Are christians cannibals ?

Ahmed Osman

Christians at mass have bread and wine ,symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ - I saw at National Geographic, that it actually facilitated the spread of christian belief in old days in New Guinea - cannibals there could actually relate to this new good religion .....
Are christians cannibals ?
Ahmed Osman said:
Are christians cannibals ?

No. Have there been exceptions? Yes. Take the Andes plane crash survivors for instance. They dined on the carcasses of their fellow passengers to stay alive. Many of them were devout christians (catholics I believe) and after rescue suffered through guilt and depression over this. The church eventually exonerated them saying the consuming of human flesh in this case was in extremis. Not sure if Jeffrey Dahmer or Hannibal Lechter were Christians or if vampire sects have Christian members.

If you really want to stretch it you could say this...... Elements that comprise the Earth can be inanimate or animate. Of the countless creatures that have existed on the Earth, all have died, except for those alive at this moment. That means one massive recycling job. It is possible that the last Big Mac you chowed down may have contained a particle that was once part of a human, maybe from Christ's foreskin for instance, I don't know and I don't worry about it, although I'm certain some Christians would love to know. Bon appetit!
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"symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ"
note the word symbolising... it is symbolic for his flesh, but it is actually bread.
so unless christians are made up of bread, no, they arent cannibals
Ahmed Osman said:
Christians at mass have bread and wine ,symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ - I saw at National Geographic, that it actually facilitated the spread of christian belief in old days in New Guinea - cannibals there could actually relate to this new good religion .....
Are christians cannibals ?
M*W: Yes. Roman Catholics believe in the authentic transubstantiation of the bread and wine. They believe the bread and wine miraculously change into Jesus' body and blood. Therefore, with this in mind, Roman Catholics practice cannibalism without a doubt.

The constellation of Aquarius, the water bearer, is significant here. Jesus was supposed to have turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana upon the request of his mother (Virgo).
Roman Catholics practice cannibalism without a doubt.

No. They practise attempted cannibalism.

If I hold an empty gun to your head and pull the trigger thinking it is loaded,
I am guilty of attempted murder, not murder.
Don't pull the trigger with your mouth open. I wouldn't want you to ingest some of my brain splatter.
Yes Ahmed when I was a christian we ate muslim and jewish babies for sunday dinner. Mmmmmmmmmmm pass the gravy. You are a real genius to figure that out aren't you :p
Yes SPP , I thought so - in the first christian crusade - some of the hungry christians ate human flesh from muslims - the leaders of the first crusade were not proud of it ,but decided not to punish it - count Raymond even tried to find some normal food for the cannibalchristians at Maara - one of the other christian leaders thought it was Ok to eat human flesh - and even donated a barrel of wine to go with it ........
This is from Harold Lamb: the Crusades.....
What a surprise, that common soldiers (professional killers) might on occasion eat human flesh if supplies run low.

It should be obvious that eating forbidden meat is only a misdemeanor compared to murder. Its like asking a rapist to obey the stoplight religiously. Like he is going to give a damn.

Don't equate crusading knights and lords with Christians. This is a clear and foolish error. Most soldiers nominally claim the religion of their homeland as a formality. After that, its kill, rob and rape, on the battlefield and in the foreign villages.

So please don't paint the majority of Christians with the brush you are using to tar crusaders. Even the 'horror' of eating human flesh is just a ridiculous farce, once you've already admitted they are killers. Why hand out parking tickets when you've got a conviction on arson?

Even the majority of Christians are only probably nominal Christians. I'd hate to have to test them either via threats of imprisonment or crucifixion to find out how many would deny their religion to save their skins.

How this is some kind of argument against 'Christianity' is completely beyond me.
Then by your logic muslims are headhunters since they have such a penchant for decapitating thier victims as allah commands.

OK so far


still left to figure out

Roman Catholics certainly believe they are cannibals - although none would admit to it.
Through transubstantiation they believe that the bread and wine of communion actually becomes the body and blood of Jesus.
Thus, if they believe this, they must accept that they are cannibals.

Whether they are such in the eyes of others, who merely see them digest bread and wine, is a different matter. Certainly a court of law would not convict them as such, if consentual cannibalism were a crime (not sure if it is or not).
Likewise, if someone truly believed they were a murderer - but had done nothing wrong.
Unfortunately the only way you get this conflicting view between self and society is if one party is delusional.

And of course, the RC family would claim that the body and blood of Jesus is no longer human flesh and blood but food of a higher plane and thus would not constitute cannibalism blah blah blah.

So in answer - the RC folk would come up with a reason not to think of themselves as cannibals, although they "believe" they are eating the body and blood of a human that died a mere 2,000 years ago - so presumably fairly rancid and putrid as well?
Ahmed Osman said:
Christians at mass have bread and wine ,symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ - I saw at National Geographic, that it actually facilitated the spread of christian belief in old days in New Guinea - cannibals there could actually relate to this new good religion .....
Are christians cannibals ?
i believe you are refering to the roman catholic church in the first part of your post. as for the second part "are christians cannibals" no christians are not cannibals but some "people" are. the andes expedition has been mentioned, another is the ill fated donner party.
Only some Roman Catholics view themselves as partaking in a cannabalistic act.
No one else believes in this alleged cannabalistic act.
All Christians are not Catholics.
Therefore, Christians are not Cannabals. QED
alain said:
"symbolizing the flesh and blood of Christ"
note the word symbolising... it is symbolic for his flesh, but it is actually bread.
so unless christians are made up of bread, no, they arent cannibals

LOL, very true.
Thank you Einstuck : only some roman catholics view themselves as partaking in a cannibalistic act.
I believe that the crusaders were roman catholics as well (send by the pope)
And the people in the Andes mountains must have been roman catholics as well (South America)

So some catholics are cannibals - but not all - and the rest of the christians are not really cannibals at all ....

Right ?

I guess that answers my question ; not ALL christians are cannibals .....
Actually technically Christians aren't cannibals becuase if we are eating the flesh and blood of God it isn't cannibalism (the eating the flesh of ones own kind). We're actually practicing Theovorism (the eating of Deific flesh).