Are gay/lesbian immoral ?

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Hehe, ahh, Okinrus you are learning! Your argument now is "Why should we care about what is 'natural'?" You made the point better than I could have, thank you.
A woman's vagina produces lubricants during sexual intercourse, but the man's anus does not. This suggests that anal penetration is not natural. Also the proximity to fecal matter would make anal penetration more dangerous.
It seems pretty natural to me. It's my natural inclination. It occurs in nature, other animals display it.

This is kind of a weird excuse if you ask me. So now you have lowered your intelligence to that of a dog or cat to justify what you do? You said it, not me.

Also, as a general rule, if anal sex hurts, then you are doing it wrong. Use more lube you amateur It's supposed to feel good!

Sorry, I have no interest in anal sex. Never done it, never will. Plus the WOMEN I have dated are not into that (well, one of them apparently was but never spoke of it to me)... they probably don't want something that large in there! :D

Why shouldn't homosexuality be accepted?

Because it is not natural way of doing things.

When I say accepted, I mean, you should not be given the right to a marriage (unless there is a Gay religion that I am unaware of?) and allowed to adopt children and such. It may be nice for good gay people to help raise children but there is supposed to be a mother and a father, everyone knows that children suffer when BOTH are not in their lives. Also, you say yourself as a gay you are subjected to torment from hetero people, so why should you be allowed to subject these children you adopt to similar experiences? That would be intentionally cruel.

I view natural as the way things would occur in nature (hence natural )... if it was natural for a living things to act in the manner of being gay then all living things would cease to exist.

In nature animals do a gay act out of say ignorance or simply not being able to control themselves... like a dog humping your leg. Humans do it, I believe, because they are confused or maybe were molested as a child (there are other reasons too, possibly).

If you are a man and do not find women sexually attractive, by the laws of nature this is abnormal (or unnatural)... there is something wrong. It is completely different if you like to fool around on both sides of the fence, this could be considered maybe you are "kinky" (which I would consider abnormal also but at least not completely out of whack).

I say you can do whatever you want. Really. Just keep it to yourself. I don't run around telling everyone about my sexual preference, it is obvious, just as it is obvious when someone is gay. This is why I find the marching odd. But, using your own argument about how gays would not sit on a park bench and smooch or else they would be beaten up or harrassed, then how would a "gay pride march" be an intelligent thing to do? You will get the same reaction that you so do not desire.

We can go on for days but simple fact is that it is normal for humans to have sex with the opposite sex or else our population would disappear so your arguments otherwise are futile to those of us who are objectively thinking here.
Weren't you the so-called hippy from WE&P who was whining like a little bitch over the deaths of Uday and Quesy?

A fag-bashing hippy?

This is kind of a weird excuse if you ask me. So now you have lowered your intelligence to that of a dog or cat to justify what you do? You said it, not me.

Que? Lay off the drugs, Jesus boy.

Sorry, I have no interest in anal sex. Never done it, never will. Plus the WOMEN I have dated are not into that (well, one of them apparently was but never spoke of it to me)... they probably don't want something that large in there!

Can we say "obvious insecurity"?

Because it is not natural way of doing things.

The "natural" way of doing things involves dying at the ripe old age of 24.
You want to live according to nature? Then throw your computer away, retreat into the woods with nothing but primitive weapons, and starve.

It may be nice for good gay people to help raise children but there is supposed to be a mother and a father, everyone knows that children suffer when BOTH are not in their lives.

"Everyone knows" is the last resort of a bigot.
Show evidence.

I view natural as the way things would occur in nature (hence natural )... if it was natural for a living things to act in the manner of being gay then all living things would cease to exist.

No. Kin selection.

If you are a man and do not find women sexually attractive,

God forbid we violate the patriarchial paradigm.

by the laws of nature this is abnormal (or unnatural)

F = gM1M2/r ^2 has problems with anal sex?

Have I suggested suicide yet?

I don't run around telling everyone about my sexual preference, it is obvious,

What, you have "I fuck goats" tattooed on your forehead?

just as it is obvious when someone is gay.

Not all homosexuals parade about in sparkly clothing with Pet Shop Boys tunes blasting out of their earphones.

