Are christians cannibals ?

GeoffP said:
Ahmed -

Actually, from the question "Are Christians cannibals?" it would frankly seem to be you who's suffering from paranoid delusion. As I say, that is an old bigotry indeed. You want to know more about supposing that Christians are cannibals?

Would it be equally reasonable to want to know more about islam by being curious as to whether Mohammed was a paedophile?

Come on - cannibals, I ask you. Honestly.

ahmed doesn't live here in america. he has probably been indoctrinated,propagandized and probebly lied to so lighten up.
Leo - try to read Ahmeds answer in the thread of "when was the Quran formed" -
it is NOT the answer a radical fanatic muslim would write - Ahmed almost holds a possibility open , that Muhammed was sort of scizophrenic ....
NO fanatic muslim would ever write this .........

Ahmed is not fanatic muslim - he could very well be an agnostic ...
And he says he does not mind if someone talks about Muhammad as paedophile -
Ahmed is definitely NOT fanatic muslim - perhaps not even muslim anymore .....
americans and christians aren't cannibals. like i said the only cannibal i am aware of was jeff dahmer and he was murdered. he was sent to prison by the justice system but was murdered by the people. does that tell you how americans feel about cannibalism?
And Ahmed admits that muslim websites have been writing horrible and unjust things about
christians and jews - not very likely a fanatic muslim would admit that .....
Lord Insane said:
And Ahmed admits that muslim websites have been writing horrible and unjust things about
christians and jews - not very likely a fanatic muslim would admit that .....
as if that never happens in the states
it's called propaganda
If Christians are cannibals, then God is the main course.

They eat that stuff up like there’s no tomorrow.
Then again all life feeds on itself………………..
Lord Insane said:
Well Leo - then go on and lynch him - I give up !!!

Don´t even give him the benefit of doubt !!
lynch who?what are you talking about? ahmed? why would i lynch ahmed?
"Blame N.G, not me, my doctor ..... and by the way you are right, it is incredible what muslims have said on websites about christians and especially jews - most people can however not read it because it is in arabic ...... "

My point was that the "cannibalism" thing was an old bias against Christians by a variety of people, not the least of which were muslims. If you were simply trying to learn about Christianity, that would be a funny place to start. But whatever; you say you're not a fundamentalist. OK. I do concur about the horrible things being written about "kufr" on islamic fundamentalist websites - most of them come straight out of the Quran or al-Buhkari. I think MEMRI has translated some of them, so I recommend

"It is only a very short time ago, that somebody ran a thread about Muhammed being a paedophile here in sciforum - I have no problem with that - but you seem to take threads here as a personal insult ......"

No, I take them as a very strange place to begin learning about Christianity. As for Mohammed being a pedophile - he married a six-year old girl, consummated when she was nine.

Decide for yourselves.

As for the Lord of the Insane - what's up with the complaint? I logged in my position on the comments. They're extremely odd ones to make and they smell a bit bigoted. If you don't think I'm an angel, I suppose that's all right - except angels don't exist as far as I know, and I do exist.

If someone had logged in asking about the Jewish "blood libel", I'd expect people to be a bit reserved too. This is a very wierd topic, frankly.

Ok GeoffP - if that was only your motive then I will give you an apology - I am not above that ....
But if ahmed really is an agnostic - and doesn´t start preaching islam in a strange way - then give him a break ....
If he is an exmuslim without any real knowledge about christianity - then you really can´t blame him for asking this question .....

About Muhammed being a paedophile please read Paraclete´s thread - it is on page 5
under religion - even Cris wouldn´t close down this thread , because Paraclete had
researched it well ....... Only later on James R closed it , not because it was not true , but because he felt the discussion was too one sided, without taking the society of that time into consideration ......
Well, if I overstepped my boundaries, then, I, too apologize. It just seemed more of a slam than a question, or a slam-phrased-as-question; preaching without preaching, so to speak. As an agnostic, I of course see that he was not attempting to do so.

