Are Honor Killings a product of Islam?

If Islam can stop the practice first then just think of the admiration for the most peaceful religion on Earth. Think of how proud all Muslims would be, knowing that Allah had selected them to demonstrate his peaceful intentions.

Maybe they can be distracted into invading and occupying other countries instead. That seems to work well for others/
Swiv: Something had to happen. Sam is famous for defending Islam with newspaper clippings but its getting tedious. It's like she has run out of words. Comparitive reasoning is all she has left.

If you want to advocate a religion because of all its greatness then you have to be prepared to take the lead. Otherwise you just get lumped in with all the other shit.
Swiv: Something had to happen. Sam is famous for defending Islam with newspaper clippings but its getting tedious. It's like she has run out of words. Comparitive reasoning is all she has left.

If you want to advocate a religion because of all its greatness then you have to be prepared to take the lead. Otherwise you just get lumped in with all the other shit.

If I were advocating a religion, that might be true. I am merely astonished at the number of people who are willing to objectify Muslims by attaching their religious affiliations to every single act they do. And ignoring the rest of the world when similar acts take place.

Its as if Muslims should be held to some different standard from other human beings, being some kind of gargantuan homogenous group where each represents all others.
I can substitute that with any other eastern culture.
You seem to live in a very limited world.
Then there is no love lost either way, is it?
Then do feel free to show me another religion, that has honor killings. ( I refer you back to my post #33) you seem to be under the misguided belief that domestic abuse, and honour killings which are done within the caste system, are done because of religion, there is only one religion that does that, it is the Islamic one.
You do really need to up your reading comprehension.

You err badly if you think domestic abuse is anything like honour killing.
the two are mutually exclusive.

To save you searching for post #33 I'll reprint it here. do try reading it.

"I think it’s important to recognize that honor killing is not specifically a Muslim phenomenon. Although it is much more prevalence due to the Muslims having a built-in command structure that requires them to resist any changes to there barbaric religious ideology.
And because of "multiculturalism" we are required to tolerate their evil ways.

But I know of no other religion that does it.

The Indian caste system supposedly outlawed, still has so called honour killings, however the Indian caste system is not a religion. These are not honour killings in the name of Hindu religion, or the Sikh religion. it is not something that is ingrained within Hindu culture or Sikh culture, the caste system is still also very prevalent in Pakistan, an Islamic country, so it is twice as bad there.

Pakistan however is not the only Islamic country. All other Islamic Countries have honour killings. "
If I were advocating a religion, that might be true. I am merely astonished at the number of people who are willing to objectify Muslims by attaching their religious affiliations to every single act they do. And ignoring the rest of the world when similar acts take place.

A Muslims life is theire religion and vice versa. Clearly, everything Muslims do must have something to do with Islam.

Its as if Muslims should be held to some different standard from other human beings, being some kind of gargantuan homogenous group where each represents all others.

Same religious guidelines for all. Muslims must be homogeneous, Islam demands it.

Islam doesn't allow Muslims to have a standard of human beings, only for automatons.
Then do feel free to show me another religion, that has honor killings. ( I refer you back to my post #33) you seem to be under the misguided belief that domestic abuse, and honour killings which are done within the caste system, are done because of religion, there is only one religion that does that, it is the Islamic one.
You do really need to up your reading comprehension.

You err badly if you think domestic abuse is anything like honour killing.
the two are mutually exclusive.

To save you searching for post #33 I'll reprint it here. do try reading it.

"I think it’s important to recognize that honor killing is not specifically a Muslim phenomenon. Although it is much more prevalence due to the Muslims having a built-in command structure that requires them to resist any changes to there barbaric religious ideology.
And because of "multiculturalism" we are required to tolerate their evil ways.

But I know of no other religion that does it.

The Indian caste system supposedly outlawed, still has so called honour killings, however the Indian caste system is not a religion. These are not honour killings in the name of Hindu religion, or the Sikh religion. it is not something that is ingrained within Hindu culture or Sikh culture, the caste system is still also very prevalent in Pakistan, an Islamic country, so it is twice as bad there.

Pakistan however is not the only Islamic country. All other Islamic Countries have honour killings. "

Read the Manusmriti.
Crimes of passion are not honor killings.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. How would you define a crime of passion? Killing a person because they dared look at another man and thus, dishonoured you or your family is a crime of passion in the extreme.