We can go on for days but simple fact is that it is normal for humans to have sex with the opposite sex or else our population would disappear so your arguments otherwise are futile to those of us who are objectively thinking here.

Wow. I hereby dub you the Josef Mengele of the English Language. That sentance doesn't even lick ass, it licks the encrusted shit off of a 5$ junkie whore's ass.

Humm, large is it guitarToadster?

I suggest we lend the boy an electron microscope so he can tell us.
Originally posted by okinrus
A woman's vagina produces lubricants during sexual intercourse, but the man's anus does not. This suggests that anal penetration is not natural.

That's why man made lube, Oki! What you're doing here is looking in tea leaves to find messages from above. Just because all of the provisions which should be taken into account to maximize the pleasurability of the act are not automatically there, doesn't mean a god damned thing. If that were true then you wouldn't be living in a house or using a computer to access the internet right now! I could just as easily say that we evolved these big brains and became tool users for a reason. And guess what, that reason wouldn't have to be an appeal to the imaginary sky father, we use tools to shape our world for our betterment, sorry it's a human thing!

Originally posted by okinrus
Also the proximity to fecal matter would make anal penetration more dangerous.

Proximity to fecal matter? Silly boy, that's why you wash your ass!

You really ought to learn how to take critism and definitely learn how to talk in a civil manner.

In what way have I bashed you? Or fags in general? (you like to use that term?)

If you actually read what people write once in a while their ideas might not escape you so easily.

I am not a 10 year old who will resort to name calling and swearing on a regular basis, like you. I don't find it cool.

If you can't handle the discussion then go cry and wimper to someone who really cares. As of this point I will not respond to you anymore until you show some intelligence and quit being rude and obnoxious.

You really ought to learn how to take critism and definitely learn how to talk in a civil manner.

How are you criticising me?

In what way have I bashed you?

I never said that you bashed me. Learn to read, my fine fundy friend.

Or fags in general? (you like to use that term?)

Given that I've never had sex or even seriously considered having sex with another woman, how do I qualify as a "fag"?

If you actually read what people write once in a while their ideas might not escape you so easily.

Your insults are even more inane than you are.

I am not a 10 year old who will resort to name calling and swearing on a regular basis, like you. I don't find it cool.

Neither do I. I don't post to be "cool". I'm more interested in the exchange of ideas than in trying to convey an image.

If you can't handle the discussion

How do I indicate that I can't? The fact that I disagree with you? Or that I use "bad words"?
Perchance if you were more familiar with fucking as a noun, you'd not be so startled with its use as a verb.

then go cry and wimper to someone who really cares.

What gives you the indication that I'm upset?

As of this point I will not respond to you anymore

Okay, now I'm upset. You might not respond to me anymore! You might deny me your candid observations and profound insights! Oh just heavens!

until you show some intelligence and quit being rude and obnoxious.

Oh cruel fate!
whether it's natural or unnatural is irrelevant.
when it comes to morality though, it's a different case.
since there's no universal definition of "good" and "bad",
what's "good" and "bad" is defined by society. every society you look at, gays/lesbians are traditionally considered to be "bad" and "immoral".

that should answer the topic question.

but this answer may change with time when society (which is constantly morphing and changing) changes its views on gays/lesbians, at which point the "immoral" verdict will be overturned.
Originally posted by otheadp
what's "good" and "bad" is defined by society.

You think so?
I think morality can only be defined by the indiviual.
first there's the society's definitions, then there's personal definitions. society builds our personal morals.

for example, if Joe Smith and his mom were the only inhabitants on planet Earth, and none of them ever saw a living human before (except Joe's dad which died a long time ago), and they decided to fuck, that would be perfectly alright since there is no society to tell them what's right or wrong.
why do things like incest and bestiality keep sneaking in to conversations about homosexuality lately? Let them defend themselves, homosexuals arnt picking up that banner.
IMO gays/lesbians are people whos body chemistry got messed up :D . I dont have anything against them its just there arnt any orifices for that kind of relationship to work for species survival so something must of gone wrong in their chemical make-up.