As for the Mohammed paedophile thing - I went and looked at the other thread. I'm not sure I followed James' reasoning on that score, as he suggested that the societal conditions should have been taken into consideration - which doesn't really exculpate things. One can't say that they were living in different times - at least, I've never heard this argument being used in any criticism of any other major religion. What's good for the gander is good for the goose, in my opinion.


Good to see there are still reasonable people around - not above giving an apology to each other !!

Actually I still think my thread was closed by James R because, he felt is was offensive to muslims, one muslim allready complained about it in the posts .....

These days I can´t blame him for closing it down , some muslims are not very understanding : In Denmark (my country) one newspaper showed some pictures of Muhammed recently - few days later ALL ambassadeurs from the muslim countries contacted the prime minister of Denmark , wanting him to stop it immediately - he said however ,that if they felt insulted, they had to sue the newspaper ....

After that, there have been several incidents in the 2 largest cities in Denmark , where young muslims have been burning cars , because of the pictures of Muhammed -
these incidents have no connections to the riots in France.
The international league of Muslims have complained about the pictures to UN.
And of course they have sued the newspaper for blasphemy.

James R is probably wise not to get into to much trouble with the muslims ......

But I still claim, that I had researched the thread before I started it .... and I was very carefull only to put the word " paedophile" as a question - not a fact; because I too thought of the reactions from muslims .........
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But sometimes I feel , it is a pain in the ...., that even the truth can´t be discussed, because it is offensive to other people !!!

Somehow I felt that Cris understood this , when he didn´t close down the thread, right after the muslim had complained ...
Ahmed Osman said:
Christians at mass have bread and wine ,symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ - I saw at National Geographic, that it actually facilitated the spread of christian belief in old days in New Guinea - cannibals there could actually relate to this new good religion .....
Are christians cannibals ?

According to some of the remaining literature -- that the early church tried to burn/expunge -- yes they were. Why else did they have a fixation for the body of their saints and their catacombs?
And there are some remaining documents about the early Crusaders -- especially from the Arab literature – that tells us that the early Crusaders preferred to eat Christians on their conquests rather than Moslems. I suppose they preferred to eat Christians for the same reason modern Christians have to eat the BODY AND BLOOD of Christ.

And the way the Jesuits taught me: there can be absolutely no doubt that the bread I got at Communion is the ABSOLUTE body and blood of Christ – and only the devil in hell can argue.
But who cares, most of these Jesuits are dead or they are in jail for being the Pope’s perverts.

But if you think the Moslems are any better then you ARE one hell of a lost soul.
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These days I can´t blame him for closing it down , some muslims are not very understanding : In Denmark (my country) one newspaper showed some pictures of Muhammed recently - few days later ALL ambassadeurs from the muslim countries contacted the prime minister of Denmark , wanting him to stop it immediately - he said however ,that if they felt insulted, they had to sue the newspaper ....
Paraclete, I don't think there ever were any pictures of Muhammed. Muslims during that period rejected portraits of God's creations and instead did pattern work, etc.

Christians at mass have bread and wine ,symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ - I saw at National Geographic, that it actually facilitated the spread of christian belief in old days in New Guinea - cannibals there could actually relate to this new good religion .....Are christians cannibals ?
Ahmed Osman, the word cannibal conjurs up images of people tearing human flesh apart to eat, but in transubstantion the artifacts of the bread don't change(such as taste, texture, and physical composition), only the nature of the bread. By what cannibal denotes, to most people Christians are not cannibals. You are, however, able to define cannibal to be more inclusive, in which case Catholics are cannibals, at least if you believe transubstantion to occur.
Paraclete said:
Genep - now you are really confusing Ahmed - what is he going to believe .......

Hopefully he will believe what DNA testing reveals: nearly all of our relative ate each other so why do we waste time pointing fingers.

Maybe we should start eating each other for our “strength and spirit” like the early Christians did. At least then we would have something to die for by valuing, and thus eating, each other’s strength and spirit. It makes FAR more sense to me than killing each other for NOTHING but words like freedom, democracy, God, religion, the flag, Nazis who call themselves Zionists, truth, and MOST OF ALL, with today's politics: Texaco.