Are christians cannibals ?

Well said, Scott.

Catholics are only practising 'attempted' Thoevorism,
not attempted cannibalism. I stand corrected.
Ugh...I'd imagine this thread was a joke, but unfortunately it doesn't seem that way.

You'll have to pardon my inference and my intrusion, but I'm guessing from Adnan's moniker (who started this thread) that he's a muslim. I could be wrong, of course - maybe he's an atavistic yogist, but I kind of doubt that.

Basically, this "Christian cannibal" thing is an old muslim prejudice against Christians, who are called either "kufr" (infidels) or occasionally "naij" (unclean) in the islamic system. I'm imagining that the post was designed as a troll-run by the insigator for the purpose of "da'wa" (prosetylization/preaching) and more generally for slander against those who from the islamic point of view accuse Christians of "shirk" (setting up equals with this 'allah'). This is an old story I've seen around on different sites, including an islamic supremacist site running out of Pakistan. You wouldn't believe the kind of things they accused Christians of, to say nothing of Jews.

Even though I'm a secularist, I can say pretty categorically that Christians are NOT committing cannibalism in celebration of their Eucharist, for those that are doing so. Show me how the wine and biscuit actually get converted to blood and flesh and I might believe it. LOL

So, anyway, a word of caution - be wary about threads like these.


Doctor, you are clearly suffering from paranoid delusions - I am an agnostic !!!

I just want to know more about christianity, since my inheritage is originally islam before I stopped believing ...
Ahmed -

Actually, from the question "Are Christians cannibals?" it would frankly seem to be you who's suffering from paranoid delusion. As I say, that is an old bigotry indeed. You want to know more about supposing that Christians are cannibals?

Would it be equally reasonable to want to know more about islam by being curious as to whether Mohammed was a paedophile?

Come on - cannibals, I ask you. Honestly.

My knowledge of christianity is rudimentary , and when I see a program from National Geographic telling about christians and cannibalism - then you really can´t blame me for asking about it.

Blame N.G, not me, my doctor ..... and by the way you are right, it is incredible what muslims have said on websites about christians and especially jews - most people can however not read it because it is in arabic ......
It is only a very short time ago, that somebody ran a thread about Muhammed being a paedophile here in sciforum - I have no problem with that - but you seem to take threads here as a personal insult ......

You can go back a few pages and see that thread if you want to ....
Ahmed Osman said:
My knowledge of christianity is rudimentary , and when I see a program from National Geographic telling about christians and cannibalism - then you really can´t blame me for asking about it.

Blame N.G, not me, my doctor ..... and by the way you are right, it is incredible what muslims have said on websites about christians and especially jews - most people can however not read it because it is in arabic ......
what was the name of the program? what are the particulars? cannilbilism? there was only one cannabil i am aware of, his name was jef dahmer. the people finaly caught up with him and run a broom handle up his ass.
It was a program about New Guinea in the Pacific ocean - and the natives, some of them cannibals - and they mentioned that the spread of christianity there , was facilitated a lot , because of the mass with wine/bread = blod/flesh - the cannibals liked this new religion ....
I do not remember the name of the program - if you contact N.G. you can probably get a list of all their programs about New Guinea .....
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Ahmed Osman said:
It was a program about New Guinea in the Pacific ocean - and the natives, some of them cannibals - and they mentioned that the spread of christianity there , was facilitated a lot , because of the mass with wine/bread = blod/flesh - the cannibals liked this new religion ....
I do not remember the name of the program - if you contact N.G. you can probably get a list of all their programs about New Guinea .....
new guinea isn't america. totally different culture. "mass with wine/bread" is catholic not christian. and besides didn't you say they were already cannibals?
I was simply asking a question to clarify the context of flesh and blood in mass - because I did not know much about it - it´s very simple ........
I did not know that catholic mass and christian mass was different ....
americans aren't cannibals.catholics aren't cannibals.christians aren't cannibals.muslims aren't terrorists
I only asks a question to learn - gets the answer - and then is scolded and almost told that I am a fanatic muslim trying to undermine this forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to see it from my side ..........

It is not very funny .......
Well , it actually looks like this exmuslim is more civilized than the sweet forgiving christians trying to lynch him ..........

Shame on you !!!
Lord Insane said:
Well , it actually looks like this exmuslim is more civilized than the sweet forgiving christians trying to lynch him ..........

Shame on you !!!
you aren't talking about my posts are you?
Leo ,
some muslims are actually terrorists - so you can´t say muslims are not terrorists - but more than 99.9 % aren´t .....
No Leo
- compared to Doctor Geoffp - you are an angel ....
I think he forgot his bedside manners - or maybe he is a doctor of philology
or some thing else ....
Lord Insane said:
Leo ,
some muslims are actually terrorists - so you can´t say muslims are not terrorists - but more than 99.9 % aren´t .....
and that is what ahmed got upset about? muslims aren't terrorists?
I cant speak for A.O. - I think he was pissed about GeoffP implying that he was making this thread like an islamist supremacist out of Pakistan ...