Cultures that allow honor killings have unique features: Other people in the culture support and go along with the killings, even other women.
And? One cannot belong to a culture if one does not agree with it. But I think that you would find that the tide is changing somewhat. It is no longer that widely accepted, even in cultures where such killings take place. For example, the honour killing of Du’a Khalil Aswad resulted in fairly large protests by Kurds demanding an end to honour killings. Her so called crime had been to fall in love with a Muslim man. She was then sheltered by a leader in her religious faith because she and they feared for her safety. Her family then convinced her to return home, where she was then killed in a very public setting, her body then dragged behind a car before she was buried with a dog.. It was a passionate crime by any means. The message was clear.. dare to stray and fall in love with a Muslim and this will be the result. The Kurds were horrified by her gruesome death and rightly protested.

You would be surprised at just what some people will go along with in the right atmosphere. Rwanda is a perfect example where previously friends and neighbours would enter their neighbours homes and slaughter families in their beds.. If you read interviews of the killers afterwards, they still can't understand or give reason for how they could have done it.

You will not find Italian women killing their own daughters after calmly discussing the idea with their family.
Why ever not? You do realise it was virtually a part of their legal code in the past, don't you?

So-called honour killings are also part of Italy's legal history, where the idea was an admitted defense until 1981.

Prior to its reversal, an article existed in the Italian Criminal Code that provided a reduced penalty of imprisonment of only three to seven years for a man who killed his wife, sister or daughter to vindicate his or his family's honour.

You don't think the women in those communities agreed with the laws in place and accepted it? You don't think some even denounced a woman or girl in the family who they felt had brought them, their husband, son, brother, father, etc, dishonour?

Honor killings are done publicly, with no shame, and little attempt to cover up the murder.
Not always. I think you would find that honour crimes are done in the family home and only a minority take place in public arenas or becomes a public spectacle. You only hear about the public ones, but plenty more happen in quiet and at home.

Men sit around the kitchen table and discuss whether or not they need to kill a woman, the big deal being the restoration of honor to the family name.
And sometimes, there is no planning at all, but just one male member of the family who feels strongly enough to act out on his passion for his family name. It only takes one individual to think about it.

This is not the same as killing in a rage because of a woman jilting a man, or making him lose face by cheating on him.
However not? You don't think the men who kill their female relatives feel rage that she may have made him lose face? Loss of honour is a loss of face.. shame and embarrassment that someone dared to lower his manhood or his family name by looking at or fucking another man.

It is about having an unclean, impure woman in the household that must be removed, like a stain.
Indeed. A woman who dishonours her name or the man in her life (be it her father, brother(s), uncle(s), husband or son) becomes a stain in the household and frankly, religion has nothing to do with it. Culture has more to do with it. A boy brought up in a household where he sees his mother beaten for not being the dutiful wife and told constantly by his father that to be a man, one must be the man in the house, will most likely grow up to be just like his father and if the woman strays or so much as talks or looks at another man, he will feel that his manhood has been mocked, dishonouring him and it can lead to the poor woman's ultimate demise. His father and brothers will agree with him that he did the right thing and that the bitch should have known her place. That is his culture, not his religion. That is what he was brought up to believe. That is what he saw and experienced as he grew up and what he views as being normal.

Honour crimes are passionate crimes and to tie it solely to religion is belittling the crime in and of itself. I think you would find that if you investigated and read up on so called crimes of passion in the West, they bear an uncomfortable similarity to what we call honour crimes when such crimes are committed in other cultures. As I said before, a man kills his wife in the West because she caused him dishonour and it's called "a crime of passion" or domestic violence. A man commits the same crime in a country like India or Pakistan and it is called an honour killing. Different name but very much the same animal.
When the Prophet had his henchmen bring back the head of the singing girl, did they not do it to bring him great honor? I mean, that little bitch sang some pretty darn-near mean-as songs about Mohammad....
IMO - these crimes can be called honour killings but to be honmest they are ego Killings. Culture can play its part in massaging egos along with the individuals interpretation of relgious scriptious to enhance that ego..

Its probably more of a conservative thing then a liberal minded thing obviously

if anyone can uinderstand what i am going on about then weldone, cos as usual my ability to craft a sentence is limited!!