are atheists a product of Murphy's law?

birch, you are a troll, it disgusts me beyond words to see your posts scribbled all around the place. let me show you what i'm talking about;
oh, which god was that?
what difference does it make?

so if someone proclaims they are god, then it must be. i don't think so.
did anyone say that? other than you?

get it straight. christianity is just one of many religions or philosophy. it is a monotheistic religion with a figurehead called jesus christ.
you don't say? cuz i didn't know what christianity is,
um, and, what the f*** does christianity has to do with anything? who said anything about christianity?

what's important is for believers, not whether everyone believes. just like not everyone joins a knitting club or a star trek convention devotee.
ok. that just didn't make any sense, what the heck are you talking about?

i think it's very deceptive and selfish for christians to put themselves in a position that they represent the concept of god entirely or make it an atheist vs theism issue when the real motive is to get others to acknowledge their "version" of god/religion as being the only truth.
"random" just doesn't cut it.
listen to me bozo, the subject at hand is about how the existence of atheists isn't necessarily a product of the possibility that theists may be wrong, but that the evidence for god gives the possibility to be rejected[i.e we have free will].

being a hating blind troll, i wonder why you weren't banned already.
you don't see anyone else doing this except for christians and sometimes muslims.
just get lost kid. go find somewhere else to rant about christians.
i'm not at troll. it's obvious that those who believe in their particular religion and version of god use a basic theist argument to push their own views of what god is.

that is what i'm pointing out and its been done repeatedly here. it's not even an issue of theism as they are not even general theists. if that were so, they would agree with all religions that believe in a god or higher authority.

what difference does it make?

that is being trollish! ask a christian or a muslim if it makes no difference.

pretense of ignorance as usual.

being a hating blind troll

as if religionists/theists have room to talk. intolerant and blind hating trolls. unless one believes in their god and religion, everyone else is wrong!

and they have the nerve to appeal to atheists to accept not only the concept of god but "their" version of god while they blindly reject other religions, faiths and philosophies not of their own.

it's amazing that religionists are tolerated when they aren't truly tolerant either. pfft

just get lost kid. go find somewhere else to rant about christians.

it's because religionists have been allowed so much leniency that they believe they are the ones who are the victim of intolerance. yet they plead to atheists of all people to take their beliefs seriously and call them intolerant all the while they do not take other beliefs outside their religion seriously either. they also use the sly ruse of a generic 'theist' argument and then slip in their own religious views later or leaving it out altogether even though they hold to a particular dogma or religious view.

who should be really banned based on this hypocrisy?

the better way would be to present that it's a faith and stop being arrogant and speaking for the concept of god as if they speak for everyone's concept of god whether it be polytheism or monotheism.
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This being? I'm certain it will be another masterfully written red herring.
just the way you like it;
Or that there is no scientific evidence for Him. We're discussing a supernatural being, you understand.
so there is no scientific evidence for the most important thing of the world?
what does that say of the scientific method?

then you're unreasonable.

uh, so, it's absurd that Jesus descended to the earth and proclaimed himself god?
do you read, geoffp? or do you just blabber an opposition and hit reply?:rolleyes:

Well, most people voted that "no", they would not follow Islam if the Islamic God showed up and proclaimed himself. But you have to understand: that's because Islamic law is shit[...blah blah blah]
no my dear sir, YOU have to understand, they voted no because they have shit in their skills, filling the gap between their ears.
you see,and i hope you can understand, if the god who showed and proved himself was a sadistic emo, dolphins, chimpanzes, some dogs, and some humans, would follow him,even if he asked them to bath in urine or burn themselves alive... the rest, are products of murphy's law.egotistical atheists and fellow dumb egotistical christians included.
(Just for reference: I'd be in the "no" category too, for the obvious array of reasons.)
i'm aware of that.
you'd go to hell for eternity because islam is shit.
you've quite the logic.:rolleyes:
what is truly disgusting is how it's always christians or muslims who post on these boards and due to their arrogance and blind narcissism, have elected themselves as self-appointed speakers for the entire concept of a god or creator.
birch, i've reported your post as off topic. you want to bash, keep it relevant.
this whole thread has made no distinction of muslims or christians, it has also not spoken of religious self righteousness or subjectiveness regarding the concept of god, in other words, you're discussing a topic other than what we are, i've said this to you but it seems you don't listen, i hope an infraction will catch your notice, if that doesn't fix you i'm sure a ban will.
birch, i've reported your post as off topic. you want to bash, keep it relevant.
this whole thread has made no distinction of muslims or christians, it has also not spoken of religious self righteousness or subjectiveness regarding the concept of god, in other words, you're discussing a topic other than what we are, i've said this to you but it seems you don't listen, i hope an infraction will catch your notice, if that doesn't fix you i'm sure a ban will.

