are atheists a product of Murphy's law?

no matter how hard the evidence and strong the proof, as long as we have free will, atheists will exist.

My friend, when the crowds faced Jesus Christ, the Man, and they were offered a choice between saving Jesus or Barabbas from crucifixion, they chose Barabbas.

Nothing has changed since then. And yet this crowd pretends to be so very enlightened..... 2000 years later

Everything just made itself, out of nothing. It's all so... *simple*.

This is *science*.

God is and forever will be outside the purview of science, and so any pretense of scientific inquiry into how God could possibly be is doomed to failure. He answered it long ago. He said "I Am."
Everything just made itself, out of nothing. It's all so... *simple*.

This is *science*.

To be fair to *science*, it's worth mentioning that there's quite a bit more to the scientific explanation of where everything came from than that. People have devoted entire careers to this stuff, so just maybe it's a bit more complicated than RenaissanceMan thinks.

Originally Posted by wikipedia
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong".

hmm ...... Maybe Murph's Law applies to all God's creation?
Not even himself did not know what he has created! :D

What evidence? What proof? I would love to believe in God, I think that would be great (although I would have some pointed questions for him). Unfortunately, the universe is consistent with all natural laws.

can you explain to me why you conclude that natural law and god are contradictory?
Atheism is based on the belief that we logically evolved from the primordial goop to become self-aware beings. And that's it- as things evolve they become more intelligent. But we're all ultimately worm-meal as we age, die and decompose into something new- ashes to ashes and all of that. This is not an entirely wrong assertion as the whole of science backs this theory up.

Why is this sub-forum full of Atheist haters? Yes I know... because they're atheist.

Let the man say his peace- have an open mind. Stop hating non-believers- they simply don't believe. I can quote lots of quotes from the Bible, the Qu'ran, Buddhism and Gandhi but ultimately it's the same point- the point is to advance knowledge.

There's no evidence for god at all.

So as long as people have free will, theists will continue to exist. Thus, it's the other way around. I am in that latter group, but that doesn't bother me.
My friend, when the crowds faced Jesus Christ, the Man, and they were offered a choice between saving Jesus or Barabbas from crucifixion, they chose Barabbas.

Nothing has changed since then. And yet this crowd pretends to be so very enlightened..... 2000 years later

Everything just made itself, out of nothing. It's all so... *simple*.

This is *science*.

God is and forever will be outside the purview of science, and so any pretense of scientific inquiry into how God could possibly be is doomed to failure. He answered it long ago. He said "I Am."

You have a very romantic view of science.
The science is more practical.
Thanks to science you are like this
and not like this

"The universe, including its current orderly state, can have appeared spontaneously out of nothingness." - Not by Design, by Victor Stenger, page 8

"Order still could have 'just happened'. Furthermore, it probably did." - page 14

"If we could wait long enough, those pieces [bricks and pieces of wood] would assemble into the building with no help from engines or muscles."
- page 23

"The universe could have happened as a quantum fluctuation in nothingness." - page 26

"[Scientists] became the new priesthood, with powers of prediction and control over nature far exceeding any in history." - page 44

Scientist are the new priests. Got it? Bow down to them.

"The creation of the universe itself was a random event, without cause or plan." - page 103

"We will become God" - page 179
Scientists are also human with all the flaws and benefits of the humanity.They are not and they will not be "God".
But consider the benefits that science has provided to us.
Check out these Scientific laws.

To be fair to *science*, it's worth mentioning that there's quite a bit more to the scientific explanation of where everything came from than that. People have devoted entire careers to this stuff, so just maybe it's a bit more complicated than RenaissanceMan thinks.
the distance between two points doesn't change because of the length of the path YOU took from one point to the other.
There's no evidence for god at all.
why do you believe in him then?:D

You have a very romantic view of science.
The science is more practical.
Thanks to science you are like this
and not like this

and who told you the guy in the first picture is happier than the ones in the second?
"The universe, including its current orderly state, can have appeared spontaneously out of nothingness." - Not by Design, by Victor Stenger, page 8

"Order still could have 'just happened'. Furthermore, it probably did." - page 14

"If we could wait long enough, those pieces [bricks and pieces of wood] would assemble into the building with no help from engines or muscles."
- page 23

"The universe could have happened as a quantum fluctuation in nothingness." - page 26

"[Scientists] became the new priesthood, with powers of prediction and control over nature far exceeding any in history." - page 44

Scientist are the new priests. Got it? Bow down to them.

"The creation of the universe itself was a random event, without cause or plan." - page 103

"We will become God" - page 179
this is the age we're in.

You have a very romantic view of science.
The science is more practical.
Thanks to science you are like this
and not like this

and who told you the guy in the first picture is happier than the ones in the second?

Good question.Why not?

When the following news?
"At the borders of Brazil has intensified military guard to prevent illegal immigration.
Brazil has been taken by assault by bankers and lawyers from the U.S. who want to live
a happy life like this

Faith. A personal matter. You have perhaps heard of it? No man's mind can be purely logical; nor should it, I suppose.
so either your god exists only in your mind or the scientific method isn't good enough to discover him.
Or that there is no scientific evidence for Him. We're discussing a supernatural being, you understand.
so there is no scientific evidence for the most important thing of the world?
what does that say of the scientific method?
can you explain to me why you conclude that natural law and god are contradictory?

God is a controlling agent. If there is no need to control, then there is no need for God as an explanation for anything. Natural laws aren't enforced, they are just descriptions of what happens when things are left alone.
God is a controlling agent. If there is no need to control, then there is no need for God as an explanation for anything. Natural laws aren't enforced, they are just descriptions of what happens when things are left alone.

a controlling agent for what? the masses? hahaha. the controlling agent is natural law, and natural law is part of what god is! "the father", "the creator" part. it's how things get done!

god is not a mythical being! god is real!

i'm using exclamation points because i've explained this to you a thousand times. :p
a controlling agent for what? the masses? hahaha. the controlling agent is natural law, and natural law is part of what god is! "the father", "the creator" part. it's how things get done!

god is not a mythical being! god is real!

i'm using exclamation points because i've explained this to you a thousand times. :p

so you believe everything is perfect since god is perfect and it created the natural law which is the controlling agent, then you should never have any complaints or criticisms, even of people and their actions. but you seem to which is a slap in god's face. in other words, you are insulting god's creation and it's judgement. you need to laugh at how ridiculous your take is. :bugeye: