Are athiests happy?

And if so, why?
define happy!
You deny life after death.
not necesarily,maybe we get reincarnated :p
however until you can show me any living thing that doesnt die,your afterlife shall remain just a wishfull thinking ...a fantasy
Your life is meaningless drivel.
speak for yourself bucko,my life is the most important thing simply b/c I know death is the end.
thats why life is so meaningfull!! capice?
You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival. This outlook is pretty bleak.
on the contrary my life is pretty good,b/c I MADE it that way,and still havent killed anyone yet,go figure
How do you keep from offing yourselves?
ah the bitterness of a confused religionist,how sad,:bawl:
why dont YOU, OFF yourself, after all your haven is waiting
And if so, why? You deny life after death. Your life is meaningless drivel. You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival. This outlook is pretty bleak. How do you keep from offing yourselves?
Atheists are happy only when Jesus gets ceremonially hammered into the cross, every easter.

How do you explain to a retard that the position that an idea is 'true' based on emotion and your existential preferences is fraught with conflicts of interests and irrational stupidity?

You can't.
He wouldn't have opened his mouth to expel such malodorous mental farts in the first place if he had any capacity to reason.
So, you are left with the only other options of ignoring him or mocking him.
Atheists are happy only when Jesus gets ceremonially hammered into the cross, every easter.

How do you explain to a retard that the position that an idea is 'true' based on emotion and your existential preferences is fraught with conflicts of interests and irrational stupidity?

You can't.
He wouldn't have opened his mouth to expel such malodorous mental farts in the first place if he had any capacity to reason.
So, you are left with the only other options of ignoring him or mocking him.

ofcourse you make good points you always do because your a witty guy (not being sarcastic).

but to only be open to a mere two options? thats just limiting yourself, wich is never a good thing, there is always a moderate to the two extreams.

or usualy a multitude of moderates,

And if so, why?

Because I determine the meaning to my life, not some entity akin to the Tooth Fairy.

You deny life after death.

Not necessarily, and what's more, wholly irrelevant.

Your life is meaningless drivel.

On the contrary, mine has meaning where yours does not (in fact, cannot).

You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival.

Persons, not souls. And to a great extent, the scope of a living goes far beyond mere survival.

This outlook is pretty bleak.

If you describe self-realization as bleak, then you're correct.

How do you keep from offing yourselves?

Quite simply, there's so much to do.
John J. Bannan:

You deny life after death. Your life is meaningless drivel. You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival. This outlook is pretty bleak. How do you keep from offing yourselves?

In my opinion, it is pretty bleak if you think your current life is meaningless, and the only reason you can tolerate this life is that you expect to get a better life after you're dead.

It seems to me that a person who wants to die so he can see God is far more likely to "off" himself than an atheist who believes he only gets one life.

Most rational people would not want their soul to burn in hell. Consequently, they must be denying they have a soul. As there is no physical evidence for the existence of a soul, telling people who only believe what they see that they have a soul is a tough sell.

Why believe in something for which there is no physical evidence?

Why do you believe there is a soul, John?

So you're looking at yourself as "childhood, a rainbow, a good cup of coffee or a great meal, vacations"? Life's a vacation - enjoy it while it lasts. Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we die! Live for the now, forget the future! This sort of intoxicating talk must be hiding a deep depressing denial of sorts.

What about "Life is just a passing phase, of no consequence. Your life only matters because of what will happen after you die, which is when the real eternity starts. Better be good, or you'll go to hell!"

Now that sounds like a deeply depressing denial.

Ah, you're assuming life in the great beyond is the same as it is on Earth. Life after death would almost have to be more meaningful, wouldn't it?


What can you accomplish in Heaven as if you were on Earth? Being in union with God's "mind" will leave you without need of accomplishment. If there is no God, then life is meaningless. We are just a geological formation being pushed around by the sun's energy. What's the meaning in that?

Is your life meaningful only because there is a God? Tell me, how does God give your life meaning, where otherwise there would be none?

How does life without God have any meaning? O.K., so you can find happiness and pleasure. But that's not meaning. You're existence is pointless. The rest of the universe doesn't care if you live or die.

Neither does God, it seems. Good people die every day.

The fact that I am alive has no significance to the universe and therefore no meaning. Whether life has significance to me does not create meaning.

Why not?

Living a life with God would have to be meaningful.

So, meaning only comes after death? What prevents you from killing yourself now, then?
Why is everyone so hung up about meaning?
In life there is happiness and sadness. One is needed to measure the other.
Life is a bitch and then you die or life is a horn of plenty and then you die or more likely life is a mixture of experiences and emotions.
I cannot understand this suspension of living life in the hope that there might be something better later on.
And if so, why? You deny life after death. Your life is meaningless drivel. You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival. This outlook is pretty bleak. How do you keep from offing yourselves?

two types of happy people

SB 3.7.17: Both the lowest of fools and he who is transcendental to all intelligence enjoy happiness, whereas persons between them suffer the material pangs.

and there are three types of happiness

BG 18.37: That which in the beginning may be just like poison but at the end is just like nectar and which awakens one to self-realization is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness.

BG 18.38: That happiness which is derived from contact of the senses with their objects and which appears like nectar at first but poison at the end is said to be of the nature of passion.