people like you should be banned because you are using the pretense that all religions are correct when that is not what theists here really believe.

this is in order to scapegoat atheists. there was also no bashing which further illustrates your lack of reasoning or unwilligness to. i pointed out the big pink elephant in the room that is ignored.

i'm sure you would like me to be banned for this reason. lol
just the way you like it

Excellent statement; and a ringing endorsement of what you don't understand.

so there is no scientific evidence for the most important thing of the world?
what does that say of the scientific method?

?? Rather, what does it say about God?

Your assumption here is that there is a God. Well, all right then: it should be easy to demonstrate evidence of Him, even with so purportedly flawed a tool as the scientific method: being, of course, a kind of flawed tool yourself.

Put more directly: the scientific method is a system of evaluating the cause and incidence of naturalistic phenomena. If God is outside such a naturalistic plane of existence, then it means the scientific method (SM) cannot be used to locate Him. It says nothing at all about the SM since, as I've explained to you twice now already, the SM is intended for naturalistic phenomena. Your initiation of a challenge is therefore obviated right at the start. It is like you asking what value a screwdriver has, since it cannot be used as a wrench.

then you're unreasonable.

No: you're assuming atheists are unreasonable. Perhaps what you don't understand is a) your poll was directed at something less than twenty or so individuals. b) I think you misunderstand the intent of those responses: several of those people undoubtedly responded "no" because they think Islam (as practiced rather than the "optimal", "final version" Islam) is a hateful religion, and that the appearance of such a God demanding respect would be akin to the Devil showing up for brunch; and they have a certain right to feel so, given some of the things adherents of your religion have done and the things that are said about - and done to - non-believers in its name. After all, we have the example of yourself in this regard, admitting that you believe in executing those who insult your faith. What, then, are they to make of this? I expect some might have the same response to the same question posed by my faith, with respect to Jesus' Second Coming. They would at the least need assurance that we would anticipate His arrival as a good thing rather than a shake-up of the world and mass casualties. Since even our Revelation suggests that the latter is more likely, perhaps they could be forgiven for thinking so. This is my perspective, so far as it matters.

uh, so, it's absurd that Jesus descended to the earth and proclaimed himself god?

Not to me: not at all. I consider it of the greatest seriousness. But others will believe differently, and they might pose the same question to me that I pose to you: what is the empirical naturalistic evidence of your god? Why should I believe in Him? And why should I say they have no right to ask?

do you read, geoffp? or do you just blabber an opposition and hit reply?

Close: I reply to blabber. I have an exceptionally sharp knife for dealing with it.

no my dear sir, YOU have to understand, they voted no because they have shit in their skills, filling the gap between their ears.

Please: don't be stupid if you can help it. I've explained their dissonance above. It's not my fault if by certain standpoints you are a coward.

you'd go to hell for eternity because islam is shit.

Actually, I would not go to hell for eternity, because Islamic law is shit.

BTW: it's now customary to capitalize "Islamic" along with "Christian" and - even, yes - Jewish on the forum. Best you follow that rule; I would hate to see you get an infraction for Islamophobia.
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if god exists and is outside the scope of science then science is pretty much worthless. because god's existence is the most important thing in life.

if some people refused to follow a god after he proved himself then they're too dumb to be called humans. see if you're among them.

you're fighting a lost war G, stop embarrassing yourself, and exposing your hypocrisy.
if god exists and is outside the scope of science then science is pretty much worthless. because god's existence is the most important thing in life.

IF He exists - this being the critical question. But then again, eating, drinking and breathing would also be pretty much worthless, as would everything else. If you're so convinced, go and join Him.

if some people refused to follow a god after he proved himself then they're too dumb to be called humans. see if you're among them.

