Are all gods egocentric?

God punishing the Jews by haveing other nations defeate them showed how important it was to Him that they love Him.

Utter nonsense. It is important to me that my daughter loves me, but I cannot force it upon her- and it can hardly be called love if I try to enforce it upon her via fear. "Love me or I'll throw your toys away". That's about the gist of it, and it's perverse.

You got a toddler and he's out playing by the street. He's told not to play in the street. Why? Yeah, it may be fun for a short time there can be nasty consequinces, such as a flat head. If the kid goes out into the street, a good parent would punish him for doing so. Is it because he wants to see the child cry because he's in time out? No, it's because He knows what can and eventually will happen if the kid stays in the street. the parent loves the kid and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him.

In this context, the parent would also be the car driver. That's where the issue is. There's nothing wrong with informing your children about the dangers, but then to annihilate them because they didn't listen to you isn't the answer, (well it is to god apparently).
These aren't village children we're talking about, these are young men iin their ealy twenties. God killed them not because the were moking Elisha's baldness, but because they were insulting God. They were daring God to come preach to them. God showed mercy on the Jews because they were His chosen people. We should be thankfull that God also has mercy on us. If God dealt with us as he delt with them, we would be no more. God is sovriegn, which means He shall show mercy on whom He chooses to show mercy, and compassion on whom he chooses to shaow compassion.
So nobody has really answered my questions here. Does nobody want to pick up the batten and run with it? Have i touched a nerve that all gods ARE in fact totally egocentric and nobody dares defend their position on the subject? This thread was not intended to offend, i asked some genuine questions that i would of liked some answers to
slotty said:
So nobody has really answered my questions here. Does nobody want to pick up the batten and run with it? Have i touched a nerve that all gods ARE in fact totally egocentric and nobody dares defend their position on the subject? This thread was not intended to offend, i asked some genuine questions that i would of liked some answers to

Since there is only ONE God, that question is flawed and therefore unanswerable. Don't be at all shocked.
Well how much time do you spend praying? Do you think your god is egocentric? I have seen a lot of your posts Southstar, and you obviously take your religion very seriously.
Will you give me your views on what i see as your gods egocentric behaviour?
invert_nexus said:
Actually, I was referring to the self-righteousness of the statement. It implies that your book is right and all others are wrong. Why? Because...


--Stupid 10 character thing---
What God is doing "wrong" is giving people a free will.

I'd say the problem isn't so much our having free will but rather us having eaten from the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve still followed God before then, they were just mindless drones. Because of our godly knowledge, we are able to see God for what he really is and can come to a logical conclusion why not to follow him/her/it.

The less educated one is, the more likely they're to follow God and even moreso be a zealot, even though that person has free will. And on the flipside, the more educated one is, the more likely they're able to see through all the bullshit. This is all in thanks to our enlightenment from the tree of knowledge.

- N
SnakeLord said:
It got so bad at one time, he even destroyed every living thing on the planet, except for a few lucky individuals and some cows for sacrifical purposes.
Too funny :D
Ok then, what are the implications?

*sigh* Must I... Again...? Very well, if you insist.

Because you have no better answer that your god is the real god than because, it means that all the other religions who have the exact same answer are just as legitimate as yours. It leaves us in a place where one chooses their flavor of god just because... None are right and all are wrong... (Ok, literally it should be none are wrong, but we who have seen through the charade know better...)
Because you have no better answer that your god is the real god than because, it means that all the other religions who have the exact same answer are just as legitimate as yours. It leaves us in a place where one chooses their flavor of god just because... None are right and all are wrong... (Ok, literally it should be none are wrong, but we who have seen through the charade know better...)

Well they're all worshipping the same God, that which is above all, they just have different assumptions on the details of that God. They all just do too much assuming and state their assumptions as fact for something that is beyond their understanding. Very silly.

- N
slotty said:
So nobody has really answered my questions here. Does nobody want to pick up the batten and run with it? Have i touched a nerve that all gods ARE in fact totally egocentric and nobody dares defend their position on the subject? This thread was not intended to offend, i asked some genuine questions that i would of liked some answers to

What is wrong with God being egocentric? It needs not be an offence. After all, it is He that holds this reality together. Everything is Centered around his power and his sustainance.

I would like to comment on some of the things you posted. First, and pressuming a egocentric quality, why would he leave those that do not even aknowledge his dominion. Why not just delete them?

As for prayer, if only what Muslim prayer is... I will give you a glimps in what it offers and why it is for the mans good. It is direct contact with God, It is a means to stay the course, It is a ever returning purification of body and soul. If it is performed in mosques, it is unity, it is affection between the believers and brotherhood. If you parents made you brush your teeth three times a day, would you consider egocentric and think they simply do that to show they have power over you and so that you obey them?

A prayer takes ten minutes at most. Off course you can make it last for hours if that is what you wish. And it gives you discipline as nothing does. This I experienced first hand. You are mistaken to believe Muslims are acting confrming to their religion. Almost all Muslim lands have a secular regime and system. A couple decades ago prayer had been an incidental event, mosques were empty. Men were corrupt. Now religion is coming back, mosques are not sufficient.

The failure of Muslim nations was exactly due to the fact that they fell into secularism, before Europe did. Muslims were once great exactly beacuse of religion. Remember that in less that 100 Years after the death of the Prophet - peace be upon him- Muslims were already making flight tests, Around 800 D.C, 700 years befor Da Vinci (see link). Christianny made Europe backward, Islam made the nomads great and civilised, the first to accept religious plurality even when they ruled the world. All thanks to a shepard in the 8th century that could not read nor write. And prayer had a center stage role in achieving that.

(the link is easy to read, it is a brief summary yet it gices alot of info

And may peace be upon you.
I forgot something about the present. The intelligentia was always Muslim. In 1820 Egypt was trying to industrialize and many Muslim countries were drawing legislatures resembling those of europe. Off course some of the rulers were opposed to the limitation of their power. But the people were committed and they made the changes. This particularly took place in Tunesia, Egypt, Turkey and Iran (those are the ones I know). All this was annihilated by the English-french push and the ensuing colonization.

After the colonizers left, the intelligentia that remained was largely seculare, many, although not all, we socialists. Following their utter failure in nearly everyting they aspired they considered themselves at odds with their only alternative, Islamic thought. Thanks to social engineering, the rulers had many successes in turning people away from religion, by making religious men into bogeymen. During the last century thousands upon thousands of highly educated people were dissappeared into prisons and many are still only because they had an Islamic orientation.

"Islamic" society are inhabited by Muslims of different degrees of commitement. The system that rules them is a parody of the western one. This degeneracy is further complicated by the corruption, social injustice and the total disregard for the growth of the individual. Particulary the last one is where Islam begins since from it everything ensues.
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Well thanks for having a go at my questions. It just seems to be an extroadinary amount of time to spend without any tangible results.