stories from lies. Myths are also seperated from lies, at least to me, for they are only stories.
I think that we should try to seperate stories from lies. Myths are also seperated from lies, at least to me, for they are only stories.

I think that if you pretend they are true, there is no difference - it is still a lie.

When they ask who the fat man in the red suit is, I will explain the history of Santa Claus and the traditions behind it.
I will explain to them that some parents buy presents for their kids and pretend they came from him.

The LAST thing I want is for holiday traditions to be about what loot they will be getting from Santa - I want them to be about family.
I didn't say they wouldn't be happy. But I think it brings a lot of childhood memories. Santa filling your stocking and seeing what he brought. Writing that letter to Santa.
Hunting for your easter basket. Coloring eggs for the easter bunny to hide.
Loosing a tooth, hiding it under your pillow and getting a quarter.

All big things to a kid. dream squasher.
One of the worse days of my childhood: I was 5 and my mom had a boyfriend whose tradition was to open gifts on Christmas Eve, so we did. My mom told us that there will be no gifts tomorrow cuz there is no S.C. Well, my sis and I were dead sure that the no S.C. was the lie, and those gifts would be there...
What a cruel deception. Santa Clause. Indeed!
I cried for a long time. I refuse to tell that one!

Oh, about the 'brother in the basement' thing, lying to the po-lice ain't lyin'.;)
Do you believe that little white lies are ok? (yes or no)
Not really, the line becomes blurred on what actually is a 'little white lie'. A lot of people say that if it prevents the person being hurt it's acceptable but does that make it acceptable not to tell someone you cheated because it would hurt them to know?
I believe(and always have) that people deserve to know the truth, and if they don't want it then don't ask me - and if it's something morally wrong or isn't something you'd happily share with someone close then don't do it.
I can try and be delicate with answers to people but the message will remain the same.
There are very few circumstances where lying would be acceptable to me, such as an innocent party being framed for something they didn't do. I certainly don't believe that during WWII lying about the location of jews in occupied holland or the feeding of false information to the enemy was wrong.
One of the worse days of my childhood: I was 5 and my mom had a boyfriend whose tradition was to open gifts on Christmas Eve, so we did. ...

that is so incredibly mean to do to a 5 yr old.
In our family-
Santa/Easter Bunny in our family come to your house as long as you believe. When you quit believing Mom and Dad have to take over.
Tooth Fairy - Wants only good baby teeth. Gives them to God to put in newborn babies. That's why good teeth get more money, bad teeth get a dime. You can't give babies bad teeth to start with.
Tooth Fairy - Wants only good baby teeth. Gives them to God to put in newborn babies. That's why good teeth get more money, bad teeth get a dime. You can't give babies bad teeth to start with.

That's what you tell your kids?
I don't understand at all.