BG 18.39: And that happiness which is blind to self-realization, which is delusion from beginning to end and which arises from sleep, laziness and illusion is said to be of the nature of ignorance.

take your pick
The resident retard, lightgigantic, is still under the illusion that if you don`t beleive in God - even if he cannot provide a rational argument in His support other than feel-good emotionalism and pseudo-intellectual evasive spins about the `correct` epistemology - then you must be some kind of superficial materialist, living in misery.

Let`s see:
Option 1 - be happy by surrendering to a delusion which both flatters and sooths my fears or...

Option 2 - be happy by surrendering to hedonism and materialism...

I`ll pick Option 3 Alex:
Use the opportunity of cosnciousness to explore one`s own existence and face it with courage and honesty and with no preconcpetions and emotionalism.

Then, if you so desire, use your percpetions to dop with them as you like.
Better to soothe ones' fears with God than with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shrinks etc... Plus when you REALLY have God (the Holy Spirit) living inside you, you have no fear...

I can't physically prove God exists just like I can't prove love exists. All I can do is believe. :)
Better to soothe ones' fears with God than with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shrinks etc...
Better to do neither, isn't it?
Better just to face your fears and accept them until they become part of who you are, and until you are comfortable with them as part of you?

And in what way is God not just your own variety of shrink?
You talk to him - you ask him for help and guidance - you hope he has the answers - and you know he won't judge you. You probably pay him as well, through the collections during services.

And why do you think shrinks are bad?
Have you had a bad experience with them?
No. I accept no fear. Never. It is not who I am or who I am in Him. Fear and worry are tools of the devil. Not of my Father.

God is my "shrink". The best one I could possibly hope for. And He's free. ;)
I think secular shrinks are bad because they teach to "accept your fears", blame everything on your parents/childhood, etc..

It's time to grow up. Take some responsibility. Choose who you want to be. Not blame anyone or anything.

Choosing God is the best decision I ever made. :worship:
Better to soothe ones' fears with God than with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shrinks etc... Plus when you REALLY have God (the Holy Spirit) living inside you, you have no fear...

I can't physically prove God exists just like I can't prove love exists. All I can do is believe. :)

Google this: Science of Love
...It's time to grow up. Take some responsibility. Choose who you want to be. Not blame anyone or anything.

Choosing God is the best decision I ever made. :worship:

So if things go well for you, its because of God in your life. If things go badly, its because of you? So God gets all the glory, but none of the responsibility?
Do you know him? Have you ever met him? Ever been to one of his crusades? Ever see a miracle? Well, I have. Plenty of miracles. Go ahead and laugh. We'll see who gets the last laugh. ;)

I can honestly say strictly "no" to all questions above. However, television is a powerful medium, and I must say what I have seen of Benny Hinn leaves a taste of bile in my throat. He is one of the worst bigots on the face of the earth, and continues to profit in the millions thru his duped fan base.

Sandy, can you honestly say that every magician in the world is truly gifted with supernatural powers? Or is the more logical thing sleight of hand and misdirection? Isn't it even plausible to you that Benny Hinn might be employing the same tactics?

Better to soothe ones' fears with God than with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, shrinks etc... Plus when you REALLY have God (the Holy Spirit) living inside you, you have no fear...

I can't physically prove God exists just like I can't prove love exists. All I can do is believe. :)

Ah but you are incorrect Sandy. Because a high majority of humans have experienced love for themselves, love is evidence of itself (same for most, if not all emotions). You cannot say the same thing for any god ever conceived of.
Orleander- Yes. I have free will. Sometimes I make stupid choices. Sometimes I don't listen to Him or consult Him first about things. Sometimes I get caught up in everyday reality and forget to pray about everything. Sometimes I forget to thank Him for being my everything. It is then and only then that I get into trouble.
Orleander- Yes. I have free will. Sometimes I make stupid choices. Sometimes I don't listen to Him or consult Him first about things. Sometimes I get caught up in everyday reality and forget to pray about everything. Sometimes I forget to thank Him for being my everything. It is then and only then that I get into trouble.

OK. If you have free will, is it you that gets you into trouble or the devil?
God is my "shrink". The best one I could possibly hope for. And He's free. ;)
I think secular shrinks are bad because they teach to "accept your fears", blame everything on your parents/childhood, etc..

'Secular shrinks' teach people to face fears. The origin of the fear is related, but not the root of the matter. A good psychiatrist only discovers the origin of a 'fear' in order to help his patient understand where it comes from and to enable the patient to conquer said fear.

Maybe you should see one about your fear of being alone? Perhaps your fear of ethical responsibility? Or maybe fear of illegal immigrants? :p
Orleander- Ususally me. I make the stupid decisions. I can't blame the devil for everything. I have to learn to control/guard my thoughts. That's where the real battle is--in our minds. When we destroy our old system of thinking, our behavior changes.

"When you were a sinner, satan owned you. Because he owned you, he infiltrated your life with ways of thinking that were land mines to produce destruction along the course of your life. Once you get born again, he no longer has authority over you, but he still has a system of thinking that he has placed inside of your head through this world’s system. We need to break down that system of thinking so that it is no longer our way of thinking and, therefore, can no longer do damage....

That’s what the Word of God is for—to change our way of thinking. It’s to give us a new way of thinking so that we are no longer paving the way for satan to have access into our lives. Who people really are is what they’re thinking on the inside"...

And to Enterprise- I have no fear. Not of being alone. Not of anything. As far as being alone: I LOVE it. I prefer it. Plus, I am never really alone. God is always with me. He lives inside me in the form of the Holy Spirit (my counselor, friend, guidance...)