Are blacks more attracted to Islam?

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I hate racist people and i adore black people more than white

If you adore blacks more than whites, how does not make you a racist?
Are you not basing your judgement of people on race?
I hate racist people and i adore black people more than white...they've been through more, i don't pity them, i envy them :D


i hope all is ok with you.

i was wondering.. what do you mean by "they been through more" are you taking this from one part of history? do you mean they have had more hardship then non blacks through out history.

It would be nice if you could qualify and elaborate on this rather vague statement.

take it ez
If you adore blacks more than whites, how does not make you a racist?
Are you not basing your judgement of people on race?

I'm not being racist...maybe because I am white...actually olive...but you understand? :m: I'm putting a marijuana leaf for no apparent reason...
I'm not being racist...maybe because I am white...actually olive...but you understand? :m: I'm putting a marijuana leaf for no apparent reason...

Being racist is judging people based on their race.
If you say blacks are better than whites, that is a racist statement, regardless of what color you are.

So, do you hate yourself? :)

i hope all is ok with you.

i was wondering.. what do you mean by "they been through more" are you taking this from one part of history? do you mean they have had more hardship then non blacks through out history.

It would be nice if you could qualify and elaborate on this rather vague statement.

take it ez
Yes, all is OK.
You should understand, there is no reason for me to elaborate...obviously it is because of historical reasons...
Yes, all is OK.
You should understand, there is no reason for me to elaborate...obviously it is because of historical reasons...

My dear Juju.

thank you for your feedback.

if you could tell me what i am meant to udnertsand that would be uesful. how exaclty have black people been through more than non blacks? is this all through history or a specific time?

Please explain, as i am finding it extremely difficult to evaluate your comment

"they been through more"


take it ez
I think Juju was trying to say exactly what I said in post 17

The adherence to Islam by a noticeable abundance of African-Americans is completely incidental, a side-effect of identification with ancestral plight, and the continuation and indeed indoctrination of said memories thru parental and societal sources. Very recent history all things considered.

In other words, Islam as an entity is benefitting largely from circumstance.

American Black Islam is very different from Middle Eastern Islam.

I agree they are very different. That is what I elluded too in the reference to Malcom X. He discovered the truth of Islam and was very disappointed, and subsequently was perceived as a threat to Black Islam.
Is it true that Islam was the only faith that made white people and dark people equal? I never heard that before. That would explain a Black attraction to Islam. Anyone have any proof of this statement?
As to your assertion that non blacks have been through more, I suggest you look at the origin of the word slave. And look up the meaning and history of indenture servitude, and look at what is happening in Darfur and what has happened to African states over the last hundred years. Mankind of all colors and flavors have been real good at mistreating each other.
Last time I checked, there were no more slaves in America, nor any persons alive who were once slaves. The people you are speaking of did not suffer these hardships themselves. Why do you attribute suffering to them?
Last time I checked, there were no more slaves in America, nor any persons alive who were once slaves. The people you are speaking of did not suffer these hardships themselves. Why do you attribute suffering to them?

I actually discussed this with a friend of mine, who's a student of black history. Indeed there are no 'slaves' in America. However, the cultural perpetuation harks back to historical "overlordship" and likens the past to the now; i.e. the reason is not that they are actually slaves...but said folks remember, or research...and parallel current issues with the situations of the past.

Not only that, the people who were once enslaved in America may not be alive now, but their children are. And their grandchildren. Do you think positive messages of peace and metropolitanism were passed on along the generational lines?

Identifying with an ethnocentric culture (for any reason, be it generational teachings, dissatisfaction with authority etc) which by default adopts Islam makes it easier to identify with the associated religion. It's not necessarily that they're attracted to the religion per se, but the entire cultural package.
No children of US slaves are alive today neither are many (if any) grandchildren.

However there are plenty of people alive who can remember what things were like before, during and after the civil rights movement. There was some support for civil rights from white churches but not as much as you might expect of a religion born in palestine (oh the irony) which preaches that all are created equal in the eyes of god. Anyway black people had already formed their own churches thanks to segregation. Some black people, especially the young, were impatient with the pace of change and anyway they identified christianity as representative of their white oppressors. Islam was an organised religion that offered an attractive, alternative 'view'. No 'white' Jesus looking down from the cross. Of course some rejected religion altogether....

I think Malcolm X recognised that politics and religion were two sides of the same coin and the rest is history.
So, then why are blacks attracted to the Islamic culture?

Because it's part and parcel of the whole ethnocentric group mentality effect. It really has little to do with the religion itself, which can always be learned.
What do you mean by "ethnocentric group mentality effect"?

Meaning, in brass tax, African American folk tend to associate with each other, thru relating to the same issues. It's that group association, the sense of belonging that drives a lot to accept the package wholesale.
I guess they love it's teachings.
Also prophet Mohamed (SAW) saved a black man of slavery, Bilal his name, and he was the first person to convert to Islam.
I guess they love it's teachings.
Also prophet Mohamed (SAW) saved a black man of slavery, Bilal his name, and he was the first person to convert to Islam.

Let me liken it to a similar but much less psychologically complex situation. Had you watched or read 'The Da Vinci Code', you'd have noted that the albino Silas was saved by Bishop Aringarosa. Young Silas was rescued from a harsh life by a fundamentalist christian, and being ever so grateful made it easy for the Bishop's teachings of his religion to be acceptable to Silas.

Similarly, the identification with African-American issues would make it easy for the particular flavor of Islam to take hold in the mental facilities of the membership. Not necessarily because of the tenets of Islam itself, but it is the religion of the group that offers more solidarity and power once one becomes a member.
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