You did accidentally say "a god", and it would be antiSamitic of me not to pounce on it. So why would I worship a god I felt to be evil? Because it's better to be a moral coward?

you're fighting a lost war G, stop embarrassing yourself, and exposing your hypocrisy.

Ah - if only I had exposed any, or if you knew what "hypocrisy" meant. Fortunately, I adhere to the conviction of keeping my private parts covered.
IF He exists
and this's why i think you're a sniveling hypocrite.
there is no "if" for you G, you're not agnostic, you're a theist and according to you god does exist, why do you argue from other peoples' perspective is beyond me, it's as if you're ashamed to admit that you believe god exists because that'll make you look stupid in front of them, because you'd lose any credibility you might have.

So why would I worship a god I felt to be evil? Because it's better to be a moral coward?
if you can't answer that simple question then your intellect is too sluggish for words to describe.
Sure, if God came made his presence known and proved with very little doubt that he was who he calimed to be. Then of course there would still be a few whackos who would still claim that he did not exist even if they saw, talked to, and witnessed his awesome power, but they would be few and far between. Like the random people who still believe life cannot exist on the ocean floor or that man played fetch with the dinosaurs. They are out there...
i don't mean to "bother" anyone, it's just that either most users here are going to hell or the majority of the world seriously believes in an invisible santa clause, i think the matter is serious.

that's EXACTLY the point of this thread!:D

see, if god DID show up and proclaim himself, and it was possible for people to still disbelieve, they would disbelieve.
more to the point, god DID show up, DID procalim himself, but since murphy's law applies, we have atheists.

want PROOF?
no external studies, no newspaper articles, but INSIDE proof?
of how this place REEKS with.. with.. hopelessness?

Scifes will you promise to throw some ice cubes down from heaven when I'm burning with all the other sinners in the second circle of hell? I'm not a bad sort after all, just a victim of my loins:D

And some chocolate too. And wine. I hear heaven has rivers of wine.

It would be your duty since the cornerstone of religion is compassion for those less know like me being in hell for allowing desire to pull reason from its throne.

Are you coming to the wedding? :p
and this's why i think you're a sniveling hypocrite.

And I should give a fuck what someone like you thinks?

there is no "if" for you G, you're not agnostic, you're a theist and according to you god does exist, why do you argue from other peoples' perspective is beyond me

It's called a number of things that you seem to have no access to, like introspection, empathy and logic.

it's as if you're ashamed to admit that you believe god exists because that'll make you look stupid in front of them, because you'd lose any credibility you might have.

Classically, sadly wrong.

if you can't answer that simple question then your intellect is too sluggish for words to describe.

No. You failed to answer the question. Why would I worship a god I felt to be evil? Is your intellect too sluggish to answer it?
And I should give a fuck what someone like you thinks?
sigh, you're having a bad day ain't ya?

It's called a number of things that you seem to have no access to, like introspection, empathy and logic.
i can do that, it's just that you can't argue from your OWN position, you can't define or defend it, you keep reverting to what it might look from other people's prespectives... THAT is what i don't get.
forget atheists who for which god may or may not exist, for you he does, and you he's out of the scientific method's scope, god being the most important thing to us, what does that make the scientific method? what's its worth as a tool?

i understand if you're angry because the question is clear and your inability to answer it is also clear.. but that's the penalty of being a hypocrite, no?:)

Classically, sadly wrong.

No. You failed to answer the question. Why would I worship a god I felt to be evil? Is your intellect too sluggish to answer it?
because nothing is worth eternal inescapable torture.
because infinity is bigger than any constant.
go back to middle school G.
Scifes will you promise to throw some ice cubes down from heaven when I'm burning with all the other sinners in the second circle of hell? I'm not a bad sort after all, just a victim of my loins

And some chocolate too. And wine. I hear heaven has rivers of wine.

It would be your duty since the cornerstone of religion is compassion for those less know like me being in hell for allowing desire to pull reason from its throne.

YUSUFALI: The Companions of the Fire will call to the Companions of the Garden: "Pour down to us water or anything that Allah doth provide for your sustenance." They will say: "Both these things hath Allah forbidden to those who rejected Him.