Are athiests happy?

And if so, why? You deny life after death. Your life is meaningless drivel. You are one of six billion other souls - all fighting for survival. This outlook is pretty bleak. How do you keep from offing yourselves?

I don't get it. How is life meaningless drivel unless there's a second life or third life? Why does having only 1 make it any less meaningful than having 2 or 10,000?

Let's be frank here, but the opposite seems more logical. Knowing you've got more lives to come undoubtedly lowers the value of this one - especially when this one is merely to show you're a nice little human before the "real" life starts.

Your views are not only quite shocking, they're extremely naive.

Soul is mind, will, and emotion. How can soul not exist?

We are spirits. We live in bodies. We have souls.

Not exactly.
So you're looking at yourself as "childhood, a rainbow, a good cup of coffee or a great meal, vacations"? Life's a vacation - enjoy it while it lasts. Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we die! Live for the now, forget the future! This sort of intoxicating talk must be hiding a deep depressing denial of sorts.
So you're looking at yourself as "childhood, a rainbow, a good cup of coffee or a great meal, vacations"? Life's a vacation - enjoy it while it lasts. Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we die! Live for the now, forget the future! ....

EXACTLY!! Its what I do. :D
(but I do save for retirement)
Ah, you're assuming life in the great beyond is the same as it is on Earth. Life after death would almost have to be more meaningful, wouldn't it?
So you're looking at yourself as "childhood, a rainbow, a good cup of coffee or a great meal, vacations"? Life's a vacation - enjoy it while it lasts. Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we die! Live for the now, forget the future! This sort of intoxicating talk must be hiding a deep depressing denial of sorts.

Needless to say, this wasn't an answer to the questions I posed. Kindly explain to me in your own words why having 2 lives is more meaningful than having 1 life.

You have your definition of soul and spirit. I have mind.

Oh, that's how it works is it? We just go about making our own definitions for the fun of it? Fair enough.
You are assuming life on Earth is the same as life in Heaven. How could it be? You're not on Earth. If there is an afterlife and assuming you don't get thrown into hell, a life with God would surely be more meaningful than a life on Earth. I don't believe theists are saying that life in Heaven is the same as life on Earth.
You are assuming life on Earth is the same as life in Heaven. How could it be?

No I'm not. I am asking you to explain how 1 life, (this one), is meaningless whether there is a second life, (same/similar/completely bloody different), or not.

If there is an afterlife and assuming you don't get thrown into hell, a life with God would surely be more meaningful than a life on Earth

Why? What are you going to do or accomplish in this heaven of yours? What will be your greatest moment in heaven? "Out of all the billions upon billions of years I spent bowing to one being, I like day 724,565,678,765 the best. I bowed better that day than any other day since".

Further to which, by now you should know my argument against heaven, (when you have a loved one that never arrived). I personally consider physical torture somewhat milder than mental torture. If the person you love the most is burning, (forever and ever and ever), boy will you be suffering in heaven.
Ah, you are making assumptions about how theists perceive Heaven which may not be true. Who says you bow down to God every day? This is a naive notion of Heaven. If Heaven is a union with God, I would guess you get to see things the way God does. Wouldn't that be more meaningful?
Ah, you are making assumptions about how theists perceive Heaven which may not be true

I did actually ask; "Why? What are you going to do or accomplish in this heaven of yours?"

However, you still haven't answered the question. Why is 1 life meaningless?
So you're looking at yourself as "childhood, a rainbow, a good cup of coffee or a great meal, vacations"? Life's a vacation - enjoy it while it lasts. Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow we die! Live for the now, forget the future! This sort of intoxicating talk must be hiding a deep depressing denial of sorts.

Yes, I'm an Epicurean. Surprisingly, the Epicureans did not party every day, some lived on bread and water. The reason is that maximizing pleasure requires anticipation of the future. If you know that partying hard will result in several days of hangover, then pleasure is not maximized. Good health is a part of enjoying life to it's fullest.
What can you accomplish in Heaven as if you were on Earth? Being in union with God's "mind" will leave you without need of accomplishment. If there is no God, then life is meaningless. We are just a geological formation being pushed around by the sun's energy. What's the meaning in that?
Being in union with God's "mind" will leave you without need of accomplishment

What's the point of that?

If there is no God, then life is meaningless.

To a theist, yes.

There's ultimately where we differ. You need to believe in sky fairies to find any meaning in your own life. See..

We are just a geological formation being pushed around by the sun's energy. What's the meaning in that?

When you can answer that question, you'll no longer be a theist.
I didn't make this up. It's Biblical. God said it first. Debate Him.

Incorrect. Men wrote it first - and not "biblical" men but earlier men that the biblical writers 'borrowed' from. Try again.
How does life without God have any meaning? O.K., so you can find happiness and pleasure. But that's not meaning. You're existence is pointless. The rest of the universe doesn't care if you live or die.
What can you accomplish in Heaven as if you were on Earth? Being in union with God's "mind" will leave you without need of accomplishment. If there is no God, then life is meaningless. We are just a geological formation being pushed around by the sun's energy. What's the meaning in that?

So if we are a self-organizing collection of organic molecules powered indirectly from a sustained and distant fusion reaction, that doesn't have any significance for you?
O.K., so you can find happiness and pleasure.

Those are two of many "meanings" to life. There you go, life does have meaning.

But that's not meaning. You're existence is pointless.

To who?

The rest of the universe doesn't care if you live or die.

Since when did what the 'rest of the universe' thinks have any impact on your own life?

Now tell me, what "meaning" is there in living a life with god?