After big wars, more males are born than females. This is thought to be some kind of natural adjustment to replace all those dead males. When an areas population is near its limit could a similar thing occur? Natural homosexuals born to make sure the population does not rise to dangerous levels? In such a case homosexuals arnt chemicly "messed up" thier non-reproductivity is actualy benificial.

i shouldnt try to pander to your "Its not natural" argument, but i put this out there because there is a hell of a lot of things in nature that arnt widly known, or known at all. To say such a wide spread omnipresent phenomenon is not natural might be more than just a little absurd.
Originally posted by GuitarToadster
I am not a 10 year old who will resort to name calling and swearing on a regular basis, like you. I don't find it cool.

Haha, yes you'll only resort to such base acts in trying to justify and rationalize your own hatred to yourself.
"but this answer may change with time when society (which is constantly morphing and changing) changes its views on gays/lesbians, at which point the "immoral" verdict will be overturned."

At a rough guess, thats happening just now, in part because people want society to have less saying their personal lives. Arguments such as seen on this thread are hopefully teh last gasp of homophobic views.
i believe this has been discussed in Biology if you want to hop on over and see what nature thinks about it.

homosexuality exists in many other species. many primates enjoy humping anyone regardless of sex. there are actually gay livestock. i'll see if i can find some pictures of female cows trying to mount other female cows. the evolutionary benefit of having homosexuals in the population is that of population control. it pops up at a regular rate to keep breeding in check. it hasn't worked quite so well in human populations because people like to interfere with their biology. ex: "good god no your natural instict is wrong, wrong i tell you! you must repress it and act like this." but because of this, there is also a much higher rate than that of other animal populations. gay people have been forced to stay in hiding and pretend at hetero lives, leaving offspring who carry on the genes responsible.
Originally posted by otheadp
whether it's natural or unnatural is irrelevant.

The word seems to defy definition, anyway, so I'd have to agree. It's pretty flimsy grounds for or against much of anything.

Originally posted by otheadp
when it comes to morality though, it's a different case.
since there's no universal definition of "good" and "bad",
what's "good" and "bad" is defined by society.

So you're saying that you don't mind if societal rules are completely arbitrary and in defiance of any sort of reason or logic? That simply because there is some perceived mass consensus regarding an issue that that's good enough for you, even if it is destructive and harmful? That's nothing but mob rule, it's a horrible thing. I’m sure it must seem pretty allowable so long as things are going your way, when the unwashed masses turn on you it becomes very clear very quickly just how awful a thing this can be.

Originally posted by otheadp
every society you look at, gays/lesbians are traditionally considered to be "bad" and "immoral".

Well yeah, but only if you consiously avert your eyes at the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Native Americans, Netherlands, Canada, the state of Vermont, and various myriad groups of people all throught the world.

But in the end, it's not how many people feel what way about who that truely determines morality, or rightness. A single man who is right amoung a world of those who are wrong is still just as correct.

Originally posted by otheadp
but this answer may change with time when society (which is constantly morphing and changing) changes its views on gays/lesbians, at which point the "immoral" verdict will be overturned.

Frankly, I'd aquit due to lack of evidence.
Oh for the love of the bugger fucking christ almighty:

Homosexuality is unnatural. Fine. Okay.
Now if you think that the un-naturalness of something is an argument against that thing, fine. Okay.
Throw away your computer - that's fucking unnatural. Do you have clothes that have synthetic fabric, nylon, rayon, latex, whatever? Throw 'em out. Next to the kitchen. That nifty teflon coated pan? It's unnatural. Away it goes. Your fridge? My god, you sinner! Burn, sinner, that fridge is unnatural! So are your cds, your records, your tapes, your vhs tapes, your dvds and the insturments that play these things for you. We aren't born with mp3 players in our hands.
Next to the medicine cabinet. Penicillian? Unnatural, it's only natural to chew leaves that might have a medicinal effect and visit a witch doctor. No more doctors visits for you, fundie boy.
Fundie girl, shoot yourself if you're over 21. You should have died in childbirth by now.
See where I'm going?
Who the fuck cares what is and is not natural? Our entire lifestyle is unnatural.

Fucking a man up the ass is as natural as listening to a Smiths album while doing so. Just deal with it.
For the sake of seeing if there is a bottom to Xev's morals... Is bestiality wrong? If so, why?
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