Are all gods egocentric?

Bruce Wayne said:
What is wrong with God being egocentric? It needs not be an offence. After all, it is He that holds this reality together. Everything is Centered around his power and his sustainance.

Because ego is contrary to the concept of the ultimate enlightened all powerful being. What do you think when you meet an egotistical person? Now multiply it by 100 and you have christianity's, judaism's and islam's egomaniacal god.
path said:
Because ego is contrary to the concept of the ultimate enlightened all powerful being. What do you think when you meet an egotistical person? Now multiply it by 100 and you have christianity's, judaism's and islam's egomaniacal god.

How is God enlightened? He that gives enlightenment does not recieve it.
invert_nexus said:
*sigh* Must I... Again...? Very well, if you insist.

Because you have no better answer that your god is the real god than because, it means that all the other religions who have the exact same answer are just as legitimate as yours. It leaves us in a place where one chooses their flavor of god just because... None are right and all are wrong...

The other religions don't have the "exact same answer". They promote heresy of heresies and swear by their silly, artificial gods. Since there is one God, you see, there can't be more than one religion. That is illogical. There is only one way to heaven after all.

(Ok, literally it should be none are wrong, but we who have seen through the charade know better...)

Majority wins the vote. Come to the other side!

The other religions don't have the "exact same answer". They promote heresy of heresies and swear by their silly, artificial gods. Since there is one God, you see, there can't be more than one religion. That is illogical. There is only one way to heaven after all.
That's exactly what Muslims have been saying for centuries. So that proves that Christianity is a lilly religion since it is one of the others.

Well done - when are you converting to islam?

Katazia said:

That's exactly what Muslims have been saying for centuries. So that proves that Christianity is a lilly religion since it is one of the others.

Well done - when are you converting to islam?


Islam does not recognize the Triune Deity and is therefore heretical. As for lilly religion, I don't know what that is so you'll have to help me out..
Your argument disproves the existance of all religions, therefore, there is no need for Southstar to convert because Islam becomes a lilly religion like Christianity. *takes a deep breath* your argument is flawed becuse it is impossible that life suddenly appeard. Something had to have created it. So therefore, there must be one correct religion in the world. Some one has to be right.
No, I don´t. I never said that I am right. I may well be wrong. Just like you. Our existence is just a string of impossibilities.
How can no one be right? That's like saying A does not eqal A, but ~A doesn't equal it either. That doesn't make sense.
Dreamwalker said:
No, I don´t. I never said that I am right. I may well be wrong. Just like you. Our existence is just a string of impossibilities.

Well if you didn't know that you are wrong, I'm telling you for your own good. I can't be wrong because I didn't make what I'm telling you up, neither did anyone else make it up.
Enigma'07 said:

something has to be absolute.

Why has something to be absolute? Is there a real need for it? Our existence might be impossible, or drastically different from what we perceive.

§outh§tar said:
Well if you didn't know that you are wrong, I'm telling you for your own good. I can't be wrong because I didn't make what I'm telling you up, neither did anyone else make it up.

Oh, how can you be so sure? God might just be imaginary.
Dreamwalker said:
Why has something to be absolute? Is there a real need for it? Our existence might be impossible, or drastically different from what we perceive.

Why so?

Oh, how can you be so sure? God might just be imaginary.

Wesley's Explanatory Notes
For the wiser heathens did know that there was one supreme God; yet from low and base considerations they conformed to the idolatry of the vulgar. They did not glorify him as God, neither were thankful - They neither thanked him for his benefits, nor glorified him for his divine perfection. But became vain - Like the idols they worshipped. In their reasonings - Various, uncertain, foolish. What a terrible instance have we of this in the writings of Lucretius! What vain reasonings, and how dark a heart, amidst so pompous professions of wisdom!
§outh§tar said:
Why so?

Wesley's Explanatory Notes
For the wiser heathens did know that there was one supreme God; yet from low and base considerations they conformed to the idolatry of the vulgar. They did not glorify him as God, neither were thankful - They neither thanked him for his benefits, nor glorified him for his divine perfection. But became vain - Like the idols they worshipped. In their reasonings - Various, uncertain, foolish. What a terrible instance have we of this in the writings of Lucretius! What vain reasonings, and how dark a heart, amidst so pompous professions of wisdom!

Why so? The same question redirected at you.

You give exactly the answers I anticipated. I knew you were digging up some god-glorifying texts from predictable. But still, there is no evidence, only faith and empty retoric. The text gives praise to your God and condems the others. So?
How about this, the early people believed in idols because they were uneducated and their mind was not as sophisticated as ours. So they perceived many natural things for which they did not have an explanation. Some of those things were rather powerful, they felt fear towards them, as a result they tried gain favor with them. This could be archieved by personifying those forces, applying human characteristics to them.

Those who believe in God can also be called foolish. But blind faith overwrites every reasoning.

Well they're all worshipping the same God, that which is above all, they just have different assumptions on the details of that God.
I have seen religionists make this argument as a way to pretend friendly tolerance between religions (i.e. we all share the same god club), especially Christians, Muslims, and Jews. But the only real common factor is that they all believe in a ONE god and they quote the same ancient historical heritage etc. But their individual details create fundamental conflicts that mean that such a common god is impossible or at least severely and mortally schizophrenic.

So no they cannot be worshipping the same god.

slotty said:
Well thanks for having a go at my questions. It just seems to be an extroadinary amount of time to spend without any tangible results.

Pity. I urge yo still to read it as you will read larger texts while this one may answer you question. I hope I will hear more from you. In the meantime I consider your question answered
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Enigma'07 said:
You should be thankfull God doesn't do that. We'd all be dead.
Nope, he just threatens to send us to Hell instead.