Are atheists pagans?

Isn't calling yourselves "atheists" really a new age label for paganism? Aren't atheists really just trying to run away from the negative perception on pagans - instead of embracing their ancient heritage?

the people who were called pagans originally were not athiests. You do know that don't you?

you've heard of the phrase 'pagan religions' perhaps. That ought to be a warning sign.

an atheist calling him or herself a pagan would confuse people.
Theists= believe in god/gods
pagan= believe in gods or don't

I guess the problem is that it isn't a sufficiently descriptive word.
Yeah, but "people not Christains" includes atheists. Does it not?

Not when the word was first used. No.

This is what you seem to be doing.

Athiests have sometimes been lumped together with pagans. I will try to get the atheists to admit they are pagans and they won't like that because the word is negative.

The word comes from what was the dominant religions view of non-Christians. Who cares what Christians think should be lumped together. You are not winning anything by this argument.
...Athiests have sometimes been lumped together with pagans. I will try to get the atheists to admit they are pagans and they won't like that because the word is negative...

I agree. Those guys are freaks.
You call me a pagan and I'm gonna be upset. I'm a heathen! :D
I am not trying to win anything. Just exploring. How do you know atheists weren't among the peoples first described as "pagans"?
I am not trying to win anything. Just exploring. How do you know atheists weren't among the peoples first described as "pagans"?

Because the Christians were referring to groups that had religions. The Christians did not run a lot of interviews. People were religious when that word came into use.
He's trolling because he's bored :p

It is trolling. Once in a while he asks a good question. But this is like a six year old trying to find a way to prove that him not getting ice cream before dinner is illogical or hypocritical.

I'm not sure what the ice cream is in this case. I think it started with attaching a word to athiests that would irritate them. That was the ice cream at the beginning. Now I think he is just on automatic pilot.