Are all soldiers like the Nazis?

Can they do the same? Would you praise them for using your methods of self defence?

Is it alright to bring this war to the UK instead of Afghanistan? Or the US? Or Australia?
So if all Muslims volunteered and trained and enlisted in a military organisation which then started invading and occupying for the purpose of imposing their ideology, you would not consider them as lunatics and violent murderers?

Sorry I missed this one.

We already do consider them lunatics which is why we are in Afhanistan
Can they do the same? Would you praise them for using your methods of self defence?

We are stopping them from having the chance to do the same. They are the threat so their self defense is only in the interest of furthering their aggression. Do you praise Mohammed for the aggressive means in which he passed his 'ideology'?
Sorry I missed this one.

We already do consider them lunatics which is why we are in Afhanistan

So can they fight them there so they don't have to fight them here too? Will you be cheerleader for their soldiers as they break down doors and spray the children with white phosphorus? Will you tell us how proud you are to have met a few of them?

Will you admire their soldiers for this "sacrifice"?
So can they fight them there so they don't have to fight them here too? Will you be cheerleader for their soldiers as they break down doors and spray the children with white phosphorus? Will you tell us how proud you are to have met a few of them?

Do you praise Mohammed for the aggressive means in which he passed his 'ideology'?

I praise those men who will make sure that those assholes who are making the world unsafe in the West are out of the game and then they can go back to being the dust bowl country that they always have been.

You don't get it Sam. Most of these guys who serve are better men than you'll ever meet.
who are making the world unsafe in the West are out of the game and then they can go back to being the dust bowl country that they always have been

Then in that case, their justifications are even more valid than yours.

Do you support their rights to use your methods?
Then in that case, their justifications are even more valid than yours.

Why because they have mohammed on their side?

You never answered the question Sam. Don't you praise Mohammed for the aggressive means in which he passed his 'ideology'?

See Sam you feel the need to support and defend your muslim brothers and sisters...and only your muslim brothers and sisters.

I will also defend mine.

I don't have to support their methods. Their world is not my concern. They are not my concern. I used to be dumb enough to throw my sympathy their way but you have cured me of that. I don't give a shit about them anymore
I'm not living 1400 years ago, I don't have to answer for history and I'm not defending it, I am asking YOU who glorifies the military, if the occupied people have the same rights to use the same methods YOU consider acceptable to use on them, against YOU.

I don't give a shit about them anymore

I'll take honest hatred over bullshit "sympathy" any day.
I didn't ask you if you defended it, I asked you if you didn't praise mohammed and all mohammed did. Mohammed was a warlord and all warlords are nazis. Its a very simple question. As for the second part of your question re-read post #587
I didn't ask you if you defended it, I asked you if you didn't praise mohammed and all mohammed did. Mohammed was a warlord and all warlords are nazis. Its a very simple question.
All warlords are Nazis? They are all racists who see extermination of other races as not simply ethical but de rigeur? Were Native American war leaders Nazis?
Was George Washington?
All warlords are Nazis? They are all racists who see extermination of other races as not simply ethical but de rigeur? Were Native American war leaders Nazis?
Was George Washington?

Washington was clearly a Nazi. He burned down the Iroqouis villages because they would not accept his divine right to impose his rule over them. And since genocide works, he became President.

The Native Americans were also Nazis, but in a reverse kind of way. They were fighting for a fatherland they had no western defined ownership rights over. They did not recognise that it was the right of Lucy and company to live there and establish a model western society rather than a backward tribal collection of war lord run societies

Possibly they think that is what the rest of the world should be. A model western society.
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Can I see some evidence of white phosphorus /flechette use by Germans?
I'd give quotes but my copy is currently packed away due to having had my flat re-wired and the heating done recently.

Wiki's illustrated list - includes incendiary bombs.
If you want to work through that :D

Brand C50 B Incendiary Bomb
Over-All Length: 43.5 in. approx.
Body Length: 30.5 in.
Body Diameter: 8.0 in.
Wall Thickness: 1/16 - 1/8 in.
Tail Length: 17 in.
Tail Width: 7.8 in.
Total Weight: 77 lbs. Approx.
Filling: White Phosphorus
Weight Of Filling: N/A (although a number of German air-dropped incendiaries used thermite instead).

Caption: German Flechette (aerial dart) from Zeppelin L32 : Great Burstead, Essex 24 September 1916
(Meh, not Nazi - it's WWI, but it IS German).

There seems to be little on the net about flechette weapons in WWII. Where they are mentioned the text skips from the WWI introduction straight to the US small-arms programmes in the late 50s/ early 60s.

And apparently we Brits were working on one too in WW2
(although a number of German air-dropped incendiaries used thermite instead).

There seems to be little on the net about flechette weapons in WWII.

Thanks, I appreciate your efforts. I asked because I too have come across thermite and had not found any evidence of white phosphorus or flechette use when comparing the Allied and German weapon use. [Did the Germans use poison gas as the British did?] I wondered if the Germans considered themselves too "civilised" for such weapons [they too had delusions of grandeur]
I find the thread direction odd.

The Nazis were most criticized for what they did to civilians. The whole flechettes, white phosphorous tangent misses the point. They rounded up people, citizens of their own country, and sent them off, in organized cold blooded fashion to be killed as cheaply as possible. This is different from what the US did in Iraq. The best parallel would be the embargo, but this was not against US citizens, of course, and was aimed at everyone, including military personnel - not that I think it was moral. It was sloppy compared to the Holocaust and would have ended if Saddam had capitulated or been overthrown. The Holocaust would have been a perpetual project for the Nazis. They wanted to cleanse other countries as well. They would have rescued us all from Jews, Gypsies, the retarded, gays, etc.

None of this makes the US innocent, but the Nazis are in a league with Mao and Stalin. Unless you are willing to go along with certain conspiracy theories related to the Neo Cons - vaccinations and pandemics, as one example - the US is not in the same league. But then if you are willing to go into those conspiracies, we are no longer talking about nations.

I'll say it again....SAM, your belief in nations helps the Neocons. They like it. They like people being enemies based on race or nationality.
The Nazis were most criticized for what they did to civilians. The whole flechettes, white phosphorous tangent misses the point. They rounded up people, citizens of their own country, and sent them off, in organized cold blooded fashion to be killed as cheaply as possible..

Indeed, which was a mistake. What they should have done was to bomb them all. That would have been alright. Yes?

In WWI you mean?
Yup. First, IIRC.

If you mean WWII then you'll have to give links, it's news to me.

In Iraq.

Its probably not considered important enough to merit consideration. None of the one sided wars usually are

Not quite WWII, more a "continuation" of WWI (especially the mentality).
But no less inexcusable for that.

Ah I saw the date of the Dresden phosphorus bombing, thanks.

"Bomber" Sir Arthur Harris, the British commander noted below, is now blamed by civilian authorities as the commander responsable for ordering the the phosphorus fire bombing of Dresden. From 150,000 to 250,000 refugees, mainly women, children and old men fleeing the invading Russian Army, some 80 miles away, were immolated some two months before the end of the Second World War.
Ah I saw the date of the Dresden phosphorus bombing, thanks.
Pfft no need to give quotes on Dresden to me.
It's very much a topic of heated discussion in the UK on many occasions and on many TV/ radio programmes.