Are blacks more attracted to Islam?

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Registered Senior Member
In the U.S., it seems that home grown Islamist seem to be disproportionately black. Is there a reasons for that, or is that simply not true?
In the U.S., it seems that home grown Islamist seem to be disproportionately black. Is there a reasons for that, or is that simply not true?

Probably because for Islam: Solomon, David, Jesus and Mohamed were black folks. I believe this as well, but Christianity and Catholisim tends to focus on the "whiteness" of the prophets.

All praise the ancient of days.
They were Hebrew/Arab Semites, not Black.

Well in the U.S. you are forgetting that the Christians are focusing more on the "whiteness" factor like Wisdom Seeker said, it is more racial than religious.
For me, it is stupid, very stupid to divide things because of race. It is like trying to separate the "usefull" flowers because of their colours, it is stupid. It makes no difference to me what race they were, not at all, I couldn´t care less... but some people do, and that is the reason I think this is happening.
Of course it is stupid, but it is there and there's nothing you can do about it.
Solomon, David, Jesus and Mohamed were mid-Easterners - not Black.
M*W: I can't speak for Mohammed, but Solomon, David and Jesus (if they actually existed) were Egyptian. If they didn't exist, they were fictional characters that came out of Egypt, and Jesus may have been a fictional character that came out of Rome (or at least embellished from there).
They were Hebrew/Arab Semites, not Black.
M*W: Actually, they later became Hebrew myths that came out of Egypt, but they weren't Hebrews (as the Blibel would have one to believe). Scholars of biblical and anthropoligical Egyptian history believe that David, Solomon and Jesus, were pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty.

Another little factoid from this era in Egypt, the "Hebrews" were not "slaves" at all as the blibel states. The word "Hebrew" was named from the Egyptian tribe of "Habiru," which is also called "Abiru" and "Apiru," who were NOT Jews! They way the Hebrews in Egypt came to be known as "slaves" was because a "slave" in this day and time was a simple shepherd, and was not owned or beholden to any slave master or authority. The Habiru/Hebrews were tribes of nomad shepherds in lower Egypt (lower Egypt=meaning toward the Mediterranean Sea).

Technically, I wouldn't consider them to be racially 'Black' but of Semitic origin.
Ah, now the Blacks do associate themselves with the Egyptians. Perhaps, the blacks are grossly misinformed about Jesus, David and Solomon, just like Medicine Woman?
Still, that doesn't explain why follow Mohammed? My guess is - it's better than Christain because they are fully of whitey. Plus, blacks aren't anything close to being Asian. Plus, Islam is a very successful religion, and everyone likes a winner.
No, the question is, why NOT follow Mohommad? It is the continued word of God, so anyone following anything before is following a myth.

Hebrew is race
Jew is religion
Well, Christainity has a much kinder, gentler message than Islam. Plus, Christainity is even kinder to the poor - which would be attractive to poorer blacks.
In the U.S., it seems that home grown Islamist seem to be disproportionately black. Is there a reasons for that, or is that simply not true?

None of the above ancient history lessons appear to apply to this question.

The history behind this question is far more recent, where the view that the powers that were, who insitituted slave labour, were uniformly Christian (and Caucasian). The adherence to Islam was driven by this perception, and of course, said faith would not disappear in a single generation.

Newly enrolled would probably be individuals with an ethnocentric propensity, who might associate with Afro-American issues for various reasons, be it a perceived oppression of current government, a difficult childhood etc etc. Such persons may readily associate with the patterns of an afrocentric movement and embrace the associated religion.
Well, Christainity has a much kinder, gentler message than Islam. Plus, Christainity is even kinder to the poor - which would be attractive to poorer blacks.

No. It doesn't, and hell no is it kinder to the poor :roflmao:

Message of Islam: peace and unity
Islam also says that he who has food must also share with he who doesn't. And he who doesn't, let him share what he may have to bring.
Jesus said "blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall inherit the earth". Not "blessed are the poor who blow themselves up".
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